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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Name: Chim-Cham Kok?ii Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Meram Occupation: None at the moment Position: Messenger Weapon: A fan. [url]http://www.kongming.net/dw3/i/fifth/zhugeliang.jpg[/url] Spells: N/A Appearance: Personality: Chim-Cham is a very patient and mysterious young woman. She is very intelligent and always has the brightest ideas when it comes to tactics; this is why she was picked to be the tactic manager. Never actually being mean or rude to anyone Chim-Cham was always been the quiet and nice one. No one ever trying to insult her because they knew it would just be a waste of time. Always having her fan covering her face or fanning herself this made her very mysterious. This did not just only make her mysterious, it made her attractive. Many men fall for her easily but she thinks they are just acting silly. Never actually having a real relationship she has been hopefully seeking one. Excerpt of Character: CC walked down the long ornate hallway her feet making an echoing sound. She quickly took a glance outside the window and then once again looking straight forward. As she approached to large oak doors she halted. CC pushed one of the doors open and entered the very large library, she was the only there as she looked around. She brought the fan up to her face and walked toward the map section. She slowly took some territorial maps from the shelf and gently lay them on the table. As she slowly unrolled them and spread the out she took a seat and looked at them and studied for a couple of minutes. CC measured the distance from the library to the center of the city and graphed it on a separate map paper being very precise. As soon as she was done she held both maps up to compare them, ?Hmm. The one I have re-drew seems to be more easy to read, but then the older version could be better because the townspeople are more adapted to seeing this one?? There she sat for a very long time wondering which one to pick. As the time went by CC had decided that she would print off 1,000 copies of each and just use them both. As she walked with her fan attached to her belt hidden in her robe she held the two maps under her right arm walking over to the printing press room. Once she entered she could see there were two other women also printing some documents. They looked up at her and then back down back down at what they were doing. CC made her way toward a printing station and began to print the maps. She took a sigh and held back a complaint; this process was long and tedious. Especially if you have to make more than one copy of something. About two hours later CC had finished her prints; she loaded them into her basket and walked out of the library with them. The smell of fish filled the air as CC walked into the city, after all they did live right next to the water. And so CC walked down the bustling sidewalk down to the big building that seemed to be the city hall. CC walked into to the very ornate structure and placed the basket on top of the front desk. The woman looked at CC and asked, ?What are these?? as she rummaged through all the maps. ?The king wanted a few new maps for the new center of the city. Say CC made them for him? she walked off with her fan fanning herself. The woman looked at her confused and then at the maps. CC once again walked into the sunlight and took in another deep breath, ?Ah! I love my city?.? CC got a sudden flashback that will always stay in her mind for the rest of her life. -Flashback- The sound of blades clashing against armor filled the air as the heated battle raged on. CC swapped at the men that came running at her with her fan. She chuckled and bent over a fallen solider ?Humph! So pathetic?? she kicked the mans face and blood ran onto the golden sand.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: I will finish this later.
