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Everything posted by *Dj-Joe*

  1. People who valentines have not found love yet.that is the only explanation!
  2. ahh man that blows...thx for the help much appreciated
  3. i have no idea whats happening but i had 200 hundred post yesterday and now its says i only have 62???!!!!!! someome help me out!!!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Heh, it's a shame that you can't recognize the humor in my posts :p. And you love this place, as well you should :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] hmm,its all good
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *Dj-Joe* [/i] [B]lol whats amatter with u pll i was just asking about plll that dont come on nomore.jeesh chill [/B][/QUOTE] besides i love this place
  6. lol whats amatter with u pll i was just asking about plll that dont come on nomore.jeesh chill
  7. [QUOTE]no colours anymore good song i like the gob version better u probably do not kno what im talkin of master of beans and if u do, kool
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Hey, I think we had a PM war once...... Remember? Shizzy V.S. Shibby..... [size=1]PS: Shizzy.....:flaming::laugh:[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] lol i remmember u and its shibby not shizzy....:flaming: :eek: :smirk:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B] o, here... i drank some lemonade earlier.... *pees in a cup* there ya go...... ne way, i feel you joey.. it seems it's gettin' boring as history class in here... [/B][/QUOTE] hmm recycled lemonade..........nah it is boring in here,needs lemonade...tru that
  10. tell everyone else that ur friends are gay and they enjoy the company of other men lol then your problem will be fixed it works trust me .throw abig party with kegs and ill dj,itll be sweet!!
  11. lol i remmeber pizza cats that show was the shiz!!!! i miss it so
  12. hmm i would believe life is organisms living and interacting with eachother...i have just found the secret of life!!!!ureka-still no lemonade
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Listen up....Both pics are Bedi Vegeta. The first one is in his final form. THe one Dark has is in his first form. See, he has different forms. He is possessed by Bedi. Goku goes SSJ 4 when he fights Bedi Vegeta. He loses like 4 times and that makes him transform I think....... Not sure about the SSJ 4 Goku part....... [/B][/QUOTE] FORTE IS RIGHT,HOW DO I KNOW U ASK?CAUSE I AM GOD
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]i know how you feel, dj joe. i had many online friends last year. but they seems to found something interesting..it's so called life..-_-;; they've been busy but i keep contacting several peeps who were really close to me. i still do. [/B][/QUOTE] indeed.....this thing u call "life" does it contain any type of lemonade cause damn im scaving for one.
  15. lol those were great but..here Q:what do u call a blonde with pony tails....................... A: handlebars, send more jokes ive got tons
  16. pm me to exchange anime and shiz i love drawing....i need a lemonade -joey
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B]We are talking, just not to you. (no offence) [/B][/QUOTE] lol ooch,but i was just wandering to what happened to all the peeps who used to come on when i used to come on a long while back i kno there here but i thk they changed there names or something
  18. what happened to every one someone anyone plzzz talk,hollla!!! peaceout! -joey
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] I like volleyball too... Female Beach Volleyball... :D :D :tasty: heh, personally, I like Athletics/Track sports, mostly because I'm good @ them... [/B][/QUOTE] lol ditto, u said it!
  20. *Dj-Joe*

    Fight Club

    bring it sailor im waiting, yo
  21. fine ill say whats on all ur minds,*Dj-joe* is the most respected -JOE lol
  22. i gots a pic of me if yall want to sree it -JOE
  23. im new who wants to challenge me yo?-JOE
  24. my two fav movies are ninja scroll and gladiator[not the one with the romans,but the boxing one cuba gooding jr.] if anyone else knows whos what im talkin bout pm me!
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