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Everything posted by Citrus
OOC:Welcome students from near and far,you academic year is about to start.Grab your books,bags becuase you start tomorrow! P.S:If you want a "relationship" with a char just PM me ok?Oh yes,sign-up are open until all slots are ful.Renember we need TEACHERS!
Natsu walked into the bathroom and saw Sky looking into the mirror.She thought "Oh my gosh this is just like that movie,hopefully the part when she gives birth to a alien.."."Skye..........are you alright,you seem botherd:she went to a sink and washed her hands. Skye shook her head "Oh nothing..nothing". Natsu:"Sure.." Skye:"Seriously," Natsu:"Yup" OOC:Something hit me......................College Daze a continuation of School Daze,seriosul it'll be so fun ill wait until all of you agree
OOC:Ok we at least need one more person for Gedo,Pacific,or Justice.Ho[efully it will come soon.
Uriko silently replied "Japan....not like anyone else from Japan is a wild animal"she still talked quite fast."As you noticed im a cat".Uriko sat next to Kyle and put her arm over his shoulder."We'll be best freinds ".Uriko got excited and started puncing of walls. "This is the way i always am"she bounced and landed on Kyle.They faced eachother "Konichiwa?".Uriko got up and sat down as Kyle stod up and looked at her.Uriko said "Well....i better go".Uriko started for the the door but Kyle grabbed her arm,"No i-" OOC:Its one of those things that the other person finishes
Nikki ran up the stairs and put on what looked like a mic.She told Aaron to sit and grab a controller."It takes a minute to load,while your at it read the manual"and threw the manual at him. Aaron scanned the manual just in time is was at the team selection screen."Ok now you have to choose a team and itll luanch us to the online world".They smashed the buttons widly as they played for hours.It was time for bed,today was Monday.Nikki led Aaron up to the guest room."You'll sleep here....like always,heres your toothbrush"she gave him his toothbrush and trotted up to her room. OOC:Ok,will do
Uriko was figedty in her human form.She was litterly disspearing and appearsing around Kyle."Your a lizard ?" "Im a cat,isn't that cool,huh,huh,huh ?"She noticed her dorm was next to Kyles she said "Can i come in your dorm,i would like to get to know you a little bit more'she said all perky.
Uriko saw Kyle looking at her.She was biting on a tooth pick but thats not really something odd hell be stareing at.She walks toward him Kyle kinda took a step back.She said "Hi!"she waves her arms but since it was 2 sizes too big the sleeve was the only thing waving. She ran toard him saying "Hey im Uriko,and you are ?"she was the wuite energetic type
"Thats what.......i was going to tell you....."She kinda smiled.She knocked the apple out of Aarons hand.She luaghed as Aaron chased her.The whole liking thing turned out alright.Wich made them both happy once more. "Hey,Aaron wanna come over my house ? "She asked "I got a new video game,its really cool,you actually get speak to other players!"
Nikki saw Aaron.She walked up to him and said "Aaron we need to talk,school is almost over well talk under the friend tree" After a few minutes the bell rang.She ran over to the friend tree and Aaron was already there."Aaron,we both have something to say,and what a nice place to say it at,the frist place we met"Nikki seemed serious,that wasn't normal. Aaron sat down next to her.Nikki pulled out to apples and tossed one to Aaron."Ill let you go first........and i think i know what your going to say"she bit into the apple chewing slowly.
Nikki sat there and didn't move a bit."There you go Nikki you blew it.........i hope your proud of yourself" Nikki walked out of the gym and out the school to a yard and under a tree wich was on a hill.She sat under it and saw a small hole."Hey.......the friend hole"she put her hand in it and drew a couple of pics of other kids and comes to Nikki and Aaron. She took a deep breath and took the picture and walked back into the classroom.It was empty she placed the pic of Aaron in a frame.She sat there looking at it.