OOC: *sigh* Innocent we cant wait just for one person, you will just make everyone anxious. Kairi has a schedule and we can't back it all up. But, it is up to Kairi is she wants to hold up the whole rpg for Innocent... [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]? A poet tu dice?? Maria looked at Sergio as he nodded. They opened two large oak doors that revealed a beautiful courtyard with a very ornate fountain. Maria marveled the beauty of it all; there was nothing this good looking in San Juan since Marc Anthony (um. Puerto Rican joke? hee he?) ?How beautiful!? Maria exclaimed and twirled around with her arms spread. Sergio smiled and took a seat on the fountain waiting for the so-called ?Master of Games?. Maria walked over to a patch of flowers and smelled them, ?Ah! They smell so bueno!? Maria loved nature and the way it could posses so much beauty, it was the way since she was a little girl in Puerto Rico. She felt something heavy in her jacket pocket and took it out. It was the book that she had taken from the library. She started to read it again so interested in her heritage. Maria went over and sat next to Sergio and showed him the book ?Interesting hmm?? she asked, Sergio nodded in response. Maria was developing a major liking for Sergio, she wasn?t sure why but she just did. Maria kind of listened in on the Japanese girl and the other girl talk. She really didn?t talk to anyone while she was at the mansion for the short period of time. ?I wonder what this guy wants us for now?? Maria asked and Sergio shrugged ?There is just a bunch of twist in turns in this mansion Maria, we just have to stick together.? Sergio placed his hand on top of Maria?s hand; Maria felt his warmth and was comforted. Tag, Retri [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Maria put her radio player away and headed up with the others, she heard a couple people?s names but not all of them. As she approached the mansion she could not help but blurt out ?Ai! Que lindo!? Everyone looked over at her then walked into the mansion to explore. Maria shrugged and walked in following Sakura. A tall man took her bags for her and marched up the stairs, ?Creepy? Maria whispered and crossed her arms as she examined the mansion. She walked up to a painting and looked at it, simply amazing. She walked further into the mansion and found a library. She smiled brightly and walked over to a shelf and slid a book out of its place entitled ?Q & A of the Latin World? Maria smiled and sat down to read it. Then something hit her ?Oh yea! I need to check my room out!? Maria took the book and ran up the intertwining stairs. She walked down a hallway with names of the guests on plaques, Maria looked side to side until she saw her room. It was on Sean?s side of the wall next to him. ?Hmm, better meet this guy Sean?? Maria walked into her room and marveled it. The purple on the wall went perfectly with her purple bed. Maria jumped on the bed and hugged a pillow. When Maria looked up she saw someone at her door, it was the one named Kaine. ?Yo? he said, ?Hi, I am Maria.? Kaine nodded and said ?Maria?? to himself. Obviously he was trying to acquire everyone?s name in the mansion. Then Sergio appeared at the door. Maria?s face lit up and said ?Hi! Come in come in!? Maria motioned him to come in and he did so. ?So you like your new room?? he asked looking around ?Yes, I love it!? Sergio nodded his head, and Maria turned on the T.V. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag, Retri[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Hi, my name is O-Ren. Since I personally have had a lot of name changes I would love to tell you how to change your name. [B]1[/B]) PM Dagger, site administrator [B]2[/B]) Ask her to change your name to "Your name here' [B]3[/B]) Ta-Da! Your name has just been changed. Hope I was of any help to you. Oh yea..um this was supposed to be in the Techinical Help section of this forum.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Wow... let me think back Japanese princess: Um, I was born and raised until I was 3 in Japan so I guess it was obvious. Lawyer: I decided I wanted to rake in some big bucks so I wanted to become a lawyer. I also have a big mouth and demanding voie/ personality. Then I started to become artictic and went through a personality change. Author: I love writing stories, they just come to me and I have to write them down. Some are good and some are just plain old bad. *coughLegendsofPandaLadycough* Photographer: This is what I want to pursue now after seeing a certain individuals work. I think I would be great at this job. Bus Driver- Ok I was 4!! I didn't know any better! Sailor Scout: Someone mentioned this also, I wanetd to figth evil women and throw a tiara around. But oh well. A mutant: Ok ok I wanted super powers, I used to play X-Men with my friends in Japan as I could remember, but very vaguely. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] Yup thats about it!
