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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. Citrus

    school daze

    Natsu raced into class.Right when Skye was about to sit down next to Jacob she sat right in it and looked up at Skye who pulled the seat out."Wow,that was really nice of you Skye!".Snickers as Skye gets scolded by the teacher.As the class went on Natsu comepted to answer the question in class."Santa Maria ! " Natsu yelled as the bell rang.The kids got up and left.Natsu exicited out of the classroom with Jacob.Looks back at Skye " Better luck next time...."she gave her usual evil grin at Skye.Continues to walk with Jacob.OOC:I won't be here for a couple of days becuase of a family trip.As the kids enterd the movie theater the kids sat in thier usual seats when they go to the movies.Skye being on one side of Jacob and Natsu on teh other.
  2. Citrus

    School Daze

    Name: Natsu Ayuhara Age: 13 Gender:female Looks:like a bully(lol)she has short blackish-bluish hair.She never wears her school uniform but wears her red volleyball team outift alot.She is 5'6'.Eyes are black and face,well never cracks a smile' Bio:Natsu is the volleyball champ of the school.She serves unbloackable serves.She also is very protective of her teammates,whoever tries to pick on them gets a sever beating.This is why she has alot of female fans and less boy fans becuase they are afraid of her. Personality:As in the bio she is very overprotective of her teammates.She isn't so happy all the time.She only shows her happy side when shes alone with her friends.She really is nice,but really mean.Depending on were she is comes out her peronality. Grade: 3rd(8th grade)
  3. Citrus

    school daze

    Natsu walk up the rafters and waves."Hey guys......oh hi Skye...."nose scrunges up and imgainary lighting bolts start to spark between the two."Ugh..its Natsu "said Skye.Sits next to Jacob and smiles at him and watches the fottball playes get hurt."Now this is what i call entertainment".Jacob smiled back at Natsu.Natsu looked at Skye meanly with an evil grin.the imganiary spraks appears gain showing agressive tension between the two girls.
  4. Natsu stepped up the stairs being late for class.......again.As she opend the door the principal was there."What a pleasn't suprise Natsu ! " exclaimes teh principal."Um......my dog ranaway and i had to chase it through the.........city ! yea thats right i had to chase i through the city !".Unfortunaly the principal didn't belive it.Natsu walked out of the office with a pink slip wich she slided into her pocket. "I wonder were Aaron is.."she fliped her short blue hair and headed into the gym were they were doing volleyball this week.Natsu is tha captain of teh schools volleyball team.When it was time for a break she wanderd the halls for Aaron.She saw a girl blushin then Aaron staring at Casey.She stood in the hallway watching the both of them."A.........girl liking Aaron..........but.........."
  5. Has anyone read one?Do you know were i can get my hands on an English Rival Schools Manga.Thanks Edit- Um,you can still write about it if you want.... :)
  6. Codename:Terra Real Name:Terra Makov Age:14 Gender:Female Powers:Rock moving,can make chunks of rocks move with her mind.And make the very one earth tremble benath her feet Power Origin:Unkown? Alliance:Teen Titans Plus Descrpition:Normal Costume:a plain black coustunme with a yellow belt tied around her waist with yellow gloves.Can't forget the goggles! Biography:Terra was one day walking down the street when rocks started hovering around her.they started crashing into things and she couln't control it.She sought help from the Teen Titans.At first she couldn't control her powers.But now shes back.She has secret feelings for Beast Boy.
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