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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. [B]WARNING! THIS RPGS CONTAINS HIGH SCENES OF BLOOD,GORE, AND SEXUAL INTERACTION!!![/B] OOC: This is an old RP of mine that I am trying to revive, so it may seem... ugh. Un-educated. It was one of my first works. 0.o [SIZE=1]Two geishas walked swiftly across the red carpet decorated with dragons and Chinese characters. ?I hate this place?? said one of the geishas as she looked down at the carpet. ? I told you speak in Chinese, they will find out who we are if we speak English!? said the other one with more maturity in her voice than the other. One of them had a red geisha kimono on while the other had black. Their small sandals made a scraping sound as they slid them across the never-ending seeming hallway -They are the Two Sisters. Two deadly assassins who work for themselves and no one else. Not stopping for anyone or anything they will hunt you down and kill you.- The two sisters came to a halt as they neared an oak door that read in Chinese characters ?Knock First?. The older sister looked at the younger one, the both gave a nod. Each sister held out a hand and pushed open the door. There sat a man and two women standing on each side of side of the chair. -The older one in black is called Kendra, the younger one in red is named Kali. They are both deadly in the art of the Crane.- The sister?s faces were shrouded in darkness. They both bowed and said ?Ni Hao?(Hello)?. The man looked at his female bodyguards on each side of his shoulder, the two women shrugged and focused on the two mysterious young women who came into the room. The clutched the grip of their katana?s ready for any sudden movement. ?Hajimameshite!? the two sisters said quietly as they raised their heads and the faces were revealed. ?****!? the man said trying to get up. One sister grabbed the two pins that were holding her hair up, they were secretly long thin swords. Her hair dropped to her hips and she waved the swords in what seemed like a complete circle. The younger sister pulled out a fan made out of sharp metal and covered her face chuckling. -Now would be the time were all the people in the theater yell ?All right!?- The two female bodyguards and the two sisters engaged in battle. Kendra jumped in the air making a complete 360-degree turn in the air. The bodyguard looked up at her dazed and confused. Kendra landed behind her and pushed one of the thin swords through the bodyguards back. But the sword bounced right off and the bodyguard laughed, ?I knew that plate would be useful today!? she turned around quickly and kicked Kendra in the torso sending her like a projectile towards a desk. -This was a surprise to Kendra herself, she has never fell for such a foolish trick- Kali quickly looked over at her fallen sister, ?Damn it!? she exclaimed. ?Aww big sister has a boo boo?? the second bodyguard taunted Kali. ?No she doesn?t, but you are about to have a really big one *****? Kali twirled and her fan sliced across the bodyguards chest. A crimson red liquid spewed out and coated the floor. -Now everyone in the audience exclaims?Oh sa-weet!?- Kali spit on the dead corpse that was loosing blood by the minute. She looked over at Kendra who was retrieving one of her swords from the other bodyguards body. They both looked over at the very pale man who had wet his pants. ?You?you?killed Lili and Fifi!? he said his voice crackled. ?Yea now it?s time for you!? Kali said sarcastically. A few seconds later? The two sisters close the door of the room. Inside they had left two dead bodies, a pool of blood, and a decapitated head. They both laughed to themselves as they went toward a refreshment stand. They heard a ruckus outside. They went toward the window and saw a big gang fight. They looked at each other and swore. ?****?? ?****??[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Plot Summary: Ok, as you can see this is an assassin/ Kill Bill kind of RPG. The Two Sisters have this list of whom they want to kill, why they want to do this is yet to be revealed. There will be a chapter system, posting order, and what has to happen in that chapter. K? Free posting gets out of hands and there ends up being multiple things going on with the same character in multiple areas. It is just to annoying.-.-[/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: Here is the sign-up Name: Anything you want. Age: 19-26 Appearance: Picture is fine. If not very detailed description Personality: 2 paragraph minimum Bio: 4 paragraph minimum. Write up to when you joined S.D.A. The assassin group the Sisters are trying to get revenge against. More info will be provided as we progress through the RPG.