[COLOR=Green][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]I am scared of a lot of things. I am afraid of trying new things, I always stick to one thing. Like chicken, I ALWAYS order chicken at a resturant. There is just no way I won't. And I always order all cheese very light on the sauce pizza for as long as I could remember. I also have a fear of bikes, so I never learned how to ride one. -.- I am afraid I am going to fall off and crack my head open... then again I go on rollercoasters... I also have a fear of blood and gore in real life, I can watch it on a movie but can't even watch Dr. 90210... *sigh* My last fear would to have to be that of being killed by unkown causes. I don't know I am just a sack of fears... at least I am not afraid of animals. Yea that good..I am not afraid of animals.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
OOC: Err, I asked Dagger to delete the Maria thread. Wasn't gonna do so good anyways..and here is another rpg by mua. Hopefully it does good like the last one. OMFG, WHY THE HECK DOES IT NEVER SHOW MY RATING!!!!????? [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Min-Ha walked down the school hallway making her way through the crowd of students and into the cafeteria. She sat down at a table and slammed down her books down and let out a big sigh. ?Sheesh, didn?t think I was gonna make it through there alive!? Min-Ha, also known as Mina, sat down and opened her book and started to read. The children around her were eating, talking, and some just relaxing before the bell will ring in an hour. A figure walked toward Mina smiling and sat down across form her. It was Max, her friend and crush at the same time. He was Korean like her and very good-looking. [B]?Hey Max, made it through the hallway alive eh??[/B] Mina joked around as she looked up from her book and to Max. Max stretched and leaned backwards ?[B]Yup! Quite an [/B] [B]accomplishment if you ask me!? [/B] Mina laughed and she went back to reading her book. [B]?So what are you reading?? [/B] Max asked as he tilted the book so he can see the title. [B]? Chasing the Falconers, it?s a very good book. You should read it [/B] [B]sometime.?[/B] Mina did not look up from her book as she talked. Max sighed and took a bite of his apple savoring the juices as they flowed around in his mouth. ? [B]Want one?? [/B] Max question and threw Mina an apple. Mina looked up and caught it and took a bite. ?[B]Thanks?[/B] she said and continued to take small bites out of the apple. The intercom came on and silenced all the students. ?[B]Ok kids remember to get your prom date and shimee on down to the Big Hearts prom! See ya there!?[/B] everyone went back to talking. Max looked at Mina who was still looking down. [I]?There is no way he would ask me? I am not perfect??[/I] Mina thought to herself as Max finished off his apple. This is Perfection 2. These kids go through every day problems at Sunnyvale High School. No one can be perfect, not even the popular people. We may try and be perfect but let me break it to you now, no one is ever perfect. Ok this takes place in Santa Clarita, California. If you were in the last rp please do not use the same characters. This takes place later on and in a different school. So have fun and welcome to? PERFECTION 2!!!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Sign-ups? [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: [B]Race[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Bio[/B]:
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]OOC: Actually Retribution there was a sign-up. Lol [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46375 ]Sign-Ups[/URL] ?Yo me llama Maria Alba. Nice to meet you? Maria smiled as she swung her legs back and forth. She was instantly attracted to him, but he spoke as if he were from the mainland of Spain. Maria had always wanted to go there to explore her heritage to a better root. Maria noticed there was an Asian girl sitting far away from the two. Sergio was obviously interested in Maria more than the other girl; he took a seat next to Maria and started a conversation. ?So where are you from?? he asked curiously and Maria focused her attention away from the girl and on him. ?Guess?? she said with a smirk on her face all the more making her more mysterious. ?Dominicana?? Maria chuckled and shook her head. Sergio thought for a moment and Maria awaited his answer ?Puerto Ricana? Maria nodded and he smiled. ?And you are from Spain, I can tell by your accent.? The Asian girl from far away looked up quickly from her mini computer and then quickly looked back down. ? I never knew men from Spain could be so handsome? Maria smiled and returned her gaze toward