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Everything posted by Amika Kamiya
Sign Up Digimon: Deadly Digital Virus! (PG-13: V,L)
Amika Kamiya replied to JoyKaiba's topic in Theater
[I][COLOR=Plum][B]Name:[/B] Zack Aurora (I think I'll play a boy this time! I think I've seen Zak around here before anyways!) [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill30.jpg]Without the cross necklace.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Zak is the youngest of the two Aurora's. He's somewhat of a wuss, but can get by with Mika's help. He has the tendancy to get scared of everything that moves for no apparent reason. On the other hand, can be very helpful in exstream measures. Zack and Mika usually like to compete with each other. Most of the time, Mika wins. Never the less, Zak knows Mika loves him. She'll do about anything for him and vise versa. [B]Digimon:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/Dorumon.gif]Dorumon[/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Faith: Looks like a six point star with little balls around it. [B]Crest Color:[/B] Indigo [B]Digi-Vice Color:[/B] Indigo and Sky Blue[/COLOR][/I] -
[I][COLOR=Plum][B]Name:[/B] Amika Aurora (Oldest Aurora) [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19176]Here we go![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Amika is the oldest of the two Aurora's. She's somewhat of a prep, but more of a punk. She has the tendancy to get angry for no apparent reason. On the other hand, she's the captine of the Lacross Team. Amika and Zak usually like to compete with each other. Most of the time, it's no sweat for Amika. Never the less, Amika loves Zak. She'll do about anything for him. She knows he feels the same. When Amika and Zak get transported to the Digital World, they both recieve a Digimon. Zak with Dorumon and Amika with Nightmon. Amika starts a bond with Nightmon right away. She also notices that everyone has a partner Digimon except Aurora. She feels sorry for her in someways. She has the urge to help her. [B]Crest:[/B] Kindness [B]Crest Color:[/B] Plum [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Pink [B]Digimon:[/B] Nightmon[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]After about an hour and some more food and water, the Digidestined were ready to move out again. Akari wanted some direction first though. "So there's a power plant about twenty mintutes from here," Akari said with a smile, "Thank you very much and thanks for all the help." As the Digidestined started walk away, the Koramon started waving with thier ears. They were very thankful for what Lance and Dorumon did. About twenty mintutes later, the group was standing in front of a huge power plant. The doors were huge. In fact, everything was huge. It would take everyone to open a door. "Lets start pushing guys," Akari said as she started pushing. Everyone quickly joined in. In ten mintutes, the door was open and everyone walked inside. The place was huge inside as well. You could probbly hear an echo all over for hours. The Digidestined felt really safe until a huge blast went off right in front of them. "If you're trying to get to Starmon's town," a voice said from above the Digidestined, "you have to go through me." Everyone looked up to discover a huge green bug hovering above them. "Ewwww......," Akari said as she hugged Lucemon, "What is that big bug?" Lucemon wiggled out of Akari's grip and got into a fighting stance. "That's Sinmon," DemiDevimon said from Aurora's shoulder. Akari backed up and fell down as another blast almost hit her. Lucemon turned aound and floated over to Akari, but go cut off by another blast. Akari's Digivice suddenly started glowing. "Lucemon Digivolve too........," Lucemon said as his voice started to slip into Piddomon's, "Piddomon." Sinmon looked a little shocked as Piddomon flew up to face him. Piddomon had his arms crossed and a frown on his face. He wasn't happy. "Do you think you scare me," Sinmon questioned. Piddomon's frown turned to a grin. Fire suddenly started swirling around him. Sinmon looked a little on the uneasy side. "You should be scared," Piddomon said as the flames around him got bigger, "Very scared! APOLLO TORNADO!" All the fire that was surrounding Piddomon suddenly turned into a tornado and started moving toward Sinmon. Sinmon was making a sad attempt to attack the tornado. The tornado suddenly engulfed Sinmon and Sinmon disappeared into data. "Nice work Piddomon," Akari said as she stummbled to her feet. Piddomon nodded, floated back down to Akari, and De-Digivolved back into Lucemon. Akari suddenly hugged Lucemon. "Come on guys," Aurora said as she started running toward the back of the plant, "Let's get to Starmon's town." Everyone quickly started running after Aurora. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Whoever posts next will get us to the town and battle either Starmon or make Starmon a good guy and battle a Digimon that's terrorizing the town. ^_^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]It was the next morning and the Digidestined were on the move again. They had no more forest to worry about, but there was a problem. They were now crossing a hot desert. A very hot desert! "My paws hurt," Salamon said as she looked down at her paws, "Can you carry me Aaron?" Aaron shook his head, bent down, and picked Salamon up. Everyone else with a small Digimon was holding them too. Lopmon had her ears spread out to keep Austin in the shade and Lucemon was fanning himself to try to keep cool. "I think my feathers are going to mealt off," Lucemon said as he looked over at Akari. Akari shook her head. She knew how Lucemon felt. She felt like everything was going to mealt off her. "I'm thirsty," DemiDevimon panted from Aurora's arm, "My tounge's dryer then Coal's sense of humour." Coal shot and evil glare at DemiDevimon as Impmon placed his head on his arm. "I'm thirsty too," Aurora said as sweat dripped off her forehead and hit DemiDevimon on the head, "and it doesn't help being dressed in black." Coal, Lance, Maura, Aaron, and Reis agreed with Aroura there. "Maybe will run into someone who has water," Lopmon said as he ears started to droop. Everyone was all for that. Lucemon suddenly stopped. Everyone stopped as well. They all turned and looked at Lucemon. "What's wrong Lucemon," Akari questioned. Lucemon quickly flew up to her. He had a big smile on his face. "I see a town up ahead," Lucemon said as he pointed, "It's only about a mile ahead of us." Everyone seemed estatic. They all started running. They were in hope of getting water. A few mintutes later, group stummbled into the village. They were greeted by a village of Koramon. They Koramon quickly gave them water and food, but there was a catch. They had to protect the village from an evil Digimon. Hopefully destroy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Someone be brave and protect the village. Go ahead. Show us what you've got.