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Everything posted by Citrus
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy was in the passenger seat of the car as they drove to pick up Drew. Mickey looked at Amy for a quick second then back at the road. ?Something wrong?? he asked in a curious voice. Amy looked over to him and shook her head, ?No?not really?? she returned her gaze outside the window once more. She wondered why Kyo was acting so distant, it didn?t seem like him at all. Amy was stopped when the car came to a halt, Drew was already jogging down the stairs with his bags. Amy pulled the trunk button and Drew threw his bags in and hopped into the back seat. ?Yo what?s up cousins!? Amy smiled ?All right I guess?? Drew shot a quick glance at Mickey and then back at Amy. The car started up and drove out the driveway and out onto the road. The drive to the airport seemed tedious and silent. No one seemed to be talking, all three were thinking to themselves. ?Ok I seriously need to break this silence? blurted out Drew. Amy turned around ?Let?s play a game!? Drew agreed, ?Truth or Dare?? Amy thought for a quick second, ?Truth.? Drew smiled wickedly ?Do you have a crush on Kyo?? Amy blushed, soon the car filled with laughter. The approached the airport and parked slowly. Amy took in a big sigh, ?This is going too smoothly. Too smooth?? [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47278]Thread # 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47138]Thread #2[/URL] These are all threads seeking advice, and believe me there are many more. I have done a little research on the Otaku Lounge; I have realized that there are many threads seeking advice. So this is why I think the Otaku Lounge should have a sub-forum seeking advice. It would be only appropriate for this thread. I am not sure if this idea will fly but I think the thread should go up. Lately with the OB slowly changing into a bigger online community, so has the ideas of the member and new members alike. They are starting to become more open to the ideas of other members, so now they have started making threads asking for advice. Most of them being about love. Most of these threads live for a period of three pages, some of the members do get the answer they wanted, and some do not. I would like the SA?s to consider this idea for a new thread. So, I would like to ask you, should there be a thread seeking advice of other Otakuboard members. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] ---------- EDIT: I am sorry but I lost one of the thread URL's. Sorry about that.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]OOC: Everyone leaves me by myself like always?*sigh* Natsu walked out of the bathroom and looked around, no one was there. She rolled her eyes and walked outside of the airport. She signaled over a cab and hopped in throwing in her bag first. She sighed as the cab rolled out the airport, ?How could they just leave me like that?? Natsu was never popular on the boards, so people would tend to leave her out of things. The cab stood out front a Hilton, she handed the driver 40 dollars and got out of the car. ?Well at least I have money.? Natsu Hiroshima was the daughter of Hadaka Hiroshima, the well known business man in Tokyo city. As Natsu walked into the hotel and went straight to the front desk. ?Hi, I would like to book a couple of nights at you suites.? The clerk smiled politely, ?Any preference?? Natsu thought for a moment, ?Top floor, add a Jacuzzi if you can.? The clerk smiled once again and typed into something to the computer. ?The total of that room is 1,458 dollars.? ?Cheap enough? Natsu handed the credit card to the clerk and hummed to herself. As she got the key she ran into a closing elevator. A young man stood there with his bag, Natsu felt kind of embarrassed asking the question. ?Are you from?Otakuboards?? The man looked at her and smiled, ?Yes, I am. The screen name is Geloog Pilot. But my real name is Garett.? ?Well I am Natsu, nice to meet you.? There was a small ding sound as the elevator doors opened. ?Well this is my stop, nice meeting you Garett.? Natsu walked out the elevator and her bag got caught, she struggled to get it out. Garett bent down and pushed the bag out the way of closing elevator. The elevator doors closed as Natsu whispered, ?Thanks?. She ran down the hallway and two heads popped out, Steph and Alice were looking into the hallway. ?Oh-? Stephannie was cut off by the whoosh of the air that swept across her face as Natsu continued to run. ?What?s with her?? asked Alice and Steph shrugged. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Oh...the Battle Arena, good times good times. I really was never in the Battle Arena actually. I never found it useful, nor were the battles ever good. As Sean had said before[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]I don't see the need to have the Battle Arena back, personally. It was taken away becuase of all the threads posted such as: i challeng [user name] 2 batul![/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]I think he is completely right. I remeber checking the Battle Arena from time to time and I remember seeing one thread like "Goku fight". Just by the title I knew this thread was going to be a bad one. Once I clicked on it the introduction was a sentence long and none of the requirements the thread required were there. It was simply a Gragonball duel, thank goodness no one actually agreed to duel that person. So as you can see the Battle Arena wasn't such a succesful thread. I vote is to keep the Battle Arena out. Sorry. -Isadora [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]Ok I very recently just went through a name change. So I need a new banner and avatar, you know what I mean? Um..yea. So after a while of thinking I have decided to use one of my most recent events to put in my banner. SO here is what I want. [B]Banner[/B]: I want everything to be dark, then in the middle I want a chair with only one light shining on it. The chair has to be EMPTY or else the whole concept will be screwed up. Then the text should say "Some day...I will be there". That would be perfect. [B]Avatar[/B]: It's completely up to you, just make sure to put my name somewhere on it. Thanks in advance to anyone who ries to for fill this request.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up Return to Pepperland - [G, Excessive Puns]
Citrus replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Blue][B]Name[/B]: Phsycadella Summers [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]Gender[/B]: Um?err just kidding. Female [B]Species[/B]: Human [B]Appearance[/B]: I will edit this! [B]Talents[/B]: Musicapostrophy: Flute, and Violin [B]Personality[/B]: Phsycadella is an overly perky young woman that is musically enhanced [well not really] and can cheer almost anyone up. She has a very cute personality that draws attention to herself quite often. She dresses quite brightly like a weird mutated flower that sticks out in a patch of pansies. This reflects off her personality, and ironically her name is Phsycadella. [B]Bio[/B]: Phsycadella was born into the family that had a long line of orchestra performers. Phsycadella wanted to be just like her ancestors and decided to pick up a flute, the minutes she felt it she knew she had the power to create music. She opened up a book and saw all the beautiful notes and was amazed. She demanded her mother teach her how to play, so her mother agreed to teach her daughter the flute. After only 2 months Phsycadella knew how to play the flute at a professional level. The violin was an alternative when she didn?t feel like playing the flute. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[SIZE=1]Let's see here 1. [B]Candy Shoppe[/B]- GAH! I hate this song, it's so sexual and very detailed at that too. They use such disgusting language I change the station whenever it comes on. I don't know it's just plain nasty... 2. [B]American Idiot[/B]- -.- This song is just really annoying. I don't really get what the song is about, they hop around teh stage yelling to the top of their lungs, 'I want to be an American Idiot". Well sorry to burst your bubble but you already are... 3. [B]Any song by Jesse Mcartney[/B]- -.-,-.-. That's right double annoyed face. He is just a wannabe Aaron Carter. And everyone thinks he's hot...I mean c'mon he is so fake. His songs are all about getting with a girl, he is very annoying...I mean look where he came from...The Disney Channel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue][B]Name[/B]: ** Watanabe (First name unknown) [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/Sweet1.jpg]Watanabe[/URL] [B]Biography[/B]: Watanabe was born in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. She was raised to be perfect in every aspect of her life, including the family martial arts. Ai started to attend the martial arts academy at the age of 6. She was trained for long days and long nights, she excelled in this form of fighting and became a powerful fighter at the age of 12. During the summers she would stay with her grandfather and assist him with the studio and trained while she had nothing to do. This enhanced her fighting skills even more. Then during one summer, before her grandfather died, he handed her a katana. He told her very softly ?Train well, for it will help you in the future.? Those were the last words she would ever hear from him. Watanabe did as her grandfather had said and trained viciously with her new found weapon. Through rain, blazing hot sun, cold snowy days, and breezy spring, she trained. It seemed as though Watanabe seemed as though she trained all the time, no one actually knows if this is true or not. At the age of 19 Watanabe was a professional at Martial Arts and the art of the samurai sword. This drew attention to some people, they wanted her as their bodyguards. A rather ordinary man approached Watanabe and asked her to protect his daughter. She had no choice but to say yes, so she became the bodyguard of Marie Tanaka. It was rather odd because Watanabe never took off her helmet, so the youngster never got