  2. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Place: Modern Day England? A hawk looking femme looked about. She quickly ran to the street corner and hid behind a wall. She slowly peeked out; the Night Police had turned around. Now was her chance. She jumped out from her spot and fired a ball of energy toward the ground. A grim smile formed across her beakish looking mouth. The ball of energy had done exactly what was intended for. It made its way underground making the cobble stones pop out as it passed underneath. Then it hit one street store entitled ?Good Roy?s Pastries? and ripped through the block destroying everything, and everyone in its path. The demon smiled and banished from sight. Later that day at Parliament?. ?HEAR YE! HEAR YE!? A judge called out from a podium banging his gravel on it. Everyone turned their attention toward him and a few thumpings of feet and scrapings of chairs rang out. ?The attacks in Westminster are all very shocking. But we must come to a conclusion that they were carried out by a terrorist group.? People started to gasp and whisper among themselves. The speaker sighed and banged his gravel three times to settle down the workers of Parliament. ?The P.M would like to speak now!!? Everything hushed as the Prime Minister cam from what seemed no where and gracefully walked toward the podium. He coughed and began his speech. ?I as Prime Minister, and Magician of 1st level would like to thank you for all of you attending this fine-? What was head next was very disturbing, and eerie at that. Something that would haunt your dreams that night. ?THE DEMONS ARE AMONG YOU!!? The men and woman gasped and looked around at the vast ceiling trying to spot what had made the echoing statement. The P.M was ushered out and the members of Parliament scrambled to there feet to get out of the meeting room. It was true? the war was going to begin. FAQ: [CENTER]1. [B]Q[/B]: What is this RP about? [B]A[/B]: Well this RP is about a magical war between magicians and demons. As you can tell, or if you didn?t read the top part of the intro, this takes place in Modern Day London. The demons have started carrying out attacks on London, the magicians are obviously going to fight back. With the humans in between. 2. [B]Q[/B]: Can I be a demon? [B]A[/B]: Yes. You may be a demon or magician; this is explained in the sign-ups. 3. [B]Q[/B]: Why is the back-story short? [B]A[/B]: Because the RP takes place right at the beginning so we will make the history as we go along.  4. [B]Q[/B]: How do I sign up? [B]A[/B]: I?m glad you asked! Here are the sign-ups enjoy![/CENTER] SIGN UPS [B]Name[/B]: Magician: Make it normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Demons: One name, preferably something unique. [B]Age:[/B] Magician: 12-58 Demon: 100-infinity. [B]Gender[/B]: Male or Female.* [B]Class[/B]: Magician or Demon [B]Appearance[/B]: Description preferred. Pictures accepted. Demons describe (or show) what you look like when you are materialized. And no you cannot be normal. [B]Character Snippet[/B]: We all know what this is.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [CENTER][SIZE=1]Emily is coming back to rock and roll.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  4. [SIZE=1]Ok guys, I haven't been able to get this banner quite right. So here I am asking the professionals! I want the following. [list] [*]Black background [*]White words, just with names of many countries. I want them horizontal, criss cross, overlapping whatever! [*]In the center I want the word "World" [/list] Yup thats what I want. I hope you guys can make this dream come true![/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]People listen up. Dont be afraid to sign up for the same character somebdy all ready has. Its ok, and I have taken the liberty to go ahead and put male or female after each name to make it easier for you.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Im not the maker of this game nor did I mae the rules. But... Retri yes team leaders can get killed off. Shy stated that several characters will be chosen at random that will die. So there is a chance that your character will die. You can check in the recruitment thread. Thats where I got this information.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Its the wayis supposed to be. Everyhing will unravel soon enough. But can I ask you to bold the name, gender ec. Its hard for me to pick them out withought them being bold.[/SIZE]
