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Everything posted by JuliasPeach
hi goth! ^^ its me, if you remember. =D well for my storie, well, after I admitted I was gay, I started really wanting to tell people, and no one I really knew had anything against it, so no worries, but my best friend was homophobic. >.< but I finally told him and he got all suportive, and most of my friend "love" the fact I'm gay. lor. so thats shibby. so yeah, things ate working out. :D -Peach
well, I am gay, : ) and I like it just fine. No one bothers me about it, and my best friend who was homophobic is now just fine. :D so every thing pretty much worked out. but I have not told my parents yet... -Peach
I like the element Light, or holy, not like religious, just holy. :) I just fit into it, people find me nice, and compherting, and stuff like that. ^^ and I also fit into fire. I love hot colours and I have a never giving up attitude. so yeah, thats me. :)
Well, I'll have to say not many characters annoy me. :) I like reseti, and blathes, tingle is just scary. o.O and navi never got to me. though for the person I am going to say does not annoy me to much. its just some stuff she does. >.> Daisy. from the mario bros. In mario kart DD, she passes you and screams " HI I'M DAISY" I mean how annoying can you get? O_O and just the way she acts. >.> -Peach
lol, yes, Mario DDR, I think it will be great, annother game I am looking forward to is Peach's game "super princess Peach" she finally gets her own game! ^^ woo. but yeah, any thoughts on the game? -Peach
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Me, well pretty much, I am addicted to Peach. =D I just love that character and um, yeah. I just am. ^^ Other than that, I don't think I am addicted to much, other than playing mario video games... me and my mario. :P -Peach[/COLOR]
Hey guys. ^^ Its me again. I came back for a bit, though I doubt any of you remeber me. :( but any way. I don't know if any of you have heard about the new title mario DDR coming out some time, but so far only mario and luigi are confirmed to be in it. though there have been screen shots that look like a Hammer bro. are playable! woo! but if Peach is in it, which I think would be silly if she was not, what do you think she will wear? I mean, would she wear the skirt? or the dress? or maybe something new for dancing? I want to hear your thoghts! :) -Peach
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have completely beat this game. I got all the treasures (201) beat challange mode all pink flowers and so on. It is really good and way out does the first game. You really have to get it! -Peach[/COLOR]
I love this game! I use Peach and I always kick but! ^_^ Peach is sooooo cool in this game! She can float, block her self with toad, pluck veggawsome! :D I always tick my friend off who always uses Roy! I just float above him and start kicking him! Yeah, so can you tell i like peach!
[QUOTE=jblessing]Why would you need to count them? Is that number really important? I don't see cluttering up the backroom anymore just to show a count of how many online friends you have. Thats my opinion..[/QUOTE] Well there is this thing I do. I look at my Guest book signings and see how many friends I have. I then compare the two and see if there was a person who signed my GB that didnt what to be my friend, or if I forgot to check out someone's site. That kinda thing. I just thought it would be helpful to know how many friends you have.
[COLOR=DarkOrange]It should tell you, in your back room, how many friends you have so that you dont have to count them! Why not? can this be done? -Peach[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Dan L] -My debut as "Dan Lucking" on OB version 2, where I insulted everyone, thimoc said I was cool, thus I took it all back and hung around for a while. I always kind of had a soft spot for thimoc after that, despite his status as a notorious spammer.. "[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I also had a soft spot for thimoc too way back when! I swear Thimoc is the most popular member here, other than Adam of coarse! But I remeber when Thimoc won the "most original name" contest! that was when there was a big craze and people were posting contests and quizes like crazy. Kinda like now, everyone is playing and making all thoes games in the "otaku lounge". But I still say that Thimoc is and always will be really popular, too bad he is a complete spammer! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ahh, is that you thimoc!? Well I don't remeber where I went! but i didnt die! lol. What was said about me when i left? I want to know!!!!! And i also remember that you, thimoc was the first one to reach the almighty "no life" stage! lol i was about 5th![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Dragon Warrior. you said that you have been here since V1 well what was your first user name? And does any one remember Killer Pikachu? He was from the original days. there was a great war between me and him lol. But seriously it was weird! There were sides taken and all i can remeber was on one side there was Plume and Pokadazz, vrs. Killer Pikachu and G/S expert. Does any one remeber that? any way, too bad i missed all the "precious Moments" here. I shouldnt have left for so long! But i do remeber thimoc and will2x and renee and ravenmoon. ah the good times! