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Everything posted by Citrus
[SIZE=1]Leah put her book down as she settled into her bed. Her mom entered to room and smiled. "What?" Her mother shook her head and walked out of the room. Leah laughed a little bit and turned off her light. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, not just for her, but for everyone. Your probably thinkings that there is going to be a happy dance where everyone dances the night away. Well... I am sorry to say... Not everything has a happy ending. [B]What's A Girl To Do? Episode Two: And It Started With A Bang[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B][CENTER]Friday[/CENTER][/B] Leah woke up rubbing her eyes. She was actually up early. Well, she always was on Fridays. Leah quickly took a shower and got dressed. Rushign down the stairs Leah's mother called after her. "Wheres the fire?!" " No where! I just wanna get to school." Her mother shrugged. Leah walked out of the house, she saw that Alex was exiting his own house as well. They seemed to finish at the same exact time all the time he smiled. When they took the corner Alex said, "Ready for the dance tonight?" Leah nodded and smiled. The remainder of the walk was silent. No one talked. They apporached the school and walked up the hill as usual. Leah held Alex's hand, Alex looked at her, you could tell they liked each other very much. 'Well I have Band first today, what do you have again?" OOC: Sorry for the shortness. I just wanted the day to start.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Update 12/13/05 PST USA[/B][/CENTER] Hey! I hope the date is useful to most of you... I didn't want you all to get confused with me being a day ahead and such. But anyways heres the update! I need you all to finish up your nights. 4 characters I think are already at home, but I need everyone to finish the night. Because the next day is the dance! And a whole new round of classes and fun in between. So thats about it! And a new event is waiting to pounce! ^.~[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah was walking down a road, it was quiet. She had her crossed her arms and was looking down. At least she had stopped crying, but seeing B made her mad. There had to be someway that she could get the whole situation out of her head. "Leah!" Some else had called her name, this time it was Alex. Leah turned around and saw Alex, she opened her arms and embraced him. He hugged her back tightly, trying to make her feel better. Once again his warmth made Leah forget about everything, she just loved being near him. [CENTER]Simple And Clean - Hikaru Utada*[/CENTER] "Lets go back to the Cafe. Maybe we can talk about this kay?" Leah only nodded. They turned around and started to walk back toward the Cafe. Leah had her arms wrapped around Alex's stomach area, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Once again the Cafe door's bell rang as they entered the Cafe. B shot up and walked, quite fast, toward Leah. It seemed as though she was hesitant as to hug her or not. "I'm glad your back..." Leah just nodded, and she went toward where Sammy was sitting. He turned around on his chair to face her. Leah's face was plain, so was his. After a couple of blinks she spoke. "I don't think we're friends anymore." "What? Why?" Leah shrugged, "I might talk to you and stuff - but I don't want to be your friend anymore." Sammy's expression showed confusion, you could tell he was trying to sort things out. Leah bit her lip waiting for his reply. "I don't really understand you Leah..." "What part of I don't want to be your friend don't you understand? It's easy as that. Do you need a Websters English Dictionary?" Leah turned around, grabbed Alex's hand and walked out of the cafe. Leaving B and Sammy even more confused. Even Alex was hoping this was going to end soon. *= Play this song and read the rest of post. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Update 12/10/05[/B] [PST US][/CENTER] [CENTER]I have come up with a new hang out place. I hope it will prove useful for some events that will come in the future!! [B]The Ice Station[/B]: A ice rink located in the outskirts of the city. It consists of two levels, one that has a normal olympic sized ice rink and a hockey rink, and the top level is where you can sit and eat some food. Also the top level has some balconys to watch the hockey games!! Here is the scedule Friday: Free Skate. 7:30-10:15 PM. Saturday: Hockey Game, 12:50 PM. Fre Skate 7:30-10:15 PM. Sunday: [I]Closed[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[SIZE=1]" Hmm... maybe..." Alex replied, trying to sound off-handed, " Maybe I already know what the answer is. Unless, of course, Sammy has already asked you to go." Leah shivered, she had forgetten about Sammy, even B. "No. He didn't. He wasn't going to, and I don't care." Her sentences had a few breaks and pauses, she was very upset. She just really wanted to forget about the situation. The fury that took over her when she thought about one of them - or even them together made her even more mad. A secret was held from her for so long. Leah's relationship with the two had crumbled. They were still floating in the middle of the water. "Let's get out of here. We can go to Cafe Lite, I feel like having a drink." Alex nodded in agreement and they both swam toward the shore. "So did something happen between you and Sammy?" Alex took Leah's hand as they walked down the sidewalk toward the Cafe. "I don't want to talk about it." Leah's answer was short and blunt. "Oh. Don't be sad though. It makes your beauty fade away..." Alex stopped and spun Leah around to face him. He smiled and bent down slightly to kiss her. Their second kiss. Leah broke away and smiled. "Ok, I wont." They resumed walking down the sidewalks, Timber Valley was always bustling with excitement. It