the mansion, which looked very ornate even from a mile away. ?I wonder what this game is going to be like?? Maria was very interested in what they would be doing in the mansion in their time being. ?Mmm, I am very curious also?? Sergio replied looking at the mansion also. Maria went into one of her bags and retrieved a radio player and popped in her Selena CD. Her index finger pushed in the play button and track 1 started right away. Maria, as mentioned before, is a very carefree person. She got up to the Latin music and started dancing to the Latin music. Sergio leaned back and said softly ?What a time I?ll have here?? Sakura looked up at her and how she brought life to the scary waiting time period. A small smile danced across her face.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Green][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm clock woke Maria up and slapped the snooze button. Maria turned over and looked at her little laptop. It was shaped like a cows head and it opened automatically by Maria?s voice. ?Que..? Maria said the password and it opened up saying, ?MOO! Usted tiene correo!? ( You have mail) it had the cutest little face and voice. Maria?s sat up in her bed and placed the laptop onto of her lap and checked her e-mail. ?Que eso?? (What is this) Maria questioned and opened the e-mail. It read the following? [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/I] ? Holy? I mean wow. Did I ever enter this contest?? Maria was confused until she remembered that the e-mail stated that whoever this was entered 10,000 dollars into their bank accounts. Maria opened her banking and to her surprise there was 10,000 more dollars than before. Maria held her head in disbelief and started to pack some bags. Maria was so excited, not everyone could get this opportunity. After she took a shower she went back on to respond to the e-mail. ?Thank you so much for this!! I am definitely going to you mansion and play your game. Once again thank you. Sincerely, Maria F. Alba? Maria smiled and exited the small house and locked it, from her house she could see the beach and everyone hustling and bustling. There waiting was a limo with two tall buff men waiting beside it. Maria walked toward the limo and they helped her in and put her luggage in the trunk. They drove toward the San Juan airport as Maria listened to Daddy Yankee, and her long-time favorite Selena. She sung along to the lyrics [I]Yo sé que tienes un nuevo amor Sin embargo te deseo lo mejor Si en mà no encontraste felicidad Tal vez alguien más te la dará (Coro) Como la flor (como la flor) Con tanto amor (con tanto amor) Me diste tú Se marchitó Me marcho hoy Yo sé perder Pero ay... Cómo me duele Ay... Cómo me duele Si vieras como duele perder tu amor Con tu adiós te llevas mi corazón No sé si peuda volver a amar Porque te di todo el amor que pude dar[/I] By Selena, R.I.P Forever Maria started to board the airplane and sat in a window seat, she lifted her head to the safety video and sighed. 10 minutes later the plane started to lift off and Maria looked out the window smiling. She put her head back on the pillow and fell asleep with her music on. The plane landed and everyone got up in the aisles and exited, Maria said good-bye to the pilot and head flight attendant as she started down the long hallway into the airport. After finding directions to the exit Maria made her way toward the door. There was another limo waiting for her there also. ?Weird she thought?? the limo took off for a couple of hours until they reached a mansion. Maria was the first one to arrive and decided to sit on the bench waiting for everyone else. She crossed her legs making her more attractive than what she already was.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][B]?How handsome of you? [/B] O-Ren said sarcastically as she slid of sandals. O-Ren did find Treno attractive, but flirting with the opponent was not appropriate before a fight. O-Ren bowed slightly delayed because of her stiff red kimono on. [B]? Black Mamba was a pathetic fool? just like you are. It?s funny that you compare yourself to such a person, Treno.?[/B] O-Ren looked at him in the eye as she unsheathed her katana and it butts a twinkle in the moonlight. O-Ren marveled her weapon and sliced the air making a whistling noise. [B]?I had this made in Okinawa? he was a skilled blacksmith indeed. To bad he had to go along with the others.. Now it?s time for you to go.? [/B] O-Ren smiled sweetly and scurried across the wood floor and thrusted her fist at Treno, he grabbed her fist pushing her backwards. [B]?Damn it?[/B] OOC: Sorry it is so short, but I have to go. The next post will be ten times better than this one.
[SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Green]Name: - O-Ren Ishii Gender: - Female Age: - 23 Appearance: -[IMG]http://www.ananova.com/images/web/71954.jpg[/IMG] . O-Ren stands about 5?6?? and weighs in at 130 lbs. She wears a red version of the kimono she is wearing in the picture given above, this is because it was drenched in blood after her last battle. Purpose: O-Ren has gone through a series of rejections, now she just wants to get back at everyone who rejected her in any way shape or form. Her first person on her list has already been fought, now it?s time for number two.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][FONT=Verdana]Two bunny ears popped up from behind the wall, soon followed by 25 more pairs. They started trotting back in forth and the one with the biggest pair of ears shouting, ?Left right left right!? As the smaller ears followed behind. As the sun rises so do the people of 17th century Japan. Kids quickly take out their kites and run out into the horizon. They laughed and everyone went on to their daily doings. Women and men scurried around in their kimonos either going to the market or trying to find their children. The peasant women walked around in their old dirty rags holding their small children?s hands. A group of tigers walked onto site and everyone looked at each other with curiosity. ?Whoa re these people?? the people started to talk amongst themselves and grab their loved ones and ran inside to their houses. The tigers yawned and laughed and scared the little children. ?We are the Tiger Clan! We are going to kill all of you!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA? all the tigers laughed and were obviously drunk. Then a shadow of a horse came riding onto scene. PADA-PA-PA-PA!! Invisible un-audible trumpets blare and the mysterious panda woman gets off her horse. KER-PLOP she falls on her back and everyone looks at her with confused faces. The woman gets up and dusts her self off, ?I am Panda Lady I am going to stop you evil guys!!! I am full of sugar, spice, and everything nice!? The tigers laugh and fall on their backs laughing so hard some of them wet themselves. The so-called ?Panda Lady? takes out two bamboo sticks slowly twirling around. ?Don?t think you?ll win? she said holding her sticks in the air. ?We never challenged you to a fight?? one of the tigers said holding back a laugh. Panda Lady runs toward the house and starts running really slowly. ?Doo doo doo doo doo. The Matrix!!? she said bowing down as if she were in slow-play. The townspeople begin to laugh at their so-called hero. Then Panda Lady finally starts to fight her opponents. She slightly taps the tigers making sound effects as they fly toward the buildings. By the time she finished off the last warrior everyone was very quiet and surprised. Panda Lady put on a pointy samurai hat and attempted to get on her horse. She slapped the horse and decided to walk off on foot. This?these are the adventures of Panda Lady and her sidekick who will be found later on. Panda Lady walked through a desert, she walked through rain, and she walked through a town. Nothing can stop Panda Lady, well maybe a cute chickadee but that?s it! Welcome to the Legends of Panda Lady.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Green][CENTER][U][B]Who Can You Play As?[/B][/U][/CENTER] - I am in need of three characters excluding the sidekick who will be played by Innocent. I will be playing as Panda Lady. [CENTER][U][B]How will the story be played?[/B][/U][/CENTER] - The story is going to be played in a chapter system. They will not be necessarily in chronicle order. [CENTER][B][U]What are the Legends? [/U] [/B] [/CENTER] - The Legends are a series of adventure that Panda Lady and her sidekick will be going through. Mysteriously they will come across the same people ( you ) again and again. [CENTER][U][B]Are there specific characters to be played?[/B][/U][/CENTER] - No. You can make your own character from scratch. [B][U][CENTER]How will the people be picked?[/CENTER][/U][/B] - Innocent and I will decide who gets picked. We will judge the following areas. - Grammar - Spelling - Ability to get your point across - Putting effort into your sign-up[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B]How do I sign-up?[/B][/U][/CENTER] - Just fill out the following application form. [B]Name[/B]: Something odd like ?Panda Lady? or Japanese [B]Age[/B]: 18-30 [B]Animorphic form[/B]: Dog, rabbit, turtle, panda, etc. [B]Appearance[/B]: Remember!! You are an anthro-person. Half human/animal. [B]Caste[/B]: Ronin, Samurai, ninja, etc [B]Preferred Weapon[/B]: [B]Character excerpt[/B]: A post as if you were actually rping. This is a major part of your sign-up, please make this the best.
