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Is highly superstisious, Loves Wolves, Anime, and wears lots of stuff around her neck and arms. Go figure.
To save the world from peril!
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Ha, I usually dream in I of the Dragon Mode, with my spells at the bottom of my veiw and the gaphics sort of... choppy, guess is how you describe it. Kinda Like Kita said. :) (like this one time, after finishing the latest Harry Potter Book, I told Barroth, my dragon, to go eat Snape. =^o_O^= and he did.) But on rare occasion I'll have a cool dream anime style: like this one night, I had a dream I was in the local Barnes and Noble, and Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle was reading the kids a story in the kiddie corner. I was all anime-d up too (It was cool! I like myself like an anime charcter! Too bad I can't draw people... :)) I had to sneak, or maybe I was acting like I was sneaking to be silly, behind the kids to get to the latest volume of Tsubasa. I ended up feeling stupid because after reaching the manga there was a tune and Syaoran, Fai and Kurogane were watching me with a confused expression. I clutched the manga to my chest, did a squeal, and then I was in front of my house(and everything looked real again except I was still animated...) and a beehive fell from my maple tree, and the bees chased me. I dropped the manga. :( It was really a very silly dream... It was funny because the next day my mother took me to go pick up the latest volume.=^n_n^= yay!
I'll never forget from Wolf's Rain when [spoiler] Toboe died. It wasn't the episode where he was shot, because I was sort of stunned sad, it was the week after (I was watching on Adult Swim) where he was dragging his bleeding back legs toward Quent and talking to him, after all the'd been through. And then the scene of him running and sitting with his grandmother... The the way Blue sounded when she said, "Don't...go..." to Quent... The howling... Lets just say I was one blubbery mess, the wolf being my totem and all! I always get a lump in my throat when I hear that song they were playing on the soundtrack too... [/spoiler] I'm such a sap for them, man. =^-_-^= I think Mom shed a few too... Then Last Exile, [spoiler] even though it was a happy ending, What happened to Dio's spirit, and Alex ripped me up. Even Sophia... [/spoiler] I felt so funny crying in front of my Mom, man oh man. I'll albsolutly agree with everyone on the Fullmetal Alchemist, with [spoiler] Hughes death... and then when his daughter spoke... uwah! [/spoiler] Things are usually fantasy for me, so it takes a while to really get me. You never know when someone will be revived or what... But it's the suprise that is definiently one of the aspects I like about anime.
My Brother's memorable VG moments: =^n_n^= 1.) One day while I was at my friends house we were playin SSBM (Super smash brothers melee) and the two brothers were in love with Falco and hated Fox, but I objected too it :rolleyes: . Being overpowered they made three lvl 9 Falcos fight a lvl 1 Fox in stanima mode at the 2nd mushroom stage... I began to watch in horror :animedepr , but in the beginning 1 Falco fell through the right hole, then Fox did one punch and another Falco fell through the same hole the last Falco kept beating him up until 2hp and the fox jumped to the middle platform and Falco tried to follow, but fell also... :D I'm don't hate Falco, I just think Fox is cooler... :cool: 2.) Next is in Soul Caliber 3 [spoiler] I bought the minigame hardworkers when I started I almost crapped my pants! I didnt know you could fight the shopkeepers!!!!!!! [/spoiler] 3.) In the same topic I introduced SC3 to my friend since I was the most experienced I was the leader, but 5 minutes later my friend started beating me at EVERYTHING! 