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Akari lead the group to a same area with a lake in the middle of it. The lake had a little island in the middle of it. It was getting kind of dark now and the group still need some fire wood. "Ok," Akari said as she turned to face the group, "I'm sending Lucemon, Impmon, DemiDevimon, and Tapirmon after firewood. The rest of us will stay here and decide who has what shift during the night." Everyone agreed and sat down as Lucemon lead the other three Digimon into the woods. Aurora and Maura quickly Digivolved DemiDevimon and Tapirmon though. They thought they would do more good in Champion form. About fifteen mintutes later, Lucemon and Impmon came back with armfuls of Firewood. Wizardmon and Sorcerimon weren't too far behind with Firwood in thier arms as well. "That enough," Lucemon said as he dropped the Firewood. Impmon, Wizardmon, and Sorcerimon did the same. Akari exsamined the wood and smiled. All four Digimon let out a sigh of relieve. Impmon ran and jumped in Coal's lap, Lucemon landed behind Akari, Wizardmon floated over to Aroura and De-Digivolved in her lap, and Sorcerimon floated over to Maura and De-Digivolved in her lap. Akari suddenly stoop up. "Now we need someone to light this," Akari said with a slight smile. Lopmon suddenly jumped off Austin's head and hopped over to the pile of wood. "Stand aside," Lopmon said as she rubbed her hands together, "BLAZING FIRE!" Everyone looked on as the fire went up in a blaze. Some of the Digimon started clapping as Lopmon took a bow. Austin shook his head in embarressment. "Alright," Akari said as she rubbed her hands together, "Now who's taking the first shift again?" Everyone started talking among themselves. Had they forgotten who voulenteered? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, someone voulenteere and don't forget to get attack by a Digimon while your being gaurd. The attack will wake everyone else up of course. So I don't have to put where we go next from each location. I hope that helps out. from the campsite to a small In-Training village near a volcano :must cross desert to get there: from village to power plant from power plant to a town from the town to another forest from the forest to the foot of a mountian from the foot of the mountian to the top of the mountian There will be a battle at each location. I'll take over again after the battle at the top of the mountian.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Witchmon suddenly floated over to the group when she noticed that everyone was awake. Akari jumped off of Piddomon's shoulder and pulled out her necklace. Everyone else did the same. "What are these for Witchmon," Akari asked as Piddomon De-Digivolved back into Lucemon. All of the other Champions did the same. They had to conserve thier energy. "Those are the Power Necklaces," Withmon said as she touched down on the ground, "As you noticed, there is a gem missing from them. The gem that is missing from them are called the Power Gems. Those gem help you Digimon Digivolve in to Ultimates. The gems are spread out all over this world. They aren't difficult to spot. There are diffrent colors. They consist of Respect, Truth, Honor, Belief, Fear, Kindness, Faith, and Courage. Your parrtners can recongnize which is which. That's all I can tell you. I know you eight are the ones I was seeking. Now, the In-Trainings will show you out. You must hurry to save both of our worlds." With that said, Witchmon floated away and the In-Trainings started pushing the group along. Akari was still in a deep state of thought. She wondered which Power Gem could belong to her. After a few mintutes of walking, the In-Trainings lead the group to the edge of a forest. Everyone looked around at each other and started talking among themselves. "Are we going off on our own now," Akari asked as she glanced over at Lucemon. Lucemon nodded his head. Akari swallowed hard and looked at everyone else. Some seemed worried and others seemed edger to go. Akari suddenly started walking into the woods. Everyone else quickly followed. They couldn't afford to be broken up. "We're going to miss yous," all the In-Trainings said as the waved or bounced, "Please save our world and yours. We're counting on you." Everyone turned slightly and waved. They then turned back around. "You know," Aaron said as Salamon looked up at him from his arms, "this is quiet a big task." Everyone was listening, but no one turned around. "Yeah," Austin said as Lopmon looked down at him from his head, "I know what you mean. We have two worlds counting on us." Aaron and Austin seemed to on the same page, but others weren't. "Awww....," Akari said as Lucemon floated next to her, "Don't worry guys. We can do this. Remember, we have our partners and Digivices. With them, we're un-stoppable." Everyone that was disaggreing with Aaron and Austin were agreeing with Akari. Akari knew that two worlds were counting on eight teenagers, but really believed they could do it. It would take sometime, but they could do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, this is going to be like the first season of Digimon. Everyone gets attacked and thier Digimon Digivolves to saves them. No one get attacked in the forest. The forest is peaceful, for now. As soon as everyone gets out of the forest, they come up to a cliff that leads down to a beach. :sound fimiliar: Anywho, I don't care who posts next, just use what I told you. I'll be choseing the areas, but you guys can chose the Digimon that attacks and who it attacks. ^__^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Akari shook her head as she stood up. Lucemon was floating near her. He looked littled concerned. Akari looked confused. Her and Lucemon were in the middle of a forest. "Oh boy," Akari said as she turned around and looked at the forest, "Where are we now? I remember being in Witchmon's hut and then......" Lucemon shook his head and then quickly turned around. He heard something move. He floated in front of Akari and stayed there. He wasn't going to let her get hurt. "PUMMEL PECK," a harsh male voice said from within the forest. Lucemon's eyes widened and pushed Akari out of the way. A minture bird like thing hit Lucemon in the back and exsploded on contact. Akari looked on in horror as Lucemon fell to the ground. She quickly crawled over to him. "Are you ok," Akari asked as Lucemon slowly picked himself up, "What was that?" Lucemon quickly turned back toward the forest. He wanted to make sure another attack wasn't coming. "I'm fine," Lucemon said as he started to hold onto his arm, "and that was an attack from Kiwimon. He's a Champion and I'm only a Rookie. I don't know if I can take him." Akari went to say something when Kiwimon suddenly jumped out of the bushes. Akari didn't want Lucemon to get hurt again, so she walked in front of him. "If you want to hurt my partner again," Akari said calmly, "you're going to have to go through me." Lucemon went to say something, but he was in too much pain. He suddenly heard Kiwimon set off another attack. He closed his eyes as Akari's Digivice started glowing. He opened them again as he felt power rush through his body. "Lucemon Digivolve too........," Lucemon said as he started to grow in size, "Piddomon." Akari had closed her eyes, but she opened them again when she heard an exsplsion. A tall angel was standing in front of her. He had long dirty blonde hair, a helment on, a white out fit with a red sash in thing on the front and back, red ribbion going up his right leg and left