Kamuri walked slowly through the forest that she had been compelled to enter. She kept her eyes down at her path and folded her hands into her robe sleeves. Her robes barely brushed the ground as she walked but not enough to leave an obvious trail.
"Sai why am I in this forest? Oh holy one I pray you show me a sign."
Her voice was bare of emotion and was at a hushed whisper. SHe continued to speak though there was no one within visability.
"OniKan why did the gods urge me to this forest? It doesn't make sence. I pray I am not dishonoring you by leaving the Church."
She stopped almost suddenly as she heard voices. She looked around and focused on where the voices were coming from.
"Who?" she asked no one.
Kamuri proceeded walking until she found the path that led strait to the area the voices had come from. She noticed two people speaking with each other.
"Kama, please send me a sign as to whether or not I am to show these people me."