4.) In animal crossing I had a cat named Mitzi, and she was my favorite, and my sister had a wolf named Freya, and that was her favorite. of course after doing all of their biddings and sending tons of letters they both moved... my sister and I decided to take revenge on eachother favorites so maybe they'll move back... (I am going to put 3 of those signs in front of Mitzi's house so she either cant get in or out :p) Mine: I suppose I've got a pretty sad collection, but here goes... One of my favorite, and first games I got was Myst, for the computer. My brother and I installed it and played it because the background story sounded cool, and the graphics looked neat too. It didn't take long to find out we needed to be solving puzzles, however being raised with my father's DOOM skills (I'd sit on his lap and make fun of the dead characters when I was four) I auto-matically assumed I needed to find a weapon or I'd be killed some gory way. Walking slowly down the path from the library, I saw something small coming my way. It was dark and late and I went into a panic, along with my brother, because we'd solved a couple of the puzzles and were very proud of ourselves, and we didn't want to die and loose all our data because I insisted we visit the library first. After five minutes of panic, it turned out to be that friendly Monarc Butterfly. Another one was when I FINALLY finished Kingdom Hearts 2, (Brother had to finish it first... =^;_;^=) and was watching the ending aftermath with my brother. My mother walks in and sits down and decides to watch, because she's into our anime stuff too. So here we were peacefully watching, and my very own MOTHER starts making interesting comments: [spoiler](just to be safe) "Look where his hand is!" and "Is this the part where he tells him he's gay?" [/spoiler]*headdesk* I love my mother though, she restrained herself around the cosplayers at AnimeNEXT... =^n.n^=
I think I first saw it at a friends house- shes been known to buy the least known animes not liscensed to any major television networks yet. She let me borrow the first two DVDs, but she had a bootleg for the last two DVD's worth. The subtitles were pretty bad, so I had no idea what was going on. Now that I'm up-to-date on other parts of my DVD collection, I have to go out and buy the rest... =^-._-.^= heh... As for an opinion, It reminds me a little of .hack//SIGN in the way it makes you think. Kino isn't a hero, going on her/his journies to make everything in the world right. She's/He's a mere obsverver of whats going on, trying to avoid everything possible to change the way a country works... The artwork of it almost makes it look like a dream-state, like what Kino is seeing is not real... Of course, this only my opinion, and I haven't seen the whole series yet. =^n_n^= heh.
Ah, I'm so used to those animes where they make it look like a really important charcter died, but then in the next episode or next few episodes something completely supernatual happened to revive that charcter. (Messing with my mind y'know? =^-.-^=) So now, whenever something thats supposed to be really sad happens I have to re-watch it or watch the next few episodes to make sure... =^n.n^;= I found Last Exile's Final episodes really the meaning of bitter sweet. When [spoiler] Sophia gave the command to fire at Maestro Delphine's ship, and she knew Alex was still inside, I reached for the Kleenex. The fact he had killed the Maestro all himself made me feel a little better, but then his final word was heart-wrenching... oi... and then the look on Sophia's face when she was informed Alex had spoken before his death; arg! (Im guessing she thought he was already dead when she ordered the ship to be blown down) =^-._-.^= Wolf's Rain- with Toboe's death dragged out for a week I was a little confused. The first week (I watched it first on Adult Swim) They showed Toboe sacraficing his life for Quent, then ended the episode. I knew I should be upset because Toboe was the one who kept the whole pack together, but I wasn't. The following week, however, when Toboe actually got up again, and limped the way he did over to Quent, I couldn't stop crying because I knew with his breathing hard like that, and the blood oozing from his chest he wouldn't be alive very much longer. Then the old man went and died, and the look on Blue's face brought a second wave of tears to my face. The way the charcters reacted, (especially Tsume) and the song they played while showing Toboe with his grandmother in Paradise/Heaven... Ahck! Whever I hear that song on my soundtrack I just... =^v_v^= [/spoiler] Maybe I'm just a big softie, but if Fullmetal Alchemist compells so many people to be upset as well, I may be in for buying another box of tissues.
