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  1. When I first saw the American series, I thought it was okay until I found out about the dvds, of course. I gotta say, tho, the movies were definitely interesting. I especially liked the ending of the second movie. (The Sealed Card, I think) Altho, it only came out not too long ago, so that probably means the third movie isn't coming out until for another long whie, right? Is there even a third movie? My friend told me there was, but none of the sites I've checked out says anything about it.
  2. I started watching anime at about 8th grade. At first, I had always thought anime was just cartoons. Nothing special. But FORTUNATELY, my brother introduced me into some better animes than Zoids. (Don't get me wrong. I think Zoids is okay, but it's just not on the top of my list.) I first found Outlaw Star, which is my fave (not that anyone cares), then I got into Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, etc. It kinda took me a while to realize there was manga. I didn't know until last year! My best friend bought me one and I was so surprised! Now.... anime's always in my head.
  3. I have all 4 games and it was definitely worth it. Unfortunately, there's also an item list after you beat the game... there's 700-some items to get!! It's really hard... but the games and the Liminality dvds was definitely worth it all.
  4. I'm pretty sure .hack is out in japan. At the official japanese .hack site, they say they have tons of .hack things going on. They have a radio .hack story going on, I think...
  5. I'd have to say my fave is the .hack//sign soundtrack. Altho, I don't have the 2nd one yet... :( [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]thaiseraph, this is spam. In future please try and include as much detail in your posts as you can and use as few abbreviations as possible. It makes it much more interesting to read for everyone else, and makes yourself look much tidier as well. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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