arm, and two pair of feathery wings. "Whoa," Akari said with amazement, "Nice trick Lucemon or Piddomon, whatever. I think you can handel this bird now." Piddomon nodded and took to the sky. Kiwimon looked up and fired another Pammel Peck at Piddomon. Piddomon just punched it and made it exsplode. Akari felt like cheering. "How do you like your Kiwimon," Piddomon said as his wings started to glow, "Crispy or well done? FIRE FEATHER!" A whole bunch of small orangish-red energy blasts started coming from Piddomon's wings. Kiwimon tried to dodge them, but there were way too many. He was struck and fast. Piddomon floated back down next to Akari. Akari turned and hugged Piddomon as Kiwimon started disappearing. "That was awsome Piddomon," Akari said as she continued to hug Piddomon. Piddomon suddenly hugged her back. Akari wondered what was going on and started looking around. The forest around them had started disappering. Akari closed her eyes. She was too young to die. "Lucemon," four Cupimon said as the held up a chest, "you finally Digivolved into Piddomon." Akari opened her eyes and noticed that her and Piddomon were back in Witchmon's hut. She then spotted Aurora sitting down having a stareing contest with Wizardmon and Maura holding Tapirmon. Everyone else was asleep. Piddomon suddenly picked her up and placed her on his shoulder as Witchmon floated up to them. "Good job," Witchmon said with a cheery smile, "That was amazeing teamwork. You've won a gift. Show them Cupimon." The Cupimon quickly sat the chest down and opened it. A light purple and white necklace was inside. There was a pendent at the end of the chain. It was small, but big enough to put a jewel or gem in. Piddomon picked it up and handed it to Akari. The Cupimon closed the chest, picked it back up, and started to walk away. "What's this for," Akari asked as she put the necklace around her neck, "and why is the gem missing?" Witchmon smiled and let out a sigh. "It has a special effect on your partner," Witchmon said as she started to float away, "and you have to find the Power Gem. I'll tell you more as soon as everyone is awake." Akari was a little confused, but she had to obey. There wasn't anything she could do, but wait. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: You guys can continue to post. I just didn't want to post last. My post would've been too long. Continue![/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Lucemon suddenly came to a hault in front of a huge tree with a doorway. Akari fell to her knees when she heard rustling in the bushes all around her. Both her and Lucemon started looking around. Four Digimon came out on thier right followed by humans. It was DemiDevimon and Aurora, Impmon and Coal, Tapirmon and Maura, and Nightmon and Reis. Three more Digimon and humans came out of the bushes to the left. Those were Lopmon and Austin, Aaron and Salamon, and Dorumon and Lance. Akari and Lucemon both looked relieved. Lucemon floated up to DemiDevimon. "About time," Lucemon said with a slight smirk. DemiDevimon shook his head as Impmon walked up to the door and pushed open. A bright light appeared and then died down. Everyone quickly looked inside and decided to walk in. "Welcome Digidestined," Witchmon said as the door slammed behind the group of eight, "I'm glad to see that you made it." The Digidestined looked around at each other and then back at Witchmon. Coal suddenly took a step foward. "Mind exsplaining," Coal asked as Aurora step up next to him on one side and Maura on the other. Witchmon slightly shook her head and floated down in front of the group. Coal, Aurora, and Maura took a slight step backward. Thier Digimon seemed on edge even though Witchmon was thier master. "You can't tell me that you haven't been seeing Digimon appering in your world," Witchmon said with a worried tone. Everyone looked at each other. They all knew they had seen Digimon on the news. They were appering everywhere. Some destroying stuff. "Yea," Akari said as Lucemon floated right next t her, "What about it?" Witchmon looked over at her. She then let out a sigh. "There's a great evil here and he's making our two worlds unbalanced," Witchmon said as she put a hand on her face, "If he continues, both of our worlds will cese to exsist," Everyone seemed starttled at this. Even the Digimon seemed shocked. Reis suddenly gripped his fist and took a step foward. "What do we have to do with this," Reis questioned as Nightmon shook his head. Witchmon looked shocked at Reis' temper. She knew he was worried and wanted to help though. She let out another sigh. "I think you eight have what it takes to beat this great evil," Withmon said as she started to look at her hand, "but I'm not sure. Let's see if you have potential. I'm going to give you a test of skills." With that said, Witchmon waved her hand. Everyone started to look around as they started to disappear. Akari grabbed ahold of Lucemon as him and her completely disappeared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, don't worry guys, this is just illusion. We all are going to face a Champion Digimon. You get to chose the type of Champion to face and what type of area you're in. When the Champion is defeated, you return to Witchmon's hut. Everyone else is asleep and the In-Trainings from earlier will present you with the necklace that hold your Power Gem. The necklace can be any color you wish and it can look any way. You just must have a place for the gem to fit at. YOUR DIGIMON MUST DIGIVOLVE! Ok, that's all for now. Go ahead guys. I'll post my battle later. LOL :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Akari was moving her head and mummbleing things as she slept on the ground. The strange device she recieved, right before she passed out, was laying openly in her hand. Two Digimon were looking at her. One was an angel with blonde hair and the other was a cute little white thing. "Are you sure she's no dead Lucemon," the cute white thing questioned as it started pokeing Akari's face, "I mean, she's not moving." Lucemon shook his head and floated above Akari. He then put his hand to his chin and started studying her. "She'll be fine Cupimon," Lucemon said with a smile, "Besides, I don't think Witchmon would give me a dead partner." Cupimon nodded his head as a bunch of other Cupimon ran up. They all started talking among themselves as Akari started to wake up. "Awwww...," Akari said as she sat up with her eyes closed, "My Head hurts. I think I hit it when I fell." Akari suddenly opened her eyes as she heard giggles. A pale color came over her as she saw all of the Cupimon and Lucemon. She then felt the device in her hand. She looked down and then stummbled to her feet. Lucemon quickly floated up to her. He put a finger to his lips and her's. "Don't scream," Lucemon said quietly from behind his finger, "We're not going to hurt you. By the way, my name is Lucemon. I'm here to serve and protect you." Akari nodded and pushed Lucemon's finger away. Lucemon then took his other finger away from his mouth. Akari crossed her arms and let her Digivice dangle on her finger. "That's all good and dandy," Akari said with a whisper, "but mind answering some questions?" Lucemon raised an eyebrow and then let out a sigh. "Go