WAI! *spaz* =^o_o^= I love this show! ...and currently I am still hooked on it... I first saw this work of art during an Anime Club meeting at my school. We had a vote betwen Romance- "Gravitation" and Action- "Last Exile" course everyone chose "Gravitation"- which was ok too... When that was over, we still had time for Last Exile. The opening hit me in the same sense "Obsession" for .hack//SIGN did, with a song and video that matched very well. It was one of those things you could get up and wiggle too, no matter who or what was going on in the room. The charcters, to quote my friend Sven "They look like Serial Expirements Lain!" (Mind you, I haven't seen that yet... =^-._-.^=) I love the eyes on the characters, They fit well and show the right kind of reaction in the right situation. I could swear, at some points the animators may have used computer models, but I could hardly see where the animation and the computer stuff collided... (first episode, when Lavie and Claus are parking their vanship on that warship... Could've sworn that was computer... =^._.-^=) However I love the series, I've still had many struggles on how I obtained each DVD... hence, the sad fact I'm still only on the 5th volume... I've been able to see the Japanese verison this way though, which is an extra goodie. =^n_n^= (To tell you the truth, I had no problem with Haruko "FLCL" and Robin's "Witch Hunter Robin" voices, but Lavie's voice really bothers me in the English version... =^x.x^= mwee... I just can't stand it at times...) SPOILER~ I didn't really like how the writers mixed in [spoiler]this romance stuff with Tatiana and Lavie and Claus and.. well, just about everyone on the Silvana is after Claus now. =^o.o^= And then, they just ignore everything they built up in those episodes... I don't know maybe my imagination was running free but, I was picking up a lot of confusion there. Poor Claus... I thought Sophia was old enough to be his mom![/spoiler] =^O_O^= ...I really really really really hope these spoiler tags work... =^._.^= ...hum, to end,I picked up the first DVD right after Wolf's Rain had ended, and to watch the dub and hear Tsume's and Kiba's voice again, ah, magic. =^n.n^= [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
I had my first convention this year, (AnimeNEXT 2004) and a friend of mine helped me come up with a cosplay character. No character I know of really looks like me without myself having to spraypaint my hair or something. (Brown hair, Brown eyes. Go Figure. =^-.-^=) Anyway, my friends helped me get ears and a tail, and I was Maha. (.hack//SIGN) Personally I thought it was fun! The fact that people knew who I was amused me, but the fact people kept running into my hat kinda irritated me. =^n_n^= I think I might just go as myself next year however, or bring my old costume along... =^-._-.^= Unless a nifty Anime character I look a little bit like floats down on a cloud, I think that's my plan. =^n_n^=
Well, I may not be able to write paragraph upon paragraph, But I'll add a little tidbit of my own if it's ok... =^._.^= My brother specializes in Kirby, and he's pretty good at it considering he's been playing constantly since last christmas. He doesn't play as Jigglypuff though they are a little similar in my opinion. (i.e same 'puff' power and same shape and weight) I believe he also likes to play as Mewtwo, and Link though that's about it... Personally, I play Fox, and I can't say I've mastered him either... I'm also able to do sizeable amounts of damage with Bowser. (which is quite ironic since their speed ratios are so diffrent) ...sorry for bothering you, I just have fond memories of having my butt-kicked numerous times by Kirby, and I thought I should post... =^-._-.^=
Well, My parents are divorced, so I have two extreamly diffrent opinions on the animes I adore... My Mother loved Rurouni Kenshin, and came home early from her walk to watch it. Later on I introduced her to .hack//SIGN, Inu-Yasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, and a little bit of Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun... Heck, She even tried to cosplay Kaoru at AnimeNEXT this year... My Father, on the other hand, who lives in a diffrent state, got wind of my habit of staying up late to watch anime. (Before I got a recorder VCR =^-._-.^=) He as most parents would, immediatly disapproved. I told him about what I was watching at the latest time of day, and it wasn't even on schoolnights (.hack//SIGN) He took the liberty of looking it up on the internet and complained next I talked to him, he announced he din't like how the female characters dressed. (I'm guessing he was reffering to Mimiru) I told him I would keep watching, and he knew he couldn't really do anything about it, so he dropped the subject. Later, I got to stay at his house for a while. It was midnight on a Saturday, and My stepmom, Father, and I were all still awake. I suggested watching .hack//SIGN with me to see for themselves, but they said "Naw, maybe next time..." and with a yawn left me alone watching .hack... ...Oh geez, I can't believe I just made people read that... =^o_o^= Ill leave you alone now!
