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Everything posted by Midnightwolf25

  1. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Hiro Momento [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://boysonboysonfilm.com/images/gallery/yami/hi0.jpg]Here's what he looks like[/url] and [url=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=anime+boys/v=2/SID=e/l=IVI/SIG=126efam1j/EXP=1106579718/*-http%3A//www.ayanamichan.com/gundam/gboys/boys26.jpg]he wears the outfit Duo has on.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Hiro Momento is the oldest of the Momento twins. He and his twin sister, younger than him by 5 minutes are very close and like to joke around with each other. Hiro is a very sporty type guy and plays in the school?s basketball team. Whenever Hiro?s not at home, at school or playing basketball and other sports, he loves to skateboard. Hiro, Hirako and Yuki have had a stable upbringing and has been surrounded by warmth and love since they were brought into the world. They?re quite popular at school but they each have their own share of enemies. But besides all of his outdoor hobbies, he spends quite a large portion of time in the house, where he strums on his guitar, trying to get tunes, or plays the drums or just studies and does homework. Unlike Hirako, he didn't get his Digivice until recently along with his partner BlackAgumon. [B]Digimon:[/B] [url=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=BlackAgumon/v=2/SID=e/l=IVI/SIG=12ftt0236/EXP=1106578331/*-http%3A//cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/BlackAgumon.gif]BlackAgumon[/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Responsibility: Looks like a cupped hand with water spouting up out of it. [B]Crest Color:[/B] Royal Blue [B]Digi-Vice Color:[/B] Royal Blue and Clear[/color][/i]
  2. [B][U][COLOR=Green]Future?...[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Those stupid kids,? Naru mumbled as he stared into a pool of water, ?They were sucked into a vortex that leads to the past. They could do major damage there.? Naru started mumbling as Zaroo walked in. He didn?t look too happy at all. ?Naru,? Zaroo said in an angered tone, ?That stupid halfling, Setsouke, tried to fight me. She was losing when the Shikon Jewel shattered and created a vortex in the sky. Both the Shikon Shards and Setsouke were sucked into the vortex. Do you have any idea what that Vortex is?? Naru looked extremely steamed as he turned around. A serious look was on his face and Zaroo knew he meant business. ?That vortex leads to the past,? Zaroo said as his face went from serious to worried, ?and Setsouke isn?t the only one that got sucked in. Koal and his siblings did too.? Zaroo looked a little confused. He didn?t know what could be going on. Apparently Naru did though. ?Is there something wrong with that,? Zaroo asked as he stared at Naru. Naru put a hand to his chin and nodded. A horrible vision crossed his mind. ?Oh course there is,? Naru said as he slightly looked at Zaroo, ?They could stop your creation.? Zaroo looked horrified at Naru?s words. He quickly grabbed Naru?s arm and growled. He had spared Naru?s life once, but he wasn?t going to again. ?Either find away of stopping those brats or suffer the consequents,? Zaroo huffed as his hot breath blew in Naru?s face. Naru slightly coughed and dropped out of Zaroo?s grip. Zaroo didn?t look too pleased at his actions. ?I?ll travel through that vortex as well,? Naru said as he picked up his swords and started toward the door, ?I?ll stop those meddling brats. You have my word great Zaroo.? Zaroo nodded and turned his back on Naru. Naru didn?t like this treatment, but it was better then being killed. He took a deep breath and stepped outside. Once outside, Naru looked up at the vortex. It seemed welcoming for some odd reason. Naru took a deep breath, took a step forward, and opened his arms. ?Lets see what the past holds in story shall we,? Naru mumbled as his feet started to lift off the ground. Naru quickly closed his eyes. He knew they wouldn?t be open much longer anyways.[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][COLOR=Green]Present?...[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Well, well,? Naru said as he stood up, ?Isn?t it my father?s castle. I know he has a barrier around it, so I have to find another way in. Maybe if I find Kagura.? Naru?s attention was suddenly taken off of his train of thought when he heard a familiar voice. He turned around to see Kagura. ?What do you want boy,? Kagura questioned as she spread one of her fans out in front of her face. Naru slightly grinned and bowed. ?I would like to see Lord Naraku, my lady,? Naru said as he stood back up. Kagura looked pleased with Naru. Naru just hoped that she wouldn?t decide to turn on him. He wouldn?t want to kill his only hope in getting into the castle.