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Everything posted by JuliasPeach

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]OMG! now i really want to go around and go to all these really cool amusment parks! some of you are really lucky! My little cousin went to universal studios two years ago and he said it cool! I myself really want to go to either disney land or wonder land. which ever is in canada. I cant remeber. any way I should go on a road trip and go to all the amusment parks in north america! that would be almost impossible but hey, it would be fun! any one want to come with me? :D -Peach[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Wow! i'm glad people were actually answering this! :D instantramen14 your lucky to live by all thoughs nice parks! I just love amusment parks, as i said before! also you all sound like you have had quite some fun at these places! I personally "Love" this new ride at "Calaway Park" its called the "Chaos" and it is a big circle of seats that lifts up into the air and then tilts, then as the wheel spins gravity flips the seats all over, upside down, sidways backwards... its sooo cool! and ChibiHorsewoman your lucky to have so many rollercoasters to go on! i only have one..... and Cat14 your studio thing sounds fun too. where is it? I might want to stop by there if i'm in the neigborhood! :D [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I just [I]love[/I] amusment parks! :D and well my question is: Do you have any good amusment parks near you? well i live in calgary, alberta. thats in canada if you didnt know ;) and there is an amusment park called "Calaway Park" it is soooo cool! they always update the park every year! and there is an anual event every year called the "Stampeed" and there are lots of rides there! thats not really an amusment park but its fun! :rolleyes: so i would like to hear all about the woderful parks near you! [/COLOR]
  4. JuliasPeach


    [COLOR=DarkOrange]well... I dont really want to state any crushes...... but i do like Peach! hmm, was that hard to guess?! well i try to act like her though i'm a guy.... but yeah! and she was in a TV series! so that fits under the cartoon catagory! ^_^ later! -Peach[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]yeah.... this will be closed soon! but oh well! nice to meet you! you sound very interesting and i would like to get to know about you in other posts! and you should have fun here! you can also make an account at [URL=http://www.myotaku.com]MyOtaku[/URL] so have fun posting! -Peach[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]oh boy here we go again... yeah ive heard about it! its almost like old news here! :D but just go the the thread called "Nintendo DS" its about 7 pages long, you cant miss it, but i think its on the second page...! if you want to know "anything" about it, it will probably be there! hope i helped! oh and its called DS for Duel Screen! -Peach[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange]wow! all you people have such cool stories! and there are so many charcters out there! some more unique than others but man this is one interesting topic! i hope to hear more of these neat stories and even better yet hope to go even more indeapth with mine! cause ya know i kinda do look like zell from FF8 minus all the muscle! ;) but keep the tales coming! -Peach[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello! well replying to these is always fun even if they always get closed! :D but anyway... welcome to the boards! and you should make an account at the [URL=http://www.myotaku.com]MyOtaku[/URL] site here too! and have fun posting! and i hope i become a "Member" soon instead of a "New Member"! -Peach[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I realy[I] REALY [/I] like the Game Boy Avanced better than the SP! ive tried the SP and my hands get all cramped because the thing is [I]way[/I] to small! and if like the SP better because it has that rechargeable pack, well i bought a neat little thing for my GBA that you clip in the back and it makes you hold the GB like a playstation colrtoller! it also comes with a recharge plug! and you can always buy a light or just turn the light on! and SP screens, are they the same size as the GBA ones? i dont know... well i just have to say i like the GBA! -Peach[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade] Really, Batman is my fav character. And when other people say "WWJD" I usually say "What would Batman do?" and it ends up being a pretty good choice. .[/QUOTE] now ive been thinking about this ever since i read this and i have to agree the same thing happens to me! i also think this is a good way to prove your like or want to be like a character! "what would "add character's name here" do?" is pretty basic and fun... so try it woth your character and find out your results![/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=JuliasPeach] 1.) when answering questions dont "just" answer them keep a nice medium size post! [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]keep in mind the rules people! U_U i dont really want this to be closed that soon! O_O soo how a bout this unanswerable question... when a turtle loses his shell is it homeles or naked?