ahead," Lucemon said as he crossed his arms. Akari quickly looked at the Cupimon and then back at Lucemon. She started tapping her foot. "What are you," Akari started off, "What is this strange two colored device? Where am I? Finally, what am I doing here?" All the Cupimon looked confused. They thought Akari already knew all of this. Lucemon put his hand to his forehead and shook his head. A slight depressed sigh escaped his lips. "First of all," Lucemon started out, "I'm a Digimon and your partner. The strange device is a Digivice. Your in Village of Life in the Digital World. Lastly, you were summoned here by Witchmon. She wants you and others to save the Digital World." Akari nodded and clipped her Digivice to a loop on her skirt. She then looked at Lucemon strangely. "What do you mean by others," Akari asked with a puzzled look. Lucemon shook his head again and the Cupimon started talking among themselves. Akari felt really dumb for some odd reason. Lucemon suddenly grabbed her hand. "There are watchers over the In-Training Digimon here," Lucemon said as he started pulling Akari along, "See, I'm the watcher over these Cupimon. Anyhow, Witchmon chose some of us to be partners with special human kids. In other words, there are other kids here. Now lets go wait for the others at Witchmon's hut." Akari nodded even though she didn't have much of a choice. She quickly looked back at the Cupimon. They weren't following. Akari didn't bother to wonder why. She just let out a sigh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, I have a couple of things to say. First things first, your first post must have you character waking up in the Digital World. They wake up to thier partner and an In-Training Digimon. You can chose whatever type of In-Training you want. Just remember that your partner is thier watcher. One last thing, everyone will meet up at the same time in front of Witchmon's hut. So, you can have your Digimon start to drag you off. That's it for now. Have fun guys! :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Wow! Awsome! You're all in. I'm going to start this thing, but it would be nice to get one more person. ^_^ Anyhow, as I said, I'm starting this.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I]This is going to be my second RP! My first one kind of died so I'm going to start another one. Now keep in mind that I'm a newbie still. LOL :sweat: [B][U]The Story:[/U][/B] Everything is normal in the city of Sakura. Kids go to school, adults go to work, and other normal things about a city. One day, the city didn't seem normal any more. Flashes of strange creatures were coming up everywhere. No type of radar could pick them up when they did appear. They were just flashes, but they scared people. A group of ordinary kids were watching these "Monster Sightings" on the news. They had no clue what was going on until they recieved a strange device one day. They were also sent to a strange world to help stop the "Monster Sightings". [B][U]Sign-Ups:[/U][/B] This is simple enough. This is a mix between the first and third seasons of Digimon. I don't know why, but hey. Name: Age: (between 10-16) Apperance: Bio: (mention which Digimon you saw on the news. It kind of goes along with your partner. Also mention how you get your digivice in here.) Power Gem: (this is like a crest. I didn't want to do crests so....) Power Gem Color: Digivice Color: (these look like the models from season three. Mainly two diffrent colors) Digimon Partner: (Rookie Form) [B]Digimon[/B] (add attacks please) Rookie: Champion: Ultimate: Mega: Human Fusion: ( see I made a level called Hyper Mega and the Human Fusion can match up to that. This can be made-up or real.) [B][U]My Sign-Up:[/U][/B] [COLOR=Plum][B]Name:[/B] Akari Moto [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Apperance:[/B] See attachment! [B]Bio:[/B] Akari was an ordinary kid living in a regular city. One day, her city didn't seem to regular anymore. News reporters were reporting sightings of monsters all over the city. They didn't stay very long. They were just flashes. Akari found this highly strange as she was watching the news. One of the monsters actually appeared before one of the camras. It looked kind of like a blonde with devil like wings. He also had a strange markings on his face. Akari was never really into this type of stuff, but this seemed to intrest her. She had to take a closer look. She ran down to the park when she was stopped by a light purple ball of light. The light ball seemed to flow around her until it stopped and landed in her hand. A strange device then appeared. Everything after that is a blur.........until now. [B]Power Gem:[/B] Respect [B]Power Gem Color:[/B] Light Purple [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Light Purple and White [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] Lucemon [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lucemon3.jpg]Lucemon[/url] (Ground Cross, Divine Feet) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/op/Piddomon.gif]Piddomon[/url] (Fire Feather, Mega Heal, Apollo Tornado, Piddo Speed) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/LordHolyAngemon.jpg]LordHolyAngemon[/url] (Heaven's Gate, Excalibur, Soul Banish) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SlashAngemon.jpg]SlashAngemon[/url] (Heaven's Ripper, Holy Espada) [B]Human Fusion:[/B] [url=http://www.anzwers.org/free/digidreamer/04/Bilder4/lfm.jpg]Apollymon[/url] (Satan Curse, Shadow Cross)[/COLOR] That's it! Have fun signing up. I'll come back later to close this off after I have enough people. :D[/i]
[I][COLOR=Plum][B]Name:[/B] Karen [B]Age:[/B] About 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Human Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.lynseywood.com/originals/ori_da10khits.jpg]She wears knee high boots![/url] [B]Wolf Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/pictures/l/LiquidOnyx/7512.jpg]Here you go![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Karen wasn't always the type to be evil. She was actually once happy, but her whole pack was destroyed by the humans. She then went into a state of denial. She thought it was her fault that her pack was destroyed. She soon became bitter and cold hearted. When see heard about Coal and the other's after the Flower Gaurdian, she had to join. She was interested in Paradise, but more interested in money. That's why she joined Coal instead of Kikira. [B]Side:[/B] Evil[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=Plum]I have too agree with JoyKaiba too. It's ok though. We all don't know what to do at first. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Renee Gale [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://www.lynseywood.com/originals/ori_marionshot.jpg]Click Me![/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Light (Not really an evil crest, but hey) [B]Alinment:[/B] Evil [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lucemon3.jpg]Lucemon[/url] (Ground Cross, Divine Feet) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/op/Piddomon.gif]Piddomon[/url] (Fire Feather, Mega Heal, Apollo Tornado, Piddo Speed) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://www.anzwers.org/free/digidreamer/04/Bilder4/lfm.jpg]Apollymon[/url] (Satan Curse, Shadow Cross) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SlashAngemon.jpg]SlashAngemon[/url] (Heaven's Ripper, Holy Espada) [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Rain had stopped running and had let go of Lucemon's hand. She was looking at the lake to her right, now. Lucemon was floating next to her. He looked like he was searching for something. Rain turned to look at him. "What are you doing," Rain questioned as she stared at Lucemon. Lucemon quickly glanced at Rain and went back to searching. Rain shook her head. "I'm looking for.......," Lucemon said as he grabbed a Tag and Crest, "this." Rain blinked a few times as Lucemon put the Tag and Crest around her neck. She picked it up and looked at this. "What's this," Rain asked with a puzzled look. Lucemon let out a sigh and crossed his arms. "It's the Crest of Light," Lucemon said with a slight smile, "which is the good counterpart to the evil Crest of Darkness. Your Crest will help me Digivolve to my Ultimate, Mega, and Omega forms." Rain nodded and slipped the Tag and Crest into her shirt. Something on the other side of the lake suddenly caught her eye. She started running. "Come on Lucemon," Rain called back to her Digimon, "I think I saw another Digidestined. He has a small orange dinosaur with him." Lucemon shook his head and took off after his partner. He didn't have a good feeling about this though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope it's ok that Rain and Fayt meet up now, shadowofdeath13. LOL[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]Rain was sitting at her computer clicking on diffrent items on her computer screen. She suddenly let out a depressed sigh. "Bored," Rain said as she continued to click on things, "I'm bored. This is boring. Isn't there anything on the internet anymore." As Rain let out a sigh, a strange egg appeared on her computer screen. Rain went to click on the egg, but stopped as the egg started to take a 3D form. It started come out of the screen as well. Rain looked horrified as a egg and and strange device appeared on her desk. "This is new," Rain thought to herself as she grabbed the device. As soon as she did that, the egg started to glow. It emited a very strong bright light as it started to hatch. Rain suddenly passed out. "Rain," Lucemon said as he sat next to Rain, "Are you ok? Do you need some medical attention?" Rain started to wake up. She quickly turned in the direction of Lucemon's voice. A look of dispair crossed her face. She suddenly jumped up and scooted away from Lucemon. "Who or what are you," Rain asked as she stared at Lucemon. Lucemon let out a sigh and floated over in front of Rain. Rain looked stressed out. She like she was about to scream. "What," Lucemon asked with a smile, "never seen an angel before. No, I'm kidding. The name's Lucemon and I'm a Digimon, short for Digital Monster. I'm your friend and partner." Rain nodded and slowly stood up. Lucemon stood just a little above her waist. She then looked down at the device in her hand. "That's nice to know," Rain said with a smile, "but could you provide me with some info." Lucemon let out a sigh and floated upward. He was now eye level with Rain. Rain slightly blushed. He was kind of cute for a Digital Monster. "The device you're holding is called a Digivice," Lucemon said as he crossed his arms, "and you were brought here to help the other good Digidestined fight thier evil counterparts. You have an evil counterpart as well." Rain looked a little confused, but not much. She suddenly grabbed Lucemon's hand. "Well," Rain said as she started leading Lucemon down a trail, "let's go find the other good Digidestined. I have a feeling this is going to be good." Lucemon sighed and let Rain lead him. She would just have to help her if she got into trouble.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Plum]"I know mom," Eirka said as she leaned out her door, "I'll do it later. I promise!" Eirka let out a sigh and moped over to her computer. She then sat down and spun around in her chair. The sudden sound of "You've Got Mail" made her jump five feet in the air. Eirka quickly clicked on her inbox and clicked on her new mail. A chibi Gennai started to cross her computer screen. "Greeting Digidestined," the chibi Gennai said in a rush, "I'm here to ask for your help. I need you to come to the Digital World. You are powerful, know it or not, and your power is now needed. Please come and help. The fate of both worlds count on it." Eirka looked confused as she looked at her computer screen. She started pondering what this could possibly mean. "Digidestined," Eirka poundered in her mind, "What's a Digidestined?" Eirka let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair. She suddenly sprung foward when she saw a huge light coming from her computer. A strange red, yellow, and orange egg was coming out her computer screen. A sweat drop appeared on the side of her face as the egg suddenly rolled into her lap followed by a strange device. "Erika," her mom called from in the kitchen, "I'm going out. I want to see that room clean by the time I get back." Eirka let out a sigh and looked down at the egg. It was glowing brightly along with the strange device. Eirka quickly placed both things on her desk. She looked shocked and confused. "This is strange," Eirka whispered as the egg suddenly broke and disappeared. A smokey looking shape light turned in to a fireball looking shaped and then finally into a strange looking creature that was like three times the out two shapes. "Hi there," the strange reddish looking creature said as he started swinging his feet, "I'm Flamon and you're Eirka, right?" Eirka looked a little shocked that Flamon knew her name. "Yeah," Eirka said as Flamon jumped off her desk, "why do you ask?" Flamon grabbed the strange device and handed it to Eirka. Eirka took the device and gripped it slightly. Flamon suddenly hugged her around her waist. "Yay," Flamon said happily, "you're my partner and we're going to be good friend." Erika was still a little confused, but she thought Flamon was kind of cute. She placed her hand on his head. "That's great," Eirka said with a smile, "but what are you and what is this strange device?" Flamon looked up and blinked a few times. He then smiled a goofy smile. "I'm a Digimon," Flamon said as he started to rub his head on her, "That's short for Digital Monster. The strange device is a Digivice, short for Digital Device." Eirka nodded as a flash of light came out of the computer. Both her and Flamon covered thier eyes as they both seemed to pass out. "Hello," T.K said as slightly shook Eirka, "are you ok? Patamon, see if her Digimon is ok." Patamon nodded and flew over to Flamon. Flamon opened his eyes and jumped up. Patamon quickly moved out of his way as he stummbled over to Eirka. "Erika," Flamon said as he started to shake Eirka, "Speak to me Eirka." Eirka started to open her eyes. She spotted Flamon and quickly hugged him. She then looked around and spotted T.K. T.K waved at her. "Hi I'm T.K," T.K said with a smile, "and this is my Digimon Patamon. BTW, you're in the Digital World." Eirka nodded, picked Flamon up, and stood up. She looked around and spotted a lake not to far away. She then looked down at T.K. "Well," Eirka said with a smile, "I'm Eirka and this is my Digimon Flamon. It's nice to meet you T.K." T.K smiled and quickly grabbed one of Eirka's hands. Eirka looked down at T.K. "I think I've got to take you to Gennai," T.K said as he started leading Eirka toward the lake, "He probbly would like to know you're here." Eirka nodded and picked up her pace to match T.K's.