[/COLOR][/B]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Wow, there hasn't really been a good Inuyasha RP in a long time. :D I think I'll play two characters. [B]Name:[/B] Kouga [B]Age:[/B] about 16 (believe it or not) [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.absoluteanime.com/inu-yasha/kouga.jpg]Here you go![/url] [B]Bio:[/B]Kouga is the leader of the Wolf Clan. He has super speed due to the Shikon Jewel shards he has in his legs. Kouga fell in love with Crystal, and always quarrels with InuYasha and Miroku because of this. Kouga was originally a bad guy. His wolves (not Ginta and Hakkaku) killed Rin (before Sesshoumaru restored her). Because of his love of Crystal, who will bore him two children, he turned into a good demon, and helps InuYasha and his group in their quest for Naraku. He's suspicious of Koal and Arianna. He never seen a Wolf Demon Tribe with white or black fur. [B]Race:[/B] Full blooded Wolf Demon. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] He has a sword, but her rarely uses it. He most uses his claws and strength to his advantage. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] He has super speed, mentioned in bio, and power. He also the power over wind and can call wolves into battle. He mostly about brute power behind physical actions though. [B]Era:[/B] Present [B]Side:[/B] Was evil, but now good. (in a way)[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Now for my other character! [B]Name:[/B] Naru (ni-ru) (stole that from a friend) [B]Age:[/B] about 17 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.absoluteanime.com/inu-yasha/gatenmaru.jpg]Lose the pink jacket thingy and give him bright blue eyes.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Naru is Naraku's son, but no one knows who his mother is. It's a mystery to everyone. Naru has trained hard under his father's watchful eye. He became stronger and stronger everyday. He thought he was strong enough to take on Zaroo when he refused to listen, but when Zaroo killed his father. Zaroo wouldn'yt listen to Naru, but he also wouldn't hurt him. Naru took advantage of this and became Zaroo's friend. Now, he traveled back in time to stop Koal and Co. and anyone else who trys to stop Zaroo's creation. [B]Race:[/B] Not quiet known, but they thing he's like Koal because Naraku's a Half-demon. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] He carrys two long swords on his back in a X shape. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] He can attack with tree roots like his father and he also has the ability to make diffrent elemental forms of himself. [B]Era:[/B] Future [B]Side:[/B] Evil I hope this is good![/COLOR]
  4. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Zak Aurora (Younger Aurora) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill1.jpg]Minus the wings and cross! He also has black pants and shoes on![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Zak is Amika's little brother and her best friend in some ways. Zak is the shy type and usually keeps to himself. He's not on any sort of sports team, but he is in the Book Club. He's quiet the bookworm. Zak has the tendancy to stick up for the little people though. Zak loves to compete with Amika in somethings he likes doing. He thinks he can win, but usual loses in the end. They also kid around about at the end. Zak seems to look up to Amika and would do anything for her. When Zak and Amika get transported to the Digital World from camp, they each meet thier own Digimon. Zak's Digimon is the hyper and funny, Dorumon. Amika's is the shady and sneaky Nightmon. Zak becomes close with his Digital partner and they promise to protect each other. They also promise to protect everyone else. [B]Crest:[/B] Hope [B]Crest Color:[/B] Gold [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Silver [B]Digimon:[/B] Dorumon[/COLOR][/I]
  5. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Hiro [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Human Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.logicsociety.com/anime/reviews/pictures/scryed/cap2.JPG]The rest of his outfit is a black pair of pants and black shoes![/url] [B]Wolf Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/pictures/c/CatWhoHas14Tails/91533.jpg]The wolf of course![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Hiro has known Coal for awhile now. They are somewhat friends, but go in thier own direction. Hiro didn't watch his pack die, but he left them. He could stand being with them any more. Hiro isn't as cold as he seems, but he can be perrty ruthless. The more you get on his nerves, the closer you are to him ripping out your throat. Hiro and Coal finally join forces when they both discover they want the same thing. Chace! [B]Side:[/B] Evil[/COLOR][/I]