[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello! welcome to the "Questions that cant be answered Quiz"! in this quiz you try to answer questions that... well... cant be answered! ^_^ every once and a while add another question that cant be answered and every thing will be running smoothly! so to start off we need rules! 1.) when answering questions dont "just" answer them keep a nice medium size post! 2.) after your answer, if you can, try to post another question! 3.) keep this post sutible for "all" ages!! 4.) have fun answering questions that cant be answered! ~_^ soo to start off the questions... mine is:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] Can two invisible people see each other?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey welcome! hope you have fun here! ^_^ i guess i'll be seeing you and your lap top here alot! well the mods don't let intro threads stay open so this will be closed but i hope you like it here! oh and just in case quickly go through the Rules and maybe even open a My otaku site! see ya round the boards! ~_^ -Peach[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey welcome! well if ya do make a Myotaku account i'll be happy to visit! ^_^ and yeah this will most likely be closed, but hey while it lasts! so be sure to make an account and i hope you like it here at the boards! ~_^ see you around![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well i'm super excited about buying "Paper Mario 2" that will be super fun! and mario tennis will be coming out next year, and pikmin 2 will be out some time! i don't know any dates so just look around this board and you'll find all the great games and dates of the GCN games coming out! or you can just look at the sticky: gaming news... that will have almost everything! ~_^ so see ya round![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hi, i know how you feel! one of my best friends is a cutter and has scars all over her legs, arms, and body. she has been doing it for i while and her other friends told her mom... she was mad at them for a bit but she hasn't done it for a while. she seems to be finding soloutions for her problems. you could just try to find whats wrong and make her feel better about it or if its possible try to solve these problems. this may only help her for a little while but it will do for now. i also have girlfriend who doesn't cut but she hurts her self all the time. its probably because her mom died about 3 years ago and i dont think shes gotten over it yet. all my friends seem to do this, but i dont know why! before reading this thread i was starting to think i was the only one who didn't hurt them selves! so this thread should help you but it also helped me![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]yeesh thoes were alot of interesting stories to read! :D you all seem to have alot of different ways of representing characters! but i'm glad i represent Peach! but also i noticed alot of you seem to be like the same people! i hope that does not mean your almost all the same O_o so try to be more specific and unique. but i guess i can't help it if you are like the same person! i guess your like the same person in different ways! boy i'm learning i lesson here... anyway i loved all these stories so please i want to here more! ^____^[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hi. ive played coloseum a bit and i enjoyed the game just fine without saphire or ruby. i have saphire but not a GCN link thing but anyway... if you just want to play the RPG part then i don't think you can put your R/S pokemon in that mode. just the second player functions use the GBA games... i could be wrong but in RPG mode you have to steel pokemon, is the whole part of the game, to steel and purify the shadow pokemon! so if you just want to play by your self just play RPG mode if you want to play with friends then buy and link-up Ruby or Saphire but it sounds like you don't really need them right now... i hope that confusing lecture helped! ~_^ if you need any more help in a less confusing way just PM me because i can look at a guide book for you! later -Peach[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]hehehe *snicker* hahaHAHA... that badger was the funest thing ever!!! ^______^ ,mushroom mushroom badger badger.... yeah. i thought of some more amusing things! 1. look up a the ceiling in a mall and then people gather around you and look up to! 2. name all of your dishes and see if you can remember them. 3. make "but" symbols on the computer... ( , ) ( ! ) hehehe... 4. put your hands over your eyes and see wired paterns O_o 5. try to roll your eyes all the way around very fast :rolleyes: but i have to say that badger thing was awsome so here i go to watch it again! ...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]uh i don't know if anyone noticed this but when you post a reply or create a new thread, at the bottom of the page where you select a smiliy there are two of the same one, the two mad faces at the end. so i don't know why thats like that but i'm just wondering why its like that.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]hehehe... this is so a topic for me! ^_^ i have a list to! 1. sit upside down on a couch and pretend your walking on the celing! 2. stare at stakko on celing and make shapes 3. turn your hands in to various people and animals 4. turn lights on and off as your standing in front of a mirror and watch your pupils change size. 5. draw never ending spirals. 6. love watching a maze screen saver 7. roll your head along your keyboard and see what youve spelled! yeah thoes ought to keep ya entertained for a while! ~_^[/COLOR]
