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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy walked down the sidewalk with Mickey. She carried her violin and sighed, what a weird day. One minute I am flying through the sky, the next I am going to a restaurant with her older brother. It was such an action filled day Amy was still shocked that she was going to be in a concert On Friday night, the same night her brother and her were moving out from their mother?s house and into a dorm. That was going to be another fun day to look forward too. ?Song-Ja, you are quiet, something on your mind sis?? Mickey looked at his younger sister. She shook her head ?No, everything is just so weird today. It was so unpredictable it is just still running through my mind.? She looked back to her brother and smiled, it was a fake smile. Her quote that always ran through her mind when she smiled? ?Just because I smile, doesn?t mean I?m happy.? Mickey smiled back and they took a corner. They entered a restaurant named ?Oboro?s Kitchen?, the neon light flashed on and off making it noticeable. They walked in and looked around at the small and quiet restaurant; Amy smiled when she saw Kyo. Rin and Ran were the first to see the brother and sister; they waved and motioned them to come over. Amy looked at her brother and they made their way toward the table, they took a seat from the table right across. ?Hey, didn?t think I?ll see you guys here!? exclaimed Ran as he took a sip from his drink. ?We were starving, we had to get to the nearest place to get something to eat!? Amy chuckled as Ran?s aunt came toward the table. ?Hey there guys, your some new faces. Oh and look how pretty! See guys, this is the kind of pretty girl you should take interest in!? Oboro smiled at Amy. ?What should I get you all?? Amy looked at the slender menu, ?I will have the Chicken Tender?s Basket.? She placed the menu down, ?I?ll have the same.? Mickey said quickly. Mickey was very over protective, but in some way its made Amy feel very good inside. Just knowing someone cared for her so much.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray]Well kidnapping your self isn?t such a great idea. I mean c?mon why are you going to run away just because you are afraid to get married? No one actually goes into their wedding not feeling nervous. It?s just plain weird, when I get married and walking down that aisle I am not going to be thinking ?I wonder if I can get McDonalds after this.? Well I probably am but that?s not the point. I think she over exaggerated running away like that. I agree with ChibiHorseWoman to just call off the wedding or post pone it a day, don?t go off faking an abduction. Does she know how many people she had out all over the country looking for her? And there she is chilling in New Mexico, what an ungrateful lout. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [IMG]http://img106.echo.cx/img106/6837/fd19vk.jpg[/IMG] Thanks Opal [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]2,000 pairs of eyes focused on the group of young faces on the stage, they positioned their instruments and their hearts seemed to pound outside their chests. The conductor walked slowly to a podium and stepped up one step. He looked down at the smooth surface. He placed a sheet of paper and picked up his stick, he slowly raised it and the flutes chimed in at the same time. As he raised he other hand the whole orchestra came into play. His wrist flicked to and fro and back and forth as the orchestra played ?Ode to Joy?. Emily who was playing the violin moved her bow across the four strings wickedly fast; she moved her body in tune with the music. Her eyes ran across the notes not making one mistake, she smiled slightly as she flipped the page. She memorized the next 5 measure so she looked around at the other players. She spotted her best friend Alice who was on the piano. Their solo was coming up, it was very unique. You wouldn?t hear a solo between a violin and a piano very often, but Emily and Alice could make such a beautiful sound it was wonderful. It was time; the lights shut off and turned on the two girls. They started playing any old song you would hear at an orchestra. Then the tide changed. Emily stood up and kicked her chair backward and started playing something more popish, Alice stood up and smiled. She played with both hands, her fingers flying across the keyboard. The other players and the conductor smiled, this is what they were talking about. This was Vibe Performing Arts School. The schools where children who excel in their instrument come to learn more advanced techniques like those of Beethoven. It was known world-wide, and only the best of the best could enter this school. No ordinary person could get into this school; they file through thousands of applications every three years to get new students. Alice and Emily were one of the few who made it; their outstanding musical abilities have taken them far in the beginning of their first quarter of the first year in Vibe Performing Arts. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] Ok Opal and I made this fabulous rpg! She made the graphics and sign-ups I came up with the idea and back-story. So now for the fun part, sign-ups! [COLOR=Olive][B]Name[/B]:Simple [B]Age[/B]:18-20 [B]Appearance[/B]: pic or sketch [B]Instrument[/B]:Anything in an orchestra [B]Biography[/B]:Make this good...please.[/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy smiled at Kyo, he was such a brave person.[B] ?Well of course your head is going to hurt?you suffered from a concussion!? [/B] all three of them laughed, Kyo held his head again [B]?Well at least the pain is going away?did you guys get Mickey out of there??