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Plum][B]Name:[/B] Rain Tomahoe [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.jasonchanart.com/gallery/2000/fanart/valentine.jpg]Minus the ears and tail![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Rain was surfing the net one day when a strange egg appeared out of the computer. It was followed by a strange device. When the egg hatched, it released a great light. Rain passed out without a sign. When she woke up, she was in a strange world with a Lucemon sitting by her. [B]Side:[/B] Good [B]Crest:[/B] [url= http://digimon.foreverhq.com/crest&tag/light.jpg]Light[/url] [B]Crest Color:[/B] Light Purple [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] [B][U]Digivolving Levels[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] Lucemon (Ground Cross, Divine Feet) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/op/Piddomon.gif]Piddomon[/url] (Fire Feather, Mega Heal, Apollo Tornado, Piddo Speed) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Apollymon AKA Lucemon Falldown Mode (Satan Curse, Shadow Cross) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/LordHolyAngemon.jpg]LordHolyAngemon[/url] (Heaven's Gate, Excalibur, Soul Banish) [B]Omega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SlashAngemon.jpg]SlashAngemon[/url] (Heaven's Ripper, Holy Espada)[/COLOR][/I]
[B]Name:[/B] Erika Love [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Description:[/B] See Attachment. [B]Location:[/B] Britain [B]Bio:[/B] Erika was an avarage kid who lived in the city. She loved everything except that big battle that happened near her home. A huge Devimon and an Angemon got in a big battle about four years ago. Eirka and a few other kids saw that battle and it changed thier lives. Now Eirka has recieved a strange e-mail that asked her to come to the Digital World. Eirka thought the e-mail was crazy, but she second guessed that. A Digiegg and Digivice suddenly came out of the computer after she finished reading the e-mail. The Digiegg automatically hatched into a Mokumon. Eirka didn't know what to say. She was even more shocked when Mokumon Digivolved all the way up to Flamon. Eirka went to say something, but her and Flamon were suddenly transported to the Digital World. Eirka is the most clueless in the group, but her kind heart makes up for everything. [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] [B]Crest:[/B] Kindness [B]Crest Color:[/B] Light Purple [B][U]Digimon Partner[/U][/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Mokumon (Smokey Blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] DemiMeramon (Fireball) [B]Rookie:[/B] Flamon (Baby Salamander) [B]Champion:[/B] Agunimon (Burning Salamander, Salamander Break) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Burning Greymon (Pyro Barrage, Wildfire Tsunami) [B]Mega:[/B] Aldamon (Atomic Inferno, Solar Wind Destroyer)
[B]Name: Aura Kamiho Age: 13 Your Digimon:[url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lucemon3.jpg]Lucemon[/url] DigiCrest: Kindness Evolution Forms: [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/op/Piddomon.gif]Piddomon[/url], [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/LordHolyAngemon.jpg]LordHolyAngemon[/url], [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SlashAngemon.jpg]SlashAngemon[/url] Attire: [url=http://www.zenmetsu.com/images/chibis/chibinancy.jpg]Here we go![/url] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: You can click on the name of the Digimon to see thier pictures. You can click on "Here we go!" to see a pic of Aura. LOL[/B]
[B]The group amerged on the field within a few mintutes. Twin was blowing gently and lifting everyone's hair slightly. Kinya took a deep breath of fresh air. "This is more like it," Kinya said as she looked into the blue sky. Everyone looked like the were enjoying the slight breeze that was moving across the field. "Why don't we take a break," Zak suggested as he sat down. Everyone looked at each other and agreed. They all sat down to enjoy the peace. Kinya took out her D-Tector and started looking at her Spirit. "What's wrong Sis," Kouji asked as he looked over Kinya's right shoulder. Kouichi looked over Kinya's left shoulder. The bat like Spirit was actually giving her the willies. She may have had a dark type personality some times, but she never really liked the darkness. That wasn't what was wrong though. She was wondering how she worked the Spirit. "I was just wondering how you work the Spirits," Kinya said with a sigh. Kouichi suddenly stood up. Kinya looked up at him. She was wondering what was going through his mind. "Since I have the regular Darkness Spirit," Kouichi said as he pulled out his D-Tector, "I'll show you how it works." Kinya stood up and pulled out her D-Tector as well. She looked prepared. "Show me how it works bro," Kinya said as she looked over at Kouichi. Kouichi held his hand out and a barcode design appeared on it. Kinya did the same and the same happed to her. A look of amazement crossed the newcomers face. The others have already seen this before. Kouichi and Kinya nodded at each other. "EXECUTE, SPIRIT EVOLUTION." Kouichi said as he scanned the barcode design on his hand, " LOWEEMON." The newcomers looked on as Loweemon appeared in front of them. They were totally amazed by this. "My turn! EXECUTE, SPIRIT EVOLUTION," Kinya said as she scanned the barcode design around her hand, "LADYMYOTISMON." Everyone looked on as a blonde haired human type Digimon appeared in front of them. LadyMyotismon's long blonde hair ended at her waist and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a purple maske like Myotismon's, a long sleeved shirt that flared out at the ends and tied halfway down the front, black pants that also flared out at the ends, black boots, and a long black cape with a wine color on the inside. "That's awsome," Tuya said as she jumped up," I wanna........Oh my, I think we've got trouble." Everyone turned and looked at Tuya and then at where she was looking at. A look of horror struck their faces. A whole heard of Ogremon were heading thier way. "There they are," the lead Ogremon yelled, "GET THEM!" Loweemon and LadyMyotismon turned around and got into a fighting stance. "We'll hold them off," Loweemoon said as he held his staff out. The others nodded and started to run for cover. Tuya was the only one who didn't run. "Get out of here Tuya," LadyMyotismon said as she dodged a Pummel Whack. Tuya shook her head. She balled her fist and just stood there, "Ahhhhhhh," the lead Ogremon said as the heard made it about a foot away from the three, "an easy target. PUMMEL WHACK!" Tuya looked up in horror as a purple energy blast came at her. LadyMyotismon and Loweemon looked back in horror. They wouldn't be able to get her in time. "WOLF LASER," a strange voice said out of nowhere. A white beam suddenly appeared out of nowhere and cut the Pummel Whack off. Tuya, LadyMyotismon, and Loweemon all looked to thier right to see who set off that attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: There you go Cysword6. Do as you must. :D[/B]