to see her face. She was 5 at the time so Marie didn?t remember much of Watanabe. Watanabe was let go off the job at the age of 22, Marie had come of age and did not need a bodyguard anymore. But something was different the way that father acted, it was too late when Watanabe found out that Marie had a step-father instead of a real father. Marie had been kid napped by a mysterious figure. Watanabe set out on a seek and destroy mission, her goal to find and get back Marie Tanaka. [B]Weapons[/B]: Martial Arts, Katana[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Blue]Ok I am thinking on buying one of these programs to make my own graphics and banners. So I had my eyes locked on Photoshop CS2, that is until recently. I was searching the products and came across Adobe Illustrator, and boy does that look like a good program. So I am asking a simple question: [B]Which one should I get?[/B] I am extremly confused on which one is the better one. So can the people help me out here!?[/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/hh.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Thanks Ozy[/SIZE] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][I]Three little orphan?s stand in the sand A man approaches them and said there has been a terrible happening Their tears fell into the sand, making it rather tan For they had heard of horrible happenings But they knew what was going to come? A Series of Horrible Happenings.[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Three children sat on the pier looking out into the dark abyss. The eldest one, Adam, sat in the middle he was 16. He swung his legs over the edge and leaned backwards, he took in a big sigh and exhaled, his two younger sisters sat down next to him, doing the same motion of swinging their legs over the edge. The one in the middle was Ashley. Sweet little Ashley what a sweet girl was she, but she will soon fall into a series of horrible happenings. Ashley looked up at the stars and tried to count them all, a very hard task for a 13 year old if you ask me. But then again it?s a hard task for anyone actually; for there are so many in the sky they reach a number of infinity. The youngest one, they baby of the family. Literally, the little girl named Luna. Only three years old Luna talks in a completely different dialect of some language of nothingness. It?s quite cute; then again it can be very annoying to some people. The moon shone down on the three children The Ocean cleaned her long slender fingers on the beach, it made a nice soothing sound. It seemed to sparkle in the distance, a beautiful view. It would be very nice to see, well if you weren?t going to fall into a series of horrible events that is. ?Bloo? Luna shrieked as she pointed in the opposite direction the children were sitting in. This shriek could have meant something like ?Give me something good to eat!? that would have been nice and sweet. But this story is not nice and sweet. The shriek meant something like ?Look! What is that rather round woman appearing from the black abyss?? The other children looked at each other and then stood up and turned around. There stood Mrs. Chime, the librarian and orphan tracker. ?Hello children, I am here to inform you on a very horrible happening.? The children looked at each other with puzzled faces, ?Mrs. Chime, what is the horrible happening?? the orphan tracker sneezed into her handkerchief and looked at each of the children. ?Your parents have died in a mysterious earthquake. Now please enter my car and we shall drive you to a guardian.? Adam picked up Luna and grabbed Ashley?s hand they walked slowly toward the open door of the small red car. This door, this orphan tracker, and this whole story was the beginning of a series of horrible happenings. Plot: Obviously if you have read the books you can tell that this is based of A Series of Unfortunate Events. The back story is so short because it would ruin the first chapter. The RPG will be played in a series of volumes. Each volume will have chapters. This RPG should be fun to play. So here are the required characters for this volume. [B]Ashley[/B]- Lady Dust [B]Adam[/B]- Who Am I? [B]Luna[/B]- [B]Treacherous Tham[/B]- Apprentices: [B]Man who has one eye[/B]- [B]Man who has a rather large mouth[/B]- [B]Two women who wear tutu?s and different colored wigs[/B]- [CENTER]Sign-Up[/CENTER] [B]Name[/B]: Choose from characters [B]Age[/B]: Orphan ages given above, Evil people: 20+ [B]Gender[/B]: Given [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Character Snippet[/B]: [B]Area of Strength[/B]: Orphans only [/COLOR]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy walked up the steps and into her house. She paused slightly as she placed her hand on top of the knob, then she slightly opened the door and slid in. She placed her violin near the door and walked toward the living room and sat down on the sofa, her hand went to get the remote until something white caught her eye. She picked up the letter that was entitled ?Important?, she slowly opened it and read the letter slowly. Her