HOEE!! This thread is SO cool! >_< I LOVE CCS. IT IS THE COOLEST. I MEAN, LIKE WOW!!! I'm fine...it's just that I LOVE CCS!! =DDD The songs are great, the manga art is great, the music is great, the characters are great, the story is great, the games are great, the merchandise is great, the artists who created it are great, the animation...is average. The anime I didn't really like cuz...there were ugly scenes. Like, not *blah* scenes, but there are scenes where Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, etc...look blah! but that's ok. As long as there IS an anime for it...AHH! IT'S SO COOL! That's all...Ja! =D ^_^ @_@ ^______________^!!!!!!!