was almost Australia's New York City. The city itself was gigantic. The downtown part of it was filled with skyscrapers and office buildings. It is popularly known as "The Financial District". Because of all the money that was made in the sole area. And it's mountainous enviorment made it look like a utopia in the middle of a rainforest. Just one of the many beauties of Australia.... Alex led Leah into the cafe, a little bell rang as they opened the door. Sammy turned around to see who had entered. He blinked once. "Oh c'mon!" Leah rolled her eyes and sighed in dissapointment. "Please, Leah, listen to me." Sammy got up from his chair and made his way toward Leah and Alex. He paused a second and turned his eyes down toward the interlocked hands. Then he looked up at Leah, shaking his head lightly as to get rid of the confusion. "But please Leah. I like Bianca and there is nothing that I can do about it. I know that it hurts you, but it hurts me that it hurts you. You know? We can still all be friends, theres no point in being mad at each other. I want you to know that B is the one I love. I still care for you, but not the same as B..." Some hair fell into Samy's eyes as he talked. Leah shook her head. "No. I am not listening to you... because you are a liar! You keep secrets from me for so long! How come you do this to me?! You know little about girl! Feelings can be hurt easily! Sammy, you make me furious!" Leah was going in and out of her Singaporean accent. Almost into Chinese. But she was very upset once more. Her eyes watered up and she walked out of the cafe. A lot of students were watching the whole comotion, proabably finding something to gossip about. The next day. She sat on a bench and closed her eyes. The sun was starting to set, the same as her heart. [CENTER][I]Secrets are are meant to be kept secret, but one that is kept to long builds up. And when it releases.... it is an act of emotional war.[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]My relatives in America will be celebrating Christmas, so they have been nice enough to buy me GW on their holiday. :) But there is a few things that I would like to know before I start playing this December.... 1) I know you guys are all probably sky rocketing the levels, but is there any way that you can Power Level me? I know back in my Everquest days people would do this thing where they take a noob and bring them through these quests and have them level up. So would anyone be able to help me with that or is that not possible? 2) Do you start off with a weapon? I am curious... 3) As for the Guild Hall which one have you all chosen? 4) When will I be able to join QKT? Or can I join up as quickly as I installed the game and created my character? xD And thats about it. I am REALLY looking forward to playing with everyone. :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah laughed a bit. "I will in a couple of minutes!" She leaned back in sand, her elbows slightly digging themselves into it. The warmth felt good on her skin, Leah closed her eyes and tilted her head backwards. With a deep inhale and exhale she opened them and looked toward the surf. Alex and some other guys were the only ones surfing. Other people were just tourists, they sat in the shallow end sunbathing. Leah got up and went to a restroom to change. She had brought along her bikini, the top was red and the bottom peice was white. The colors of her homeland, Singapore. But most people thought it was just a fashions statement if she was wearing it. When she returned she placed her hands on her hips and looked around. She slowly proceeded towards the water. When she got near she tested it with her foot. It was warm. Satisfied she dove in, getting her body compltely wet. She arose and Alex was swimming toward her on top of his board. "Hey, you got in!" Leah placed her arms across the board keeping herself afloat. "So you goin' to this dance?" "Mhm." Alex smirked. "Who you gonna ask?" "Aren't the guys supposed to ask? And do you have someone in mind?" "Yea, its a secret." "Tell me." Leah leaned over the board to get closer to his face. "Make me..." Leah felt him lean closer as well. She placed her lips gently upon his, she slightly tilted her head. Alex gave in and returned the kiss. The warmth of his lips made her feel a warm sensation. It was as if she was waiting for this moment for a lifetime. "So I think I know who your gonna take to the dance." Leah laughed and Alex gazed at her. It was obvious he was waiting for this moment as well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah sighed. It wasn?t so much that Sammy liked B; it was the secret that he was keeping from her. She was really upset; Sammy and she were very close. But he kept a secret from her so long; it might have scarred their friendship. Alex was leaning back in his chair Leah, like always decided she could flirt with him. Leah made sure that the teacher was still deep into typing away, and then she came up close to Alex?s head and blew into his ear. He immediately turned around still a little shocked from the blow. Leah giggled and he poked her on her side. ?Ah!? A slight shriek escaped Leah?s mouth. She quickly covered it. Mrs. Sherman looked over. ?Well instead of the timer going off, Miss. Ngoon has decided to alert us all that SSR time is up. Everyone put your book away and take out your notebooks.? Mrs. Sherman got up from her desk and walked to the middle of the class. ?As you all know today is a Thursday. Which means you won?t be seeing me tomorrow. Three classes a day and you switch off to the other three the next.? Mrs. Sherman always went over this, it was quite annoying. Alex turned around and placed a note on Leah?s desk. Lots of shrugging, note passing, and awkward moments seemed to be going on today. ?So! I am going to pass out progress reports and we shall begin our lesson.? Leah opened the note, and her eyes ran across his writing. [B][I]Why don?t you come to Surf Val today? We can hang out. It?ll be fun. Just come okay?