  8. [CENTER][SIZE=1]What if I told you about a game? A game where if you win you will get everything your hearts desire. I have created this game over a period of 40 years?. I found the island on which you will compete. But you must follow these rules? If you fail to comply there will be consequences. [B]Rule #1[/B]: There will be no killing in this game. If you injure another contestant you will be disqualified and exiled from the game. [B]Rule #2[/B]: If you ever try to escape the island on the time being you will be disqualified and sent away from the game. [B]Rule #3[/B]: Never question Mystique. These are the rules, please they are very simple. Do not break them? It will be very shameful if you do. Now please be careful on this island?not everything is what it seems?. [FONT=Verdana]Mystique.[/FONT] A plane flied over the Pacific. The contestants looked down in awe when they saw the small island in the distance. On the island they saw a large mansion; it was on top of a hill. The rolling hills of green were the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. It did not seem like a island at all but more like small piece of land lucked out from the country side of England and plopped in the middle of the ocean. The lane landed a few miles from the house. As the contestants got off the plane they saw a small woman who was covered from head to toe. She seemed to be wearing a burqa, an Afghani head garb that had a rectangular strip for the eyes to see out of. It was forced to be worn by the Taliban. As the 4 men and 4 women stepped off the lane the woman stated their name in her mind. Olinda Cho (Female) Steven Parker (Male) Alfarahizah Ali (Female) Michael Brookes (male) Melody Connor (Female) Kaysar Qadir (Male) JinHee Lee (Female) Piere Jacques (Male) All 8 of them were here and accounted for. They stood in a line before the woman. Her smile was hidden by her head garb. ?I am Mystique. Please take these envelopes and read over the rules of the competitions. I advise to you to read them more than once. Be warned.? [U][B]Competitions [/B] [/U] The competitions are the key to the game. There will be several competitions for different categories. The categories are as followed. [B]The King/ Queen Competition[/B]: This is the most important competition. The winner of this competition gets to choose two contestants that will be in danger of being exiled from the island. [B]The Banana Leaf Competition[/B]: In this competion you compete for the Banana Leaf. This leaf gives you the power to stop yourself from being exiled from the island. [B]Clue Competition[/B]: *Confidential until further notice* And if you would be ever so kind as to check in to the game? [B]Name[/B]: (One of the above) [B]Age[/B]: [B]Gender[/B]: [B]Your Wish[/B]: (Will be granted if you are the last one standing)[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  9. [SIZE=1]Name: Shiva Gender: Female Race: Vampire Position: With Malik Ability: Speed: Shiva specializes in speed. Some people might mistake it as teleportation because she moves so fast it is invisible to the naked eye. Flight: This is a very obvious ability. Shiva simply levitates from the ground and can fly across the landscape. Appearance: *coming soon* Personality: Shiva is very serious all the time. She likes to get straight to the point, beating around the bush a serious pet peeve of hers. This seriousness has been in her since the day she was born. Everyone knew not to start an idle conversation with Shiva. Quite the emotionless one as well, never cracking a smile was also a thing of Shiva's. Character Snippets:*WILL EDIT* [/SIZE]
  10. [CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Kang, YooRi [B]Age[/B]: 14 [B]Personality[/B]: YooRi, as said in the character description, is the studious one. Her parents pressure her to get the best grades and excell in allf her studies. Always being inside she adapted to being by herself with a book, paper, and pencil. Thus she is really shy. Its kind of a kit... yours super smart, but the other item is being shy. You cant really have the smartness and be outgoing at the same time...you have to choose one. But YooRi was forced to use the smarts. [B]Background Info[/B]: YooRi was born into a wealthy family that had owned an international Korean food Co. (Kimchi! Yea!) Everything was practically given to them. Her smaller brother is very spoiled, he acts like he is the king of the world. YooRi grew up qouite the opposite. Her first encounter with someone lower in the finacial ring than her was when she was 5. As she was walking down the sidewalk she saw a man sitting on the sidewalk. Dressed in very old and dirty clothing. She stopped and looked at him. Then she asked him a question. "Mister, why are you dirty? Dont you have a home to take a shower in?" The man chuckled at her cuteness. "Im poor...I dont have a house." From then on YooRi learned that being rich is a very,very very special gift. She als pledged to live the life of an average person, not a rich one. She wanted