  6. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Salamon," Aaron said as he walked through a dark area, "where are we? I mean I can't see a thing. It's too dark in here." Salamon wasn't saying anything. She was trying to keep her energy fousced on seeing. "Are the newbies lost," a sinister voice chuckled, "Do I have to clear you a way? LASER WING!" Two huge red flashes suddenly cut in front of Aaron and Salamon. Both took a step backward as the dark fog started to clear. A devil like Digimon was standing before them. He looked like he could be related to Aurora's DemiDevimon. "Oh my," Salamon said with a slight growl, "It's Devimon. Stay back Aaron! I don't want you to get hurt. He's a Champion and he packs a way meaner punch then any of us Rookies." Aaron looked down at Salamon and then back at Devimon. He knew small little Salamon wouldn't stand a chance. He would have more of a chance. "Hey ugly," Aaron said as he pointed at Devimon, "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size." Salamon and Devimon both looked at Aaron with a confused look. Devimon suddenly started laughing. "You are one brave kid," Devimon laughed, "or maybe you're just stupid. May we see which one it is? EVIL WING!" A dark shadow came from Devimon and started soreing at Aaron. Aaron wasn't moving though. Salamon suddenly pushed Aaron out of the way and took the dark blast at full power. "No," Aaron shouted as he stummbled to his feet, "Salamon!" Aaron's Digivice started glowing and Salamon felt a rush of energy. "Salamon Digivolve too.........," Salamon said as she glowed with a bright light, "BlackGatomon!" Aaron stood where he was with a dumbfounded look on his face. Salamon's new and approved form wasn't much bigger then her last form. She looked more like at cat then a dog now. "Ok," Aaron said as he slightly rubbed his head, "that's diffrent. Anyhow, go get him BlackGatomon." BlackGatomon nodded as her golden eyes shifted over in Devimon's direction. Devimon didn't look scared, but something was telling him to be. "I always say," BlackGatomon said as she started chargeing at Devimon, "fight darkness with darkness. SHADOW PAW!" Devimon put his wings in front of him as a small dark blast came from BlackGatomon's paw. The blast went straight through Devimon's wings and through him. Devimon started disappearing as BlackGatomon ran up to Aaron and jumped in his arms. "Nice work," Aaron said as he rubbed BlackGatomon's head. BlackGatomon nodded and looked toward where Devimon was. The area was starting to disappear. Aaron hugged BlackGatomon and closed his eyes. BlackGatomon hugged Aaron around the neck and closed her eyes as well. There was nothing they could do now. "Wowie," four Nyaromon said as the bounced a misty clear chest on thier heads, "You're the greatest Salamon. You changed into a BlackGatomon." Both Aaron and BlackGatomon opened thier eyes. They were back in Witchmon's hut. BlackGatomon smiled at the Nyaromon as Aaron looked around. Aaron saw Aurora and Wizardmon pushing each other with Wizardmon's staff, Maura bounceing Tapirmon from knee to knee, Akari trying to take Piddomon's helment off, Coal watching FlaWizardmon juggle a few fireballs, Austin tugging on Rabbitmon's ears, and Reis sitting peacefully next to Nightmon. Lance and Dorumon were still out cold. "Do I dare ask what's in the chest," BlackGatomon asked as Aaron looked down at the Nyaromon. The Nyaromon smiled, dropped the chest, and opened it. A clear necklace with bits of blue through and a clear blue paw shaped pendent at the end of it was inside. Aaron bent down and picked it up. "That's your Power Necklace," the Nyaromon said as the closed the chest back up. Aaron put the necklace on and looked at BlackGatomon. BlackGatomon shrugged her shoulders. "I'll ask Witchmon when she's not busy," Aaron said as he watched the Nyaromon hop away with the chest. A slight sigh escaped Aaron's lips as he sat down. BlackGatomon just looked up at him. She knew something was going through his mind.[/COLOR][/B]
