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Everything posted by Shippou

  1. My name id mearly after my favorite anime character. but i suppose that i do act like him. spunky, always hitting people on the back of the head, and no one really listens to me. But I am like shippou in the sence of the way i treat my friend chris (If he where InuYasha). Plus he is just so damn cool Shippou
  2. Well I had left OB for a while and have been practicing the delitfle art of Parkour. And I was Just wondering if there where any other Traceurs out there. And for thise of you who want to learn more go to [url]www.urbanfreeflow.com[/url]. Shippou
  3. No Crucifix that is an amazing banner i must say the simple inverting of the colours without a doubt makes it look alot cool. as for the avater it is simple and calming. I would not know how to tell you to improve them both. Shippou
  4. If you are asking for a banner you should do it in the art by request sub-forum in the art studio forum. Shippou
  5. * Name:Shippou *Magic: If you will alow it I would like fox magic but if not than Fire *Type: Beast *Moves: Trick: confuse enemy and they filp a coin on attack (heads attack, Tails miss) Lasts 2 turns fake out: sit down and cry and when enemy comes near, punch( inflict 100 damadge) *Colour: Green Shippou
  6. I'm all for efferts in the posts but if it answers the question than should that not be enough. well since I said that than this is three sentences. My vote for good female singers is the distillers. Shippou
  7. Thats easy. and this has been my favorite since the originals and not because of the new movie and that is doctor octopus because he is a genius and corupt. Shippou
  8. I was turned on to the games by a friend of mine. And since then I have beaton Dragonquest 3 and Torneko: The Last Hope. I am close to the end of 7 and I am on chapter 2 of 4. I got close to the end of dragon warrior monsters 2 but had to restart. I plan on beting the rest before 8 comes out. Shippou
  9. People have sex simply for the pleasure. When someone is "horny" they don't think much. men are simple minded. that is the best information you will ever get Shippou
  10. I have a crush on someone know but I am a little afraid of comitment. so I am not sure what to do. We both know that the other one likes each other but we still don't go out. I will figure out what to do soon enough though. Shippou
  11. Shippou


    I have played the game and it can be boring sometimes but if your in a car on a long trip it can be decent. and it si the kind of game that can pick up and play when ever. Shippou
  12. well i will add no explanation but *Rancid *Deep Purple *Lars Freadrikson and the Bastards *Pennywise *Aerosmith Shippou
  13. The nintendo ds looks very implausible. The two screens look very un-neccisary. The PSP just has more features that make sense. But that is just my opinion. Shippou
  14. Thanks for the site I love rancid and all of there awsome music. Shippou
  15. Once again I make a Thread on Rancid. I am not sure if this thread should be here or in art by request so sorry if this is the wrong place. Now does anyone know where I can find some Rancid videos. I have tried Kazza but I got squat so if you know please help me. Shippou
  16. This is very simple for me because the song is by my favorite band and it is my favorite song. The answer is Radio by Rancid. Because as it says When I got the music I got a place to go. When I have got too many things to deal with than music is the one thing that I can go to . It will not judge me and I feel that they are going through the things that I do. Shippou
  17. Personaly I am an outcast and I could not be loving it any more. Manly because the people on the "in-side" I hate. They are not themselves, they are what they think everyone wants them to be. I just be myself and its almost like a filter. The people that I don't like just shun me out and call me a ******, but I could care less I just think that it is funny. Because I just act like myself I have made 3 great friends that I can talk to and they can understand me. And 1 of those friends is a girl who could not be any more like me unless she was a guy. Well I am sorry if this is a little of topic but for some reason I felt like I had to say this. Shippou
  18. [quote name='Charles']Don't get Dragon Warrior III. It's targeted to a very specific audience. It's hardcore dungeon crawling and combat.[/quote] I don't mean to offend you but "WHAT ARE YOU CARZY" Before i became a hardcore gamer one of the first RPG's that i played was Dragon warriar 3 and it was what made me the gamer that i am toady the only Really in your words "Hardcore" Dragon warrior games are the original jappenise ones. so unless you think that chibi horsewoman is going to buy the original japenese version than her husband should not have to much trouble. Shippou
  19. The movie was not bad but there could have been some more history to it. The story was o.k. but it was too simple. There needs to be more depth to it. There should be a prequel or at least a sequel. It seemed like it was aimed toward younger audiences. But all in all it was not a waste of time to go. Shippou
  20. i must say that i have had alot of people because me of my religion but not so much that they are afraid of it but they dont belive that i understand it. but they are full of * i know more about there religion than they know about mine. they are always saying " You don't understand buddhism " but when i try to explain to them that i do they just freak out. I know more about chistianity than almost all of the christians that i know (which is why i don't belive in it) but i don't accuse them and there beleafs. so why the hate. Shippou
  21. Do you want your parents to think your someone else? your parents probably will treat you different but that is because you are different from what they think you are. far be it for me to tell you what to think but shouldn't you want your parents to treat you for who you are? but that is just my opinion. my advice, go for it kid. Shippou
  22. I am a buddhist so i don't worry about death. but the reason that people are afraid of is because of 1 of 2 reasons either ceasing to exists makes everthing you do useless or its because your afraid of the unknown and you subconciuosly think that some kind of rediculus evil is waiting to torture you in the after life or some other kind of torture like floating iin an infinante abyss for eternity. now wasn't that uplifting. Shippou
  23. I must say that i am quite excited about this new game. i myself do not own a ps2 but my friend does and i am at his house everyday so i will just tell him to get it. it is so exciting that you can play as shippou he is my favorite character (hence my name). so in cuclusion ... hooray. Shippou
  24. I have definetly Thaught about getting peircings and maybe a few tatoos but I much prefere Peircings. I would like to get an eyebrow peircing and a bar across the top of my ear and maybe tounge. For tatoos I might get one or two on my back of some cool symbals. I might get a tattoo of buddha on my back also. I have thaught about getting a mohock but I am still not sure about that one. Shippou
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