jaw slightly dropped in shock as she read the last sentence of the letter. She placed the letter down on the table in front of her still in shock. The letter was truly confusing but she chose to not read it again. Amy took in a big sigh and decided to take a shower, she walked up the stairs and entered the bathroom. She turned on the shower and used one hand to measure the temperature and used the other to adjust the temperature. She undressed and got into the shower; she lathered her hair with a scented shampoo and washed it out. She hummed quietly to herself as she washed the rest of her body. As she got out the tub she wrapped herself in a towel and walked across the hall to her bedroom. There she got into a shirt which was quite big and some silk pants that were tied down one side of the leg. She jogged down the stairs and turned on the t.v. She grew tired and lied on the sofa and closed her eyes. She quickly fell asleep and awaited the next day that was sure to hold many more things to come by. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]?Flight 657 from Tokyo, Japan has now arrived.? the intercom spurted out into the airport. A pretty, very beautiful let me add, girl stepped out the shuttle and looked around. The harajuku style girl looked around, lucky for her she knew English for her stay in Toronto for 9 months when she was 14. She rolled her way into the main lobby and looked around. As she returned her gaze foreword she saw a figure running toward her. At first she could not make out who the person was until they yelled, ?Nats!? Natsu felt her eyes begin to sting, she let go of her bag and held her arms out for an embrace. Steph practically slammed into her. ?I wanted to see you for so long!? exclaimed Steph as she held onto Natsu. ?Me too!? Natsu looked all around and started seeing familiar faces. Stephanie led Natsu toward where everyone was sitting. Natsu wasn?t very popular around the boards, she was only known for being in famous RPG?s. ?Guys I want you to meet someone!? she pointed to Natsu who made a peace sign with her fingers and smiled. ?I am Natsu, a.k.a. Lay Dust!? other heads turned toward her including on very familiar. ?Jacob!? she ran toward him and gave him a hug. She was overly excited and was smiling the whole time during the meet at the airport.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][B]Name[/B]: Laura ?Emily? Mitchell [B]Age[/B]: Appearance: 19 [B]Soul[/B]: 111 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Side[/B]: Neutral [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/KawaiiLilGirl.jpg ]Click[/URL] Laura and she stands about 5?7?? she likes to say she has stopped growing but no one actually knows if she will get taller. Weighing in at 125 lbs. Laura is very light, it is kind of ironic because she has the ability to morph into an animal which is the complete opposite. [B]Race[/B]: Zodiac- Taurus [B]Personality[/B]: Laura is a sweet patient girl. Her golden locks and bright blue eyes just say it all. Her sweet voice seems as though she is singing a ballad all the time, all the perfect ingredients for a sweet little girl. On her own time she liked to deliver cookies to the elderly hospital as a treat. She knows every patient by heart and makes every single cookie with as much love and compassion she can put into them. It seemed as though Laura was going to stay like this forever. Think again. The day Laura found out that her grandparents were killed was the same day that sweet little Laura turned into evil little Emily. She became cold hearted and never visited the elderly again. She never chose to bake cookies and stood in her room until the age of 16, then she ran away. Her new evil personality was solely about putting people down and bothering them. Emily was so rude when she came through the crowd the crowd will part and try and get away from her. Now she is determined to get refreshed, this made her be determined at anything she does. [B]Zodiac[/B]:[CENTER] Morph: Bull[/CENTER] [CENTER]Power: Earth control. I.E Earthquakes, moving rocks around, etc.[/CENTER] [B]Weapon[/B]: Bamboo stick: [URL=http://leerburg.com/Photos/bamboo1.jpg]Here, ignore the hand[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]: As said in her personality Emily used to be a sweet girl named Laura? Laura is a sweet patient girl. Her golden locks and bright blue eyes just say it all. Her sweet voice seems as though she is singing a ballad all the time, all the perfect ingredients for a sweet little girl. On her own time she liked to deliver cookies to the elderly hospital as a treat. She knows every patient by heart and makes every single cookie with as much love and compassion she can put into them. It seemed as though Laura was going to stay like this forever. Think again. Laura one day was walking up the stairs of the apartment building she was living in. The landlord stopped her and asked her if she could stop being rude to the other tenants that shared the building. Emily took this offensive and made a rude comment about the landlord, this made the landlord even more upset. The heated argument started to brew, the two yelling at each other awaking some of the other residents. What seemed as Emily reached her point of anger the building started to tremble. The landlord was sent tumbling down the stairs killing him instantly. As Emily calmed down the trembling stopped. Emily didn?t know this was the first side affect of her zodiac. She thought it was a simple earthquake. With one more glare she looked at the landlord at the end of the stairs. She walked into her apartment and turned to the news, she soon heard the sirens of paramedics arriving at the scene. She smiled to herself, ?He had it coming.?