[/I][/B] ?I?ll come.? Leah whispered loud enough for Alex to hear. He turned around and smiled. His milky white teeth showed, they made Leah feel warm inside. Kind of the same way Sammy?s did. Leah closed her eyes and shook her head. She turned to her right and looked down the aisle next to her hers. She spotted B who was writing something in her notebook. Was she ever going to be able to look at her the same? Who knows, the drama was way to much. She needed someone to help her cope with it all. Leah ran a finger down Alex?s back. She watched him squirm and laughed to herself. The teacher blabbed on for minutes. It seemed like the last period flew by. The bell rang and Mrs. Sherman waited a few minutes before saying. ?See you Monday.? The kids got up and filed out the door. ?Hey I?ll see you at Surf Val then kay?? Leah nodded and Alex ran off to get to work on time. As she turned around she saw Sammy and B walking up to her. ?Hey.? Sammy said and forced on a weak smile. Leah rolled her eyes and started to walk off. ?What?s wrong with you?? ?B, just like, shut up.? B was absolutely dumbfounded at Leah?s comment. She stood there just looking at her. ?Why are you looking at me like that? Stop it. Why don?t you go run off with Sammy and have some ?fun?. You two deserve each other; you both think you run the show. B thinks she can get all the guys and Sammy thinks that people won?t get their feelings hurt. So whatever.? Leah was holding a finger up and swaying her head from right to left the whole time she talked. She turned on one heel and walked away. Leaving Sammy and B stunned and confused.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Sorry I havn't announced this. But, [B]Sign ups are now closed.[/B] The RP has been in motion for quite some time now, adn new arrivals would make it all the more difficult for me. So any sign ups beyond this point will not be accepted. Thanks, Citrus.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]SlowChemical, There are plenty of other characters that you can interact with. Because of renayiiq's lack in grammar, spelling, and most of all following the rules she was ejected from the RP. She will not be returning under any circumstances. And stop making it harder on me. I am trying my best to keep this RP alive and half of you keep throwing hurdles at me. It is very hard, so please don't drop out. As for Rurouni922 I do not know what has happened to him. For the time being use other characters. Times like these arise a lot, and you must be flexible to move around to kill some time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOC: Ok people! This is the last class of the day. The school dismisses at 2:50, then you can hang out with your friends and such. I will be putting up a post in the Underground with hang out places. During this event you will be able to post more than two times. OOC: I just noticed that the seatign arrangement came out too small... which makes me mad. SO if you can just squint really hard, or just PM me to see where you sit. ---------------------- Leah shook her head. She never actually knew if Alex had liked her back, it was always an awkward experience when they flirted once in a while. And telling the truth Leah said "I don't know. I might just go by myself to just hang out." "So your gonna be a wallflower?" Leah laughed and slightly slapped him on the shoulder. Then when she looked over to the right she saw Quincy holding B. Leah walked over to the two and the awkward silence fell. "Um.. what happened here?" "I accidently bumped into this... fair young lady." Quincy gazed into B's eyes as she did to him. "Alrighty now... I'll see you two in class.." Leah spun around on one heel and left the two to their little awkward moment. SHe chuckled a bit and walked in with Alex to English class. As usual Mrs. Sherman was tapping away at her keyboard waiting for the bell to ring. She stood up with a neatly printed white paper (yes again). "New seating arrangements. I do not want any of you moving around, because I have my eye on all of you." Her eyes quickly glanced across all of the students and then went around pointing to a desk and announcing the name. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y239/IceQueen12/SEATINGARANGEMENT.jpg[/IMG] Leah sighed, she wasn't seated near Sammy or B. But there was a major plus. Alex was sitting right in front of her. She smiled as she gazed at the back of his head. Then she suddenly remembered the note from Sammy that she forgot to finish reading. She took out the note and read it. "Well, I'm not worried. But I am a bit--let down, for lack of better description. I really adore Bianca, and I am happy that she is happy with her choice. But I can't help but feel a bit left out--I guess I was being selfish in thinking that she would ask me to the dance, or say 'yes' if I had asked her. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Leah." Then the secret that she had tried to ply out of him was finally revealed. Sammy liked B instead of her. She let out a sigh of depression and looked down at the note. Thoughts ran through her head like crazy, she couldn't even think straight. She kept on saying to herself, "It's just the way it goes, don't let yoruself down." When the teacher said it was time for SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) she took out her book. It was in Chinese, her mother forced her to read it. She opened the book to page 159. Leah was reading it but not actualyl paying attention to it. She was somewhere in space, thinking of waht to do next. Alex turned around. "What's wrong?" It was very weird. Everytime Leah was feeling down about something, Alex would sense it right away. "Just..." Leah whispered the whole story to Alex who soaked up every word. Mrs. Sherman looked up from her typing. "Cease your conversation." Alex turned around and continued her book. Then he turned around once more about 5 seconds later. "Can... I ask you something?" Leah nodded and put her book mark in her book. The page read. Chapter 10: All's Fair In Love And War[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry I havn't been able to post lately. I had a concert last night so I couldn't get my post together. Anyways here it is. P.S It is a little short, but ,y post later on tonight will be the size of a novel :p --------------------------------------- Leah sat in her seat drawing on a peice of paper while listening to the teacher discuss the lesson. A lot of things have happened over the course of the short day. A dance was coming up, she was caught skipping, Bianca wanted to go out with Quincy, and Leah had a bad feeling that Sammy didn't feel... "So therefore the formula for density is, Miss. Ngoon?" Leah looked up and paused for a second. "I believe it is Density equals mass over voloume sir." The teacher made a dismissive sound. She wasn't sure as to if her answer was wrong or correct. She shrugged and looked back at Sammy who was actually taking notes. "I guess he wants to get good grades..." Sammy looked up from his notes and caught Leah's glaze. She smiled and flicked him a note. [I]Are you worried or something that B wants to go out with Quincy? Yes or No. Circle one.[/I] She watched him open up the note and looked back toward the front of the class. How she wished she was in Band already. They only class she enjoyed, a class where she can express herself through the beautiful notes of her flute. Leah looked at the clock. Still 70 minutes until the dreadful words of Science would stop ringing in her ears.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I am very sad you are pulling out of the RP, Sakura. But It was a good experience having you join up. :) And I am already trying to get this whole thing under control. So I am making a few rules that will surely put this whole crazy thing under control: 1. I request that you post only [U][B]2 times[/B][/U] a day. 2. When you post, it must be a minimum of three paragraphs. No less. 3. If you are not making any sense what so ever there will be some penalties. The worse one being termination. 4. I also request that you type your posts in Microsoft Word before actually posting it in the Square thread. This will help with spelling and gramatical errors. 5. When I post I will be putting a title in it if it includes vital information. So make sure to check them all. That is all for the rules at this moment. Please obey and this RP will be sure to flow perfectly. And the rules take action tonight. [B][CENTER]Updates[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Update 11/28/05[/CENTER] I have made a list of public spaces available for your characters to socialize in. The list does not include school campus. [CENTER]? The Mall: Has a couple of stores that might interest the characters. ? Café Lite: Basically a small café that sells small snacks and healthy smoothies. ? The Signal: Clothes store located within the mall. Usually girl preferred. ? Surf Val: Store located in the Woodlands Shopping Circle. Where characters are able to buy their surfing/ wind surfing supplies. ? Web Connect: An internet café located somewhere a few minutes away from the mall. ? Timber Valley Park: Located in the outer rim of Timber Valley. Used for picnics or just plain old walks in the park. [list] [*]The Beach: I think you know what this is ;)[/list] Housing Complex?s ? The Woodlands ? West Ridge ? Lions Coil ? Province Circle[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER]Update 11/30/05[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]New rules have been made which can be read above.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah almost fell laughing as Sammy dodged the newspaper stand. She felt her purse slide off her arm. As she turned around to pick it up she met face to face with Mrs. Sherman. "MRS. NAGOON!" Leah tried her best to hold in a laugh as the teacher mis-pronounced her name. "What are you doing here?!" Mrs. Sherman had the worst Broad Australian accent. It resembled that of Steve Erwin the Crocodile Hunter. "Um I was just-" Mrs. Sherman didn't let her finish, instead she eyed the other two students behind Leah. She then drew her attention back to Leah. Leah;s eyes were starting to get roun. Hers tomach started to hurt. "You kids get back to school. I hope you three never attempt this again." She turned around on one heel and headed toward the coffee shop's parking lot. Leah slowly turned around to face Sammy and B. "Jeez... lets get back to school before we see another one of those clowns." The other two nodded and started back to school. Sammy looked at the girls on either of his side. He smiled and shoved his hands into his pocket. A slight breeze picked up, the three walked in silence. Leah skipped in front of them. "C'mon guys! Let's be happy!" "You seriously are the perky one!" B laughed and started to skip with her. Sammy trailed behind. They skipped up hill when they noticed someone putting up a poster. They waited until the person left until they check it. The poster read: [B]DANCE!!! A school dance is coming up!! Only 2 dollars admission! So ask that someone special someone to come on down on Saturday night to dance the night away!! P.S: Don't expect this to be a smoke your head off party. We really want this to be fun. Be sure to try out the cheese flavored fish snacks!![/B] Leah scratched her head. "Do they mean the Goldfish crackers?" "Yup the snack that smiles back!" Sammy laughed. "Who you all gonna ask?" B shrugged and so did Sammy. Leah frowned. "Oh." "Well I have someone in mind." Sammy