[/B] Amy nodded, [B]?Yea, he got out safe and sound?thank God.? [/B] She looked around seeing ambulances arriving. She sighed as some people were wheeled into the ambulance, some of them getting a few stitches. Many people had to get casts and neck casts (I forget what they are called). She looked around once more and crossed her arms, she looked toward the school. The fire was out but the smoke kept on billowing out. [B]?I wonder what is going to happen?where will we go to school??[/B] Amy was very concerned, Kyo shrugged. [B]?Don?t worry kids?the school will be all fixed up very soon. Maybe tomorrow even if they work a miracle??[/B] the teacher was Genki. He had a very mournful face on, but you could tell he had hope deep down inside. Mickey came limping over to Amy; she turned and hugged him tightly. She started to cry in his chest, Mickey patted her back and said ?[B]Ken-Cha-Na?[/B] which means ?It?s ok?? Amy let go of him and looked down at his leg. His school pants were torn, ?[B]Oh Mickey? Mom is going to be mad at you!?[/B] they both laughed. The looked at the school as the smoke started to slow down, it was a horrible event for the students and staff. Amy looked over at Kyo; he was talking to some other students. She smiled, she liked him a lot.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Amy was reading a manhwa (Korean manga) secretly while Genki blabbed on for what seemed forever. Amy was shaken with shock when she heard the fire alarm go off, [B]?Oh must be a fire drill??[/B] she thought to herself. Genki looked out the doorway and returned in with a pale face, Amy then knew something was wrong. [B]?Um?guys?.please exit the classroom fast but in an orderly fashion?? [/B] the students shot up and ran out the door. Amy covered her mouth and squinted her eyes as she made her way through the smoke, she finally made it outside and took a big breath. She put a hand on her chest exhaling as much air as she could, but what came next was even more bad news for Amy. What seemed like 4 seconds?was actually one second of doom. The school rumbled producing a large roaring sound, as Amy turned around she could see a good hundred students fall to the floor as if it were a domino effect, Amy was next. She was thrown through the air and toward the gravel, she hit head first. Amy was conscious but was paralyzed by shock, she lay there blinking. She heard muffles of the teachers talking and running about [B]?The IT and Biology class are still inside?.? [/B] Amy closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks. They touched the gravel making a dripping sound; some of the dripping was the blood from her face. Amy brought her hand to her head and wiped off the remaining blood from the cuts, she sat up looking around. She saw Drew with his hand up to his mouth looking at the school, she ran over toward him limping. [B]?Drew?please tell me?? [/B] Drew looked at her shaking his head, his eyes red. [B]?He?s in there?drew you are not telling me this!!!?[/B] she yelled and looked over to the school that look like a bomb went off inside. She looked at Drew one more time. She ran toward the school and teachers blocked the entrance, [B]?Let me in or else?? [/B] the teachers looked at each other not noticing that Amy had slipped under their arms and ran inside the school. She covered her mouth and looked around the smoke screaming her brother?s name. She could see some other students pulling out Mickey, she ran toward them not knowing who they were because of the smoke clouding their faces. [B]?Amy?.run back outside?.you?ll die in here!? [/B] Amy looked down at her brother who was coughing; she then looked at what seemed Aka. Amy nodded and covered her mouth once more and ran outside. At least her brother was safe.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] [B]Name[/B]: Natsu Hiroshima [B]Age[/B]: 19 (oh wow?lol) [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: (I couldn?t find my pic so will edit later) [B]Character Snippit[/B]: Natsu saw when she logged on three unread private messages. She moved her cursor over the PM box and clicked twice. Up came the names of the PM?s she had received, she opened each and every one of them and read them and responded. Then she came to one entitled ?Class Reunion? she smiled. ?Wow?I hope this is as exciting as the title!? she double clicked and read it aloud to herself. After she finished her grin sprang back onto her face, she was so delighted. She ran through her small apartment she had just bought. She hopped around in happiness and glee. Then she noticed she had to post for that one rpg, she quickly wrote up a post and pressed the reply button she quickly pasted and then hit the post button. She ran to her phone and dialed up Steph. Ring?ring?.ring? someone finally picked up. ?Hello?? ?Moshi moshi!? Natsu answered happily. ?Oh hey, Nats! Did you get the PM?? ?Yea, I am so excited I can?t believe she invited us all the way to Houston! I can?t wait!? ?I know, I can?t wait to see everyone!? ?Ok cya soon then!? CLICK Natsu hung up the phone and walked toward her living room. She started singing the Annie song, ?It?s a hard knock life?, for no exact reason. She poured milk into her cereal and walked over to her room again and sat down at her computer crunching away. ?I am so happy!? she said in an opera kind of singing voice. Natsu was the funny one of them all; she can always cheer you up and make you have a good time. Natsu was ready to go party![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. I am sorry but I changed into Preforming Arts. I hope thats ok, I was wondering what it was then I asked DC and he said it was like band. So I wanted to be in band so....yea. I just wanted to let you know, Reiku, so you can change me into the class. Thanks! Lady D.