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Citrus replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Queen Asuka Username: Hmm, this is a hard one. I am assuming that you see yourself as a Queen, a Japanese queen by the name "Asuka" I am not exactly sure though. It's a hard nut to crack. Custom Title: *Plush Mistress* lol, you don't know how much I love this cutsom title QA. I am guessing that you love plushies (me too) and you call youself the leader of the plushie's. Lol I love it.. Avi and Sig: Ok it's evil Chii (Eldaa I think) floating out of a lake... I have come to the final analysis of: You are a plush Chii named Queen Asuka. Ta-da. Lol..that was a hard one. And so far the only person who took a guess at mine was wrong![/COLOR][/SIZE] -
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Citrus replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Um.. about the letter. I am sort of confused on what the letter should be about. I know you said not to tell anybody bust can you give me an example or something? I am just really confused. When people are opening their letters they are saiying that jaws are dropping and stuff. Should the letter be stunning or dramtical? If you can give me an example like I said above that would be very heldpful.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Citrus replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[B]Japan[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Username: You like the Japanese culture, or you could be Japanese yourself. Avatar: You like beauty especially in that of a woman. Or you just like the Fantasy games, lol. Signature: You want to make an impression on anyone you meet. You don't want anyone to just come across you and go "Oh I think I remember this girl.." you want them to think "That's Japan".[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Natsu saw when she logged on three unread private messages. She moved her cursor over the PM box and clicked twice. Up came the names of the PM?s she had received, she opened each and every one of them and read them and responded. Then she came to one entitled ?Class Reunion? she smiled. ?Wow?I hope this is as exciting as the title!? she double clicked and read it aloud to herself. After she finished her grin sprang back onto her face, she was so delighted. She ran through her small apartment she had just bought. She hopped around in happiness and glee. Then she noticed she had to post for that one RPG, she quickly wrote up a post and pressed the reply button she quickly pasted and then hit the post button. She ran to her phone and dialed up Steph. Ring?ring?.ring? someone finally picked up. ?Hello?? ?Moshi moshi!? Natsu answered happily. ?Oh hey, Nats! Did you get the PM?? ?Yea, I am so excited I can?t believe she invited us all the way to Houston! I can?t wait!? ?I know, I can?t wait to see everyone!? ?Ok cya soon then!? CLICK Natsu hung up the phone and walked toward her living room. She started singing the Annie song, ?It?s a hard knock life?, for no exact reason. She poured milk into her cereal and walked over to her room again and sat down at her computer crunching away. ?I am so happy!? she said in an opera kind of singing voice. Natsu was the funny one of them all; she can always cheer you up and make you have a good time. Natsu was ready to go party! She quickly jumped into the shower and took a warm long lather. She hopped out and dried herself on, jumping into a shirt that read ?Love Kills? and a brightly colored pink skirt she smiled. She put on orange earrings and picked up her Hysteric Glamour purse and wheeled out two pieces of luggage. She rolled out into the crowded streets of Japan; she put her bags in the trunk of her Porche and jumped into the driver?s seat. She turned on the ignition and roared to the airport of Tokyo. Natsu hummed along to the radio, she then reached the airport and ran into the building leaving the car to the valet. She tried to get there as soon as possible, since her flight was the longest she would get there last. She slowly waited in the line as the people entered the plane. Natsu sighed as she plopped down in her seat; she pulled out a magazine and began to read. It was going o be long before Natsu reached the party, and until then nothing can get juicy without Natsu.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Yay! I finally posted, I have been so lazy lately, lol.
