Prince Charming
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Sign Up Digimon: Deadly Digital Virus! (PG-13: V,L)
Prince Charming replied to JoyKaiba's topic in Theater
[I][COLOR=Green][B]Name:[/B] Yuki Momento [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=fanart+of+boys/v=2/SID=e/l=IVI/SIG=125ob478s/EXP=1106351805/*-http%3A//tina-chan.com/fanart/images/jades-boys.jpg]The one in the front![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Yuki Momento is the youngest of the Momentos. Yuki isn't a very sporty type guy. He rather stay in the music room in play his flute, yes I said flute. He hangs around with Zak alot. They're usually together because of thier personallitys. Yuki spends much of his time in his room or outside. He likes to sit in his room practicing with his flute. He also likes to sit in the Sakura tree in the back yard. He usually just sits there to think or read a book. Yuki, Hirako, and his other sibling have had a stable upbringing and has been surrounded by warmth and love since they were brought into the world. They?re quite popular at school but they each have their own share of enemies. Yuki loves to admire the diffrent classical music posters in his blue room. You can bearly see the blue walls through the posters though. [B]Digimon:[/B] [url=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=floramon/v=2/SID=e/l=IVI/SIG=12gmsj9ad/EXP=1106351577/*-http%3A//www.digibros.net/~digipedia/encyc/images/floramon.jpg]Floramon[/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Innocence: looks like a tear drop with a spear struck through it at a angle. [B]Crest Color:[/B] Forest Green [B]Digi-Vice Color:[/B] Forest Green and Brown[/color][/i] -
[I][COLOR=Green][B]Name:[/B] Yuki Momento (Youngest Momento) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill25.jpg]Minus the freaky sun thing and the red sash![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Yuki Momento is the youngest of the Momentos. Yuki isn't a very sporty type guy. He rather stay in the music room in play his flute, yes I said flute. He hangs around with Zak alot. They're usually together because of thier personallitys. Yuki spends much of his time in his room or outside. He likes to sit in his room practicing with his flute. He also likes to sit in the Sakura tree in the back yard. He usually just sits there to think or red a book. Yuki, Mijiko, and Mat have had a stable upbringing and has been surrounded by warmth and love since they were brought into the world. They?re quite popular at school but they each have their own share of enemies. Yuki loves to admire the diffrent classical music posters in his blue room. Yuki's room is just like Mijiko's and Mat's, but blue. Yoiu can bearly see the blue walls through the posters though. One night, when Yuki, Mijiko, Mat, and some friends were out camping, the Momento kids were swept off to the Digital World. There they met their Digimon and met up with the other children and their siblings. They also met Aurora and immediately felt a pang of sorrow for her and were immediately determined to help her out in whatever ways they could to help purify DemiDevimon. [B]Crest:[/B] Faith [B]Crest Color:[/B] Green [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Brown [B]Digimon:[/B] Floramon[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=Green][B]Name:[/B] Kie (pronounced Key) [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Human Appearance:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill3.jpg]Here you go![/url] [B]Wolf Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.gamerankings.com/screens4/914760/11.jpg]Minus the horns![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later) [B]Side:[/B] Good[/I][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=Green][B][U]GUN-HO GUN[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Hiru Fog [B]Nick-Name:[/B] Hiru the Invisable [B]Age:[/B] about 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill3.jpg]Here you go![/url] [B]Weapons:[/B] A high tech bow and arrow. The arrows exsplode on contact or release a special gas that will knock anyone out. The gas is only used in kidnapping someone. He also has two hand guns and two knives. [B]Power:[/B] Hiru can create a mist around himself. This mist makes him invisable a normal human's naked eye. The mist doesn't last long, but it lasts long enough to give his oppent a good scare and a few good hits. He also uses it when he's sniping. [B]Personality:[/B] Hiru is usually cheery. In fact, he's too cheery