to show being rich has nothing to do with the way a person is. YooRi entered school at the age of 6, as most children do. Her parents always gave her a long lecture on the way to school. "You must do good in school! You must get good grades! If not then you will be a dumb girl and no one will marry you. If not then you wont get a job. If not you wont be able to inherit the family company. Your little brother will...." It went on forever, YooRi simplylooked out the window. What a beautiful day it was... [CENTER][B]First Encounter with Death[/B][/CENTER] YooRi was 12 at the time. She went to the nursing home to viit her grandmother. She was very ill, and did not have long to live. Her grandmother told her one thing, and one thing only. "You know what YooRi... I woke up today and said.... Today is a beautiful day...the sun is shining... the birds are singing.... and I say... I am going to live it up. You never know when its gonna be your last..." That night her grandmother died. YooRi cried and cried for days in a row. But then she rememberd what her grandmother said. Instead of wasting her life mourning she decided to live it up. And do everything she ever wanted. That was her goal. Will edit later...still more I need to add....[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  11. [CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Spirit[/B]: Rabbit [B]Name[/B]: Beta [B]Gender[/B]:Female [B]Appearance[/B]: Beta has everything a rabbit has. Long ears, round paws, red beady eyes. She stands up-right about 5'6''. Weighing in about 105 pounds, she tries to stay atune with her weight. The lighter she is the farther she can jump. She wears a small brown jacket, it stops a little before her belly button. Under that she has a pink mid-drif. Her ears are rather droppy than standing right up, in between them is wear her hair starts. Long, black, and silky are the traits of her hair. Persona: Beta is all about ettiquete, she walks with great posture and talks a proper English. Even carrying a slight Brittanic accent. The things she most hate about people is when they act childish, its a pet peeve of hers. [B]Abilities[/B]: Beta is able to jump long distances with her rabbit like feet. Along with fast punches (jabs) and kicks using both feet.[/SIZE][/CENTER] Im sorry it sucks but I have a head ache right now so everything is mixed up and...idk... Ill post better when the real thing comes.
  12. [SIZE=1]Oooh.... Dont even get me started. In Japan when I was about 5 or 6 my grandmother would always tell me that if I didnt go o bed little fairies would come and work together,pick me up, and take me with them far away. Little ol' me thought the stories were true. So that night hade my eyes partially open... and since I had lanterns all over the ceiling the lookied like little bright lights. I thought they were the fairies comng to take me away. I screamed and yelled the whole enchilada. My grandmother came ine and simply said. "I told you so." Little old women trying to scare me all the time...[/SIZE]
  13. Citrus

    Rule removal.

    [SIZE=1]Were to begin... ahh lets see here. [B]1.[/B] I agree with the one banner in your siggy rule. By having more than one banner it akes you iggy look very bulky. It takes up space and its plain annoying. So thats my in put on that. [B]2[/B]. Dont you ever make fun of our admins and mods like that. They are very hard working people. And for you to say something liek that is very disrespectful. James works very hard to keep this online community fun. So please dont make fun of them. [B]3.[/B] And the size... What would be retarded is you having this ridculously long banner that is very hard to make out what it is because it is to streched out. No offence but the retard here is you.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Chapter 1: National Day[/B][/CENTER] "... AND TOUCH THE SKIES!" Clapping followed the after the schools choir finished their singing. Ruby smiled and joined in on the clapping, Jade was busy taking pictures of the choir. Jade... best friend. "I love National day... they always wave a great song for the theme..." closing her eyes Ruby remembered last years national song. "Home". National Day is such a big holiday in Singapore everyone celebrates it. Jade ran toward Ruby. "YAH! YAH! YAH!" The screaming shook Ruby out of her daze. "Why the hell are you screaming...." "Well I just found out some juicy gossip you would love to hear.." With a sigh Ruby replied "What is it?" "SINGAPORE IDOL TAUFIK IS COMING TO SING THIS NATIONAL DAY!!!!!!" Rubys eyes widened wide, a small word escaped her mouth. No one actually recalls what the word was... It was so faint no one could make it out. But I think it was... "Gah..." "Yup. Next Monday he's