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy had a grin on her face after the whole thing with Kyo. She was so excited about the date with him she practically didn?t talk the rest of the time at the restaurant, she couldn?t believe it. She was going to go on a date with the boy she had a crush on ever since she moved to Japan. As Mickey and Amy finished off their meals they both got up, Amy picked up her violin case by the table and smiled. Kyo waved as they walked out the restaurant. Mickey had a tooth pick in his mouth and he moved it about with his tongue. ?I am not sure you should-??I am going and that?s that!? Amy stopped and yelled at her brother. They were both stunned because Amy had never yelled before. Mickey looked at his younger sister, she then looked away. She felt a small tear roll down her cheek, she then heard a sigh and footsteps move on ahead of her. Amy watched as her brother jogged on away from her, he was sensitive about arguing with his sister so he always jogged off. Amy walked toward a bench and sat down; she laid her violin case next to her. She looked down at the case and opened the hatches, and there was a lovely oak, freshly polished, ornate, unique violin. She picked it up and placed it under her jaw bone, and then she picked up the bow and placed it gently on top of the strings. She slowly brought the bow back and it made a small weeping sound. She moved it and it made another small sound. Then as if it would never come, her hand started moving at a rapid rate. Her fingers at the top of the instrument moved with much dexterity not missing a note. The violin is always pictured as a sad instrument, and Amy made this theory come true. Sitting on that bench she played a sorrowful ballad. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
[QUOTE]No one really cares.[/QUOTE] "Retribution" people asked me if I lived in Toronto all my life or just a couple of years. So I was answering their question, that doesn't give you the right to say no one cares. Please read the previous posts before reading mine, thanks. To the rest of you I loved hearing your comments. And after viewing that site I was moved. I feel bad for those of who's ancestors were killed in Nan Jing. I apologize for my ancestor's actions. The pictures did make me turn my head away from the monitor once in a while. Then I would look back in disgust on how my ancestor's played with the Chinese that way. It simply is not right. Though I will always have pride in my land of The Rising Sun, I will always know in the back of my head what my people have done. Thank you everyone and I would love to have another debate, not as heated as this one, again sometime. Well except "Retribution" who kind of used the tsunami thing and no one care's. "Retribution" never I mean never usae the tsunami card on me again. My older sister died in Thailand that day. So don't you EVER bring up Tsunami again, until you have experienced it yourself bucko. So back off and if I ever, I mean ever, hear you talk about tsunami's you will be hearing from Natsu Hiroshima.
