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Everything posted by asian_tofu

  1. Hello friends! Here I am again with a second story, called Kuroi to Shiro [Black and White]. Summary: [Black and White] Life finally gives Kagome perfection after the first love, the traumatic age of high school, and fatal demon combat. Unfortunately she’s screwed because perfection hates her. Not AU DISCLAIMER: INUYASHA WILL FOREVER BE OUT OF MY GRASP. *SIGH* Flying Pig: So will her sanity. Blue: Hey! *tries to swat PIG but fails* You’re mean!! Flying Pig: Hah! You can’t hurt me with that strait jacket on!! *A panda in a tightly fitted Chef’s outfit appears, complete with spatula and BBQ sauce* Blue: Muahahaha…oh yeah!!?? Flying Pig: NO!!! NOT THAT!! ***LATER… Flying Pig: No! Don’t make me eat the mental institution cafeteria food!! *panda bares teeth* Flying Pig: Yum yum!! Blue: And so ends this disclaimer. A/N: Since I have a tendency to confuse people in my early chapters, feel free to leave any questions and point out some stuff because this is sort of a ‘sneak peak’ of what’s to come. The story is still in its infancy stages and so what you’re about to read will probably be very edited before it becomes a full-fledged story on its own. Kuroi to Shiro Chapter One – Imperfection By Blade AKA Asian_Tofu The Bone-Eater’s well bothered her. It wasn’t just the mere scratchiness of the half-rotted wooden surface – it was the very existence of it that killed her. She tucked a straying strand of her ebony locks behind her ear, making sure that the scowl that seemed to be fixated permanently on her face disappeared somewhat as she ascended the wooden staircase. “Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi beckoned, setting the creaking wellhouse door to the side. “Hojo’s here to pick you up.” She said softly to her daughter, beaming. It had been such a surprise to her when Kagome had announced that she and Hojo were officially a couple at their high school graduation, but now she was just happy that Kagome had chosen a man who could love and take care of her so well. True, Hojo was a bit tedious and timid at times, but his good points usually eclipsed these minor personality flaws. It had taken Kagome time to heal after Inuyasha, but she was happy again. She had a life to live and a future with her, what Mrs. Higurashi would call, soulmate, Hojo, after all. And so Mrs. Higurashi was glad. Kagome followed her mother and gave a wave to her Jii-san, who was sweeping the temple entrance just like four years ago. The old priest smiled back at her, and continued sweeping. He liked that Hojo. That boy knew his relics and medicine. He was in training for priest-hood under Jii-san himself and Kagome brought him over often enough that Jii-san knew he would be an able successor to the temple. Hence Jii-san knew he would die happy. “Nee-chan!!” Souta came running up after Kagome, handing her the necklace that Hojo had given her the first time they had gone out (and finished the date without any spontaneous medical issues). “You forgot something,” he said breathlessly as he dropped the silver locket on her outstretched palm. He looked down the long way down the temple stairs and glimpsed Hojo leaning lazily against the hood of his dark blue SUV. It was common knowledge Souta knew that that SUV was going to be his someday. Kagome blinked at few times at the chain tangled with her hand. I’m already wearing this though… “Here,” Mrs. Higurashi came from behind nonchalantly and unhooked the necklace that Kagome had absentmindedly worn instead. “Hand me the locket, Kagome.” The mentioned did so, trading off the locket with the discarded necklace on Kagome’s hand. Mrs. Higurashi began to snap it on. Everyone was content. Kagome sighed as she pulled her hand back down to her side, acquiring a sudden glow in her cheeks. Kagome steadily gained rising warmth in her abdomen, something she hadn’t felt in years. She shifted the necklace in her hand, almost afraid to confirm what it was as she hesitantly opened her palm. “Mom…?” Kagome asked in a choked anger, “When did you put this back in my jewelry box?” Mrs. Higurashi inclined her head to get a better look at the object, “You said you were ready to see it again.” She returned to mull over the frustrations of clasping the locket on correctly. Kagome stepped around to face her mother with her incessant, incorrigible façade, “Mom?” Kagome laughed woodenly as a tear escaped down her cheek, “I’m not ready anymore.” “You’re ready, I know you are Kagome. You can’t keep the Shikon No Tama hidden forever.” “But I know I can keep all the memories with it locked away,” Kagome clutched the jewel against her heart, “so I can never regret anything.” Mrs. Higurashi, wondered vaguely what it might have been like for Kagome…to have to do what she did. “Do you really want that?” “Too late to find out anymore,” Kagome snapped callously through her unshed tears. “Time has a way of making you forget. Look,” she stared