  7. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Aaron was laying still as a bunch of yellow ball like creatures with ears and a yellow and purple tail gathered around him. They were looking him over when a tan dog like creature walked in between them. She started to look at him as well. "Is he ok Miss. Salamon," one of the yellow creatures asked. Salamon didn't say anything as she turned around. All of the yellow creatures looked at her. "I'm sure he's perfectly fine Nyaromon," Salamon said as she turned back around. All the Nyaromon smiled happily as Aaron started to wake up. He suddenly sat up and looked around. Salamon and all of the Nyaromon looked at him. "What are you things," Aaron asked as he stummbled to his feet, "and where the heck am I?" Aaron started to back up against a tree. All the Nyaromon stayed put and blinked, but Salamon started walking toward him. "It's ok," Salamon said with a slight smile, "we're not going to hurt you. We're Digimon and we're peaceful. I'm Salamon. The watcher of all of these little Nyaromon and your partner. Now, for your other question. You're in the Digital World. Home for all of us Digimon." Aaron was alittle reilieved that the Digimon weren't going to hurt him. He slid down the tree and put his hands in his jacket pocket. He felt something in one of the pockets and pulled out that strange device he got earlier. "Hey," Aaron said as he stood back up, "would you happen to know what this thing is?" Salamon looked at the see through device. She then shook her head. "Oh course," Salamon said as she turned away from Aaron, "it's a Digivice. I think I should take you to Witchmon now. She can exsplain everything else to you." With that said, Salamon started walking. Aaron quickly caught up with her and looked back. He then waved at the Nyaromon. The Nyaromon started waving with thier tails. Aaron wondered why they were staying behind. [/COLOR][/B]
  8. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Aaron Wood [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/pictures/p/Pienemien/77964.jpg]He usually wears black sneakers![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Aaron is some what of a punk and really didn't pay much attention to the world around him. He didn't really care about the news untill he spotted a black cat on the screen. He had the sudden argue to go look for it. When he reached the outskirts of the park. He was stopped by a glittering light. He grabbed the light and it turned into a strange device. [B]Power Gem:[/B] Faith [B]Power Gem Color:[/B] Clear [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Clear Light Blue and Clear [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] Salamon [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Salamon.gif]Salamon[/url] (Puppy Howling, Petit Punch, Sledge Crash) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/BlackGatomon.gif]BlackGatomon[/url] (Shadow Paw, Shadow Kick, Cat's Eye) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/Bastemon.jpg]Persiamon[/url] (Vampire Dance, Helter Skelter, Crimson Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/AncientSphinxmon.gif]AncientSphinxmon[/url] (Necro Eclipse, Dark Blast) [B]Human Fusion:[/B] [url=http://www.anzwers.org/free/digidreamer/04/Bilder3/loewemon.jpg]Loweemon[/url] (Eternal Sleep, Final Meteor)[/COLOR][/I]
  9. [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Tyrin was flinching as every lightning bolt struck the ground. He was scared and Tommy could tell. Tommy looked up at him. "Are you ok Big Brother," Tommy asked as he grabbed Tyrin's hand. Tyrin slightly jumped and smiled nervously. Tommy looked a little worried. Tyrin started laughing. "I'm just fine Tommy," Tyrin said with a grin. Sweat started dripping from his forehead. Tommy tried not to noticed that his brother was scared, but it was really hard not too. "I've never liked lightning," Takuya said as he almost jumped into Tuya's arm. Tyrin looked a little relieved that he wasn't the only one scared of lightning. Tommy shook his head. He was trying so hard not to say anything. "Why was I chosen to be the owner of the Advanced Thunder Spirit," Tyrin tried to say to himself. Tommy overheard his brother's whispers. He knew Tyrin was having an enternal struggle. "It's ok Tyrin," Tommy said as he skipped in front of Tyrin, "You would make the perfect owner of the Advanced Thunder Spirit." Tyrin smiled at what Tommy said. A lightning bolt suddeny struck a near by rock. A Spirit appeared from in the rock. It looked like a blue and yellow humnoid insect. "I'm guessing that's mine," Tyrin said as he grabbed his D-Tector. The Spirit flew and disappeared into Tyrin's D-Tector. Tyrin slid back slightly, but he still smiled. He twirled his D-Tector around slightly and clipped it to his belt. Tommy quickly ran and hugged Tyrin. "Yea," Tommy said with a smile, "that looks like an awsome Spirit Tyrin." Tyrin smiled and then looked at the rest of the group. They looked ready to go. Tyrin grined nervously. "I say we make a run for it," Tyrin said as he started running in front of the group, "There is no reason to take our time now. I've got my Spirit." Everyone agreed and started running toward the deserted steel town. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, I hand this off to you ShadowSword. Good luck! :D[/color][/i][/b]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"No Mom," Tyrin yelled as he laid on his bed with his headphones on around his neck, "I'll take it out later." Tyrin quickly put his headphones back on. He didn't want to hear what his mom had to say next. "You better Tyrin Himi," his mom yelled as she marched into the kitchen. Tyrin just rolled his eyes and rolled over. He closed his eyes and started to drift into a deep sleep. He wasn't really tired, but something was certinally making him tired. "Hello," Trin said as he looked around a dark plain, "is anybody......wahaa.....," Tyrin was cut off by lightning striking nearby. He was terrified of lightning and it made him run scared. It seemed like every step he took, the lightning came closer and closer. Tyrin just wanted to break down and cry. Suddenly, a whole bunch of lightning bolts gathered around Tyrin. They formed a ball around him. He wouldn't be able to escape even if he tried. "Don't be scared of destiny," a voice, from behind Tyrin, said with a buzz. Tyrin quickly turned around and saw nothing, but a shadowy figure dart by. The figure looked kind of like a humanoid bug. Tyrin was really freaked out now. The lightning started moving closer to him. "Wahaaaa," Tyrin screamed as he woke up in a cold sweat. Tyrin shook his head, put his left hand on his forehead, and his right hand on the ground. He felt his hand hit something on the ground. He looked down to discover a see-through whitish-blue and see-through golden yellow device lying on the ground. He quickly picked it up and started looking around. Lush green grass was all around and a train station was to the left. "Tyrin," Tommy said as he started running up to Tyrin, "I can't beilieve you're actually here." Tyrin looked at Tommy and caught him in midair as he went to tackle him. "Wow Tommy," Tyrin said as he hugged his little brother, "Fancy seeing you here. Where ever here is." Tommy smiled slightly and wiggled out of Tyrin's arms. "This is the Digital World," Tommy said with a smile, "and you can blame Dream Trailmon for bring you here. Oh yeah, the device in your hand is a D-Tector. I have one too, but mine's green and white." Tyrin looked a little surprised and quickly clipped his D-tector to his pants. He then walked over to Tommy and messed up his hair through his hat. "Wow," Tyrin said as he smiled down at Tommy, "I'm impressed little brother. You've come a long way." Tommy smiled brightly and grabbed his big brother's hand. He pointed at the others with his free hand. "Come meet my friends," Tommy said as he started draging Tyrin. Tyrin nodded and picked up his pace to keep up with Tommy.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Tyrin Himi [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] Tyrin has short spiked broen hair and dark green eyes. He usually wears a blue t-shirt with yellow trimmings on the sleeves and collar. It also has a yellow thunder bolt on the front of it. He also wears dark blue pants with yellow trimmings down the side of them and around the pockets, black work boots, and black fingerless gloves. [B]Bio:[/B] Tyrin is Tommy's big, big brother. He's the one always sticking up for Tommy. He doesn't like it when people pick on his little brother. Tyrin has always been the quiet type though. He doesn't talk much, but when he does talk, he won't shut up. Tyrin also speaks his mind. He always speaks the truth. Anyhow, one night Tyrin was having a horrible nightmare. He was running through a dark plain and bolts of lightning struck closer and closer to him. He soon was surrounded by a ball of lightning. Tyrin quickly woke up in a cold sweat. He wasn't in his bed any more though. He was in a strange place with a strange device nearby. [B]Spirit:[/B] Advanced Thunder [B][U]Digimon Forms[/U][/B] [B]Spirit Evolution:[/B] ThunderStingmon (Lightning Jab, Thunder Wave, Static Shock) [B]Beast Evolution:[/B] HerculesStingmon (Lightning Spear, Thunder Grip, Bone Crusher) [B]Fuison Evolution:[/B] KnightStingmon (Thunder Ball, Lightning Sword, Static Quake, Lightning, Thunder Clap) [B]D-Tector Color:[/B] See Through Whitish-Blue and See Through Golden Yellow[/COLOR]