shrugged again as he made the comment. Leah looked up suddenly. "Oh really? Someone we know?" "Yea tell us Sammy!" "Uh.. no you two are nosey!" He took both his index fingers and pushed them onto their foreheads (its just a taunt). The two girls chased him around the front gate of the school. Then the bell started to ring for brunch. "C'mon" Sammy lead them into the gates of the schoolas the other students poured out from their classes. Leah turned around and noticed a car pulling up. She squinted her eyes and saw a student getting out of the car. It was that one quiet kid who didn't talk. Leah thought he was cute, but she couldn't really get himt open up all the way. "Hey!!" She waved over to him. He sort of waved back as the car drove off. He went up to read the poster. And shrugged. "What's with the damn shrugging?" ---------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [COLOR=Olive]Ok people!! It's time for brunch!! Have your characters notice the posters of the dance. Brunch will last for a while, as well as lunch. But that will take places after the next period. So go ahead!! And maybe ask out your cursh. ;) ;) [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Leah sighed when Sammy walked out of the classroom. Mrs. Florh made an odd snorting sound that made everyone look at her. She smiled and went to sit at her desk to grade some papers. Leah looked at Brandi who was explaining her heritage and what not. ?You guys? um. Restroom time again.? Alex cocked his brow, ?Once more?? ?It?s a girl thing.? ?Ok? not touching that.? Leah got up and went toward the passes. She looked at Mrs. Florh who, not surprisingly, was starting to doze off. She is not! Leah tapped Bianca on her shoulder and pointed quietly toward Mrs. Florh. B smiled and got up with her. They slowly slid out the door, closing the door as quietly as they could. Some of the other kids were watching them to see if they could pull it off. And they did. They hi-fived each other and starts running toward the library. ?She is so weird!? exclaimed B. ?I know! She wasn?t like this a couple months ago. They all are weird, like all of a sudden.? Leah looked at B with a sort of curious look. ?Like Sammy once said, ?They?re all on meds.? The two girls laughed out loud as they approached the library. It was across the campus from their History class. They opened the door and stepped in quietly. Sammy smiled. ?Hey hey! If it isn?t my guardian angels! How?d you get out of her class?? ?Believe it or not she fell asleep.? Leah giggled once more just thinking of her asleep. ?C?mon. Let?s go for a little walk ?around?.? It wasn?t the first time they had skipped a class. Besides, Leah had so many ties with the Attendance receptionist it was like it never happened. They opened the gate and shimmied through one by one. ?So where shall be off too for the next..? Bianca looked at her watch ?90 minutes?? ----------------------------------------- OOC: Ok Kitty, Goddess. This is a little bonding session. The rest of you can take advantage of Mrs. Florh being asleep. After everyone has posted we will "begin" the RP. ^.~[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah shrugged and slightly raised her hand. For some reason Alexander was drifting off in space, and it was bothering her that she didn?t know what it was. She clicked her pen twice before talking. ?Well I was born in Singapore. And I was raised there until I was about fourteen, then my parents decided it was best if we moved here to Australia. Umm, my family heritage? Chinese, all the way!? She winked and made a peace sign. Brandi smiled. ?There?s like nothing interesting to share about me.? She saw that Alex?s eyes were zoned out again. Now it was time for her to investigate. ?You guys I am gonna go use the loo. I?ll be back in a couple minutes.? Leah stood up and informed Mrs. Florh that she was going to the restroom. She went toward the bathroom passes that were located behind Daine?s group. She quickly turned around to see if Alex what Alex was gazing at was located where she was. ?Damn, he?s looking down.? The three students who were seated looked up at her. She noticed that she had said it aloud. ?Heh. Hi there.? Leah came back from her break, which was really a walk around the campus, and sat back down. Alex was looking again. Brandi had also noticed. ?Do you need to go to the nurse?s office Alex?? He shook his head. ?No, I am just still tired.? Leah didn?t believe him. Brandi shrugged and went on with her part.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Leah was sitting on a bench as the morning bell chimes through the outdoor hallway. She stood up and got her things and headed toward her first class of the day, History. Most of the people she knew had the class as well, so she felt pretty good in the mornings. She opened the door to the classroom and saw that about 6 kids was either sitting down or already in their seats. Well, it made up for being late. The teacher, Mrs. Florh (floor), looked up from her messy desk. It was an array of differently colored papers and folders, anything you needed you can find it on her desk. Leah sat down in her desk and pulled out a binder from her bag. She placed it on her desk. The rest of the students filed in and spread out and walked toward their seats. Mrs. Florh stood up with a clipboard and took roll. ?Carter, Samuel? She looked across the room and spotted him in the back. ?Crowne, Alexander? ?Dean-Marquette, Michael? ?Hiwatari, Daine? ?Lasrach, Boudicca? ?Mihitsu, Kiala? ?Morgan, Brandi? ?Ngoon, Li Xiao? ?Nesbitt, Quincy? ?Ordon, Jason? ?Shiozu, Hitomi? ?Takuto, Suzu? ?And Traise, Bianca? Of course there were several other names but none of which are important at this time. ?Today is a fun day guys!? Mrs. Florh tried to get some enthusiasm into the class. Some class clown made a ?Wahoo!? sound. No one was