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Sapphire Spy

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  1. I'm also a big One Piece fan. My favorite character was Captain Kuro.... I'm also hoping that there will be un-edited DVDs available. Also, besides Sanji's smoking habits what about the character Smoker? I'd like to see how they get around that.... I've also been watching the One Piece movies...although they are not stories from the original manga (and therefore some people don't consider them canon), I find them to be very enjoyable. Movie 2 was especially good I thought, and the extra feature (Jango's Dance Carnival) was hilarious.
  2. The only one I can think of right now would be Ami (Mercury) from Sailor Moon. She is quiet, smart, and kind (and not bad looking). I've always wanted to meet a girl like her.... Although sometimes I think I would rather date the loud, outgoing type (since it's the opposite of my personality)...but then when I think about it more deeply, I decide that someone who is more like me would be better.
  3. I actually find Hanzo to be a pretty easy character to play as. I already have him at Level 20 with maxed out stats (and his speed, jump, and agility are second only to Kunoichi). His other stats are average, but not horrible. I also have Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, and Saika Magoichi at Level 20 with maxed out stats. I haven't gotten any of the Level 5 weapons though. I'm going to try and get Kenshin's and Hanzo's first though. By the way, what is your favorite ending? I like Hattori Hanzo's movie ending (the "good" ending) and Saika Magoichi's movie ending.
  4. I bought the game a few days ago. I really like it so far, but then again, I never played any of the Dynasty Warriors games, so I don't have anything to compare it to. My favorite character is Hattori Hanzo (also my favorite historical Japanese figure, and Samurai Shodown character lol). I really like the designs of the characters. I will probably be busy playing it for quite awhile. There is so much stuff to unlock (getting the level 5 weapons will surely take me awhile). It can be frustrating at times (such as the inside levels and some of the missions), but overall, I enjoy it.
  5. I identify with Aoshi from Kenshin. He is quiet and serious, and regrets some things he has done in the past. I also identify some with Rock Lee from Naruto. Although I don't really act like him, I am a hard-worker like he is.
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