  12. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yuki watched Daina and Terren walk back into the campsite. Daina looked totally annoyed. Yuki looked at BlackGabumon. BlackGabumon shrugged his shoulders. Yuki shook his head. "What's wrong Daina," Yuki asked as he looked at Daina. Daina stopped walking and looked over at Yuki. Yuki started to sweat. Daina maybe goofy, but she was scary when she was mad. "Someone thought it would be funny to put a rubber spider on my head," Daina said as she started to calm down. Yuki put his hand to his mouth. He was about to laugh. He started wondering if Daina wiged out. "Why would someone do that," BlackGabumon asked with a confused look. Yuki dropped his hand and looked at his digital partner. BlackGabumon looked at him with a confused look. "I thought you were kidding," Yuki said with a nervous smile," but you're totally serious." BlackGabumon nodded his head. A sweat drop appeared on the back of Yuki's head. "So," BlackGabumon asked as he started to rub the back of his head, "why would someone do that?" Yuki shook his head as Daina started to walk by. He went to say something, but Daina cut him off. "Because the think they can out do me in pranks," Daina said as she rubbed DemiDevimon's head, "but I'll show them." Yuki nodded his head and watched Daina and Terren sit back down near the fire. He let out a sigh and looked up at the star filled sky.[/COLOR][/B]
  13. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Now that's interesting," Yuki said as he reached for a purple light. As he grabbed ahold of the light, he3 felt something cold in his hand. Yuki looked down at his hand and discovered a small purple device in his hand. He suddenly felt a jolt go through his body and he passed out. "Hey Yuki," a cute male voice said from somewhere, "Get up sleepy head. This isn't the time to rest." Yuki slowly opened his eyes to discover a orange and tan creature with a horn sitting on him. Yuki thought he was going to pass out again. The creature bounced off of him and started smiling. Yuki sat up and started looking around as he rubbed the back of his head. He then looked at his right hand. He still had ahold of the strange purple device. He quickly clipped it to his pants. "This place is awesome," Yuki said as he stood up, "but where exsactly are we?" The little creature bounced next to Yuki. Yuki looked down, smiled, and picked the little creature up. "We're in the Digital World," the little creature said as he looked around, and I'm a Digimon or Digital Monster. You can call me Tsunomon." Yuki nodded and started walking. He wouldn't achive anything standing around. Tsunomon was safely tucked under his arm. A little later, Yuki discovered four of his friends sitting near a hologram of a middle-aged man. They were Amika, Emily. Kirk, and Daina. Yuki let out a sigh of reilieve and ran over to his friends. He noticed all four of his friends had strange creatures as well. He quickly sat down next to Daina. Everyone turned and looked at him. "I don't exspect you guys know what's going on," Yuki asked with a nervous smile. Everyone shook thier heads and turned away from Yuki. Yuki stopped smiling and looked around. He wondered if any of his other friends were stuck her.[/COLOR][/B]
  14. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Yuki Inoue [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Future Parent Of:[/B] Yolei Inoue [B]Description:[/B] Yuki has ear length purple hair and green eyes. He usually wears a long sleveed dark blue shirt with dark purple stripes, a dark purple vest, dark blue shotrs which are a little too long on him, and dark blue and white sneakers. [B]Personaility:[/B] Yuki is the quiet type. He doesn't talk much to people he don't know and he trys to keep to himself. If he is friends with a person, he'll talk their ear off. [B]Bio:[/B] Yuki is one of the youngest in the group and one of the talkitive. Yuki wasn't so talkitive when his mother first sent him to the learning camp. He didn't know anyone, so he stayed quiet. He got to know the other Digidestined after he was transported to the Digital World by his Digivice. He trys to stay out of fights, but sometimes he's forced into them. He doesn't want his partner getting hurt. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Purple [B]Crest:[/B] Innocence [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] BlackGabumon [B]Partner Digimon[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Punimon (Bubble blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] Tsunomon (Bubble blow) [B]Rookie:[/B] BlackGabumon (Little horn, Petit fire) [B]Champion:[/B] BlackGarurumon (Fox Fire, Ice Wall) [B]Ultimate:[/B] BlackWereGarurumon (Shadow Claw, Full Moon Kick, Kaiser Nail) [B]Mega:[/B] BlackMetalGarurumon ( Garuru Tomahawk, Cocytus Breath, Shadow Blade)[/COLOR][/I]
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