  22. ok... i'm trying this again but i'm gonna do this right! ok this RPG will be about Peach and any other "Mario related" characters that join. the basic enemy in the beginning are the Parahana Plants, that are creating big holes all over the Mushroom kingdom and grabbing any residents they can find. of coarse this is a huge problem for the princess and so she must find people to create a group to stop this evil movement. of coarse though the Parahna plants are not the only threat... (bowser is not the other threat so this character is open for selection) [B][U]SIGN UP SHEET[/U][/B] Name: (has to be a mario related character) Description: (pic will work) Personality: (you don't need to be too descriptive because these should be well known characters but just in case...) Biography: (what the character was doing before now) Post colour: (wooo colours :D ) [B][U]RULES[/U][/B] you MUST chose a mario related character (I?ve said this a million times) and please try to make this RPG suitable for all ages ^_^ and to have some more fun lets try to make each character have a different post colour. ok thats a bout it for that... now to the story! [B]Name:[/B] Princess Peach Toadstool [B]Description:[/B] tall and in long Pink dresses but they all vary in a small way. has small crown on and long while gloves that go to elbows. has red high heel shoes and a red ring on her left hand, pointer finger. also has blue ball earrings and long dark blonde hair that starts to curl on all the ends. blue eyes and always smiling. (or just look at my banner or avatar) [B]Personality:[/B] very happy, not much brings Peach down. even in bowser?s clutches she'll bake a cake! she likes to take maters into her own hands but something always goes wrong. she tries to make everyone happy but might not always succeed. she likes to spend time playing golf, tennis, and even likes to cook. [B]Biography:[/B] Peach was just recovering from another escape from Bowser and is training on her castle roof top to stay fit so she can possibly avoid another capture! she has been at her castle for the last while. [B]Post Colour:[/B] Orange (not dark Orange) The peaceful land, the Mushroom Kingdom, had just gotten over the terrible doings of Bowser once again. this beautiful land consists of a large Castle, an even larger Golf coarse, many cute little Toads and other creatures, and an underground of pipes galore! But one thing will change the future of this wonderful land and may even cause the existence of life to deminish. [B]now here is a peak at how the RPG will begin...[/B] It is a very slow day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The sun is glaring down at the land and all the Toads and residents are taking the day off work and other duties. Peach on the other hand took the opportunity to play some golf with Toadsworth. [COLOR=Orange]"my my" Toadsworth began, that was a marvelous hit Princess. Peach blushing at the comment said "oh i dont know, i think it went in the water!" as Toadsworth took another look he remarked, "oh so your right, my eyes are not what they used to!" as Peach and Toadsworth strolled over to where Peach had hit her ball a little Toad with blue spots came yelling at the two. "PRINCESS!!!" all of a sudden the toad vanished! "what happened?" Peach remarked in shock and puzzlement. " it looked as if that Toad just disappeared!?" Toadsworth and Peach now running over to where the Toad had just stood. as they neared they could see a hole in the ground. "What is that?" Peach asked, worried. "why is looks like a hole". said Toadsworth calmly. Peach sighed at the lame comment and said "I know that, but what made the hole! That poor Toad didn't just fall down this hole because we were just here and the hole defiantly was not!" just as Peach finished speaking a low growl was heard from inside the hole and then a very faint but clear cry for help! "Oh my" Peach now covering her mouth with fear and worry said, muffled "we have to do something!" Peach leaned over the hole and shouted inside. "Hello! can you here me?" "Princess get away from that hole! you don't know what?s down there!" Toadsworth grabbed the princess by her dress and pulled her away from the hole. "you can't do anything from here" he said. as Peach realized this was true she plucked up Toadsworth from the ground and hurried back to the castle to figure out what to do. "It will be ok" she yelled back at the hole. "we will find a way to help you"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]just as they left sight of the mysterious hole a small thorny vine slipped back into its hole behind a bush not 10 feet from the other hole. there was no doubt about it. it was a Parahna Plant.