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Everything posted by Citrus
Mina had a huddle with with Tanya.They were planning something evil.Natsu who satred at the stars said "Hey Kiruna,theres a beach near here...i was wondering if..".Before Natsu finished Kiruna said "Of course!".They walked toward the beach and Skye saw Tanya and Mina snaeak after them Skye:Jacob come on..i have a bad feelign about this Jacob:Ok They walked after Mina and Tany who were walking after Kiruna and Natsu.N\Kiruna grabbed Natsus hand and lead her to under a palm tree.Kiruna smiled at Natsu and leaned foreword to her.Tanya appeared and grabbed Kiruna and Mina put on lipstick.Max grabbed Natsu and said "Hey now we get our girls....and guys!"Kiruan tried to break free and Sky came out of nowere punchignTanya.Tom,one of Maxs goons,fought with Jacob and Natsu and Mina had thier fight.Max looked at his fist and hit Kiruna.
Ashley smacked Kat."LOOSER!" She grabbed Jowy hand and said "Lets go Joey!".Kat grabbed Joeys other hand "No hes coming with me!"."******** off already Kat!". Kat:You Ahsley:You are stupid,Joey lieks me! Kat:No he likes me Ahsley brushed her lips against Joeys who said "Whoah hold on everybody!".Kat slapped Ahsley "Hes mine!"."Im sorry but hes mine!"they both protested for what seemed forever.
Mauka emerged from teh woods infront of Kamika.Kamika starled and staggered back a little bit,she said "Were did you come from?".Mauka with her emotionles face looked at Kamika."I followed you doufus".Mauka liked being right and proving her sis wrong. "Mom,told me to look for you...where were you anyways...that new club that opened today,just becuase your almost 16 dosn't mean your smarter or more mature".Kamika was amazed at how her little sister talked to her,almost if she was the little sister."Now,letes get home i made sandwiches".Kamika started to walk and then said "Mau...". Mau:What? Kat:Thanks for not ratting me.. Mau:Yea whatever... hey walked back home while the moon shone brightly.
Name:Mauka Mckinney Age: 13 Gender:Femal Race: Human Personality: Very serious unlike her sister Kamika.She always was trying to tell her about to stop the goofiness. Appearance:Small and fragile.People always tell her she looked liek Kamika wich she denied. magic/weapons: a whistle.Yes a whistle Speical Powers:Mauka can communicate with spirits to make them do her dirty work. Weakneses:Getting told shes small and can't do anything.
i wanted a banner with a Japanese school girl holding a suitcase and a boy in teh backround looking at her.I wanta matching avi of the School gurlk. I want the quote to say "Will you catch my eye?"
A group of American boys appeared.Max(what a funny name!everythign goes silent.LOL)thier leader walk toward teh pool.Mina sayed "Hey,lets play spin teh bottle!"Natsu sighing said "I guess.."she said in almost perfect English. Mina:I have the bottle!she laye dteh bottle out on teh ground. Max:Can i go first,i have my eyes ste out on someone.He then glared at Natsu,he gave it a spin and it landed on Jacob Natsu:Try again...besides it will be nasty if you accepted.. Max gave it a whirl and is landed on Natsu Natus:What is teh object of this game again? Max:When it lands on someone you kiss them...he then started for Natsu Natsu:tried to crawl backwards Kiruna said "Ill do it for you...dude! Kiruna luanched at Natsu and kissed her and Max yelled "Dude,that was like um...my lip lock!!" Kiruna broke away from the kis and said "Oh well,maybe next time!".Natsu sat there almost amazed at what just had happned.She then said "Can i spin?" She then purposly made it land on Kiruna she clapped her hands and said "Yay!"she kisssed him. OOC:Wow you guys posted alot while i was gone for like 5 hours!
Kiruan and Jacob sooned appeared.Kiruna said "Um its time for the pool party..." Natsu got up and walked toward Kiruna "Is tahta all you char about?" Before Kiruna answerd Natsu bursted "SO YOU CAN MAKE OUT WITH LITTLE RED RIDING WHORE!"There were two flashes of light Natsu had smacked Kiruna.Kirunas cheeks became immdeaitly red and he said "Ow...i can't believe you even think twice before you think i'll do that!" Natsu said "Well you the one who was frist to accept an invetation!" Kiruna:YOU KNOW WHAT NATSU BE THAT WAY.He then stormed off Natsu:"Oh my gosh...oh my gosh..oh my gosh...".she fell back onto the bench lookign completly emotionless.