to be a Gun-Ho-Gun some times. Hiru as a totally diffrent outlook in the heat of battle though. He's harsh and ruthless. He goes at his oppent with great power and won't give up until they're dead or almost dead. [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later)[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Green]Yuki was nervously looking around the huge canyon walls. He looked scared half to death. Kinya looked back at him slightly. She slowed down until she was right next to him. "What's wrong Yuki," Kinya asked as she stared at Yuki. Yuki shook his head as sweat started to drip from his forehead. Kinya could tell something was wrong. "This place looks just like the place in my nightmare," Yuki said as he quickly looked ahead of him, "I almost got hit by a piece of earth that was coming up from the ground. I might have gotten hit if it wasn't for that angel looking figure." Kinya nodded. She really didn't like seeing her friends in distress. A slight depressed sigh escaped Yuki's lip. "Ok," Takuya said as he came to a complete stop, "that is the strangest thing I've ever seen here." Tuya bumped into Takuya because of his sudden stop. She went to say something, but was side tracked by what Takuya was looking at. "Is that a carving of Lucemon in the side of the canyon," Zoe questioned as she looked over at Wizardmon and Gatomon. Wizardmon put his hand to his chin. He looked like he was in deep thought. "That's not Lucemon," Wizardmon said as he floated up to the carvings, "This guy is way nicer. His name is Earthbound Lucemon. You can tell by the markings on his face and arms. You can also tell by the way his wings are made." Everyone nodded even though they still were confused. The only one who wasn't confused was Yuki. He had seen this Digimon before. "That's the angel that told me to run from the pieces of earth in my dream," Yuki said as his D-Tector suddenly started glowing. Everyone turned toward Yuki as he picked up his D-Tector. The carving on the canyon wall started to glow as well. Everyone turned back at the carving as it started to shrink and change colors. "That's the Advanced Spirit of Earth," Kinya said as a minture version of Earthbound Lucemon floated in midair. The Spirit suddenly disappeared into Yuki's D-Tector. It sent him sliding into Hiroko. Hiroko caught him, but not with out him sliding a little. "Now we've got all the Spirits," Kouji said as he looked up into the sky, "Now all we have to do is find this Reis guy." Everyone agreed and started heading toward the field at the end of the canyon.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Green]Yuki yawned as he played a video game. It was boring him to death. He had already beaten it five times already, but it was the only thing to do when his parents were out of the house. "Hey Yuki," his big brother, Yen, yelled from upstairs, "When did mom and dad say they were getting back." Yuki quickly glanced at the clock. It was 10:30 PM already and his parents wouldn't be home to 1:00 AM. He let out a depressed sigh, shut off his game, and started heading upstairs. "They said they wouldn't be home until 1:00," Yuki said as he slumped over to his room. Yen leaned out of his doorway to see Yuki walk into his. Yen shook his head. "Tired little buddy," Yen asked as he leaned back into his room. Yuki didn't answer. He just walked over to his bed, ploped down, and fell asleep. "Hey," Yuki said as he stood up in a huge canyon, "where am I?" He started looking around and walking. It was like he was walking through the Grand Canyon or something. Yuki smiled slightly, but a huge peice of earth struck up a foot in front of him. He now was scared. "Run," a voice said from the side of him, "Don't let them touch you." Yuki turned toward the voice, but all he could see was a angel like figure. A small angel, but never-the-less an angel. Yuki agreed and started running. As he ran, piece of earth were stricking closer and closer to him. One suddeny popped up in front of him. "Noooooo," Yuki scream as he woke up. He was drentched in sweat. A sigh of relief escaped Yuki's lips as he fell backward. He stared up into the deep blue sky. Something wasn't right here. He sat up again and looked around. He wasn't in his bedroom anymore. He was in a field filled with lush green grass and a train station to the left. "Yuki," Kinya said as she ran up to Yuki, "You must be the last one." Yuki looked at Kinya strangely as she pulled him up. He shook his head and looked down to his right. A strang brown and green device was laying there. Yuki bent over to pick it up. "Mind exsplaning Kinya," Yuki said as he stared at the strange device. Kinya smiled slightly and started pulling Yuki along. "I think were're all going to get an exspilnation," Yuki said as she headed toward the others. Yuki started hoping Kinya was right. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Green]"Man," James said as he started to put his sunglasses over his eyes, "I could really use a fan right about now." Lopmon heard James and streatched her ears out. "How's that," Lopmon asked with a smile. James smiled back as he looked up at Lopmon. "That's great," James said as he opened the collar to his shirt slightly, "That helps alot Lopmon. Thanks!" Lopmon smiled and nodded. She was happy if James was happy. "Why couldn't we go through a river or something," Daina complained as DemiDevimon fanned himself with his wings. Everyone let out a groan. James shook his head and suddenly stopped. Lopmon looked down at him. "What's wrong James," Lopmon asked. James didn't answer. He was looking around. He didn't know what was going on. Something was out there, but what was it. "Wahahaha," a voice laughed from close by, "It seems like you know I'm here." James step aside out of seer instinct. Suddenly a fire ball hit right where he was standing. James slid a few inches backward and when down on one knee. Lopmon jumped off his head and started at a firey figure that was apporching. Everyone else stopped and turned around. They all looked horrified as the firey figure came into view. "Oh no," Salamon said with a gasp, "that's Meramon. His Fire ball, Roaring flame, and Magma blast attacks can be perrty painful." James didn't like the sound of that. He tried to stand up, but another fire ball came toward him making him fall on his backside. Lopmon gasped and sarted to glow along with James' Digivice. James started rubbing his head as he looked at Lopmon. "Lopmon Digivolve too...........," Lopmon said as she started to get a little bigger, "Rabbitmon." James took his sunglasses off and stared at the pink and white bunny that was in front of him. A sweat drop suddenly appeared on the side of his face. Meramon started laughing. "Oh yeah," Meramon said with a chuckle, "what are you going to do small stuff? Are you going to kill me with your cuteness." Rabbitmon didn't look too happy and James looked totally embaressed. James put his hand to his face as he put his sunglasses back on his head. "I can do alot," Rabbitmon said as she jumped into the air, "CARROT BOMBER!" Meramon didn't like that too much. Little carrot shaped bombs were coming stright for him. He tried to run away, but the bombs were heat activated. They exsploded as soon as they got near him. Mermon was set off balance and the rest of the bombs blew up on him. "Nice work Rabbitmon," James said as he stummbled over to Rabbitmon. Rabbitmon smiled and De-Digivolved. "Thank you," Lopmon said with a smile. James smiled back and picked Lopmon up. Lopmon quickly jumped to his head. "Alright," Kirk said as he streatched, "let's move on. Maybe we won't get into anymore fights before we get into the village." Everyone let out a sigh and started walking again. They all just hoped that they got off Fire Road and fast.[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=Green][B]Name:[/B] Yuki Himitoe [B]Age:[/B] 10 [B]Description:[/B] Yuki has earlength black hair and greenish-blue eyes. He wears a green t-shirt with a black drogon on it, army pinted shorts, and green and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Yuki is the queit type. He somewhat likes to keep to himself. He rarely talks to people. He's good frinds with Kinya though. One night, Yuki was having a really bad dream. He was actually sweating in his sleep. He was running through this canyon and pieces of earth kept coming up from the ground. When one piece almost hit him, Yuki woke up. Strangly, he wasn't in his bed any more. He was in a strange world and a strange device was lying not to far from him. [B]Spirit:[/B] Advanced Earth [B][U]Digimon Forms[/U][/B] [B]Spirit Evolution:[/B] Earth Bound Lucemon or EB Lucemon for short (Earthquake, Eath Tip Spear, Green Power Spear) [B]Beast Evolution:[/B] Foxmon (Heavy Paw, Rock Slide, Howling Crusher) [B]Fuison Evolution:[/B] Fox Warrior Lucemon or FW Luncemon for short (Meteor Storm, Earth Bound Ring, Gravel Darts, Crystal Crusher) [B]D-Tector Color:[/B] Forest Green and Brown[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=SeaGreen]"This isn't too