awkwardly at the ground, “I have to go – Hojo’s waiting.” “We all love you, Kagome, please remember that,” said Mrs. Higurashi said under her breath as she watched silently from a distance Kagome kiss Hojo on the cheek in greeting, and him lead her into his car. “Remember that well.” Almost everything was perfect. * Kagome stared out through the windshield silently with Hojo’s smooth, cool hand silently encircled on top of hers. They were in the same scenario that they always had; neither knew how to start a worthwhile conversation without having it turn into mindless banter. “Where’re we going?” Kagome asked quietly, her voice hoarse from the minutes of silence. Hojo glanced at her, expressionless. “Oh, I thought that maybe we should,” he cleared his throat, “take a walk around campus in the sakura orchid, or something.” “Oh,” Kagome cracked a smile, “All right.” She had never known Hojo to do anything so…romantic before. He usually just took her out to restaurants or to the occasional carnival. He over-thought things most of the time and would’ve never considered something as simple as going around Tokyo University as a date. He was too safe for that. There was another lapse of silence as Hojo went back to concentrating on the road. Kagome turned her head and gazed as the familiar route that she took on her bicycle sped past in blurs in the car. “Are you alright? You looked like you’d been crying when you came down today,” Hojo failed to mention the fact that she had been late as well. “No, I’m fine; you know you don’t have to ask.” Hojo frowned, “But I want you to be able to talk to me about stuff. Kagome,” Hojo squeezed her hand, “I want to be a real part of your life – not just some Inuyasha replacement.” His words hit her like cold water. It was the first time she had heard his name in four years…and that was all she could think about. Inuyasha… Kagome digested the words, finally. She retracted her hand from his, wincing like it had been stung a million times. “Please…don’t say his name.” She whispered. Hojo clenched his teeth and parked the car to a screeching halt in the parking lot. They both exited swiftly. “That’s it, isn’t it?” Hojo sighed, “That you’re just using me to forget Inuyasha?!” Kagome didn’t want to open her eyes, afraid of seeing the livid glimmer in Hojo’s eyes for the first time ever. What was this? Why had he suddenly changed? He used to be sweet…nice… Enough the opposite of Inuyasha for you to forget… A nagging, spiteful voice spat in a dark recess locked in her mind. “NO!” Kagome shook her head, tears sliding down her cheeks, “Listen to me!!” Kagome grasped the side of the car for support, “God Hojo…” Kagome sobbed, “Don’t say his damn name…” Hojo watched her with a vehement disgust. “The whole reason…the only reason I change is so maybe,” Hojo hissed, “Just maybe, you’ll see me as something more than the same schoolboy I was four years ago.” With the ring of his words still fresh and lingering in the air, Hojo turned and left her. * Shunsuke yawned languidly, a strap of his backpack slung across his shoulder. He had just gotten out of registration, which had been swamped with freshman. With his every step, he crushed another few fallen sakura petals. Not that he really cared – it was just that the sakura was the only thing that he liked about the whole college thing. All his friends had enrolled into another university on the other side on the whole and had left him stuck back in Tokyo. His latest girlfriend had been cheating on him for several months before he had broken it off, and he had been turned down by basically all schools whose main language was English. He loved his life so much. So he was walking like the loser he was, and then it happened – he saw the light. The light, to a nineteen-year-old guy, was an attractive Homo sapiens of the opposite sex sitting on a wood bench. Let’s analyze this scenario for a second; attractive Homo sapiens of the opposite sex on bench, crying eyeballs out. Shunsuke felt the knowledge of possibilities that he could use to take advantage of the situation. He slowed his step and tried to count them, but it was no use. There was only one word in his vocabulary that could elaborate on the large number. Many. Shunsuke strutted towards her, smirking. “Cha-ching.” * Kagome knew she didn’t want to cry, but the tears kept streaking her face anyway. God…I’m being such an idiot. The lump in her pocket that signified the presence of the Shikon No Tama didn’t help any with her emotions, and she wasn’t sure if getting back on antidepressants would help her anymore. She swore she was immune to them since she’d downed so many pills in the four years following her homecoming for good. So instead, Kagome decided to take the walk that had been initially meant for Hojo and herself. True, the view gave her a slight bitter nostalgia, but that was about it. As she walked listlessly, Kagome mused over the jewel. It hasn’t changed at all…and I think it’s still purified. She