Jacob and Kiruna waited outside.Natsu looked through the cloths and a tear ran down her cheek.Skye looked at Natsu "Oh my,Natsu what wrong?". Natsu had break-ups in her voice and she said "What i-i-iif Kiruna likes teh girl more than he likes me.." Skye:"Its ok Natsu,he likes you" Natsu burst with anger:"SEE THATS THE KEYWORD LIKE,NOT LOVE,BUT LIKE!" Natsu rushed out of the store dropping all her things.She had hand son her face and Kiruna got up and yelled "Natsu!Come back!".Natsu was halfway gone.
"Come,i have something to show you!" she whisperd.She brought Joey to a big hill she walked down the hill and a humongus hut with all teh neccities of life appears.Joey practically fell over "Wow...wered you get this stuff...". Ashley replied "If you didn't stay on that side of the island you wodlv'e know a boat crashed here and this stuff washed up..duh!" Joey said 'I got to tell the others!" "NO!"Ashley yelled"I don't want to get hurt agian..please.."she then limped toward a rock and layed on it it had starw matted on it and it was unusually long and flat.Joey said "Well maybe ill stay here alittle bit,it does have shade"
ooc:Yea about the errors its becuase my board to holding the keyboard fell and broke,so now i use it on teh desk and it wobbles,errr.Oh yea when you finish the banner were will you post it? Of course being Japanese and coming to America they will find peers,and racisim. A group of girls all walking in a mmob wich looked liek it wa son only two feet.They all stopped at the table Skye Jacob,Kiruna and Natsu were sitting at. One of them said "Hey hotties"they all looked toward Kiruna and Jacob and gilggled Natsu looked at the leader and said in clear English "Im sorry,but what is hot?" looks at Kiruna and puts her hand on his forehead "Kiruna dosn't have a fever..so.."the group leader cut her off 'Its a phrase here in AMERICA"she exageratted.Natsu noticed the girkls voleyball team jackets they had on. The group leader took social interest in Kiruna witch ticked Natsu off preety badly,teh group leader,OOC:Ought to giver her a name so how about...Mina. Ic:Mina looked at Kiruna 'So tonight were heading to theis poll at the Offcial Hotel,wanna come".Kiruna said 'We'll be there ".The mob walked away as teh song started going on and it said 'Uh oh...uh oh....uh oh...uh oh".Natsu was really mad now,she knew exactly what to do at the pool tonight.She continued to eat.
Natsu sat there completly stiff as teh ride went so fast she didn't even know what was happening.There was only two things she felt....the sfeness in Kirunas hand and Im happ im here...with Kiruna. As they got off the ride Skye suggested they go to teh bathroom.Skye and Natsu were still in the bathroom even after Jacob and Kiruna got out.Jacob shoved Kiruna a little. Jacob:So? Kiruna:So what? Jacob:Come on,you know! Skye and Natsu stepped out the bathroom and sat ona Mickey Mouse statue. Jacob:Cude,look at Natsu,she changed her whole appearance for you. Jacob was right Natsu changed her hair style to a very straight and silky kind,and always made sure she wasn't mean looking.She also had lessons from Skye to look fragile like the other girls. Kiruna looked toward her and said"Whoa,she did..." Natsu walked toward Kiruna,she said "I wanna go on Winey the Pooh!" it was her favorite show.Kiruna said "Sure..." As they were walking Natsu held out her hand and grabbed Kirunas arm.Her han rolled down his arm and grabbed his hand.Skye said "Hey she used MY technique!"They enters teh Winey the Pooh ride. OOC:You might notice i write teh alot,well its how we write here down South!
Ashley was getting hit.Her body grew very riugh purple fur,and claws strated to extend."GET OFF OF ME YOU FOOLISH MORTAL..."she strted to pant heavily.Then she went back to her little fragile girl form.And chukled a bit."Joey Woey knows me of course he does!". Joey looked at her a little dispointed that the figth was over "Um..are you the girl who always follows me....and always offers a ......erm.....ear rub?" "Thats me,and that frumpy girl over there is weird...".Kat got up and started bashing Ashley again "Hey stop!!"Ashley got hammered to the floor and fell unconcious.everyone tuned back and hoverd over her 'Jeeze Kat you didn't have to kill her.."said Seto.She lied there bit being heavily bruised.
A girl emerged from teh bushes.No one was looking her way so she shoyted."JOEY WOEY!!!"she ran from the bushes with amzaing speed by the time Joey can even look over she had tackled him down.She was looking down at him blocking out the sand."What in the ****...". "Joey woey is in the sand"she luaghed like a little girl even though she was well over 14.. Kat said 'Um who are you...".She looked at Kat "Im Ashley..but my friends call be Ash"she pulled out a foam hand and said "Im Joeys number one fan,and major crusher,WOOHOO" everything went quiet.Joey was pinned to teh ground by Ashey who was very fragile looking had amazing force."Can you get off me...please"Joey squeaked.Ash got of of him and said "Joey woey looks stressed does he need an ear rub?"Joey scrabmled back "Oh please no!" Ash luanched foreword at him grabbing his ears.Kat sighed and said "Yea..you go do that.." OOC:Um you can delete it you don't like it
Um i already started the thread in Sdventure Arena!
