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Everything posted by Shippou

  1. Hey, I remember when I first joined (It was not to long ago). Well one of the first questions I had was when do I become a member and not a new member and from what I have been told it is after you post 100 posts. Oh yes and a "fear the sheeps" Shippou says confused Shippou
  2. Truly one of the best RPGs that you can get for the gameboy is Dragon Warrior 3. It is very under rated in America but it is rediculusly big in Japan. All of the Other Dragon Warrior games are quite amazing too. Especialy Dandon Warrior 7. But it is for playstation one. Shippou
  3. I must say that i have thaught about this a bit before in the past so this should not be to hard. Hair:I do like red hair but i would settle for black Eyes: Green eyes or two different colous pretty much anything out of the ordanary Tan: i do want want a girl to look to taned but i don't want someone to pasty white Piercings and tattoo's: I quite enjoy a punk look in a girl piercings much more than tattoos but tattoos are definitaly a plus in a girl But I will not not (hehe double negative oops) like a girl because she is not these things as long as she is a nice person in general Shippou
  4. That was pretty imppresive. *smirk* Cute ears in "here in my heart"
  5. Really just anywere but if you can you should try equipping items that absorb thunder attacks, then try and find the grand dragons. There useally near the city with the waterfalls just keep fighting them and alternate between the characters that should level you up pretty fast. It worked for me but when I went into Ipsen's castle I was only at level 35 so i don't think you should any problem fighting the boss there.
  6. there is three C.D's that I could not live without. that is 1.Rancid: ...and out come the wolves 2.Rancid: Lets go 3.Deep Purple: Nobody's Perfect Shippou
  7. I have three cats and three dogs Cats: Hercules Pippen Pandora Dogs: Motica and we did not get the other two yet Shippou
  8. this is one of the things that makes me the most mad. there is nothing wrong with same sex marrages. it is the choice of the person who wants t6o get married. the fact that your mother said that it is wrong is just terriable. that is the same as forcing your beliefs on some one. it is just like saying "belive in god because it is right". people like you mother (no offence) who are trying to stop them have no right it is not there choice, just because they belive in different sex marriage is fine that is their choice but trying to stop beople from doing something that does not affect them is unfair and immoral. just because the majoraty of people are straight does not make it wrong to be a minoraty. if the majoraty of people were gay were gay than your mother would not like different sex marragies. she is mearly assymalating to here surroundings doing what she is told is right. I apoligize for being so hard on your mother but I am very passionate on thisa subject and please post the lecture that your mother gave you i am interested to hear what her arguments were. Shippou And for those of you who are wondering, no I am not gay I am very straight.
  9. I was just starting to get into Inu Yasha when I relised that Shippou was the coolest character ever. He does not really do anything and when he gets scared he drops little panic mushrooms. which are basically crying mushrooms It took me a long time to learn his japanese name was it chippo shippo chippou but i fainnally found it out and still think that he is the collest character. Shippou
  10. I suppose that I am like the spunky fox demon shippou from inuyasha. i am annoying and i think that i am much tougher than i really am. Shippou
  11. well there is one very simple answer to this question......both Shippou
  12. [QUOTE=CrH][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Why be bitter of not knowing algebra? I enjoy algebra lol. The fact that you'd write a story like this about it only proves your own immaturity.Algebra is hard. Woopee. So is life. Get over it and try studying if you have difficulty with it. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree that algebra is easy, but way to be a jerk it is just a funny little story you must be a very uptight person to be so mean to someone about a little story. i pity someone as serious as you. Shippou
  13. that was just beutiful *sob*. it truely was moving. there is nothing else to say but that was moving. Shippou
  14. Shippou

    Van Helsing

    I say Van Hellsing the other day and it was pretty good. It had alot of genres of movies, there was action, mythology and humor. the only problem was the factof scientific inaccurasy's. Just for the record the air around lightnig is up to 2000 degrees celcius.If you were struck by it or evan if it was near you would burst into flalmes and a few other things that I do not have time to explain. but all in all it was a pretty good movie i would recomend it to all. Shippou
  15. Shippou


    I would not say that i am jealous that punk is a fad at your school but i do wish that i was not the only one who liked it in the whole of halifax regional municipality. i am happy to say that there is alot of people who dislike rap (thank buddah) though. and fine so Rancid is not TOO punk but what other genre would you call them???? Hmm????Rock?mabye but i would say that they are pretty punk or alternative i would except that. I feel so at home in this thread everyone hates the things that i hate. and i soppose that you like the thingss that i like too. Shippou
  16. Shippou