[QUOTE]For one thing, you need us to (literally) help put food on your tables. The part of the U.S. I live in ships large quantities of food to Japan... without the rest of the world, you simply wouldn't be able to eat. Honestly, what do they teach you about in those schools? Apparently not reality. Sheesh.[/QUOTE] Maybe you should look where you are shipping to Japan. Heh, 99% of the people in Japan eat grown crops in their own land. You ship the foof here and then we turn around and sell it to other countries, pretty clever if you ask me. And we learn about how great America can be, give me a break. I have been there once and I would never step foot on American soil again. [QUOTE]I don't understand where you're coming from. Did you ever recieve some part of your education in Japan or have you lived in Toronto your whole life?[/QUOTE] For all of you, I lived in Japan for 13 years. Lived in Toronto for 9 months, we were goign to move to Australia but that didn't get across. My father sells military weapons to countries like France, Germany, and Australia. We are moving back to Tokyo, Japan. [QUOTE]And my hands are also shaking as they write this, and were shaking when I wrote my last post, too. [/QUOTE] I am making a lot of people's hand's shake. While I keep my cool, this is kind of funny. Maybe I should be one of those UN member's speakign for Japan... [QUOTE]You replied with: " Ancient Civilizations and their Achievments, Art of the World, Other culture's achievments." That is not an answer to the question that was asked.[/QUOTE] I didn't choose to answer his question. If you read the lower half of my post you can see that, I said that is what should be in Junior High text books. [QUOTE]You grew up not knowing that World War Two had taken place. I don't understand why you think this is a good thing. I don't understand why you think "sheltering" students from historical facts is something that should be done.[/QUOTE] This is actually starting to get fun.. I think it is a good thing because we (the students of Japan) shouldn't be taking in such information until the College/ University level. Sheltering the fact of our wars from our students until a later age is a great idea. Not many children can understand the fact of a world war. Their brain's aren't as developed, so the Japanese school system waits until a later age for the children, who are now young adults and teach them then. They would now understand what Japan did and why we went to war. You can't teach a 9 year old " Japan flew a couple of plane's into Pearl Harbor. America who significately declared they were not going to enter the World War did. Thy spent months, years, to make a perfect bomb. The perfect bomb was made and dropped on two cities at two different times. Those bombs killed thousands, like that of Sadako the Crane Girl. America won the war and Japan was left to recover from the events that had happened." They simply could not understand that, it's just not right. And for all of you guys, I attended an Elitist School during my lifetime in Japan. ;) Oh and can someone give me a site on how Japan tortured Korea and China. Thanks.
[QUOTE]Huh? I don't understand how this furthers your arguement in any way... the nature of war is the whole point here. It is brutal, and savage, and people's families and family lines get wiped out. Why shouldn't that be in the history books?[/QUOTE] Everyone attack the 14 year old Japanese girl why don't you... :animesigh [list] [*]Ancient Civilizations and their Achievments [*]Art of the World [*]Other culture's achievments [/list] That's what. And I think Japan should close it's doors to America. China did it and look how far they came along. Props to China, boo to America. America coud be the "greatest" country but those poor immigranst don't know what they are getting themselves into. America could be a land of opportunities, but it really isn't all that great. And I think all Japanese items should be drawn out of America. They should take out the people and bring them home, take out the car's, food, anime, manga, language. The American children could still learn about Japan, but they just won't have a taste on it. And I think that's why all guns and missiles are pointed straight at America. Face it everyone hates them. And I can see why.
[QUOTE]Stop acting like Japan is some holy motherland that doesn't deserved to be blamed.[/QUOTE] So now your saying Japan is a motherland. Japan does deserve to be blamed partially for their war time past. Of course they killed "millions" of people during their Asian Domination. And Japan isn't some country that thrives over war, blood, and savage like you are describing it. [QUOTE]This is about the World. The Entire World. This is about knowing what war is and that it should be avoided at all costs.[/QUOTE] What war is? Tell me your definition of war. Because I am pretty sure it is not on the same level as mine bucko. War isn't where the littelst elf comes out and hops around and gets shot and gets a miraculous recovery. Oh no, for those of you havn't even war on your own land I suggest you stop talking about war right now.