  8. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Amy walked slowly into her History class. She looked around and saw some familiar faces; she went to the back of the classroom and took a seat. She pulled out her notebook and opened it up to a blank new page. She smoothed out the page and grabbed her bag from the hook on the side of the desk. She took out an eraser and mechanical pencil; she placed neatly on the side of her notebook and waited patiently for the teacher to arrive. Mr. Genki, or Genki as the other children called him entered. She was sitting next to Drew, she had asked him why he always had a problem with his tie. Genki walked slowly toward the board, he turned to face the class. [B]?Does anyone know when Japan was founded??[/B] A cricket chirped in the background. [B]?How very enthusiastic??[/B] Amy whispered over to Drew who laughed at the comment. Amy slowly raised her hand, and Genki turned his head slowly over to the young girl. He rose his piece of chalk; suddenly he threw it at the girl?s head. ?[B]That?s for being so?.? [/B] Everyone scooted backwards away from the odd old man. ?[B]Anyways??[/B] his voice trailed off as Amy sat there in shock. [B]?Ass?? [/B] she commented and she began to jolt down notes. Amy raised her head and looked at the clock, what was three minutes seemed like an eternity. She looked at her notes; a few Korean characters decorated the borders of the page. She smiled to herself and noticed that Genki had a stack of small cut papers in his hands. ?[B]Here I hold your grades for the first week of school??[/B] he slowly passed out the pieces of papers. Amy smiled in delight as she saw she got 345 points (A+).[B] ?What?d you get Drew??[/B] she saw his paper said 343 points (as I recall?an A). Drew held his head, [B]?Hey, good job!"[/B] Drew smiled weakly at Amy who seemed to cheer him up.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Well here is another Idea... When you are going to delete thread, a box pops up and you have to fill in the reason you are going to delete it. Like when you click he reort post icon and you have to fill out the little box? Get what Im saying? Here is an example: [I]I am going to delete this thead. First of all, I have an improper rating so it will get a lot of comments. Second, no one has replied to it so it's goig down hill. I have way to many threads up and I ned to delete at least one of them.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Amy caught up with the boys who were laughing, [B]?Oh, hey Amy.?[/B] Said Drew as Amy slowly walked toward the two. She lifted her wrist up and sighed, [B]?for the train?We are early again.?[/B] The other two sighed; they were always an hour early for the train. ?[B]So?what are we going to do while we wait??[/B] asked Mickey as he looked around the area. Drew shrugged, then Amy spoke up [B]?Maybe we can go to the book shop, and have some coffee?? [/B] the other two agreed and they made their way to the bookshop. They entered the store and a small bell went off, they walked up the stairs and were greeted with the sweet fragrance of fresh coffee. [B]?Ahh!? [/B] Amy loved coffee; they walked over to the counter and Amy ordered a medium, Drew and Mickey ordered a large. Amy sipped it once and the warmth ran down her throat and settled in her stomach, [B]?Good coffee right Amy?? [/B] Mickey looked over at her. She responded, [B]?Yes?it?s good.?[/B] They started for the train station; they walked down a busy tunnel and sipped their coffee. Amy threw her empty cup away,[B] ?I need to use the bathroom before I get on the train.? ?Ok then make it quick!?[/B] called Mickey as she ran into the women?s bathroom. After a few minutes she washed her hands and ran out the bathroom and met with her brother and cousin. As they boarded the train they quickly made their way to some seats and a conversation brewed on their way to school Thee on the opposite seat was Kyo.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Amy awoke to the smell of a hardy Korean breakfast, she sat up from her bed slowly yawning and stretching her arms. Her silver hair fell to her shoulders; she swung her feet over the bed and landed on one foot planting the other foot slowly on the ground. [B]?Yes! I love going to school!?[/B] she skipped over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She placed her hand in the shower to check the temperature; she adjusted it to be a little bit hotter and hopped in. She lathered her hair and washed the shampoo out of it, she yawned and almost fell backwards in the shower. [B]?Ish!?