gonna be here!" Jade smiled then looked at her watch. "Well I have a interview with the kid who one the chess championship yesterday... cya kay?" "Yea..." Ruby was still in awe. Her mind was full of different thoughts... For some reason she kept getting this image of Taufik reaching out to her but she is acting hard to get and walks off. It was weird.... Not as weird as her Taufik scrapbook... Anyways.... Ruby gather her things wondering what Monday was going to be like... She was looking forward to meeting Taufik, she had the biggest crush on him. He was Malay, he had won the first Singapore Idol. He had become the biggest artist on the modern scene of Singapore. She had his album and enveyed any girl who knew him. Sitting on the train Ruby sat there looking through her bag for a pen. She finally got it but it slipped out her hands. She watched it roll over to a pair of sneakers. The person picked it up and handed it to her. "Sorry I was just-" As she looked at the persons face she took a step back. Who was it you ask? "Uh.. you probably know me.. but I am Taufik..." Standing there in awe Ruby couldn't make out a word. Taufik laughed a bit and looked down, then back at her. "Do you know where the Marina is?" "A few stops....away....couple blocks...." "You mind if you show me?" Ruby nodded her head and returned to her seat. Taufik stood holding on to one of the poles. He was noticing that the people on the bus were all read noticing him. Pointing and whispering went on. "So whats you name?" Taufik decided to break the silence between them. Ruby's eyes widend. "My name? Oh yea.. Ruby." "Thanks for showing me around... my agent really didnt have the time." "Oh. Are you saying at the Marina?" "Yea. For my concert." "I see." The conducter announced the next stop. Ruby got up, "We get off here. Then it will take a couple minutes to get to the hotel." Taufik smiled again. "Ok" "Why is he smiling so much..." Ruby thougt quietly to herself. "You go to school around here?" "Yea Xi Hui High School." "Ahh...I am technically in the 12th grade. But I have a tutor instead of class." The walked down a sidewalk, the huge hotel was clearly in view. As they approached they saw a bunch of people. They were fans. "Well duty calls my friend." He slipped on a pir of sun glasses and walked toward the crowd. A roar of screams, mostly girls, rised from gathering. Ruby watched from afar. Then she went off to her hourse and her normal routine. Today was a particulary odd day. [B]Authors Note[/B]: Well...it seems good to be. Please post comments and I will post the next chapter. [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Well the weird last name thread kind of got me thinking. I know there must be an old thread about this somewhere but anyways.. I would like to know what race you are. I guess I should sart off with my self. Most of you know that I am pure Japanese. Hence my name Hinata Hiroshima. Its kind of obvious where I got my last name from. But its kind of weird. My grandmother tells me the family changed it a long time ago after moving to Hiroshima. She also ells be the real family name was Odubunga or something. I dont know how to spell it... Well go ahead share you heritage your oh so proud of![/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Well my last name isnt weird but everyone pronounces it wrong. My last name is Hiroshima. But everyone says very long and their syllables are all off. They usually say "HE-RO-SHE-MAY" WTH? May? My last name i pronounced "HEH-RO-SHEH-MAH" I feel bad for all the Asian kids who get their names beat up. lol. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Wave [B]Gender[/B] : Female [B]Location[/B]: Malaysia (Sometimes Singapore) [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable): [/B] Shining stands about 5?7?? and weighs around 119 lbs. She does not let her weight or height bother her, its average anyways. She has black hair with some purple highlights; the length of her hair is about just after her shoulder blades. Usually wearing normal clothes, she never was able to bring herself to wear a fancy costume. (Image on the way) [B]Personality/Behavior[/B]: Shining is usually a serious young woman. In tight situations she talks when she is talked to and never questions someone higher than her. Though she does have a side where she likes to talk and have fun, when not protecting her countries she is usually at jazz clubs, or at Southern Asian cuisine restaurants. Loving to be rejuvenated her calm personality also soothes the people around her. A trait that most people like. [B]Personal History[/B]: At the age of four Alfarahiza Batisah was playing in the pool with her neighbourhood friends. All her friends started to splash each other, like any