Hey, I attempted a victory lap around the house when I learned they were showing Dusk on CN- ("attempted" being screaming w/ eyes closed down the hall until I hit a wall) =^n_n^;= Of course this was AFTER the 1st and 2nd episodes, so that was a big bummer... My mother and brother gather around the tapes I record them on; I finally got a recorder VCR... (Yes, my mother- She's into anime, and I am VERY proud. =^n____n^=) I love the characters in this too! It's very playful and cute as an opposing to the serious .hack/SIGN... I loved SIGN, of course, I saw that first. *plays with Maha keyring* This DUSK season brings a whole new mood and view of the very concept both series revolves around. I'm having a lot of fun with the .hack humor, you know? It's relieving to know that the legend of .hack hasn't disappeared from the face of the Earth after such a good run, y'know? =^n_-^=V
Oh! I have 3 main favorites! I remember .hack//SIGN Episode 26: Return, The last episode they aired on CN. I was watching the very end, and as not to spoil anything, I was crying a bit. It was Midnight, my favorite time, and I had been sneaking on the TV in order to watch the whole season. Well, stepping out for a drink, I look up through the skylight in our hall, and in the very center is the big, beautiful, full moon. It was so breath taking! Like a painting! ...and of course there is always Witch Hunter Robin: Smells like a wandering Spirit. I had just gotten back from the last showing of Hildago in my town and it was again the magical time of midnight- as soon as I got home I turned on the TV and made my mother and brother watch it with me. =^n.n^= It was their first episode... I have no idea why that stands out to me... =^._.^= *shrugs* Ja Ne!
...I remember when Digimon: Tamers was on the ABC Kids channel or something, and I'd wake up at almost 7:00am or so due to the kittens I was keeping in my room. (how we got them is an even longer story) So, I would always catch the show. =^n.n^= After a while, I began to wake up my brother to watch it as well. I will always happily remember the vision of us sitting on my bed at the crack of dawn watching the whole season of Digimon and eating chocolate I'd saved that week. =^n_n^= Anyways, I loved that season. Juri or (Jerry?) was adorible, and Takato with his crush on her was cute too. =^o.o^=
I am thrilled with the first episode of[I] Wolf's Rain[/I] and I think it has some potential. Besides the fact that it is actually about Wolves, the animation is amazing, and the way of the humans is pointed out perfectly. (especially with whats going on in Alaska) The little boy with the funny hat (Don't know his name, Gomen! =^v_v^=) had the same voice as Tsukasa from [I].hack//SIGN [/I] (an anime I'm totally in love with) Kiba has the same voice actor as Sakaki from [I]Witch Hunter Robin[/I], and of course, Tsume has the same voice actor that Amon had, form [I]Witch Hunter Robin [/I] as well! Oh yes, and I knew I had heard Hige's voice from a while ago, and I found out he was Tai from the first season of [I]Digimon[/I]! *breathes in and out* Whew! All these great voices I like in a show about Wolves... *sighs* Smack me If I say I want anymore. =^n_n^=V Ja ne!
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
wolfy129 replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
I identify most with Moro from Princess Mononoke. (Can't you tell? I love wolves! =^n_n^=) She is wise, and all-knowing, yet she hates it when people invade her territory or gets too close. Though I can get happy and hyper sometimes, there are still times where I'm easy-going and serious, using old quotes and my own theories to help people with their problems. (And... I hated it when the church used dontaion money to plow down their forest to expand the parking lot!!!) =^-.-^;= There's my tidbit. =^n_-^=V -
I started watching anime with my best friend at about 8... She was nine though. =^n_n^= heh, we'd always try to catch the latest showing of Sailor Moon at 3:00 on Cartoon Networks Toonamie. ...I was real upset when they took it off. It's funny though, because recently I found my friend again, and I went babbling about all the latest anime I'd seen thinking she was still into it... She gave me the weirdest look and said, "aren't you a little OLD for that stuff?" Of course, I began to laugh on the spot. =^n_-^=V