sat down on one of the convenient wood benches like the ones you found in parks, and sighed. Maybe I am just using Hojo…but what would the past years mean then? Me wallowing in self-pity? There definitely has to be something. I just can’t describe what I feel sometimes. Kagome leaned back on the bench, tilting her head towards the edge. Every time she ever reminisced, she would come back to one face – one voice that used to make her annoyed, irritated…happy… You shouldn’t have gone away…why did you let me make you? Her vision slowly blurred, the cheeks that had dried so peacefully were again drenched with the salty substance. I hate crying – it’s so stupid! I cry over everything now, even when I can’t find a stupid matching sock! Damn…everything reminds me of him and his stupid jerk-faced…! Kagome laughed at herself through her tears, her sapphire eyes glistening. A sharp wind blew past her face, and Kagome saw through a side-glance that there was a new occupant on the bench. “Yo.” Brushing away her tears resiliently with her hands, Kagome turned her head to acknowledge the presence of the person. “Hi.” They sat in a silence similar to the ones that she and Hojo usually had, except this one was a comfortable one. Kagome took the time to take in the guy’s features; he was most likely about half a head taller than her, and he had long black hair that looked like he hadn’t bothered to comb that morning. It was actually longer than hers. Yet another reason for me to burst into relentless tears: a cross-dresser. His hair was sort of cute in his case; it made him look reckless. She didn’t know what his eyes reminded her of, but they were the most unique shade of violet she had ever seen. There was a violent charm to him all over, and Kagome smiled. The guy started to laugh, the type that you began when it seemed to be right for the moment. Kagome raised her eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny?” He grinned at her off-handedly and replied, “It’s just that there are so many different ways that I could hit on you right now and you’re the one ogling.” Kagome blushed despite herself. Had she really been staring? “Sorry…it was just you seem to remind me of someone. Besides, I doubt you have many pickup lines. You seem depressed.” “How’d you know?” The guy inquired, sustaining his chin against his hand as he propped it against the metal bar protruding out of the chair. “Believe me, I’ve been looking at that type of face every day in every mirror since about four years ago.” “And, sorry for asking if it’s none of my business, but what ignited that sort of face on you?” Kagome furrowed her brow as his question and averted her eyes. The guy could sense her tension and mumbled, “My bad. Wrong topic to get on.” “Oh, no. It’s not that it’s a bad topic…I just don’t feel like talking about it.” “I understand,” the guy said, “it must really suck then. I hope you find happiness somewhere along the road of life.” He wrinkled his nose, “God, I’m sounding more and more like a fortune cookie every day.” They both chuckled at that. Kagome didn’t know how to express it…it felt great to be able to talk to someone without getting the feeling that you were the object of their pity or anger 24/7. “Kagome?! Damn…” Glancing up, they saw Hojo panting, flattening the grass as he sprinted towards them. “I’d thought you’d gone home alone or something. Do you know how dangerous it is out at this time?” Kagome checked her watch; 3:52 PM, and gave him a dry stare. “You could’ve been picked up by hookers or something!” He argued, earning a strangled laugh from the guy. Hojo flicked his eyes towards the had-been-invisible ‘threat to his precious.’ “Who are you and get away from my Kagome!” He spat irately, giving the guy a glare that made him finally laugh outright. Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and glowered at Hojo. He has no right! Only Inuyasha does…only he did that. She barely was able to control the floodgates from releasing that time. Thoughts are evil. Don’t think. The guy lifted himself up from the bench and evenly stared at Hojo in the eye…well he had to sort of turn his head a little lower to look him directly, but you know what I mean. “Look, it’s her life. You shouldn’t try to control her,” he hissed at the brown-haired boy, who was quaking in his shoes. He turned to Kagome. “Hey. Good luck. I’ll see you around.” “Bye…” Kagome breathed under her breath to the guy’s retreating figure, “Have a nice day.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR’S NOTE: So what did you think? I know that Shunsuke could possibly be the worst name ever…and I bet all of you are making assumptions about him too…but beware of guesses! You are all wrong! *hehehe* Anyway, I think this can easily live up to For Infinity as I fiddle with the plot and become insomniac again! ******* Thanks for reading and please leave some criticism! --BLUE P.S. Here's the direct link... [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2050613/1/[/url]