other child Alfarahiza decided to join in on the fun. Little did she know her world was about to take a turn for the worst. As her hand hit the surface of the water a wave about 9 ft rose into the sky and slammed down onto the unsuspecting children and adults, wiping everyone out. Standing in an empty pool, dumbfounded, not knowing what had happened. That day her powers manifested in a way that was deadly, she killed 14 people. Running away from it all she ended up on the border of Malaysia and Singapore. Taken in by a Malay family, she kept her secret to her self. Until one day an odd man knockd on their door. Her new mother answerd it. That was another day that Farrah did not want to remember. The man had introduced himself as Geo Luh, a principal of a boarding school in Singapore. Her parents wanting the best for Farrah sent her of with the man. The school ended up as everyone expected, a normal Singaporean boarding school. Farrah grew into it, and even joined the swim team. Her powers were growing stronger, she had to tell someone before it ot out of control. She decided to tell her swim coach. As most people today the coach though Farrah was pulling his leg. But with the flick of a rist a dolphin made completely of water rised from the pool and dove back in. The expression on the coaches was very much like the one Farrah had on the day of the pool incident. The coach knew something was different about her, as much as he wanted to tell others he restrained from doing so. At the age of 17 Farrah noticed something. Instead of hiding her powers she would use them and protect the countries that she loves. Taking the alias of Wave Farrah went off to protect her people. She would be dubbed "The South Asian Princess". (Sorry for the shortness!) [B]Special Skills or Abilities[/B]: Able to manipulate water. Also with this power she was able take the water from her body and use that as a last resort when she had no water around her at the time. [B]Player?s Availability[/B]: Well school is starting soon so, I will be able to post about twice a week. If I a not loaded with reports? [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under?: [/B] I would have to say M just to be safe.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]"Rui En time for school!" Mmm yea right... "Rui En Lee please report to the office. I repeat, Rui En Lee report to the office." Sighing Rui En headed toward the office, opening the door she trudged toward the front desk. The woman looked up at her. "Do-YOU-SPEAK-ENGLISH?" Rui En rolled her eyes. "I understood what you said though the intercom didn't I?" "Oh.. well here is your schedule." The woman handed her a peice a paper with classes and times. She looked at her first class. "U.S History" She laughed " Just my day.. just my fu-" Turning around at the woman she smiled "Uh I'll go now..." The smile faded into a frown... She lasted until lunch...Then she was forced to be happy. She saw a girl looking down at another girl. She walked toward them. Until sh enoticed they seemed to be in a conflict she steped in. "Hey, space all around you. Choose different space and walk." The girl looked at her. "Whatever..." then she walked away. "Hi, I am Rui En." "Im Lauren. This was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. (Hope this all right Who Am I? !)[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Name: Rui En (Ruin) Lee Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Rui En is happy and perky all the time. She love to hang out with tons of people at a time, she loves the fact of having many friends. Well that all changed very soon. But you will find that later on in the snippit. Rui En is overall a very happy and likable person. Apperance: Rui En stands about 5'5'', and weighs 110. She has black hair and black eyes. She usually wears anything a normal girl will wear. But she usually wears her red shirt that says "100% Singaporean" . Its her trademark. Where Do You Belong: Asian Kid :p Charcter Snipit or Bio: "Rui En! Rui En!" Rui En's mother called up the stairs. Rui En came running down the stiars bag in hand. "I know, I know I am all ready!" Smiling she gaver her mother a kiss and bow and ran out the door. "She could've eaten breakfeast." "More for us!" A set of triplets rang out. The mother sighed and shook her head. Meanwhile... Rui En was running down the sidewalk trying to get to school on time. She glanced at her watch. 