[/B] she cursed as she stood upwards. The water soon turned off and Amy hopped out and dried her self off. She took a whiff of her hair and said [B]?Ahh! Cherries!? [/B] she took a comb and ran it through her silver hair. Her blue eyes looked back at her through the mirror, she blinked and smiled. Her big white smile flashed off the glass. She chuckled to her self, with a towel wrapped around her she ran into her room. Noticing that her brother?s door was still closed, [B]?That lazy bum?? [/B] she laughed once more and took out her uniform for Wednesday. Her closet consisted of a uniform for every week; everyone was washed the day it was used. She put on her white shirt and buttoned her buttons and put her tie on. She grabbed her skirt and shimmed it on up her legs where it fit perfectly on her hips. She shaked her skirt and watched it flow, she smiled and ran downstairs. There was her mother placing some food on the table, Amy bowed slightly and sat down. Her parents were not exactly fluent in Japanese but they chose to speak it within the household. But, they will find themselves talking Korean almost all the time. [B]?Thank-you Oma, you are the best!? [/B] Amy gave a kiss on the cheek to her mother and started to eat. [B]?Where is your brother??[/B] asked her mother looking up the stairs. [B]?He?s sleeping??[/B] she took a bite out of her bread and started to hum. [B]?That lazy bum?just like his father.? [/B] Amy chuckled; her mother and her had the same thinking. [B]?Come down here!?[/B] her mother yelled up the stairs, Amy heard a thump and some growling. Her brother was up. Amy finished her breakfast and head over to the living room, she turned on the TV and switched over to the Korean channel. [B]?Chicken Fight!?[/B] yelled the announcer. Amy smiled as two young women in chicken outfits tried to roll each other out the circle. Mickey stomped down the stairs. These were their last days with their mother, they were going to move to an (un-sure yet. I will fill this in when the map gets up.) on Friday.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Amy Lee [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/KANON24.jpg]Clickness[/URL] [B]Location[/B]: waiting for map [B]Personality[/B]: Amy is a very shy and quiet person. She is very concentrated on her studies and will never act very loud and obnoxious. This is probably to make her older brother proud. She looks up to him like he is the king of the world; she wants to be just like him. Alongside being shy she is very smart. She never has gotten a grade lower than an A+, her favorite subject being Business. [B]Short History[/B]: Born in Seoul, Korea Amy was raised to get the best grades she can get, then at the age of 4 they moved to Japan. Amy found that Japan wasn?t very different from Korea. She already knew the language and the way of life there. She was very satisfied, and her brother and her were placed in the same school and the same grade. Her brother kind of being the opposite of her, he is very athletic, tries to protect her all the time. Amy doesn?t think she needs to be protected, but she loves being around her brother. Learning more and more about life with him as they go. When they moved the area Amy was not very talkative at all. She felt like she didn't belong, it made her depressed and very sad. Then she met a nice boy named Kyo, the first time for a very long time she smiled. She knew he was a perfect guy for her, and she like him very much. He urged her to get out of her shell and join a club, she picked Media. This class is teaching her how to be a ra-ra person and at least not be so shy anymore. [B]Subjects[/B]: Mathematics, Japanese, Business, History, Gym, Preforming Arts. [B]Relationships with other students[/B]: Jace- (demonchild)- A guy in her math class, she finds him somewhat attractive. Rin -(Kitty)- Quiet like her, they tend to have a really good relationship. Andrew ?(Jung-Woo)- Cousin, doesn?t talk to him much. Hoshiko -(Ozy)- They are somewhat friends. Mickey -( Who AM I)- Her older brother.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray]Kyo -(SolarPrincess)- A boy who has talked to her before. She thinks he is cute[/COLOR].[/FONT][/SIZE] OOC: Sorry, I am supposed to play as a male but it's all uneven and all this stuff. And Who Am I and I talked about me playing her character's sister.