  2. I saw this anime last year when I was still hyper and obsessive about anime(mainly Inuyasha, go figure)...and sort of still into those simple, humorous types of anime. I just got into Evangelion and am exploring Full Metal Alchemist,which both were totally worth my 20 dollars (I get my anime cheap and NO I don't buy bootlegs and/or used). The only downside was that there weren't any English subtitles (ah! So that's why they were so cheap...) or dubs - but they did have it in Chinese. :confused: I got the gist of it since I can read some Chinese, but back to Lain. Totally a complex and gripping anime, since even though I had no clue what was going on, I still watched it and taped it and watched it again until my parents were oh so nice enough to take away my cable! I have to admit that I searched for a summary on the internet and read that before I could get a basic outline of the plot, but I loved the opening song too! It may have something to do with the touched-up animation in the opening scenes, but it took me MONTHS to find the song's name (Duvet by BoA) and to download it. --BLUE
  3. I write Inuyasha fanfiction, which sort of explains all my *cough*complaining*cough* about popular anime fanfiction. I use ff.net (with the same sn), so when I read overenthusiastic summaries, it kind of makes me feel the obsessive, hyperactive fans... --BLUE
  4. I think that the second Inuyasha movie might to coming out somewhere this September to big cities in the US - it's been licensed by Viz. There is currently a fourth movie that will come out this December in Japan. I'm not very sure about the fifth movie, but the fourth movie will be out. --BLUE
  5. As a fervent reader of the fanfiction community, and a little of an author, I thought it would?ve been nice to have a thread that talked about the habits and odd things that we do for writing/reading. Also the things that we may hate as we read or write fanfiction. And maybe a thread just for complaining? :D I for one have the worst habit of changing my penname during sudden new obsessions. I?ve gone through colors, Japanese, pointy objects, and now and exploring the possibility of food. Also, as fanfiction becomes bigger, it can also get into my life. Hence, this results in long lapses in my updates. My longest break was from May-September this year. I?ve just recently finished editing only two chapters and reposted them. As a reader, what depresses me most is the number of talented authors who pull out of writing their fanfictions, leaving them unfinished and never giving readers a conclusion. Anyway, I have this weird thing that I do when I finish writing chapters. I count how many words are in each one (does anyone else do this?). I guess it sort of becomes a general chapter marker for me, but I?ve read about some who count their pages. There?re also the difficulties of writing fanfiction about animanga. You have to use a lot of onomatopoeias (at least for me), and it?s sometimes hard to depict some anime trademarks (the sweatdrop, the exasperated fall, etc?). For some reason, I only know one author who proclaims to keep a notebook and handwrites chapters first. I myself can only write properly (and with somewhat of an entertaining style) on the computer. Then there?s the dreaded writer?s block. I?ve never kept an outline for my stories ? I just sort of write and go with what me head tells me. I guess that?s bad?but I never write when I don?t want to. When you just start out writing, you want people to review and comment on your stories to improve. When you write (in my personal opinion), always do it for yourself. There?s always the need to become acknowledged when you?re still that little overlooked one chapter story with the summary that claims that the author sucks at writing summaries. When you finally do become popular (as I?ve discovered with many authors who?ve made a name for themselves), there?s a lot of pressure from readers to get quality chapters out in a short amount of time. You lose the inspiration and write without much soul if you falter under the stress?whew. *wipes brow* Just had to get that lot across. J Now for the *coughs*complaints*coughs* I have as a reader ? mostly just opinions about writing styles and fanfiction peculiarities. Please excuse me if I sound harsh, but that?s what happens when I go on rants? The worst thing about reading fanfiction based on popular anime is (how frequently is this voiced?) the number of fanfictions by obsessive, hyperactive fans that possess nothing of a plot and basic writing skills. There are the cliché ideas that are used over again and again with almost no variations, and the annoying use of random Japanese words (especially when the meanings aren?t correct) when the author does it often. Longs lapses from updates are understandable if the author gives an explanation, but discontinuation is extremely disappointing (I had to do this to one of my fics because of lack of time and interest though). Some authors have never heard of the word ?synonym,? which causes the descriptions in their stories very tiring to read. Overdramatic scenes that are overly elaborated on are very strenuous to read (as I?ve discovered at 2AM). Authors should always put quality over quantity as well. A one-chapter story may be ten-fold better than a 60-chapter story. But, as for the upside of fanfiction?the model fanfiction (for me); a story that enraptures the reader with an interesting plot, an author that uses enough and only that much description, grammar and spelling with the occasional typo (no one?s perfect), and the feeling that it just ?flows.? --BLUE