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well let me start with how I found OB. About 5 years ago I was looking for cheats for my gamboy game, pokemon red, and I stumbled upon Pokecheats.com and that was the otaku main site many years ago. So I found some cheats and saw they had a forum, joined, and posted for about a year. Then the whole board changed and the main site changed a bit and it was a bit too much for me so I left! Then I came back about a couple of months ago and rejoined! This is one of the best boards out there! It has many cool features not a lot of other board have! And the people here, or at least most of them, are very nice and helpful! What can you say about that!? This board is just something that becomes a part of your life, forever, even if you leave for a couple years. It?s always here to fall back on! -Peach [B]EDIT:[/B] In case you wanted to know what my previous name here was those many years ago, it was Plume![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]would you guess mine is Peach? well it is! So um yeah.... my name is Peach! cool huh? and i'm a guy, remember that! ^_^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well I'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And I am just trying to finish school! then i'm off to university and then I dont know what i will do job wise. But I might get a summer job or somthing. Other than that I run my own web site and hang out with my friends going to an amusment park near my city. I also play piano too, well I play key board but there almost the same thing! Not much else to say, but nice topic Balmon. I like threads like these! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I just celibrated "Canada Day" here in Canada as some of you already know *cough* and um, well Happy 4th of july to all you Americans! :D I guess every contry has their day![/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Morpheus]I agree. Here are your major flaws: 1. People you know don't grab you by the neck and drag you; I'd hope your friends knew that 2.People who nearly got kidnapped aren't as giddy as you. 3.As said before, what kind of dumb**** would try to kidnap someone a-with a group of friends and B-Drag you out of a PUBLIC place without anyone noticing It is sad that some must resort to lying to get attention, but as I cannot stop you, do what you must.[/QUOTE] urg, ok, 1 about the neck thing, it looked like his hand was going on my shoulder. thats what they thought, i asked them! and when i was about out the door they came after me! and whats wrong with being ho i am? so i'm giddy well i'm not really right now am i? and as i said before everyone was leaving and the market was almost empty and my friends did notice and thats why i didn't get hurt or anything! also i do not want attention. that would be a low i would never cross, making up an almost kidnaping just for attetion! the mods can go right ahead an close/delete this right now if they wish. all i wanted was some suport or something. but its nice that you wont belive [I]anything[/I] because that would be prety gulible but this is what happened!
ok, so now most of you dont believe me and that probably becuase i'm not that good at righting. but that was what happened. thogh alot of you say that it wouldnt happen in such a busy place, well the market [I]was[/I] closing, it was about 8 when it happened. this was also in like a corner, near the entrace and every was leaving. and my frienads were not [I]exactly[/I] with me. at the time about 2 feet away. the people that tried to take me probably thought i was alone. and also, the more i think about what some one here said, that if only that much happened and i didnt get bably hurt or anything then i start to think that maybe they were only tring to scare me. well maybe it worked! and when i said not much happedned i mean that i didnt really get hurt nothing was taken or anything. just shaken up.
[QUOTE=Leh]That's right, it doesn't matter what I think. But you have to keep in mind that those of us who don't believe Peach's story also have good reasons for not believing her. One, this is the internet. Most people's personas aren't what they are in real life, therefor they do not do things they'd normally do. Such as lying. There's a fifty/fifty chance she's either lying or telling the truth. Two, we don't know her. No one on this forum can honestly say they know her, unless of course they know you in real life. Referring to my comment about personas, no one truly knows anyone unless they know them in real life, or have been around them for more than a year. It's inadequate to believe everything you're told.[/QUOTE] yes ok so you have a good reason not to belive me but i swear its true. also i would like to say that i'm not a girl. you kept refering to me as a girl. well i'm not! sorry for the mix up there! and i like to try to be myself any where computer or not! so you can belive me if you want but i always be myself here at otaku.
i'm glad some one belives me! thanks you made me feel a bit better! your really nice! thanks....
well i didnt want to report any body. 1 because i'm not very good at descriptions and 2 i didn't want to get in trouble. my mom would have a fit because she was worried that something would happer to me today and almost wouldn let me go out down town. so why would i get in this big police thing? any way not much happened. i and i dont believe no one belives me! why would i lie about some thing like this! :( i thought nice people like you guys would come and cheer me up!
you dont beleive me? i'm sorry if you cant but it really did happen. i'm really shaked up about it. why would i lie about something like that! i'm sorry but that offended me! :(
[COLOR=DarkOrange]OMG! today, which is canada day. I almost got kidnaped! it was so scary! I was standing around with some of my friends and some guys came up to me and grabbed me by the neck and said that i shouldn't make a noise or i'd get hurt. So i was trying to make noises at my friends but they sorta thought i knew the person because of how he was holding me. So then he started to drag me away and my friends were confused. the kidnaper was choaking me and led me out of the market (thats where i was) and my friends came dashing after me because they knew something was up. So the person dragged me out side and his friend was just infront of us and they stopped and said i was getting kicked out of the market and that i was doing drugs (which i soooo wouldnt) and then started to yell at me. I was so freaked out. Then they dragged me on some more and then my friends came out side and i dashed away from the person who let go of me for a second. then my friends were so worried and felt for me. but i was so scared. I coulkd of been murdered or something. what a way to spend Canada Day. Can you believe that happend? You always think that bad stuff like that will never happen to you.... but it might and probably will one time or another. that really freaked me out![/COLOR]