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray]Ok, I would have to play as a male but it seems you have all the males you need. So I am going to sign-up as a girl if that is ok with you Reiku. It's just I didn't want to make everything uneven.[/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Aquaria stood outside looking outward toward the bright daylight and the bright blue ocean. As she stood stiff she could hear the other trainers talking, a crewmember yelling at a trainer to put his pokemon away, and an older boy criticizing the younger trainers. She lifted her hand to her hair band and retrieved a poke ball. It was the size of the center of her palm at first, and then as she pressed the white button in the middle it became larger. As she held it outward it grew red, [B]?Misdreavus? Show yourself?? [/B] a purple pokemon emerged, it had large yellow weeping eyes and a jewel necklace. It levitated in the air and nudged against Aquaria. A crewmember walked toward Aquaria shaking his head, [B]?Miss I am going to have to ask-?[/B] before he finished his sentence Aquaria had turned around and looked him straight in the eyes. ?[B]I am on a mission?maybe you hear of it, the pokemon virus that?s going around?? [/B] The crewmember nodded slowly his brow arched. [B]?So I shall have the right to have my mere Misdreavus out side her poke ball because she becomes uncomfortable. Now please take your self and walk away in your pathetic sailor uniform. Good-bye?[/B] Aquaria turned around once more and the crewmember opened his mouth to say something, [B]?I believe I said good bye.?[/B] The crewmember walked off growling, some trainers looked at her back amazed at how the girl could handle situations. This was Aquaria Dark, the gothic cute girl. Her strong intelligence and common senses are to her advantage, she was born a genius. Aquaria put her hand on Misdreavus?s head, the pokemon purred and then made a weeping sound. Aquaria kept on a straight face and then broke a small smile, [B]?I am an evil, cute, genius.?[/B] OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I promise my other posts will be ten times longer.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray][B]Name[/B]: Aquaria Dark [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/Girl001.jpg ]Click[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Aquaria is a very quiet and deep person. Her attitude is very straight forward, which means she doesn?t like to discuss things very much. This is what helps her win her battles, she is always motivated and will never say no to a battle. Her attitude also reflects on her pokemon, which are all dark type or ghost type Pokemon. Some may say that Aquaria?s dark personality comes from a long line of witches in her family, which is a big lie. Aquaria?s attitude actually comes from a recent even that made her very depressed and sad, her favorite pokemon, Dratini passed away for some odd reason. She then went into the darkness for protection; she believes dressing in all black will bring her good luck. Line-Up: 1. [B]Absol[/B] lv 65 2. [B]Sneasol[/B] lv. 56 3. [B]Misdreavus[/B] lv. 78 4. [B]Umbreon[/B] lv. 32 5. [B]Mightyena[/B] lv. 43 6.[B] Shuppet[/B] lv. 63 Extras: 1. Gengar 12 2. Ghastly lv. 40[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: I am so hoping I get into this...
  16. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Maria heard a shatter then a thud, she shot up from her bead and ran out into the hallway. What the heck? Maria thought as she looked down and up the hallway for the source of the crash. She slowly walked down the hallway; no one was up? or were they? Maria was very scared, had someone broken into the mansion? They were supposed to be safe here, and had no one hear the crash? As she neared the stairs she looked over the railing slowly clutching her robe tightly. ?AI DIOS MIO!!? Maria gasped. She ran down the stairs to see Geneive laying on the floor. Her face was bleeding from the glass that shattered all over her face, Maria kneeled down and held her up in a sitting position. She started to shake her, ?What have I done? Please? wake up, wake up!!!!? Maria began to get scared and started to yell for help, ? Someone help me!! Somebody help me!!? a few people arrived at the scene, their eyes wide open with schock.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Hi, it?s me again with a banner and avi request for you guys. Since I changed my name, like always, I have decided to get a new banner and avi with it. The new name is Lady Dust, so I will have a banner and avi with dust, duh. Well if you could use a picture of a dust storm and the quote below it would be great. ? When it get?s a little dusty?I?ll be there? Thanks in advance to anyone who could make this. I am hoping I get more than one sample to choose from. Thanks and good luck!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Maria had no choice but to open the door. Sergio stood there looking at Maria, ?May I come in?? asked Sergio. Maria nodded and he entered the purple room, he took a seat on the bed and Maria at a desk. ?I am sorry about the call, I was just not feeling well at the moment.? Sergio nodded and sighed, ?You know?these cards? I wonder what happens if we don?t fulfill them.? Maria shrugged and looked down at the desk and there was a long moment of silence. ?I? well? just forget it.? Maria took a sip of OJ that was on her desk. ?What were you going to say Maria?? she looked away once more not saying anything. Sergio got up and walked out the door, ?Just wanted to make sure you were ok?? he went into his own room and shut the door. Maria sighed and shook her head, she slipped into her bed and left the light on. She went to sleep right away. 4 hours later? Maria sat up in her bed, she heard nothing, it was 5 o clock. She walked out and saw a array of glasses of water, she thought of an evil plan and went to her bathroom to retrieve the ingredients. She soon returned with a hand full of? pills. She looked around and dropped the pills into one glass, she watched as they fizzled, the person to pick up this glass and drink it was about to get an overdose. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] OOC: You can choose to take this glass but no one has too. Just needed something to write about.
