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Amika Kamiya

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Everything posted by Amika Kamiya

  1. I personal like the first season of Digimon, but I have this great idea for a forth season RPG. Lets see if I can do this. This is my first RPG mind you. [B][U]The Story:[/U][/B] Takuya and crew have finally beaten Lucemon and restored the peace to the Digital World, as they thought. When they went to board a Trsilmon to get back home, they heard a strange voice in the distance. The voice told them to stay where they were. A group of new Digidestined were coming to help them fight a new evil. The group obeyed these orders and stayed where they were. They are now awaiting the arrivel of the new Digidestined. Those ten Digidestined were finding thier own ways to the Digital World as they spoke. They wouldn't have to wait long. [B][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/B] Well, I'm going to have a "evolved" form of each spirt, so I'm only allowing nine people to sign up. More like six because I reservering two places for JoyKaiba (Advanced Water) and Maximillion404 (Advanced Fire). I would like to mention that you can be related to a Digidestined that already is there. I'm Kouji and Kouichi little sister. ^_^ Anywho, here's what I need to know. [B]Name: Age: Description: Bio: (mention how you got to the Digital World in here and if you're related to someone) Spirit: Digimon Forms (add attacks and you can give descriptions during the story) Spirit Evolution: Beast Evolution: Fuison Evolution: D-Tector Color:[/B] Here's my sign up: [B]Name:[/B] Kinya Minamoto [B]Age:[/B] 10 [B]Description:[/B] Kinya has shoulder length black hair and crystal blue eyes. She's about an inch shorter then Kouji. She wears a black tanktop with a red bat on the front, elbow lenth fingerless fishnet gloves, black jean shorts with red triming, fishnet stockings, and black combat boots. [B]Bio:[/B] Kinya is the little sister to Kouji and Kouichi. She lives with Kouji and thier dad. She's the rebal type of person and she's also somewhat goth. She loves attention and to cause trouble. Kouji and her always got in trouble at home for getting into fights with each other. One night, after Kouji left for the Digital World, Kinya has having a bad dream. She was running from something she couldn't see because it was too dark. Darkness was all around her. She woke up to discover she was in a strange world. She also had a strange device in her hand. She knew this was going to get interesting. [B]Spirit:[/B] Advanced Darkness [B]Digimon Forms[/B] [B]Spirit Evolution:[/B] LadyMyotismon (Crimson Spear, Nightmare Mist, Deadly Wing) [B]Beast Evolution:[/B] DarkSphinxmon (Shadow Ball, Shadow Wings, Poison Claws) [B]Fuison Evolution:[/B] Dark Warrior LadyMyotismon or DW LadyMyotismon for short (Crimson Power Ball, Nightmare Feathers, Poison Breath, Shadow Claws) [B]D-Tector Color:[/B] Black and Dark Purple [B][U]The List[/U][/B] Ok, I'm going to keep a list to help both me and you out. LOL [CENTER][B]Advanced Darkness: Amika Kamiya (me)[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]Advanced Fire: Maximillion404[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Advanced Water: JoyKaiba[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][B]Advanced Light: Cysword6[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange][B]Advanced Thunder: Midnightwolf25[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][B]Advanced Wind: Blanko[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=lightblue][B]Adavanced Ice: callmegoddess04[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]Advanced Earth: Prince Charming[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][B]Advanced Wood: BEWD Kaiba[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B]Advanced Steel: ShadowSword[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Alright, I think that's everything. Oh wait, JoyKaiba wanted to mention she's Takuya's twin sister. :shrugs shoulders: I hope you guys are going to have fun with this because I know I will. :D One more thing, you do make up the spirts.