[B]OOC: That was fine! LOL Anywho, since we're heading through a forest now, I think I can think of at least two Spirits I can give out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The group continued walking through the forest. It was getting perrty dark and creepy in there. Siblings were clinging to each other. "Don't worry," Kouji said as he looked around, "We'll all be save. At least some of us can Spirit Evolve." Everyone without a Spirt shot Kouji and evil glare. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Kouji's face as he started to smile nervously. "Kouji does have a point," Takuya said as he held on to Tuya, "and we even have an Advanced Spirit with us." Wizardmon and Gatomon looked at each other and then back at the group. Gatomon suddenly started sniffing the air. "I smell a Spirit," Gatomon said as she started looking around, "No, I smell two Spirits!" Everyone turned to look at Gatomon. Even Wizardmon looked at her. "Well," Tuya said looking around too, "according to our location, the Advanced Spirit of Wood should be around here and there's a lake over there. The Advanced Spirit of Water should also be around here too then." Everyone looked at Tuya and clapped. Tuya took a slight bow and her D-Tector started glowing. Jen jumped as her D-Tector started glowing too. "Wow," Jen said as she grabbed her D-Tector, "I wounder where my Spirit could be." JP tapped Jen on the shoulder and pointed. Jen looked up at him and then to where he was pointing at. "I think that glowing tree is a good spot to look," JP said with a slight smile. Jen nodded in agreement. She quickly ran over to the tree and held her D-Tector to get. The tree itself shrink in size and turned into a Spirit. This Spirit looked like a fairy of some sort with leaf like wings wrapped around it. Jen jumped for joy as the Spirit disappeared in to her D-Tector. She then ran back over to her brother. "I got the Advanced Spirit of Wood big brother," Jen said with a smile. JP smiled and messed Jen's hair up. Everyone then turned to Tuya. Tuya was stareing at her glowing D-Tector. "Where do you think your Spirit is sis," Takuya asked as he looked over Tuya's shoulder. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Tuya's face. She turned and looked at her brother. "I don't know," Tuya said as she started walking toward the lake, "Maybe it's somewhere near the lake." Everyone started laughing as Takuya slammed his hands in his pockets. They then followed Tuya. A few seconds later near the lake, the group spotted a glowing spot in the middle of the lake. Tuya quickly ran up to the edge of the lake and held her D-Tector out. A Spirit suddenly surfaced from in the middle of the lake. This Spirit looked a little like Angewomon, but it was blue. Spirit disappeared into Tuya's D-Tector as fast as it appeared. "The Advanced Spirit of Water," Tuya said with a pleased voice, "Now, shall we go?" Everyone nodded and Kinya ran to the front of the group. She decided to lead even though Takuya looked like he had something to say about it. A little later, the group stummbled out of the forest and into an open area. They all looked up at a huge volcano. "Oh great," Kinya said with a depressed sigh, "Looks like we've got some climbing to do." Everyone let out a sigh and started walking toward the volcano. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Here's how I want this to work. Maximillion404 can post next and then he can take us to next area to find a Spirit. You'll see what I'm talking about. Oh, thanks to JoyKaiba and BEWD Kaiba for telling me what your Spirits look like. :D[/B]
[B]OOC: Yea, everyone posted! ^_^ Now here comes the fun part! I just came up with an idea! :devil: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kinya and Yuki quickly joined the group. Everyone was sitting in the grass in a perdicular order. The were also sitting in a circle. It seemed to start with Takuya, Tuya, Kouji, Kinya, Kouichi, Taylor, Hiroko, Zak, Zoe, JP, Jen, Tommy, Tyrin, Sam, and then Yuki. It all started over agian after that. "I'm glad you could make it," the same mystrious voice said as a flash of light appeared in the middle of the circle. A strange angel type Digimon appeared from the light. She really didn't look special. "Man," Takuya said as he crossed his arms, "I wish Bokomon was here. He would be abel to tell us who this Digimon was." Everyone started talking among themselves. The angel cleared her throat. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. "Greetings Digidestined," the angel spoke softly, "I'm Angewomon and I'm here to give you knowledge on why you are all here." Everyone looked at each other and then back at Angewomon. Takuya looked a little high strung. Tuya quickly hugged him. She didn't want him to do anything stupid. "Weren't we brought here to save the Digital World," Hiroko questioned as the wind slightly blew his hair. Angewomon nodded and made everyone's D-Tector float into the air. "You're right Hiroko," Angewomon said as the D-Tectors faced thier owners, "You were summoned here or kept here to re-save the Digital World. Need less to say, a new evil has rose. He wants power of the whole Digital World. It up to all of you to stop him." Everyone looked shocked. That seemed like a lot to do for a bunch of kids. "Well," Zak said as he gripped his fist, "what do we have to do?" Angewomon let out a sigh and activated all of the D-Tectors. Everyone who had a Spirt showed it's Spirt Form only. "As you newcomers can see," Angewomon said as she started spining the D-Tectors around, "there are ten regular Spirts. Takuya has the Spirts of Fire, Steel, and Wood. He can only use Fire to Spirt Evolve though. The same with Kouji. He has the Spirts of Light, Water, and Earth. He can only use Light. Zoe has the Spirit of Wind, JP has the Spirit of Thunder, Tommy has the Spirit of Ice, and Kouichi has the Spirit of Darkness." With that said the D-Tectors deactivated and stopped in front of thier owners. They still were floating though. "What's that got to do with us," Sam asked with a puzzled look. Angewomon cleared her throat and held her hand out. A strange structure appeared in her hand. The structure was a black bat looking creature with its wings wrapped around itself. Everyone looked shocked as the stared at the structure. "You see," Angewomon said as she turned toward Kinya, "you each have an Advanced Spirit waiting for you out there. They are more powerful then the others, but not too much. Kinya, this is your Advanced Spirt of Darkness." Kinya looked shocked as the Spirt disappeared into her D-Tector. All the D-Tectors then dropped into their owners hands. "Hey," Jen said as she stared at Angewomon, "where are the rest of our Spirts and what are they?" Angewomon shook her head and let out a sigh. "The Spirts are scattered out everywhere," Angewomon said as She looked around, "They are most likely near thier element. Lets start with you Tuya. You are the owner of Advanced Water, Taylor is the owner of Advanced Ice, Hiroko is the owner of Advanced Steel, Zak is the owner of Advanced Fire, Jen is the owner of Advanced Wood, Tyrin is the owner of Advanced Thunder, Sam is the owner of Advanced Wind, and Yuki is the owner of Advanced Earth. Reis is the owner of Advanced Light, but it seems like he's not here." Most of the group looked shocked. They all started thinking. "That would exsplain the dreams," Hiroko said as he put his hand to his chin. Angewomon nodded and started disappering. Everyone jumped up. "Head to the near by village," Angewomon said with a smile, "you should find another Spirit there and two new guides named Wizardmon and Gatomon." With that said, Angewomon disappeared. Everyone looked to the east. The could see tops of buildings. They figured that was the village. They all let out a sigh and started walking in that direction. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Yikes, my fingers hurt. Anywho, whoever posts next can find their Spirt and have Wizardmon and Gatomon introduce themselves to the grop. I've type too much now. [/B]