logical," James whispered to himself as he stared at a forest green light, "Should I touch it? Well, I do have to make sure I'm not seeing things." James reached for the forest green light and grabbed it. He then opened his hand to discover a small forest green metal device in his hand. James looked at the device strangely, but suddenly felt something. He fainted not too long after. "Wake up James," a cute sounding female voice said from nearby, "Come on! You don't want to be late now." James quickly opened his eyes and sprang up. He looked around and then he looked down. A cute brown blob like creature with three little horns on it's head was standing to his right. She smiled as James jumped up. James backed up to a tree and dropped to his knees. The creature jumped up to him. James looked down at the creature as his sunglasses fell onto his nose. "Wha......wha......what are yo....you," James asked as he pointed at the little creature. The creature blinked her eyes a couple of times and then jumped in James' lap. James looked like the color dropped out of him. He fell backward and put his sunglasses back on his head. "I'm a Digimon, that's short for Digital Monster," the creature said as she started to jump up and down, "You can call me Chocomon though friend. Oh, you're also in the Digital World if you're wondering." James nodded and picked Chocomon up in midair. Chocomon blinked and looked at James. James smiled and stood up. He then just reilized he stilled had the strange forest green device in his hand. He let out a sigh and quickly clipped to his pants. "That's good to know Chocomon," James said as he started walking, "Now I'm going to see if I can find any other humans. BTW, that's what I am. Have you seen any?" Chocomon thought for a moment and looked up at James. A sweat drop appeared on the side of James head. "I can't say I've seen any," Chocomon said with sigh, "but I did sense something strange to our right." With that said, James started walking to his right. He hoped he wasn't in this alone. A few seconds later, James walked in to a small clearing. He let out a sigh of reilieve as he spotted Kirk, Emily, Amika, Diana, and Yuki sitting around a strange hologram. He knew he wasn't seeing things either because each one of his friends were playing with a Digimon. Kirk was counting how many times Koromon could bounce, Emily was playing with Yokomon's blue petals, Amika was moving Bukamon's flippers up and down, Daina was laughing at something that DemiMeramon had just said, and Yuki was dozing off with Tsunomon on his head. James took a deep breath and decided to join his friends. "Well," James said as he sat down next to Amika, "looks like I'm not alone after all." Everyone nodded as they quickly glanced at James. James smiled and let Chocomon out of his arms. He then looked at the hologram. It was a middle-aged man and he had just nodded at James. James nodded back and quickly looked at the sky. He wondered what this strange world was and why him and the others were there.[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]Name:[/B] James Kido [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Future Parent Of:[/B] Joe Kido [B]Description:[/B] James has shoulder length blue hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a dark blue shirt, a black jacket, dark blue jeans that are lose on him, black boots, and a pair of sunglasses that are usually on his head. [B]Personaility:[/B] James is always trying to think things through before he does something. He's very careful and trys hard to do thinks perfect. [B]Bio:[/B] James wanted to go to this learning camp. He thought it would help him in his school work. He totally wigged out when he woke up to a strange creature in a strange world. He soon reilized that his new friend's world was in danger. He agreed to help. He trys to help Kirk think things through, but Kirk (just like Tai) doesn't ever want to listen. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Forest Green [B]Crest:[/B] Responsibility [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Lopmon [B]Partner Digimon[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Conomon (Bubble Blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] Chocomon (Koko Crusher) [B]Rookie:[/B] Lopmon (Blazing Ice, Tiny Twister, Blazing Fire) [B]Champion:[/B] Rabbitmon (Ear flapping, Carrot bomber) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Antylamon (Arm Bomber, Meditation Cure, Bunny Blade) [B]Mega:[/B] Kerpymon (Holy hug, Lightning spear)[/I][/color]