ever happy the day before Friday. Leah sighed and looked at her stickers that she had placed on her binder since the 8th grade. ?So, you guys, people. LISTEN UP I SAY!? Everyone turned their attention to the infuriated Mrs. Florh. It was quite funny when she got mad; this is why half the class started to giggle when she shouted. ?Now I am going to give you a paper with the two names of the people who are in your group. Now, let?s see what we have. Ok?? It was quite scary how someone could go from insanely mad to an older version of Strawberry Shortcake. Leah was the first one to get her paper. The two names were printed neatly in 12 pt font. ? Brandi Morgan; Alexander Crowne.? Leah was relieved and excited. She got to work with Brandi, who was a very good friend of hers, as well as Alex, her crush. She held the paper and placed down on her binder. The other papers were as followed: Quincy Nesbitt Kiala Mihutzu Michael Dean Arquette Daine Hiwatari Jason Ordon Bianca Traise Boudicca Lasrach Suzu Takuto Hitomi Shiozu The teacher, with a flick of a wrist, let the students pair up. She passed out an intrsuction sheet. It was as follows: Find out about your fellow class mates. Their heritage, history, life experiences. This is another ?social? warm-up. Leah chuckled a bit as she thought that this had no way in connected with History class. Well it gave her a chance to talk.[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Olive]Welcome to ?What?s A Girl To Do? !!! I am so glad that we were able to get this up and ready. So those of you who haven?t signed up or still is waiting to edit it? HURRY!! This first event is just to have your characters mingle a bit. You don?t really have to do the assignment. Just, like I said, mingle. :) Also be sure to check out the Underground for information regarding your characters.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Thank you to everyone who signed up, and those of you who are still going to sign up. I am very pleased with the outcome, this is one of my few successful RP's. But I am waiting for Reiku to post her character, as well as Sakura, Retribution, and Revalation to edit their sign ups. The Adventure Sqaure thread will be going up either later today or Monday. Please stay updated with the Adventure Square forum to see when I will launch the RP. So once again sign ups will be open until Tuesday. Citrus EDIT.... The thread can be accessed in the Adventure Sqaure. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=694358#post694358]Here[/URL] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][CENTER]Update 11/26/05[/CENTER] Silly me! I forgot to put the Appearance slot into the sign ups! AI!!! Well you can go ahead in either do one of the following. - Edit your sign up and make an appearance description/ picture. - Or, you can just put an attatchment. The choice is up to you. Once again, a thousand apologies if I have caused any confusion. Thanks. Citrus.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Li Xiao "Leah" Ngoon (Noon) [B]Age[/B]:17 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Personality[/B]: The typical New Generation girl. She isn't afraid to speak her opinion, which would probably gotten her in trouble back in Singapore. During class she alway's loves to raise her hand and participate in the discussion. Her peppy nature seems to make her fit into the "popular" crowd. "Takes more muscles to frown than to smile" is one of Leah's infamous qoutes. She is the first one on the scene to cheer someone up. [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y239/IceQueen12/Leslie.jpg]Leah[/URL] Just add a few years to the girl in the picture. Leah stands around 5'6''. Not that tall due to her heredity. Both her parents aren't quite the towering giants. Since Leah tends to work out and watch her diet, she only wighs in at 115 lbs. She thinks obeign overweight is "not very good for your self esteem", and thinks being anorexic is "just way to gross". [B]Short Bio[/B]: Leah was born somewhere in the southern region of the People's Republic Of China. Her father was determined to give his family a good home, so he arranged a move to Singapore. Leah's father was a businessman, but the company he worked for was no where in Singapore. He decided that he would try and make his own company. It resulted in becoming a million dollar business. Leah's father sent Leah and her mother to Australia, hoping that they would stay there and enjoy their wealth. Leah was about 14 when the move from Singapore to Australia took place. Of course, like any other teen moving away, tried to protest, but was overpowered by both her parents. Then she came up with the excuse "But I won't see Daddy anymore!" And once again was counter-argued with "He will come every holiday or special event." With no choice she packed her things and moved to Timber Valley. It was very beautiful and calm, something Leah always dreamed of living in. She quickly made friends with the boy next. He seemed very sweet and nice. Leah became attracted to him and developed a small crush on him. [B]The Crush List[/B]: Alex ( the boy next door) Alex Crowne ( Likes guys who play sports) [May change] [/SIZE]
