Name: Natsu Ayuhara
Age: 13
Looks:like a bully(lol)she has short blackish-bluish hair.She never wears her school uniform but wears her red volleyball team outift alot.She is 5'6'.Eyes are black and face,well never cracks a smile'
Bio:Natsu is the volleyball champ of the school.She serves unbloackable serves.She also is very protective of her teammates,whoever tries to pick on them gets a sever beating.This is why she has alot of female fans and less boy fans becuase they are afraid of her.
Personality:As in the bio she is very overprotective of her teammates.She isn't so happy all the time.She only shows her happy side when shes alone with her friends.She really is nice,but really mean.Depending on were she is comes out her peronality.
Grade: 3rd(8th grade)