  19. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][B]Name[/B]: Selena [B]Codename[/B]: Flytrap [B]Age[/B]: Looks 23 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.advancedanime.com/displayimage.php?pid=58953 ]Click[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]: Selena lived a very normal life; she went to school, got good grades, did extra curricular activities. It was a very good life too, her parents almost rarely ever argued or got into fights. They could have been the most nicest people you will ever meet. But, one day Selena came across a kung fu studio. Watching as children her age learned how to fight so quickly was quite amazing, she ran all the way home to her mother and presented her the idea. The look on her parents faces were very worried, they weren?t sure if their little girl should go to this place and learn how to fight. I mean she was the perfect child she didn?t need any protection. But, her parents finally decided she could go out and try it but if she didn?t like it she could quit an time. Selena was so happy; on her first day of training she introduced herself to the staff and all her fellow students. They loved her; she was so bubbly and outgoing the perfect personality for this sport. By the age of 16 Selena became a professional black belt. There was a big party for all the students that turned black belt that day, Selena was so happy? for now. As Selena walked home from the party she had a big smile on her face waiting to show her parents how far she has gotten. She walked up the stoop and knocked on the door, it creaked open and Selena walked in slowly. She cried for her mother, then her father. There was no answer, what she saw as she entered the living room will scar her life for the rest of it. There on the wall was her father pinned to the wall with a sword through his head, and on the floor her mother with an arrow in the back of her head. Selena had so many emotions it almost killed her, she wanted to scream but she knew that would be wrong. Her only family was gone, there was no reason for them to be killed they hadn?t done anything wrong at all they were nice people. But someone left a note on the desk it read the following. [I][CENTER]Dear Selena **** Your parents have been killed at the hands of my Belle?s and I As you can see I left a note for you, I hope you don?t get mad at me Your parents had coming **** hope I didn?t startle you Oh yea, take that sword out your father?s head? you?ll need it.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Sincerely, Him[/CENTER][/I] By the last line Selena was furious, she withdrew the sword from her father?s head slowly she cleaned it off and watched it shimmer in the moonlight. With a big roar of anger Selena ran out the house and drove over to the studio, no one was there not even the staff. She knew what had happened right then and there, she knew who she had to kill. But it wasn?t going to be easy, she was going to have to chase down these so called ?Belle?s? and kill all of them. She shouldn?t have taken them into her life so easily. They only tore it apart and played with the pieces. It was time for sweet, sweet, revenge.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: Ok lets keep those sign-ups coming! I hope this can get off it's feet and start.