[COLOR=Green][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I am horribly sorry about not posting!!! If someone could PM and fill me in on what has been going on it would just make my day! Thanks. O-Ren Ishii[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]This thread is somewhat similar to others with the same topic. On my normal computer ,which I always use, on Sunday OB had mysteriously stopped working. It gives be a big white screen that says the following "There seems to be a slight problem with the Otakuboards database" I thought it must have been down becuase the staff were working on it. I decided to go on my step-fathe's lab top and what do you know? It works perfectly!!! I am so cufused as to why it won't work on my computer. Can someone please offer me a soulution!? I have pressed the refresh buttonand it simply does not work. And it takes forever just to bring me to the screen where I started from.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=3][CENTER]Veruca Salt[/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][B]Parent/Guardian[/B]: Mr. Salt [B]Age[/B]: 14 [B]Vice[/B]: Candy/ Sweets [B]Biography[/B]: Veruca has always been a candy junkie, since the day she was born. Obviously it was an odd sight to see a no toothed baby biting on a hard caramel candy. Well not for her parents, they showered her with all the candy to satisfy her needs. Whatever she want she got, it was as simple as that. Now let me get something straight with you guys. This isn?t the same little ***** that sang the ?I Want It Now? song. Ha! This is a ***** way more annoying than the last. Her little secret candy fantasies go farther than you might think. Veruca links everything to candy, money, music, television, toys, and everything else. It seems as though her little candy obsession has become an addiction. By the age of 10 Veruca was caught stealing candy from the local candy shop. Why would she do this? She is filthy rich and has everything she wants every time she screams bloody murder for it. Well that my friends was a little beginning of a serious candy addiction. But wait there?s more! Veruca decided she will start her own private candy shop with 1,000 workers to make her whatever candy she desires. Candy bars, chocolate dumplings, gum drops, drinkable candy canes, bubble gum, anything you name it she?s got it. Her father, Mr. Salt, was not to sure about this little obsession with candy. The day he questioned her was a living nightmare for the rest of his sorry ***. Veruca now takes advantage of him and threatens to kill him with her bare hands. Well, with a piece of candy in the other. Mr. Salt now does anything to make his little Veruca happy. If she wants to buy Tennessee, her father has no choice but to bargain with the President to buy it. At the age of 12 Veruca found another obsession Adult kinds of music. She found refuge in Wonka Records music. Now a days Veruca can be found bobbing her head to that bleeped out music and eating a candy bar. Somehow Veruca always manages to escape without one cavity after eating tons of candy bars. One day Veruca found something very odd in her candy bar?. ?What is that gold thing sticking out my bar!!!? yelled the obnoxious Veruca. Veruca shrugged and just took a bite out of it anyways. ?Eww?.what the fu** is this sh**?? she yelled and spit it out into the garbage. Then a intriguing commercial came onto her television screen. ?That?s right if you find that one lucky golden ticket in your large sized candy bar, you win a trip to Wonka?s extraordinary candy facility!!!? Veruca looked down at the small piece of paper she had tore off the golden ticket. Her large devilish eyes lit up with delight. It was time to pay Mr. Wonka a visit.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Appearance: [COLOR=Navy]Veruca: [IMG]http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/warner_brothers/charlie_and_the_chocolate_factory/julia_winter/verucaposter.jpg[/IMG] Veruca has dark black wavy hair, which she likes to flip around time to time. They go perfectly with her blue eyes and delicate skin. Very slender Veruca looks like if you blow on her she will break in two. Standing in about 5?4?? Veruca considers herself tall for her age. Not weighing much at 99 lbs Veruca thinks she?s the most heaviest thing in the world. Is she anorexic? Hell no!! She eats like a pig, she has a gigantic feast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don?t forget desserts. Mr. Salt: A very round man not having much hair to go with his pale green eyes and white skin. Standing about 5 foot 6 Veruca makes fun off him for not being manly enough to be 6 feet. This makes him very depressed but he still manages to get along well with his daughter. That stubborn little *****?[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry the appearances are short?It?s just that I am not supposed to be on this comp because my reg. comp won?t run OB for some reason. Hope it gets back in before the results are in. I will try and get a special graphic for my sign-up.
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]I love it! I think it's has pretty good art. The blood isn't to realistic but it is still good for a cartoon. I like the voices and the Austalian accents. especially the boys. It amkes him even more kawaii, lol. I am eagerly waiting for the thirteenth episode, can't wait![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
I am not sure...lol. You can if you want, or leave it up to Jian..we should have an Underground thead for this discussion. Um i guess you can change it..I don't liek moments like these.