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]as Peach neared the Caste she hoped she could help that poor little toad deep under ground. She had said she could help him but now she was wondering if that was true. "Princess!!!" Toadsworth yelled, "Put me down!" they finally reached the castle and a bunch of little toads swarmed around the Princess. they were all worried and yelling, one said "Princess there are hole all over the Kingdom!" another, "Princess people are vanishing every where!" one more said, "Oh princess what will we do?" Peach now even more worried that there were more of those horrible holes every where said, "Every one calm down! We have to all settle down if we are going to help all the missing people." now that she had every one's attention she continued, "we can't do this our selves, as much as i would like to, we cant. We must find help fast or we might all be stuck in one of those holes!!"[/COLOR]
  23. now this is my first time doing this so i hope i'm doing this right [B]*rules*[/B] if your going to join (please do) you must be a mario character and to make things fun try to post your part in a colour that reflects your character! so i will start! oh and i'm Princess Peach! [COLOR=Orange]It is a very slow day in the Mushroom Kindom. The sun is glaring down at the land and all the Toads and residents are taking the day off work and other duties. Peach on the other hand took the opportunity to play some golf with Toadsworth. "my my" Toadsworth began, that was a marvelous hit Princess. Peach blushing at the comment said "oh i dont know, i think it went in the water!" as Toadsworth took another look he remarked, "oh so your right, my eyes are not what they used to!" as Peach and Toadsworth strolled over to where Peach had hit her ball a little Toad with blue spots came yelling at the two. "PRINCESS!!!" all of a sudden the toad vannished! "what happened?" Peach remarked in shock and puzzlement. " it looked as if that Toad just dissapeared!?" Toadsworth and Peach now running over to where the Toad had just stood. as they neared they could see a hole in the ground. "What is that?" Peach asked, worried. "why is looks like a hole". said Toadsworth calmly. Peach sighed at the lame comment and said "I know that, but what made the hole! That poor Toad didn't just fall down this hole because we were just here and the hole definantly was not!" just as Peach finished speaking a low growl was heard from inside the hole and then a very faint but clear cry for help! "Oh my" Peach now covering her mouth with fear and worry said muffled "we have to do something!" After the noise from the hole Toadsworth grabbed Peach by her dress and they began runnig back to the castle to get help and possibly call Mario.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]just as they left sight of the mysterious hole a small thorny vine sliped back into its hole behind a bush not 10 feet from the other hole. there was no doubt about it. it was a Parahna Plant.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange]right now i only have one cat which i've for 10 years! ever scince i was 5! his name is slippers and i named him when i was five. He got his name from the fact that he has white fur all over his feet only to his ankle soo it looks like he is wearing slippers, he also walks funny to! ^_^ but a couple years ago i had 2 other cats named rosie and gypsy! rosie was just a kitty and i had to get rid of her only a couple of months after i got her :( she was all black except for a few little white markings and her bright pink nose! gypsy was all grey and she ran away from home for six months in a very bad winter but some how she came back alive! :) but i also had to get rid of her when i got rid of rosie because we were moving... oh and i forgot to tell you what Slippers looks like... hes white, black, brown, and grey and is covered in stripes! but his tummy is allllllll cinamin brown, hes soo cute! :D and about the same time i got rid of my other two cats i had a golden retriever named lincon! we only had him for about 4 months! soo thats about it for pets except that when i was a baby i had a cat but it attacked me and my dad shot it :( that was pretty mean... so yeah i guess ive had my 15 minutes![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]yeah the whole concept of the "chaos theory" is confuing at times but i think its pretty true. i my self got the whole introdution to this from the Jurassic Park book and thats some indeapth stuff! i think its also pretty scarry that a buterfly can cause a tornado but i shouldn'y worry :D but the chaos theory should be taken seriosly or who knows might happen? :eek: [/COLOR]
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