  6. I've heard about this recently from a friend of mine in Canada. Due to the fact that I'm on vacation right now, I have no way to buy manga. But the last time I was at the mall in May, it wasn't in stock. The storyline sounds like it has a bit of overused plotlines blended together, and lots of characters. To be honest, I'm not a huge CLAMP fan because of their art style (really picky on art...), except I'm willing to give this a try because I'll be persuaded [cough]threatened[cough] into buying it by my Canadian friend anyway. --BLUE
  7. My dad despises it. He thinks it's stupid and is the reason my grades will go down in the future (he's a college professor :o ). I'm afraid of drawing in front of him, and he threatens a lot to throw out my anime stuff while deleting my folders on the comp. I usually don't watch anime in front of him very often if I know there is a lot of cussing or even the slightest most innocent sign of nudity (Inuyasha he's used to though...). My mom is a lot more lenient about me actually having an interest in anime. But she still bought the edited version of Ranma 1/2 for me, which is better than not buying it at all. --BLUE
  8. :eek: Pretty... [quote name='klinanime1'] I'm accustomed to Crayola colored pencils (more wax than color)[/quote] Crayola colored pencils are the reason I don't color my drawings much. Anywho...I would like to know what happened to that young man's left hand. His legs are a little too close to be balanced, and yes, his head is a bit larger than necessary. The top of the head is also slightly flat. But the shading on his clothes is superb, so nothing wrong there. It would've been nicer if the shading on his face was more defined or just a [I]little[/I] darker. The girl's right upperarm seems chubbier than her other one, making it seem a bit shorter than it is. I really like the way you drew her hair and how you shaded it. Generaly speaking, the coloring is stunningly more smooth than Crayola's pencils, making it look a lot like CG. Have you tried using a tissue make the pencil lines less visible before? --BLUE
  9. I have a story called Red Sakura that I would appreciate if someone read. It's rated PG-13 for language and violence. Please only read the first chapter, since the second chapter is going through editing. I need a little criticism, so please reply. Thanks. Here's the URL...[url]http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1844800[/url] --BLUE
  10. [FONT=Verdana]Due to the popularity of Inuyasha, there are a lot of different stories and authors that make their debut everyday. If you want to get into the Inuyasha fanfiction community, you'll need to learn how to be able to write well. There are too many fanfictions out there that are below the standard for readable material. If you want people to give you positive feedback, you'll have to question your writing style, and whether or not it can survive out there to gain a good name. If you put some of your writing up for people to see, it'll be a big help to you because then you'll be able to improve. Story originality is also a big issue. If you haven't already, read a variety of fanfiction to get the feel of which stories in your mind would be typical and which are not. Also, if you get confused about what to do next, it would be best if you wrote a plot outline on paper. You might even get more ideas to make your story more interesting. That's all the advice I can give, so good luck! :D --BLUE [/FONT]
  11. Klinanime1- True, it does sound like a love story, but the whole thing was actually inspired by one lyric in the song. I'm not even sure if I translated it correctly...^^;; THe plot's about a guy who tries to get rid of this female stalker of his. Hence, it's a comedy. The story idea is a bit cliche, but I suck at short story plots. And I still have to find a way to mail the thing :o Ok, this is really OT, but how could you lose the Jay CD?! *tsk tsk* I'll admit that he is a brillant musical genius, but I refuse to become obsessed! *covers Jay stickers* There's a new Jay album coming out in China this August...I think. Rumors, rumors. --BLUE
  12. This is a Sesshoumaru picture that I drew recently. Can anyone give me a suggestion for a good background? I was going to do a city scene, but I don't know if it's 'right' for it. What do you think?