[U][SIZE=2]What's A Girl To Do? [PG-SL][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]What could possibly happen to a group of graduating teenagers when they live in Paradise? Timber Valley - a city that is surrounded by a mountainous rainforest with a long white sandy beach that has lively reef and a chain of islands not that far off the coast. It is where any person would want to live. But why all the drama? The graduating class of 2006 have been drawn into what seems to be a soap opera. Their lives have been turned upside-down, stretched sideways and been left out to dry. And it isn't as if their lives weren't already hard enough. Their teachers at Red Breeze High School have decided to go crazy on them. Now, going to school is more like going to see the circus. Everyone is on edge with the up-and-coming final exams - the teachers more so than the students. What dramas will unfold? Will the students graduate with their minds firmly intact? Or will the teachers drive them to within an inch of their sanity? I guess you'll have to watch to find out. Interested? Sign Up [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50674][B]here[/B][/URL] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][CENTER]Thursday [/CENTER] [/B] [SIZE=1][CENTER]Leah woke up and rubbed her eyes. She blinked a few times and looked at her clock. ?6:30 already!?!?? She hurriedly ran out her door and down the hall toward the shower she stopped and opened a door on her right side and grabbed a towel and twirled around into the shower room. After a couple of minutes she rushed down the stairs only to be confronted by her mother. ?Aiyah, Li Xiao. When will you ever be on time?? Leah barely paid attention; she was trying to get a pink pin into her hair. She smiled in the mirror and winked at her reflection. The smell of cinnamon rolls filled the air. Leah hurried into the kitchen and picked up one of the round delicacies and picked up her bag and flute and started toward the door. ?You children these days, all about Australian Idol, and fashion, and boyfriends. Not like when I used to live back in Hong Kong. Oh no. We used to worry about our grades and our future-? ?Mom. Please. Not one of your lectures. I thought you were going to stop them when we moved from Singapore.? ?Fine.? Leah?s mom turned her attention back toward the T.V. Leah walked towards the door and closed it behind her. She took in a deep inhale and looked around. It was always misty in the mornings. ?Leah!? Leah looked toward the right. A boy about the same age as her was emerging from the neighboring house, and it seemed it was he whom called out for her. ?Hey Alex!? ?I see you?re late as well.? He chuckled as Leah hit him a little with her purse. ?Come on. We need run all the way to school.?[/CENTER][/SIZE] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1]Welcome to the Principals Office! Here you can ask any questions about sign ups or the RP itself. Reiku and I will be more than glad to help you solve the little confusion. :) This thread will also be used for updates, so make sure to read every post I make. They could prove useful in your future posts. So go on feel free to ask questions![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[U][SIZE=2]What's A Girl To Do? [PG-SL][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]What could possibly happen to a group of graduating teenagers when they live in Paradise? Timber Valley - a city that is surrounded by a mountainous rainforest with a long white sandy beach that has lively reef and a chain of islands not that far off the coast. It is where any person would want to live. But why all the drama? The graduating class of 2006 have been drawn into what seems to be a soap opera. Their lives have been turned upside-down, stretched sideways and been left out to dry. And it isn't as if their lives weren't already hard enough. Their teachers at Red Breeze High School have decided to go crazy on them. Now, going to school is more like going to see the circus. Everyone is on edge with the up-and-coming final exams - the teachers more so than the students. What dramas will unfold? Will the students graduate with their minds firmly intact? Or will the teachers drive them to within an inch of their sanity? I guess you'll have to watch to find out.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][CENTER]Thursday [/CENTER] [/B] [SIZE=1][CENTER]Leah woke up and rubbed her eyes. She blinked a few times and looked at her clock. ?6:30 already!?!?? She hurriedly ran out her door and down the hall toward the shower she stopped and opened a door on her right side and grabbed a towel and twirled around into the shower room. After a couple of minutes she rushed down the stairs only to be confronted by her mother. ?Aiyah, Li Xiao. When will you ever be on time?? Leah barely paid attention; she was trying to get a pink pin into her hair. She smiled in the mirror and winked at her reflection. The smell of cinnamon rolls filled the air. Leah hurried into the kitchen and picked up one of the round delicacies and picked up her bag and flute and started toward the door. ?You children these days, all about Australian Idol, and fashion, and boyfriends. Not like when I used to live back in Hong Kong. Oh no. We used to worry about our grades and our future-? ?Mom. Please. Not one of your lectures. I thought you were going to stop them when we moved from Singapore.? ?Fine.? Leah?s mom turned her attention back toward the T.V. Leah walked towards the door and closed it behind her. She took in a deep inhale and looked around. It was always misty in the mornings. ?Leah!? Leah looked toward the right. A boy about the same age as her was emerging from the neighboring house, and it seemed it was he whom called out for her. ?Hey Alex!? ?I see you?re late as well.? He chuckled as Leah hit him a little with her purse. ?Come on. We need run all the way to school.?