Nikki sat there next to Aaron."So.........." "Whos the girl that likes you now?"She started to pushes a ball back in forth."Casey?" She was kind of curious in her voice."Ever sisnce we got into this grade you cated all friendly toward other girls" "You never hung out with me anymore" Shelooked down and Aaron said " There is a girl,but i don't think she likes me" "Oh thats too bad"
"Like oh my gosh Jimmy C is looking at me !" squealed Casey. "Calm down,you act like its the happiest day of your life yo-AARON LOOKING MY WAY!" Everyone started saying boys were looking there way.Aaron started for Nikki.Aaron said " Hey Nikki,next is gym wanna walk with me there?"The girls motined Nikki to go."Um..Ok" Nikki walked with Aaron to the gym were some other students were already doing warmups.She looked at the ropes."Oh great" Aaron was already half way up the rope and Nikki started to climb the other one.She feel onto the mat and started saying " Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow" The kids huddled over her.And "OH MY GOSH"
The year is 1999,and the place Tokyo, and Kyoto,Japan.A couple of days ago a rash of missing students had sprung across the country.5 schools have been struck badly,with school attacks of kidnappings of teachers and students.Now its up to three students from the 5 schools to set out on a adventure and try and solve the mystery,and what school is behind this evil scam.One thing.......not all achools can figure it out.The goverment has givin the students teh right to attack others who look suspicous or have info.So let the investagtion begin.Good Luck.... Ok thisis the list of schools to pick from,and a short descrpition Taiyo High School:the goody two shoes school Pacific High School:This is a wealthy student back round school,much of these students are from America. Gedo High School:A school for gansgters and outcasts across Japan Gorin High School:This school is ful of athletic students,much of wich will have a 90% chance of getting into the Olympics and winning a medal Justice High School:This school is very weird...there to themsleves.Could they be responsible?They even use thier students as some teachers too! Note:Only three investagtors to a school and three teachers to a school. PS:NO KILLING.Just severly injure your oppenet,and you don't have to be a char from the game. Heres my sign-up Name:Kokyo Makihari Age:16 School:Justice High Position:Student Short Bio:Kokyo is a very well known student in Justice High.Shes President of Student Council.And captain of the Martial Arts team.And a student-tacher for health.
Uriko ran down the sidewalk in her cat form."Ugh,stupid bus took off without me! "As she got to a huge gate she walked up to it slowly."Wow" the gates opend by themselves. Uriko walked in and looked around she saw Tam and walked up to him."Hey,im new here and...."she looked at some teachers."I was wondering do you know what to do?" She turned intoi human form and took of a back pack.
Name: Uriko Takimonari Codename: Scratch Age: 15 Class: Predator Personality: Very frindly,and makes alot of friends in just one hour. Animal: Cat Appearance: Short hair,and always wears a jacket two sizes to big. Short Bio: Uriko has a strange ability.She can toggle between human and animal form.She found this out when she was in the mall,she just turned into her cat form.She was very happy,but she had found out she was an Outcast. Techniques: When in animal form,has catlike reflexes.Martial arts.
OOC:Change my name to Nikki Nikki sat in back of Aaron,she was considerd the wiz kid.She wonderd why Casey blushed everytime Jimmy C talked to her.When the bell rang she got up and went next to Casey and walked out,like they always do."So you like Jimmy?" Casey blushed "Maybe....".Nikki started luaghing and everyone looked at her.They enterd the cafeteria.Nikki ate a sandwich and oresos,with Coke.The usual.Casey and Nikki talked whil the boys made corny jokes.Nikki put a straw in the Coke and sipped it.