  13. Hmm, most manga I read is about 190 pages for manga, except for Ranma 1/2 which goes between 180-300. But that?s close, so I presume you?re right. I still don?t know how anyone could do it though. One page for me takes at least an hour to sketch. It couldn?t always be exactly 200 per volume though, since it mostly depends on the story and how you pace it. All right, I?m a major observer. I have gripes about everything, including my own art and the way my room is set up (Must?rip off?puppy wallpaper?). So I?m here to offer a few words of constructive criticism. But your art is good. I?ve seen enough to establish that. I want tones!! *pouts* Yeah, anyway. I really loved the title page. At first I was a little confused on what his position was, mainly because his head was turned a little too much than I would?ve liked, but when the page finally loaded (about 15 minutes later?stupid dialup! *reaches for mallet*), I was extremely impressed. Though your art looks even better with shading, so I suggest you get right to tones! It may help set his position, so putting in color would be an even better idea. Also, something that would probably help give a bolder effect to the eyes, like thickening the lines of the eyelids. Like the close-up of the eye in page 2, panel 4?I think (I?m bad at identifying panels). Thickening the line of the upper eyelid would probably have a stronger effect (along with TONES, of course ;D). If you?re using one of those normal pens that I do, then draw an outline and then color it black. But drawing an eye-line a little too bold could always make the character look sort of feminine. Yeah, so just solidify it a bit more?not too much. Maybe define the pupils some more with a skinny pen. Or just press lightly. This comes to the suggestion that I have for inking variance. It makes a big difference when if you draw with a heavy hand or a light one, so try being both and see what you get. You probably know this already, but generally in manga outlines of objects and people are done with a slightly heavier hand than the inside lines. Discrepancy of lines allows the reader to understand positions, wrinkles, etc more clearly and easily than clear-cut, consistent lines. There are also a few other minor things that don?t really matter, so I?m not going to mention them because I?m probably the only person who would care. Other than that, I?m anticipating you to post some more stuff! Since a) Your story is so complex and intriguing I will hunt you down if you give up on it, and b) I love your art so much! Tones would be really appreciated! Even better, color! Go and draw, Klin, DRAW! ;D --BLUE
  14. That would certainly be a great strategy to win the Tokyopop comp. I'm all for it! :D Personally, short stories in general aren't my thing (since they always turn out having only partial plots), but I'm trying to work on two pieces that could possibly work. I [I]think[/I] one of them might. Choice A has to do with the somewhat humorous death of the Muffin Man (the one that lived on Drury Lane) and Choice B is this story inspired by Zhou Jie Lun's 'Tornado.' Awesome song. But the plotline's is more cliche than the death of the Muffin Man, so I'm 'toning' it. I'll put it up if I can before I take a trip back to the Kingdom of Piracy (go China!). OK...so scratch the Muffin Man one! --BLUE
  15. I'd say I started watching anime at the age of 4. That was my Sailor Moon age. At age 7 I slowly made the transaction into DBZ, when my family moved and my dad's colleague's sons got me into it, saying that it was very deep...But anyway, after DBZ it was YuYu hakusho for about a week, when I discovered Inuyasha. That was 11. Now, I'm getting into more anime, mainly Rumiko Takahashi shounen (I'm a girl though) because of the Inuyasha influence, and am exploring others. I'm a sucker for fluff, since I only watched Sailor Moon for the romance (-_-) and turned it off (I was 4) when they had their little transformations. Some of the fights were ok...mainly just the 'ultimate battles' - going OT...back on topic. Anyways, I been watching anime for 9 years now, though I've only made it into an obsession since last year. --BLUE