[B]OOC: Maybe if I start this I can attract two more people. Here's a link to the sign up sheet if you do think this sounds interesting. [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39556]CLICK ME TO SIGN UP![/url] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Kinya wake up sweetheart," Kinya's dad said as he shook her, "You've got to get up." Kinya rolled over and pulled her covers over her head. She didn't want to get up and nothing was going to make her. Her dad shook his head and ripped her covers off of her. Kinya opened an eye and stared at her dad. "Man dad," Kinya said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "It's too early to get up." Her dad started tapping his foot. Kinya knew he was going to say something. "It's 1:00 in the afternoon Kinya," her dad said with an uneasy voice, "I would appicate it if you weren't so lazy. Why can't you be more like Kouji?" A look of anger crossed Kinya's face as she gripped her fist. She hated being compared to her older brother in any way, shape, or form. "IT'S BECAUSE I'M NOT KOUJI," Kinya yelled as she slammed one of her fist down in her bead, "AND NEVER WILL BE, SO GET OVER IT! I KNOW KOUJI'S BETTER THEN ME, BUT DON'T EVER ASK ME TO BE LIKE HIM AGAIN!" Her dad looked surprised as a dead silence fell over the room. Kinya put her head down as her hair fell over her eyes. Her dad cleared his throat and started walking toward the bedroom door. "Just get dressed," her dad said as he walked out, "and come downstairs." Kinya shook her head and got out of bed as he dad disappeared down the hallway. She knew she probbly would have to do something. She always had to do something. "Stupid Kouji," Kinya muttered as she walked over to her closet, "Why does he have to be Mr. Perfect. I'm always stuck in his shadow. There are somethings I can do that he can't, but dad doesn't notice." Kinya finally let out a depressed sigh, grabbed her clothes, got dressed, quickly bushed her hair, and headed downstairs. When downstairs, Kinya moped into the kitchen. Her dad was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and her step-mom was at the stove cooking. Kinya let out another sigh and sat down. Her dad slightly looked up at her. "Why don't you go get us these items," her dad said as he handed Kinya a piece of paper, "It'll help make up for your behavoir a few mintutes ago." Kinya glared at her dad, snatched the paper, got up, walked to the door, and left. Her dad shook his head. A few hours later, Kinya came back with two bags of stuff. She quickly put everything down and headed for the stairs. "I'm finished," Kinya said as she started trudgeing up the stairs, "and now I'm going to my room. I don't want to be bothered either." Her dad shook his head agian as he heared Kinya run up the stairs and slam her bedroom door. In Kinya's room, Kinya had thrown herself on her bed. She was hugging a pillow and saying something into it. She was starting to doze off. She suddenly fell asleep. "Hello," Kinya yelled as she stood up, "Is anybody there?" Kinya recieved nothing, but an echo as an answer. The area she was in was covered by darkness. She couldn't see anything, but darkness for miles around. Kinya suddenly felt alone and she actually wanted Kouji. "Oh you poor thing," a rough sounding voice said from in the shadows, "Are you alone? Does this mean I havea better chance of catching you?" Kinya jumped and looked to her right. She saw nothing but a pair of red glowing eyes and a pair of sharp white teeth. "Nooooooo," Kinya screamed as she started running, "I won't let you catch me." Kinya was running blind. She couldn't see anything. She suddenly felt like she was falling. She must have fallen in a hole. A lack of hope was in her eyes. She knew there was no escape. "Kinya," Kouji's voice could be heard faintly, "Are you alright sis? Hey girl, I know you're tough. You can wake up now." Kinya fluttered her eyes open and sprang up. She looked to her right to discover Kouji. She suddenly hugged him. "KOUJI," Kinya said out of sheer excitement, "IT'S REALLY YOU!" Kouji nodded as Kinya let go of him. Kinya noticed she wasn't in the dark area or in her bed. She was in some lush grass near a train station. She suddenly looked down to discover a strange black and dark purple device in her hand. "I know you're going to ask what's going on," Kouji said as he helped Kinya up, "so I'll tell you before you ask. You're in the Digital World. You were brought here by the Dream Trailmon. You were first transported to him by a "unseen" force. The strange device your holding is a D-tector. Anything else you need to know?" Kinya looked down at her D-tector and then back at Kouji. A slight smile crossed her face. "No," Kinya said with a shake of her head, "Not really, but I would like to meet your friends over there." Kouji looked over at Takuya, Zoe, JP, Tommy, and Kouichi. A smiled crossed his face. He grabbed Kinya's hand. "Ok," Kouji said as he started leading Kinya over to the group, "I think you'll find one person very interesting." Kinya nodded and looked at the group. She was shocked at how much Kouichi looked like Kouji. She started wondering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, for your first post, tell me how you get to the Digital World. The other Digidestined have to find you. We don't have our spirts yet. We have to find them just like the others did. LOL[/B]
OOC: I guess I could sign up. It does sound interesting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Tai Kamiya [B]Weapon:[/B] Midnight Bow [B]G.F.:[/B] Diablos [B]Element:[/B] Dark [B]Special Ability:[/B] Can cause confusion on an opponet. [B]Bio:[/B] Tai was part of the team of Digidestined. He was perrty much the leader of the group. He was perrty much stuck in a battle with some strange monster. Him and his friends figured out the monster wasn't a Digimon. Tai and five of his friends were suddenly transported to this strange world. He's totally confused now.
[B]Yeah, I didn't know this many people would join. Well, I need three more people and I can start this. I hope I get those three people join soon. :D BTW, you're all accepted. You all have excellent sign-ups.[/B]