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] | A bud of a cigarette goes out, a sound of people talking and the nightlife of New York City | ? So tell me Selena, how did you get that good in your kung fu? ? ? Stop it! You?re flattering yourself? I wasn?t always that good you know I had a run in just recently.? ?A run in?? ?Yes a run in aren?t you listening?? ?Sorry Ma?am I was just?? ?Ok ok, let me just tell you about it, well?let me tell you who the cast is before I tell you the story.? | A nod of a head, a cigarette lights up again | ?The people who put this whole mysterious into play were the very same people I used to work with?? | A gasp, a puff of smoke | ?Yup, those a** holes are the last people you would ever want to work with in your life!? ?So who were they ?? ? I can?t remember their names, but here are their codenames? | A piece of paper is withdrawn, Selena writes down 6 codenames | ?Wow, those are assassin legends!? | A few heads turn to see what the young man was yelling about | ?Would ya be quiet? We are in a restaurant!? | A shrug | ?Those are the people right there. All went down like flies in a pond?? ?So, the story begins now.? | A small chuckle, drinks are set on the table| [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][B][CENTER]Plot[/CENTER] [/B] Ok so this story is obviously based of off ?Kill Bill? I would have to suggest that you have watched either ?Kill Bill vol. 1? or the second volume. If you have not watched it, well you might not get the whole idea of the story. In this story there is a story of a woman named Selena, she is basically the person who is telling back the story. The tale she is telling is about a quote on quote ?run-in? she had with a few people. Unlike most Kill Bill rpg?s there will not be two teams fighting against each other, instead there will be three people fighting against one team and it?s leader. Your characters will be killed, but necessarily so quickly. There will be chapters consisting of flashbacks, current events, and meetings between characters. If your character is killed, please don?t throw a fuss and a tantrum like your going through your terrible two?s. You will probably be involved in other chapters after you are killed, like I said flashbacks. I have made a little sample of how a chapter will be started, so here it is. Chapter 8: Love?s a Rose Characters Included/ Posting Order: [list] [*]Lockness [*]Lila [*]Fifi [/list] Plot: Fifi and Laila have a little disagreement in the parking lot. Lockness who has just drove in gets into the middle of the fight between the two girls, giving his life. Fifi and Laila see they have killed Lockness and leave the site before the police get there. Place: Parking lot at Middle of the street [B]Affliations[/B]: These are the teams to choose from [B]The Hanzo?s[/B]: This team is the team that Selena fights alongside with; I have one openings for this team. [B]The Southern Belle?s[/B]: These are the women that fight with The Hanzo?s; there are 5 openings for this team. [B]Him[/B]: This is the man that the Hanzo's are trying to kill. Easy as that.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][B][CENTER]Sign-Ups:[/CENTER][/B] Ok guys I know this is a lot of information but it?s worth it!!!! Here?s the fun part, sign-ups. Fill out the following application form. [B]Name[/B]: [B]Codename[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: 21+ Gender[/B]: Male or Female [B]Appearance[/B]: A photo, or sketch. [B]Bio[/B]: I expect this to be good. [B]Weapon of choice[/B]: Anything, I mean anything. [B]Affliation[/B]: Southern Belle's or The Hanzo's PHEW!!!!!! I am finally done blabbing! If you have any questions or reservation question just feel free to PM me. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] EDIT: I added a affliation slot, can't believe I forgot that spot.
  21. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Maria walked away from her spot at the table and up to her room. She let out a big sigh and her face emotionless. Her card made her feel? odd. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet and cupped her hands under the water and splashed it onto her face. She combed her hair and got into her pajamas. ? How do I do this?? she thought and went over to her bed, she sat up in her covers and looked over at her book of Latin History. A wave of sadness and angriness as she slapped her book against the wall. She started to cry and curled up in her bed. 2 hours later?. Mari lay on her side looking at the purple wall, her eyes emotionless her face pale. The phone started to ring, she turned over and picked it up slowly. ? H-h-hello?? ?Maria, I wanted to talk to you?I..I.. Maria hung up the pone quickly and stared at it, she quickly got up and looked under her be she retrieved a small box and put it on top of her bed and opened up the cover. There lay in a cushion was a metal device with a trigger. She siged and put the cover back on and laid it next to her. ?Por que?por que?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: Sorry for the short post
  22. Name: Shi-Shi Ba Nickname: Asian White Crane Age: 24 Gender: Female Affiliation: The Bloody Angels Physical Description: Shi-Shi is very attractive, but tough looking in that Go-Go Yubari way. She has straight black hair that goes down to her shoulders, it?s very silky and almost everyone loves it. She has somewhat slanted eyes making it obvious of her Asian heritage. She has fair skin and nice blue eyes, which is very uncommon among her heritage. Shi-Shi wears dark clothing, which makes it very hard for people to see her at night also because of her swift movement Biography: (why your character is doing what they do, why they joined whatever they joined, where the grew up in the city, and all that jazz, but please, please make 'em good.)(Include race, height, and weight) Specialties: Katana. Shi-Shi was trained in the exquisite art of the samurai sword and the kung fu style of the White Crane. Since she has been learning from the age of 6 she has been one of the most deadliest people in this profession. Not acting OOC: I will edit this later.