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Allison was walking through the crowd of students as she bumped into a girl that was shoved into her by a larger boy. "Hey watch it bucko!" Allison said pushing Geneive to the floor and then bending over her. "Next time I won't be so generous and just push you down" Allison sneered as she unseathed her dagger a little and a glint of light shone off it. "That isn't very nice..." Geneive said as she got up and usted her self off. "What did you say?" Allison said as she unseathed her dagger all the way. Geneive was pulled back by one of her brothers and vanished into the crowd. Allison looked around and started to walk away. "That was second year melee student Allison..they say she is one of the best katana and dagger handeler!" some people whispered to each other as Allison leaned over to get a drink. She wiped away some drips and smiled.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Green]Wow, I have always loved Jame's projects but never worked up the courage to join one. But for this project I am gonna head butt it and sign-up! I think Manson would have been a way better person to act as Wonka. He just has that thing about him, I am not sure what it is. I am so very excited about this project James, I am going out to buy the novel later today so I have a better knoweledge about Wonka to have a better sign up for it. Hope this all goes well James. Best of luck. O-Ren[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][B]Name[/B]: Annie Ruth [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: Annie is a very attractive young lady. She has beautiful brown hair that match perfectly with her blue eyes. Her hair stops abruptly right under her shoulder blades, it looks as if had been cut perfectly. It is more wavy looking than it is straight, giving it the bouncing effect when she walks. Her eyes are maybe another beautiful feature on her face they are very bright blue and shine like diamonds at night, a special feature Annie likes very much. Annie?s hands are very smooth naturally, they feel like and angel?s face touching your hand. On top of that Annie?s skin complexion is very clear, never having any pores being shown. Like most woman Annie?s body figure is shaped like a perfect S, making her even more attractive. [B]Role[/B]: Government Official [B]Character Excerpt[/B]: The dark room was lit by only the 28 computers flashing and people running about with folders. Men?s ties flew in the air as they ran across the room, and woman?s skirts waved about wildly as they ran to and fro. Annie?s fingers flew across the keyboard rapidly as she looked up at the screen. [CENTER]?Sir the bomb has been located on 1593 Maple Crest Drive inside the mall. Second floor, I have dispatched the police and the BS. " [/CENTER] Everyone came and crowded around Annie?s computer and they saw a small red dot flashing making a beep every time it did so. Everyone threw up their folders and started on getting the police and the Bomb Squad their on time. This was a typical day at the office for Annie, a job she loved. And it did have a good pay.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Allison sat on the ground as everyone fooled around waiting for the teacher. This was the class Allison most hated, she didn?t even get to use weapons in this class. It just made her furious. The teacher came and gave out detentions to who ever was having a ?magic fight? when she had came. Everyone took a seat outside and watched and listened to the teacher go on and on about magic and how powerful it can be. Allison decided not to take any noted because she though it was useless when she can remember everything. Allison leaned over to Kojiroh and said, ?What is the point of this?? Kojiroh looked up at her and glared at Allison through his hair covering his eyes. ?Magic is the art of someone?s soul and mind combined together to make a spell and that spell could be the source if an ultimate magic. That is what we are here to learn.? He turned his gaze back to the teacher. ?Sheesh didn?t need a Dr. Phil session.? Allison laughed to herself.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Green][B]Name[/B]: Ami Boshi [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/KawaiiLilGirl.jpg]Click[/URL] Just change her golden hair to black straight hair. [B]Power[/B]: NASA decided that it would be funny if they could make a girl that can control peoples pheromones and emotions. Well it wasn?t funny when Ami learned she could do this and guys she liked hit on her only because her power made them. Because of this Ami can never find out who she is really loved by, or hated by, or even cared by. She hates NASA and wants to screw them and then stick a stick up their ***. Then they added a little twist, they made the perfect little fighter girl out of her too. Making her deadly and drives people off that way too. [B]Personality[/B]: Ami is one of those people where she doesn?t care if someone famous dies or if they were shot outside her house. When she went to concerts with her friends and the sing touched Ami?s hair she would just shrug and go back to bobbing her head to the music. Basically not having a care in the world Ami is a very carefree person. Ami doesn?t really like to be like everyone else, it?s just the way Ami was since she was released from NASA. It?s like they took her emotions away from her? [B]Bio[/B]: Ami is of Chinese decent but was born in Malaysia. She loved it there, the big