7:00. "Oh.. I thought it was 8..." Slowing down Rui En put her hands on her knees catching her breath. A hand was placed on her back. "My girl was running like a maniac again I see." As she looked up she saw her boyfriend, Moo. Well actually his name was Muhammod, but she called him Moo. "I know I tought I was gonna be late..." Moo leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "You wear yourself out, you should rest up for the journey ahead of a bright school experience." Rui En rolled her eyes "Ok thanks Mrs. Liu" They both laughed and continued to walk to school. "Tomorrows National Day you know." Moo took Rui En's hand. "Aiyah, dont remind me." Moo laughed "I love when you speal Singlish." Rui En faked laughed, she really could never help it. It slipped out... A couple hours later.... The phone rang in the middle of class. The teacher answered it "Who this?" (Its the way they speak in Singapore...) After a few words were exchanged she hung up. "Rui En leave class. Clean out locker too." "Why?" "Your moving to America." Her heart sank, if it was one country she didn't want to be was America. EDIT: Done[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Well I am going to be PS deprived for a couple of weeks. So I hope y'all dont mind. Thats why my image thread isn't being updated for the time being. So yea that's it... Uh... yea bye.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Well they play Korean dramas on ImaginAsian too. For me that is channel 101 for me, not sure for you guys. But here is my list of Korean dramas. [B]Sunflower[/B] is pretty good. I just started watching it, it's currently on Episode 4 I think. Its really good. Its about young doctors and nurses trying to get along in life. Then there is the classic love triangle that you have to have, heh. [B]Rooftop Room Cats[/B] just finished... I think. Its on AZN so I am pretty sure you guys saw it once or twice already. If not it's just about a girl who is torn between loving a college student roommate or loving her boss.... It's odd but good. Hmm lets see here... Oh my I for got all my Korean Drama favs!! [B]Jewel in The Palace[/B] is great!! Its a true story about how the first female royal power came about.... it just started this week, new episode every day on AZN. Everyone loves [B]Winter Sonata[/B], I havn't seen it yet. I plan on watching it soon though. Pawnshop #8 isn't Korean but I just siggest it :animesmil :animesmil [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Oriel [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Age[/B]: 356 [B]Race[/B]: Angel [B]Rank[/B]: Medic [B]Personality[/B]: Oriel is a very quiet and calm person. Her voice is as soft as her skin, yet heavy like hail. Oriel will usually be the one seen trying to break a fight instead of routing it on. [B]Height[/B]: 5'8'' [B]Weight[/B]: 120 lbs [B]Eye color[/B]: White [B]Hair color[/B]: White [B]Body Structure[/B]: Oriel is very slim, and somewhat tall. Her wings were never clipped, giving her the full set of being an Angel. [B]Character Snippet[/B]: (I will be judging you) eDiT// Working on snippet and will finish structure. [/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][QUOTE]I find it funny that you think that learning a new language should be easy for everyone, because it most certainly is not and people aren't stupid if they can't pick up languages.[/QUOTE] Uh... I didn't say you were stupid if you can't pick up a language.... I was just wondering why it is so hard to learn a new language... [QUOTE]Stop acting so haughty by saying that it shouldn't be hard and go out and teach yourself Dutch or something.[/QUOTE] You got me totally wrong Imi. Did I not say it was hard for me to learn English? Please read what I said over and edit your post. Thanks. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Ok you might have hinted what this thread is about by the title. Recently I was watching T.V and there was a special on people learning the Korean language. As I sat there and watched people struggle learning a new language I asked my self, "Why?" Why is it so hard to learn a new language? As most of you know I was born in Tokyo, Japan and lived there for three years. By then I knew a tad bit of Japanese, as most of you did with English. Then we moved to Singapore, Singapore for a while before moving to Toronto. I had to learn English in Singapore, it was mandatory at the schools. As well as Chinese. It was very hard to learn English, maybe because I was little? But then again there are older people who struggle learning new languages. I just want to know what your answer is. Why is learning a new language hard?[/SIZE]
  25. [B][SIZE=1][CENTER]Update[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER]Ahem I am sorry to put your good sign-ups to waist. But I am NOT going to be putting this up. Sorry but it's just not going to work. And second I have a new RPG up it's called "Real Life" please feel free to sign up for that.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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