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Sakura Kinomoto

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  1. HOEE!! This thread is SO cool! >_< I LOVE CCS. IT IS THE COOLEST. I MEAN, LIKE WOW!!! I'm fine...it's just that I LOVE CCS!! =DDD The songs are great, the manga art is great, the music is great, the characters are great, the story is great, the games are great, the merchandise is great, the artists who created it are great, the animation...is average. The anime I didn't really like cuz...there were ugly scenes. Like, not *blah* scenes, but there are scenes where Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, etc...look blah! but that's ok. As long as there IS an anime for it...AHH! IT'S SO COOL! That's all...Ja! =D ^_^ @_@ ^______________^!!!!!!!
  2. Konnichiwa! Inu Yasha rox. yay! ^_^ I like the songs! But I kinda DON'T like my will because I can't remember the melody. ._.; Kagome's cool! DOWN WITH KIKYO! *screams in fury* the animation's good, good music (I AM IS THE COOLEST!), GOOD STORY, GOOD CHARACTERS. bad things: SHIPPO'S ENGLISH VOICE. *barfs* so annoying. Actually,I don't like ANY of the english voices.It's so...BLAH. let's see... awesome movies. I wanna see hte 3rd one! >_< I found the soundtrack at my local anime store/source, but...$15?!?! (a bootleg too...) The manga's ultra sugoi! Too bad my friend doesn't feel the same way...=( Rumiko Takashahi's awesome. Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, etc... I'm kinda disppointed with how slow the english version is coming out. They should have a channel for subbys and a channel with dubs, for kids. Just last week (and this week too...), they started showing old eppys again! so =P!! well, that's all I have to say. Ja!
  3. Yay! Great and unknown (i think) anime: PRINCESS TUTU. So cool!!!!! Nutcracker plot with twist(s). Ever heard of it? I saw it on mIRC and dwnlded it. Fell in love with Fakir and the series. It's about a duck who turns into a girl to help a prince get pieces of his heart back. That's not all. If i went on, it would take about 4 pages and I just DON'T have the energy to type all this out! Grat animation, awesome story, and...it's just sugoi! FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE. Awesome. Just awesome. I mean wow! About: a girl named Mitsuki has cancer in her throat, and is going to die in a year, Suddenly, Shinagami (death god pplz) come and grant her a wish. (well, she kinda forced them, cuz she's not supposed to see them and yeah) her wish: To become a singer so her boyfriend in the US can hear her for hte last time since she can't find him. SO GOOD. Animation: it's average. Plot: Another work of Tanemura Arina which means shoujo mahou. That's it! ^_^
  4. [FONT=Verdana] Ya know what? I just hate... 1. [B]AKIRA[/B] LORDY! it's SO bad! I fell asleep in the first twenty minutes! everybody said it was good, but, AHH! THAT DUDE'S FACE IS BLUE! 2. [B]Metropolis[/B] It's not that bad, but I just DO NOT like it! I like the story and everything, but...it goes so slow! >_< Tekuza's good, but...>_
  5. [FONT=Verdana] My fave anime soundtrack is, of course (LOOK AT MY NAME) are the CCS soundtracks. Why? PSH. they're SO GOOD. My favourite of the CCS sndtrks is the "Fuinsareta card" one. OMG. IT'S SO GOOD. I also like the Inu Yasha ones, but all the instrumentals are all based on one theme so i can't seem to remember which one is which. ._.; Well, that's it! ^_^[/FONT]
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