building, the busy streets, the way the city lights up with life at night. When she was little she didn?t understand where she lived was actually a very busy place, which annoyed a lot of people. The lights were always flashing at night so you had to close the blinds and every single curtain in the house to get a little bit darkness to sleep. By the age of 12 Ami had completed Elementary School and was moving on to Junior High. The present was celebrating in the big city. Some mysterious figure got a hold of her while she was in the mall. They quickly took her away one a jet plane waiting on the rooftop. Ami lost consciousness from being so nervous. For 4 years they tested on her, giving her the power to control emotions and be a very experienced fighter without training once. Ami isn?t that powerful with her fighting, she has lost 5 or 6 times, but she can use her powers to help her win a fight. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=Green][CENTER]In loving memory of all those who have lost their lives because of religion or war. [/CENTER] Picture this. Thousands of people standing outside a courthouse in Washington D.C. One man exits the courthouse dressed in black, he slowly makes his way toward a podium. Everyone started to become tense waiting for what the man was going to say. The translators started to get ready as they drank their water and clearing their throats. ?You all are here for one reason.? The man said with a grin on his face. ? To see if the birth of a new religion will be today. We have been sitting in that court for three days straight arguing our points on why the religion should come about. This religion is a very unique and special one, that it is.? The man repositioned himself and leaned on the podium. ?The religion of Startista is the one of worshiping the stars and the gods and goddesses they represent. Small little churches have been set up across the world, it became a worldwide phenomenon. But, some of the religion followers thought it should become a official religion. Half off the people who do not follow the religion thought that it should not. So it became an issue and we started to argue the point. So let me get to the results.? The people started to whisper to one another and the protestors became obnoxious and louder. ? We the jury composed of a Startian from each nations, and a non-Startian from each nation agreed on one final verdict?the religion of Startista will? become a official religion!? the man laughed and everyone cheered. The thousands of people danced in the streets, strangers hugging each other and laughing and celebrating. Everyone was happy? for now. 10 weeks later? [I]This is Tracy Littleback reporting to you from downtown Los Angeles. It seems as though as the people who follow the religion of Startista are being beat and chased out of the city. Oh my goodness, someone?s head has just been cut off!! Call the police, oh my?oh god?this?it?s a robot. RUN!!! OH JESUS BOB IT?S A MASSACARE!!![/I] The man at the station stared in awe at the bloody site he had just witnessed. ?People of the religion Startista, stay in your homes or you will be killed. I repeat you will be killed!? the reporter known as Bob yelled staring into the screen. Children and parents, grandparents and uncles and aunts all stared at the same channel all across the world. They were about to be slaughtered and they knew it. They would have to wage an all-out war to stay alive in the country they have lived in so long.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive]Ok, this is kind off a war/drama/ romeo and juliet kind of story. I need someone to play the part of the boy or romeo. His name is Tyler. The rest of you just sign-up as what ever. Here is the sign-up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Name[/B]: Can be off any nationality. [B]Age[/B]: 22+ [B]Appearance[/B]: Picture, or descripture [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Position[/B]: Medic, soilder, hacker, airforce, etc. [B]Religion[/B]: Startista or non-startista [B]Bio[/B]: Don't amke this too long or too short.[/COLOR] OOC: PM me if you want to be Tyler. I will give you the sign-up I want for him. I will have 3 finalists for the spot of Tyler, I will choose the best of the sign-ups. Thanks, I hope this rpg does well. O-Ren.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Ok Japan you are up because Seiryuu will nto be here this weekend and I want this to get rolling. So if you can Japan go ahead and post, Paertekarka does not want to post so she will eb removed from teh chapter until she feels like it. So teh rest of you skip Seiryuu for now and go on with posting order. Thanks, O-Ren.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]I was born in Tokyo, Japan and then raised in Beijing, China. I then moved here to Toronto recently. I am not Catholic, I am actually Buddhist. I was dumbfounded when I heard the pope had died. I did not knwo what to say since my friends were mostly all Catholic. I was in a resturant when all the t.vs went black. Everyone was confused until they saw what flashed on the screen. 'Pope Jean Paul II has passed away. God Bless his soul" Some people burst into tears, an Italian woman seated next to us said "Unbelievable. He has gotten sick before but I didn't think it was going to be this time." she shook her head. My parents not knowing much abotu the pope felt sorrow for the people around. Even though I am Buddhits, God Bless the popes soul.[/COLOR][/SIZE]