  16. Inuyasha, that is my favorite anime to date as of exactly 14 months, 5 days from today. The first time I saw Inuyasha was on Cartoon Network and the dubbing immediately annoyed me for some odd reason. Then I went overseas and saw some fansubs, and now every time I watch it on TV I try very hard not to mutilate whatever unfortunate thing happens to be in my hand at that time. The animation, after the first hundred episodes, takes a horrible turn. Even before that, it wasn't as good as, say what I would consider above average. But the plot is good, and it has a taste of Takahashi's genius for character development and plot, but goes onto WAY too many tangents (this whole post sounds like a copy of something I put somewhere else...oh well) that necessary. But I love the music. It fits the show really well and I've downloaded about all the songs. Change the World used to be my favorite but now it's after Four Seasons, by Namie Amuro (I'm pretty sure) which is one of the songs for the third movie and is my favorite song EVER. I can never get tired of it, even after hours and hours. The humor is pretty slapstick but that's what I like about it. The anime makes the viewers pine over the Inuyasha/ Kagome relationship more than the manga, but I'm okay with that just because I'm a sucker for any type of fluff. Isn't it odd I don't read much shoujo?? Whatever. :p --BLUE
  17. There are a lot of plots that have to do with the fate of the world. For the time when she's in the school, it might turn into a typical high school drama, and you'll have to be cautious of that. What about her secret? You'll have to give her [I]some[/I] type of personality or else the people will know there's something wrong. The plot definitely conflicts with the character, but you might want to be able to let readers be able to relate to the character in some way, cause being God and human...put some emotions, or...yeah. :D --BLUE
  18. Geez, our library has such a horrible selection it's really hard to tell the comics from the manga. There's...ONE DBZ manga. :flaming: Anyways...I'm broke, so I'm reading... [B]Saiyuki[/B] [B]Samurai Deeper Kyo[/B] That's about it... --BLUE
  19. I think the reason Inuyasha gets a little boring after the first one hundreth episode is that the animation suddenly turns sloppy and sketchy, and the series is sort of prolonged WAY too much. I actually am a huge fan of Inuyasha, but those things about it bug me. I think since that manga is going to end about this year or next year, I'm going to stop watchign the anime and just read Takahashi's genius instead. The anime actually goes into more tangents than the manga, probably meant to be fillers or humor episodes, and that makes it even LONGER. But now, back to topic. Pokemon scares me. I mean, at first it seemed okay and then it went all downhill...
  20. Whoa... :eek: I finally get what you mean when you said what? NINE progatonists??? Sheesh...I never thought so MANY...Manga is complicated. It's sort of late, so I'm going to finish reading it later, but from what I've read so far, you've been thinking for a long while. I happen to like your pencil drawings better (but I suck at coloring so there you go), but the picture was nice. I look forward to seeing your manga!! ;) Also, about your volume lengths. That's sort of long for one book, and most artists get about a month to do them (unless they're given time to do a rough draft, then its two months), from what I've heard. Maybe you should cut back a little? --BLUE
  21. Oh, wow. I love your backgrounds! I can't draw a *tree* to save my life...You used such a variance of color that makes the image almost real! Awesome job ;) --BLUE P.S. Don't kill me if the Inuyasha is sort of scratched up...darn siblings! Remember to return them! :D
  22. Ack. I was bored and drew this Inuyasha pic a [I]lo--ong[/I] time ago. I don't have a scanner, so if it's blurry, um, sorry? I need a little criticism, though I KNOW that there's too much hair. :o Anyway, I used a 0.5 mech. pencil and sketch paper. --BLUE
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