[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Name[/B]: Just a normal name. Nothing exaggerated. [B]Age[/B]:16-18 [B]Gender[/B]: Male or Female. Nothing in between. [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Short Bio[/B]: Please, keep it to a 3 paragraph minimum. [B]The Crush List[/B]: Who your character has a crush on. Make sure to keep it updated as the sign-ups flow in. [COLOR=Navy]If you have any questions feel free to contact either me or Reiku, my magnificant co-host who will be playing Alex. An Underground thread will be posted up shortly. Have fun. :)[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1] A group of kids sat in a circle around a table in the empty library with one lamp lighting the table. They were holding each others hands and their eyes were closed. A chant escaped their lips filling the quiet room with a chilly aura. They knew what they were doing was the best thing to do for their descendants, even though it would take one of their lives. [I]Let the rain drops? Paint the skies? But as they kill the crops? Let them break the ties![/I] The chant made no sense what so ever, but it did activate something within the city. A large white flash emerged from the ground from which they were sitting and illuminated the city. The children covered their eyes as the intense flash overwhelmed them. Then when they saw that one of there own was gone they went into mourning. But it was going to mask the city from this darkness; they and their descendants were going to be safe. Well, until now that is. 5 years have passed. The year is now 2005. And the ghosts have returned. The descendants of these same six people are about to follow in the same footsteps and figure out the riddle of Ghoulsville. And no one knows what challenges these selected individuals are going to have to face. The only way that Ghoulsville will be saved once more is if these teenagers come together and figure out the riddle of Ghoulsville. Welcome to the Spirit Investigators Club 3: United By Fate. Every Halloween one person of the group is chosen to travel into the spirit world and open a portal to send these ghosts and ghouls back to their own realm. Though the person who performs this ritual is the one who vows never to return. You may be asking why do these ghosts appear? As a legend says the school they attend was built on top of a burial ground from the early days. The ghosts, infuriated, haunt the students and try to make their lives miserable. But, every once in a blue moon a gathering of students group together and figure out the true past of the school. But as you have learned, a life must be taken to stop this haunting. And the spell only lasts a few years. So as we enter the story our students are just meeting, some already friends, some seeing new faces. So tell me? who are you? Sign-Ups [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]:16-17 [B]Gender[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Sample Post[/B]: Give a post on your characters first encounter with a ghost. [CENTER]Trivia[/CENTER] As you know by the title there have been 2 other editions of The Spirit Investigators Club. With special permission of bogger3k I have taken the RP itself it tweaked it to perfection. So if you have participated once before do not use the same character! This takes place a couple of years after. So with that said go on with your sign-up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Welcome to OtakuBoards: Amazing Race!!! You have chosen to enter the game show that will test your knowledge, as well as your speed to navigate around the forum we call home!!! Well? a virtual home! Tee Hee. This is a game when a member sets out on a journey into the history of the OB! This game is such an exciting and blood pumping event! Every minute is worth millions. So don?t hesitate and sign up!! So you?re probably wondering how to get into this super cool game, huh? Well all you gotta do is filling out the sign-up below!! Isn?t that super cool?! Now fill it out and send it in! Super!![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Name[/B]: Has got to be your super cool screen name! [B]Age[/B]: Just put how many super years you?ve been on this here place! [B]Your Knowledge[/B]: On a super scale of 1 to 10 how much do ya know about this super cool board? [B]Threads[/B]: How many threads have you started? You can just round them.[/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Things You Need To Know[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]First off this is a competition. Not a normal RP. The Adventure Square forum will be used for posting your statistics and other information that I will reveal to you when we are ready to launch the game. If any questions about the game or you will be pulled away from the game due to testing, work, family matters, etc please feel free to PM me. If you plan on entering the game later the deadline (November 27) please PM me with why you were unable to get your sign-up in. Please make sure you send in your sign-up as well. I will go over it and see if there is space for you. This competition will include looking through the thousands of threads and making some of your own. We will make sure that all the rules are abided by, we do not want any cheaters. ;)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Rules[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=2]The Rules will be sent to you via PM when you are accepted into the RP itself.[/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Competitions[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]The Competitions will be able to be seen in the Underground thread as well as the Square thread.[/COLOR][/SIZE] SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU!!! RACE ON OB?ERS!!!
[SIZE=1]The other day I was listening to the radio as usual. And this one song really got my attention. I waited until the end and they said that is came from a Welsh songstress named "Jem". Her music was purely influencial and something that I can relate to. This oen song was "They". From what I heard it was about how this one person is saying they are sorry "we" act like this. The person means to say she id dorry that people talk about other people. It really does make sense, you have GOT to listen to it. As well as "Just A Ride". It basically is about life beign a ride and to live up to it cause there is no getting off of it. If you have any comments please post em here![/SIZE]