NAME... Misque J'Pual AGE... 19 GENDER... Female NATIONALITY... French APPEARANCE... Misque is a simple looking girl.Accept that fact she is a well known foot/air soldier.Brown hair,blue eyes.Simple French look SQUAD NAME... 44th Air Regime of France,208th Foot Parron of Paris POSITION... The General of the air regime of France WEAPONS... A sniper,AK-47,a small dagger BIO...the 44th Air Regime of France is one of the most powerful Airforce of France,Misque decided to join the war becuase her father was killied in it due to agression between England and France.(This sounds liek alopt of fun)
Name: Niki Makihi *age will not be included... you are 11* Gender: female Nationality: Japanese-Spanish Personality: Niki dosn't really care of who talks about her or her looks.As long as she has good friends such as Aaron shell be alright.She never got into areguements..not until now. Appearance: Niki is very"preety" and she has brown hair and slanted eyes.Bio: Nikis father is never home becuase of his job.She has gon to Horizen Elemantry all her life Weaponry: She uses a bow.She throws one of her bows as "cutting"weapon.Each color has a different power.Red:Explosive,Blue:Small water gun,Yellow:cuts
Natsu finished her question."Wanna grab a bit to eat?" Kiruna answerd " Sure ! " They walk into a reteruant they order and Natsu sits next to Kiruna Watches Skye and Jacob cuddle.She turns to the menu quietly. The waiter comes and they order."Thanks" "Jacon and Skye get a room ! "grunts as she watches the two getting all close
Natsu and Skye now best friends walked the sidewalks. "So,Natsu...you gonna ask Kiruna to go out sometime?" Natsu nearly fell as they enterd teh mall."Um,no" "Your lying..." "Fine ok i will " Natsu crossed her arms as they went up the escaltor.As they came to the top Kiruna and Jacob were there ordering smoothies. "Um...look who it is "said Natsu The four met in a semi circle Skye and Jacob cuddled.Kiruna had his hands in his poket and Natsu still had her arms crossed.
Natsu departed from the gang saying " Sorry guys,i can't".She trotted to the feild.She ran over to Skye."Sorry,i didn't mean to go that far...".She wiped a towel across Skyes forehead."Hey,are you and Kiruna together ? " she asked as she kneeled near Skye. She looked at Kiruna and Jacob."I was just wondering".She continued to serve Skye becuase she felt very guilty."Kiruna,is very nice"."We used to get along alot....but then we got into 8th grade and girlfriends and dates started coming". "He kinda blocked me out,if he knew...there i go babbling"she luaghs
Natsu ran up the feild.Natsu literlly had stewam coming out hewr ears.Natsu raced toward Skye who had teh ball.She kicked the ball up headbutted it,then kicked it down the feild. Natsu looked at Skye and skye looked at Natsu.The ball was now at Skye again they were kicking eachother wich excellrated to punching wich evolved into fighting.The coach tried to pull them apart as the other girls had thier fair share in cheerings thier friends on. The two girls screamed as they were departed.Natsu stormed of fteh feild."Stupid girl..".A bunch of mean figures waited at a bench.Natsu noticed who they were.The local gang.Natsu looked at her friends calling for her."Im insulted to even call thos people friends".She looked towardf the gang and walked off with them.Nw being part of the gang.
Natsu sat in the car arms crossed and looking out the window.The mom looked through her rear-veiw mirror."Is there something worng,Natsu ? " Natsu replied " The fact that everyone hates me and abanded me in the movies.everythings fine" She got out the car and Skye walked up to Natsu and put her hand on her shoulder.Natsu jerked " If you so dare touch me again...."the couch said " Ladies,ladies".Natsu just decided to practice hitting soccerballs one went right through the goal net."No one touch me.."she kept on repeating it
Natsu looked behind Jaob constantly wich looked like she was looking at Kiruna.Natsu looked at Jacob and said."Um...im gonna move....i don't like being at the end of the row,heh".She got up and went to sit next to Kiruna. Jacob seemed to seem as it were his birthday and his present was world domination. Kiruna looked up at Natsu as she sat down and said "You are sitting next to me,why?" Natsu smiled and sayed " You looked lonely " she smiled and sat down and watched the rest of the movie.
OOC:man im going on a famliy trip,im gonna miss everything.Skye im leaving my char,Natsu,in your hands.And do things she would normally do,ok?Like bug Skye crush on you know who.ok ill be back Sunday bye