[QUOTE]Additionally, do not compare WW2 to Iraq. Do you know how many people were killed in WW2? Thirty million. Any number of deaths is tragic, but comparing thousands to millions is ridiculous.[/QUOTE] Ok, thirty million people killed in WW II. If the American's have not pulled out their troops, and are not going to pull out their troops until a good 15 years. What will be the toll by the end of that time line? I pretty sure it will skyrocket the millions. [QUOTE]However, I hold everything against people who claim the years during which my ancestors had to eat tulip bulbs because there was no other food available, during which they had to plan in case men with guns game to their houses, demanding they give up the family living in their attic, never happened.[/QUOTE] Well well well. Your ancestors had to eat tulip buds and they had to "prepare" to wait and see if men came with guns came to their door. Hmpf. My last name is proudly Hiroshima. And my ancestors during that time did not "prepare" for a large bomb dropping right on their roof. They had no time to "prepare" for half of their family, which let me tell you almost wiped out the whole family line all together, to be wiped out. My great-grandfather didn't get a chance to see what his daughter was going to look like. He died instantly once that bomb hit the ground. And my great-grandmother died with her baby still in womb of leukemia. For that, little "incident", I have grown up in fear that someone will drop a bomb on my house. As I had said before I didn't learn better details until recently. Of course it made me mad that our kamikaze warriors crashed themselves into Pearl Harbor. But what was Pearl Harbor, wasn't half the opulation of Pearl Harbor men injured in the war? Weren't they going to die anyways? And Retribution like you have said before about your aunt thinking that the Japanese are sneaky people. You can tell her yes we are. We are a very,very, sneaky people.
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]To begin with, I'm not sure most of the USA is German. However, I'm going to focus on the words, [b]"went to war once"[/b]. The implications of the second World War are far greater than what you've heard suggested. The number of people who were killed amounts to the [i]entire population of Canada[/i]. Additionally, though Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible, tragic events, Japan left the Allies no choice. There was no other way to get them to stop what they were doing. The actions of the Japanese forces in China, Korea, and throughout the rest of Asia, were brutal and savage. They tortured and killed countless innocent people. Keeping that information from later generations does not change the past. It sounds as though, in Japan, students are taught that WW2 was just a matter of having "gone to war once". Either that or they're just not taught it at all. Bring up the same war in a Canadian classroom, and every one goes silent, and those who don't are looked upon with disgust. I imagine it's the same just about everywhere.[/QUOTE] Ok the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not just because the Japanese were getting out of control. My country was starting to become hungry for more and more control over the land. So in plan with the Italians and Germans, the Axis tried to take over the world. No joke, most of you obviously have heard the story. Just wanted to clear that up. So I am going to reply to Godelsensei. Japan went into China and Korea headstrong nothing to say about that. But they killed many innocent people of course. But isn't that the same thing that we are doing today? Aren't the countries of Britain, Canada, and most importantly goign into Iraq and killing thousands of people? And correct me if I am wrong, Bush clearly said that they are going to go in there and kill as many people as were killed in the 9/11 attacks? Haven't they killed twice as many people? And not teaching the events that my country of Japan did in the past is in fact doing good for the students. It's supposed to be sheltered from them because they will not likely to repeat again later on. Isn't that what history is about Godelnesensei?
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]I am pure Japanese. I heard of these anti-Japanese riots in China like a week ago. They made me mad, why whould a whole nation turn it's back on a country that had done nothing to them? Then I read an article that the feud was over Japan's war time past and their school text books. In the 7th grade we did not learn about World War II and how we had lost the war. Actually I didn't know about World War II until I paid a visit to Sadako's Shrine. It broke my heart to hear that "Americans" who were supposed to be such a great country dropped bombs on small cities. Heh, it made me so angry I grew to become racist for quite some time. Then I learned why they had dropped the bombs, I wasn't as racist but I do still have some comments on Americans. I am glad we don't learn that in our text books. Then I learned of another one of my countries "confrontations" with one of our neigbouring nations. Korea. It was clearly said qoute on qoute, "Korea made the situation worse so we had no choice to invade". I can totally beleive that, and I don't care if we read it in our text books or not. Korea likes to keep on bringing back that old situation, if you ask me it's is sucha cliche. I don't care if these other peopel say that Japanese are so evil because they had war at one time. America had war with Germany, I don't see American's yellign at the Germans saying how they went to war once. HAH! The number one nationality in the country of America is German. Explain that. I would like to hear more opinions on this ubject. Nothign better than a good 'ol fashion debate.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]