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About Obsidian_Rose

  • Birthday 05/05/1988

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  • Biography
    I'm Gothic and I hate life. What more is there to say?
  • Occupation
    To Live

Obsidian_Rose's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Have you ever noticed that the people you need to be online are never online when you are? Just an observation. There are alot of Ironic things that happen in my life. But lets hear yours...
  2. Name: Xereene Gender: Female Starting Monster: Spooky I'm still not sure how to go about this but I like the chalenge.
  3. Thank you for your efforts. May I ask one more question? How do I put it in my signiture?
  4. Kamuri walked slowly through the forest that she had been compelled to enter. She kept her eyes down at her path and folded her hands into her robe sleeves. Her robes barely brushed the ground as she walked but not enough to leave an obvious trail. "Sai why am I in this forest? Oh holy one I pray you show me a sign." Her voice was bare of emotion and was at a hushed whisper. SHe continued to speak though there was no one within visability. "OniKan why did the gods urge me to this forest? It doesn't make sence. I pray I am not dishonoring you by leaving the Church." She stopped almost suddenly as she heard voices. She looked around and focused on where the voices were coming from. "Who?" she asked no one. Kamuri proceeded walking until she found the path that led strait to the area the voices had come from. She noticed two people speaking with each other. "Kama, please send me a sign as to whether or not I am to show these people me."
  5. I am lacking the skills to provide myself with a proper banner so I'm asking that one of those with these skills would please turn the attached picture into a lovely banner with the words... Faith is for those who lack strength... I appriciate all attempts. Thank you. [size=1][color=teal]Title edited. Please be sure to make it as descriptive as possible, or it may not attract people to even enter the thread. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  6. Name: Kamuri Saishin Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Female Class: Priestess Weapons: I'm not quite sure what weapons a priestess would have but I'll take a shot at it and accept any critism you give towards it. Kamuri uses her faith and a faint gift to tell the future to fight. Through her faith she can fallow a foes movemt and evade thier attacks. She can sometimes see into a persons heart but only when her faith is at it's highest. This ability allows her to see ones true reason for being. History: Born into her Class she was raises in a strict church. Emotions are not to be shown towards others and all things must be done in the name of her Gods. Her mother was a high priestess and her father a high priest. Both died at a young age leaving Kamuri to run the church. Leaving the church in the hands of a well educated aprentice she has left the church. Her reasons for leaving are unknown. Personality: Although full with spirits of good an almost morbid feeling arises in her presence. She rarely smiles but she doesn't seem to frown either. Her emotions are hard to read and she speaks only when nessasary. She is calm and collected and can look almost anyone strait in the eyes. Appearance: Long silver-like hair and blue eyes. She wears long white robes with gold edges at the temple but away from the temple she wears shorter robes that lightly brush the ground and covers the blue outfit under them. Her traveling robes are still white but they lack the gold edging and a hood covers most of her hair except for stray strands that show. Her skin is pale and smoothe. Strengths: Her abilities and the abilities to hold her emotions. Weaknesses: Her physical fitness and slowness when running. Another extra weakness is when a male cries. Eccentricities: Cries at night when she is away from other before she goes to sleep. She also talks to her Gods aloud whenever no one is around.
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