  23. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]As Maria walked away from the fountain, she wondered about the cards. She flipped her hair from getting into her eyes and looked outside the gate and saw a girl standing there. ?[B]Um? are you here for the contest?? [/B] Maria asked waving her hand and smiling. The girl smiled back and nodded. Maria pressed a button and opened the gate, [B]?Hey, I am Maria. And you are?? ?I am Geneive, nice to meet you Maria.? [/B] Maria nodded and filled her in on what happened so far. [B]?So we have to dress nicely? How do I do that??[/B] asked Geneive. Maria looked at her confused [B]?I don?t know wear a dress!? [/B] they both laughed and the soon arrived at the hallway with all the rooms. Across from Maria there was a room entitled [B]?Geneive[/B]?, Maria stared at it for a long time. ?[B]That wasn?t here when I got here earlier?? [/B] they both shrugged and went into their rooms. Maria walked into a door that turned out to be a walk in closet, [B]?Humph, I have better at home!? [/B] she pulled out a red dress that was trimmed crookedly. She smiled and quickly took a shower to put it on. She lathered her hair and began to hum, ?[B]Hmmm hmmm hmm hmm hmmm hmmmmm?[/B] as she slid the door to get out she took a towel and dried herself off. [B]?Nothing like a fresh shower before dinner!?[/B] she got into her red dress and put on a pair of earrings. She smiled and grabbed her purse and walked down the hallway, she was halted by someone. [B]?Hey, looking pretty there little lady?, [/B] it was none other than the womanizer Kaine[/SIZE].[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Annie looked up at her screen as 5 blinking dots appeared on her screen appeared, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She called for the manager of the unit locating area, [B]?Um? Mr. Morrison, I think we have a problem. If you could just get to Unit 5-A ASAP, this is very serious. Thanks and I hope to see you here soon.? [/B] Annie hung up the phone and studied her screen heavily. Someone barged into the empty Unit and walked straight over to Annie. She quickly turned around and looked at the new face, [B]?Your not Mr. Morrison!?[/B] she said calmly. The man held out an ID, [B]? Alex Coppers, I was sent here instead of Mr. Morrison because he is sick today.?[/B] He stuffed his ID back into his pocket. [B]?So what is going on here??[/B] he said looking at her screen. [B]?Well I am Annie Ruth, no fancy card for me??[/B] [B]?Well, many bombs went off in this one area, maybe hundreds I am not sure, but everyone in a 20 mile radius was killed. But then if you look at my map here 5 areas are still standing perfectly still, untouched, whatever you want to call it but it is certainly odd. I think these are the??[/B] Alex nodded and held his hand up to stop her from talking, [B]?Yes, the houses. Lets get to Leslie with this and see what she says.? [/B] The two print out the maps and placed them in two folders. They walked down the hallway, Annie?s high heels making a clicking echo throughout the empty building. [B]? Where is everyone?? [/B] Anne said looking all around only seeing 20 people or less. [B]?It?s Easter?don?t you know??[/B] Alex asked curiously. [B]?Oh.?[/B] Annie reached to the back of her To Do list in her brain and found that it was in fact Easter. They entered a small office and slapped the folders on Leslie?s desk. She ran through them and finally spit out a word, ?[B]Destroy those houses, all of them. And who ever is in them or still living? kill them.? [/B] She spun around in her chair and did not utter another word. Annie and Alex looked at each other and exited the office, [B]?Kinda harsh?? [/B] said Annie looking down at the floor. Annie walked into the women?s dressing room. She suited into a black leather suit with a black leather trench coat. Annie chose her weapons wisely, she retrieved a (Ok I am bad with guns so bare with me..) machine gun. It had two handels in the front and back. She retrieved a small pistol just in case?. She walked out of the locker room and saw that Alex only got his weapons. [B]?What the hell did you dress up as? Look like one of those assassins from Kill Bill!? [/B] Alex joked around. Annie raised her machine gun, [B]?Don?t start with me..?[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Name: Mirelle Hanaba Age: 14 Who are you: Murai Weapon: A staff Sign up name in game: kawaiigirl111 Appearance (in the game): [url]http://web.mit.edu/anime/www/images/dot-hack/mireiru.jpg[/url] Ok, she is about 5 feet even, she weighs 89 lbs. And that?s about it[/FONT]![/SIZE][/COLOR]
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