Name:Ak'mah last name unpronucabele so they gave her family the last name Murphey Gender:female Race:Alien age: 19 weapon:laser gun,looks liek the dog leashe that extends without the leash side weapon:virtual lassel appearence: what Akmah looks like is a normal human,eccept when her hologram goes off,she looks liek a normal human with dark purple skin. bio: Akmah was always facinated with her alien heritage.She wanted to bring out teh truth on how Paranormal things are real.Her big thing is to show aliens live among us.She first met Alex and became very good friends with him.
OOC:LOL that was funny IC:In teh line Natsu looked around and sat on a bar and slided along the bar.She looked behind and saw Sonic.She literally fell over the bar and down toard his feet.He grabed her hand and helped her up.He said "I never new i would meet such a beautiful girl on the Happiest Place On Earth,now i know why its called the happiest place on earth...".Natsu didn't understand one english word he said but she melted.Kiruna got mad and pulled Natsu away but Natsu had already givien him the room number to teh hotel.Kiruna eagerly said "Stop it" OOC:Nice banner Skye i like it alot
As they started walking toward a rund down construction site there were two other students searching the area."Who are they?"asked Asim "We are about to find out"she then yelled at the other students "Hey you!Shouldn't you be in school taking notes?!" One of them was short and full of spirt "You attacked my school didn't you!" The other one was wearing a blue jacket "You also took my mother!!" Kokyo sighed and said "I don't know what your talking about..."she sighed and took her binder out stancing for a fight "But lets fight!"
Kokyo was Asims "girl" according to the school.She was troubled."This whole thing about the kids being kidnapped,well i think im going to go out and try and find out who it is".Asim looked at her startled "You mean like fight the other students for clues?".Kokyo answerd"Look i want justice for my school and will not stand around to see it be destryed"."Then im coming with you"Asim said. "Afterall i can't let my girl go in a big world all by her self!"
Name:Ashley Kits Age:15 Personality:Ashley is a very girl gal but when it comes to surfing shes an all out "guy" its the nickname Joey gave her when she won a surfinf comeptition.She has a major crush on Joey!! Appearance: look at avi How you got to the island:She follows Joey.Nuff said
The next morning Kiruna and Jacob went to greet thier "girls"at thier hotel door.Natsu walked out saying "Hi guys!"she was in very short shorts and the both of them were practically drooling. Skye was next and in the same clothing.Jacob and Kiruna seemed to be rejoicing as Natsu and Skye walked with them to the park.
[quote name='Shiguru']OC: WHy did you sign on as a student but use the picture of the Nurse from the series? This confuses me. Also, I apologize if I went a little overboard with Sakura back there.[/quote] Becuase i wanted my char to look like Kyoko.I know my Rival Schools and one thing i hate is when someone corrects me in it
Natsu saw two different room.One for Skye and Natsu and the ither for Kiruna and Jacob. Natsu:I guess this is our room,she pointed to a room marked 426 Skye:What are those stragne markings?she looked at the numbers NatsuOH!I KNOW! It says........Barney! Skye:Whos that? NatsuWho cares All of them luaghed
The next day there parents dropped them off at the aAirport Natsus mom smotherd so her with kisses and hugs so did the other moms.Natsus mom started talking in very fast Japanese. Natsu:Ok mom Natsu:I know mom Natsu:I love you too mom Then the moms left and Natsus mom said in perfect English "Bye guys,have fun!" Suddenly the intercome said "Flight 426 to Orlando,Florida now boarding"the kids started running toward the plane.They showed thier passports and enterd the plane the kids took the seats they said they would sit in.Natsu and Skye siting across from eachother started babbling about some cloths and tv,while the boys tried to keep focus on "What to do if the plane crashed movie".4 hours later... Natsu and Skye still babling and they finally landed.
OOC:Yes i love my avi.*admires it* IC:Natsu was happy and luaghed at Jacobs comment.She sat up and said "I toatally forgot" she threw four tickets on the counter.They were to Orlando,Florida."All of our moms agrred that were old enough.were going to Disney all by ourselves.The kids looked at each other then shouted "Yay!" Kiruna:One Thing... Natsu Whats that? Kiruna :i get to sit next to you Natsu... Skye and Jacob:Awww Natsus face gets all red and steamy,"Take that back..."
OOC:You start when you char is atacked,as the host i will let you post first!