  2. OOC: I guess I can help the thieves too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [B]Name:[/B] Karen Love [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.meimi.jp/yukima/cg/yukima_pop.jpg]The girl in black.[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Karen is too kind to be a thieve, but she does get a thrill out of stealing Pokemon. She loves the Pokemon she has and wouldn't give them up you for anything. [B]Bio:[/B] Karen was a normal trainer until she met up with the Pokemon Thieves leader. He offered her a deal she couldn't pass up. Karen loves being a theif and she was out on a mission when she was called back to Home Base. She didn't see Eric actually relase the Shadow Pokemon, but she did see them all run out the door. Karen quickly ran inside the base to see what was going on. She was quickly chose to re-capture the Shadow Pokemon. [B]Starting Pokemon:[/B] Wigglytuff and Beautifly [B]Shadow Pokemon You Catch:[/B] Butterfree,Togetic, Clefable, Raichu [B]Side:[/B] Pokemon Thieves
  3. Centarumon started pawing the ground with one of his hoofs. He looked down at Amika as Gomamon's fur stood on end. Centarumon took another step toward Amika and Amika moved slightly backward. Centarumon laughed at Amika's plight. He thought it was fuuny to watch the fear dance in Amika's eyes. He took another step closer. "No," Amika screamed as she put her hands to her face, "I don't want to die. At least not yet." As Amika said that, her Digivice started to glow. She took her hands off her face and looked at Gomamon. Both her Digivice and him were glowing with the same glow. "Gomamon Digivolve to..............," Gomamon shouted as he started to grow in size, "Piddomon." Amika looked on in amazement as an angel with a red ribbon and sash like thing on appeared in front of her. He was holding a staff and had a helment on. His long golden blond hair caught Amika's eye. "Wow," Amika said as she stummbled to her feet behind Piddomon, "he's an angel." Piddomon suddenly put his staff out toward Centarumon. Centarumon backed up slightly out of fear. "I don't know what you evil Digimon want," Piddomon said as he started to spin his staff, "but I won't allow you to get too far. This is going to end here. APOLLO TORNADO!" A fire tornado suddenly appeared from Piddomon's staff. Centarumon tried to dodge, but he got trapped in the tornado's vortex. He started laughing as he started to Digitize. "There are others," Centarumon laughed as he almost completely disappeared, "and they will come for you. We will not lose. WE WILL NOT LOSE!" Both the tornado and Centarumon suddenly disappeared. Amika blinked a few times as Piddomon touched down on the ground and started glowing. Then Gomamon suddenly appeared out of the light and ran up to Amika. Amika quickly grabbed him and hugged him. "You're my hero Gomamon," Amika said as she started walking back over to the group. She then stopped and looked back at the spot Centarumon disappeared at. She wondered what he ment by what he said. She was starting to get worried now. She hugged Gomamon a bit tighter and caught up with the group.
  4. "Hey," Amika said as she looked at Teal light floated in front of her, "that's cool. Maybe I should......." Amika slowed grabbed the device. A soft shock went through Amika and she slowly blacked out. "Amika," a soft male voice said with a slight laugh, "Please wake up Amika." Amika fluttered her eyes opened and discovered a small gray bird like creature with an orange thing it's head sitting on her. A look of surprise crossed Amika's face. She wasn't sure if she should scream or hug the cute little bird. She slowly lifted the bird up and sat up. She stared into the bird's bright blue eyes, "May I ask who or what you are," Amika said as she stood up. The brid smiked brightly and fluttered to Amika's shoulder. Amika looked at it strangely as it hugged her around her neck. "I'm Bukamon," the bird said with a smile, "and I'm a Digimon." Amika nodded and then got a confused look on her face. Bukamon blinked a few times at Amika's confused exspression. Amika smiled nervously and started rubbing the back of her head. "What's a Digimon," Amika asked with an embaressed tone to her voice. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Bukamon's face. He then laughed slightly. "A Digital Monster," Bukamon said with a slight laugh. Amika blinked and nodded. She then started looking around. She looked toward some bushes and started walking toward them. She looked over them and discovered a boy and girl sitting near a hologram. The boy had a pink head with long ears under one arm and the girl had a pink thing with a blue flower on top of its head sitting next to her. Amika took a deep breath and walked into the clearing. She now reconginzed the two people. The boy was Kirk Kamiya and the girl was Emily. Amika blinked a few times. "You two stuck here too," Amika questioned. Both Kirk and Emily nodded. Amika let out a depressed sigh and ploped down next to Emily. Bukamon flew down and sat in Amika's lap. This place was getting stranger by the second.
  5. I'll join! I'm new here so tell me if I mess up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Amika Harten Age:13 Future Parent Of: Sora Takenouchi Description: Umm...I'll try to come up with this later Personaility: Amika is kind yet a tomboy. She always seems to be the one to break up fights. Bio: Amika was heading to the learing camp just because her parents made her. She wasn't too thrilled with the idea, but she didn't put up a fight. Amika thought she was totally insane when she woke up to a strang bird like creature after getting shocked by a strange teal device. Amika soon learns what her present situation is and gets comfortable. She trys to keeps fights from starting or trys to break them up. Digivice Color: Teal Crest: Kindness Partner Digimon: Gomamon Partner Digimon Baby: Pichimon (Soap bubbles) In-Training: Bukamon (Bubble Blow) Rookie: Gomamon (Marching fishes, Claw attack, Sharp edge, Big wave attack) Champion: Piddomon (Fire Feather, Mega Heal, Apollo Tornado, Piddo Speed) Ultimate: Piximon (Pixi Bomb, Magical Tail) Mega: MarineAngemon (Ocean love, Smiling face)
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