    When Rancid started they played some pretty hard punk , like on their first CD titled Rancid but when they got near the center of their career its true that they started to play a softer punk, like on the CD's "and out come the wolves" and "Let's go" but it was punk none the less. and now that they are in different bands, like Lars Fredrickson and the bastards and they play hard punk again so I don't know what you you are talking about. Shippou
  17. OoT was a great game for N64 because you were able to see some of the classic Zelda enemies in 3D like the giant flying thing with spikes for example. As for what this topic is acually about my favorite temple is Jabu Jabu's belly. I know I know that is not really a temple but your in a big freakin' fish. How great is that. But since that does not count (poo) I would have to chose the ...... um ....... the forest temple just because of the symmitry(sorry but its a long weekend and I have no time for correct spelling). And the worst temple would be the temple of light because links tunic looks way to small for him(eww).
  18. Shippou


    I have listened to a band about 3 months ago named Rancid. they are my sisters favorite band and so i decided to listen to them and I must say for a band whose lead singer was raised for the first half of his life in jamaca and the second half in the bronx AND has a lisp it is one amazing punk band. So when I went to school the next day i let my friend mitchell listen to it and he said "wow this is pretty cool". than I learned that a school dance was coming up and there was a song requist sheet so i wrote salvation by Rancid. There was only one problem the guy who was checking the lists said " Rancid, all there songs are AHHHHHHH. You can't dance to that" and I was said " What are you some kind of idiot rancid are great " and then mitchell came up and said " Yeah, have yopu evan herd Rancid before ?" and the song was never played at the dance just a bunch of crapy rap was played so i took my diskman and listened to Rancid in the corner. If any one else has had problems with stupid people who do not know what there talking about when they talk about songs reply. Shippou
  19. I personally Prefer Fantasy novels like the Shannara series, but absolutely NO Harry Potter. It has become too generic, and everyone likes it so that makes me angry.Grrrr. If your looking for a good fantasy, read The Scions of Shannara , by Terry Brooks. It is the first in a series of 4 books, it does start of a little slow but that is just for character build-up. It is a story about a tyrant government who outlaws magic while at the same time working with magical creatures called shadowen. It is a very good series, it starts with 5 books and the next series of 4 books is several generations later, and the next one is a series of 4 books several generations later and now he is on a new series that is just a few years after the last series. And he is still writing today (wahoo!) And thanks to my friend Chris for spell-checking my posts. From Chris: Shippou is the absolute worst speller... and sucks gramatically... this may be the last message you see that is at least... uh... presentable.
  20. Shippou Avatar Needed. Please Also I would like a banner of Shippou that says "The Spunky Fox Demon" Thanks much!
  21. [QUOTE=Sakura Kinomoto]Konnichiwa! Inu Yasha rox. yay! ^_^ I like the songs! But I kinda DON'T like my will because I can't remember the melody. ._.; Kagome's cool! DOWN WITH KIKYO! *screams in fury* the animation's good, good music (I AM IS THE COOLEST!), GOOD STORY, GOOD CHARACTERS. bad things: SHIPPO'S ENGLISH VOICE. *barfs* so annoying. Actually,I don't like ANY of the english voices.It's so...BLAH. let's see... awesome movies. I wanna see hte 3rd one! >_< I found the soundtrack at my local anime store/source, but...$15?!?! (a bootleg too...) The manga's ultra sugoi! Too bad my friend doesn't feel the same way...=( Rumiko Takashahi's awesome. Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, etc... I'm kinda disppointed with how slow the english version is coming out. They should have a channel for subbys and a channel with dubs, for kids. Just last week (and this week too...), they started showing old eppys again! so =P!! well, that's all I have to say. Ja![/QUOTE] I also must agree with Sakura. Kikyo is one of the worst charactars. She is not interesting in any way and I cannot understand what inuyasha sees in her but Kagome now there is a girl who accually does something. As for the music I AM is my favorite one and DEEP FOREST is my least favorite and what did did happen to shippou's english voice. Pretty much all the dubbings are crapy. I guess that's all for now. Ow and i would like to thank dagger on his advice on making posts.
  22. I am in love with Inu Yasha (The show not the guy) One night i was up late on the computer and when i realised that it was about 11:00 so i went up stairs to go to bed and realised that i had left my t.v. on and all of a sudden i heard some cool music so i went to my room and heard the lyrics "Change the world" and after listening to the full song i said " this song rocks" so i turned down the volume as to not wake up my mother in the next room and sat down to watch the show. after the show I sat there jaw open and the only words that i could mutter was "wow" and i have been watching the show every friday and reading the comics since that date. Now as my name might show my favorite character is Shippou the spunky little fox demon and if anyone can find me an avatar of him i will be eternaly grateful to you. I would also very much appreciate any cool pics from Inu Yasha (preferably of Shippou). Just for the record i am not one of the fans because of mainstreaming. i had been reading the comics of Inuyasha and Ranma1/2 for a long time so please do not think of me as one of those mainstream fans [COLOR=Navy]I appreciate the length of your post, Shippou, but [i]please[/i] add some more commas and periods. That entire paragraph is basically one giant run-on sentence with only nominal amounts of punctuation. Also, if you'd like to ask for a specific avatar, head over to the "Art by Request" subforum. Thank ye kindly. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
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