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Everything posted by JuliasPeach

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]my fav Final Fantasy game was FFIX because of the indeapth of the characters and the fact that they had two white mages which i both like :D but i'd have to say my top four characters would be... Quinna, Eiko, Garnet, and Zell. i like Quinna because she looks very odd and will do what ever she wants like her quote: "i do what i want! you have a problem!?" shes a very fun character through the whole game! i like Eiko for about the same reasons! shes little and unpredictable and very anoying at times but cute! I like garnet because shes a white mage and that she can get through all her problems (and man she has a bunch!) i also think its cool that she has a rod because thats my favorite weapon! i like Zell because he looks cool and that he is funny but thats about it, theres not much more to say about him :smirk: but yeah those are my reasons...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well.... i would probably join nintendo and make Zelda and Mario games!!! *drool* and maybe get nintendo out of the habbit of remaking games such as all the diferant mario Kart games and mario golf games and come up with something new like, um, .... , hmmmm, oh how bout a sim game ya know like create your own mushroom kingdom or somthing. i dont know but at least some thing bassed on Peach because they havn't made a peach game yet :( so i'll have to do it for them :D but yeah i might also join square because FF is like the second best! (to mario :D ) and then i could make like another Chocobo Dungeon or a FF with a chocobo as one of the characters!! well i have so many ideas i thought i would just post a few but boy would it be fun to become a game designer!!!!! :tasty: [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]yeah!!!! i heard this was comming out from my nintendo power book but man this looks good!!!! I didnt see Peach in those screen shots but i hope shes in them!!! :D the graphics look awsome! and yeah i want it now to.... :([/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]welllll.... this looks kinda cool maybe a little childish but its mario! i'd have to see more before i can realy judge it though. but i might give it a try! it will be neat to see all the little shy guys and stuff looming around and maybe even Peach is in it! unfortunetly the only thing i dont like about all mario games is Donky Kong :smirk: so that might hold me back from buying it. this is the kinda game you wait until its rentible then beat it in a week! but like i said i cant really judge this but i'll give it a try![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]wellllll.... i'm only 15 not even fineshed HIGH SCHOOL (though i'm home schooled) and why go to university or college when you can just take up a trade and become an aprentice? I might take computer programing (college) or house designing yeah that sounds wierd but i think it's fun because i shop at IKEA all the time and furnish my room!! but anyway i'm probably to young for this topic -_- and you all probably think i'm weird but i still have time to reconsider right? right![/COLOR]
  6. Hey since people were getting into there other names mine are quite funny ^-^ (to me any way) Plume- my first name here like 5 years ago (when this site used to be called Pokecheats.com, did ya know that?) and it was just the last part of my fav pokemon vilePLUME see? V Plume- just like before just more added... CellaPhome- now this is funny :D my old friend when he was like 9, called cell phones cella phomes and he didn't know that was wrong O_o and i just thought that was so funny i made it a name for my self! :laugh: Peach- my nickname that everyone calles my (some people don't even know my real name) and now i'm JuliasPeach!!!! YAY *clap clap clap*
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange]oh sorry.... since no one made me a banner I just tried to make one my self and I'm pretty happy about the results... sooooo you dont have bother with me sory for the confusion.... later... ;) [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]naw... the GIFs are even worse to save :( but i like my Paper Mario Peach any way shes like my signature... and thanks every one for your great comments and yeah I should get Paint shop ;) [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I really can't do any thing about that because when I save my images on ms Paint as JPGs or GIFs they get mega blurry so I just made all JPGs because there less blurry... but hey, if it lookes like a fuzzy Peach theme then its all good :D ...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I made this with some pics i found off google and it's really blurry because i made it off ms paint so you dont have to use it but if you like it here ya go I used your poem on it ;) [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well reading all your stories I thought that I should go more indepth with mine I am known as a frail tall skinny guy whos weak at first sight (like peach) but if i have to i will defend my self.. don get me wrong i dont beat up on people (never been in fight in my life) I also belive in Peace and i want people to know i'm more than i look (dont read a book by its cover) and in that way i like to think i'm like Peach an inicent frail person at sight but a whole world of posibility in side... yeah....[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok... I made some modifications... acually i did it all over again but anyhoo... this is what it[U][I] looked [/I][/U] like [IMG]http://www.nucleus.com/~nicola/Peach_banner.jpg[/IMG] and now this is what it lookes like... [IMG]http://www.nucleus.com/~nicola/peachbanner.jpg[/IMG] like the changes?? and one question how do you do thumbnails? i would make them thumbnails but i don't know how..[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Now first off i want every body to know I made this on Windows Paint so the bluring is not my fault but I think for my first banner (with no help) I did OK.... so if I could get some pointers on how to make a blur-free Banner and how i'm saposed to add a border i would be happy :babble: :D ...... the banner is in my sig (yeah i'm talking about [I]that[/I] one....)[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Now i thought this would be fun!! what character, in any thing, do you think you like or idolize or just think your some what simaler? me, well duh... Princess Peach!!!!!! :D now getting this strait...I'm a guy...but i just love Peach I use her in every game and will buy any game with her in it and i try to be as kind as her (yeah right) and all my freinds call me Peach now.... :rolleyes: Now i would like to hear all your stories.... this should be interesting..........[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Now i know this may seem kinda lame but.....I.....Used.....window Paint........ yeah... thats all i have..... soo i think for a bitmap image i did good :D agree? but a border.....hmmmm? i might take up on that..... thanks!![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey thanks for the help!! i really apreciate it! ;) but i couldn't PM any body because i don't really know any body here... you like it? [/COLOR]
  17. I will buy any thing that I think is cool that is *[COLOR=DarkOrange]ORANGE[/COLOR]* :D I bought some neat skate boarder shoes for $30 that are lasting forever and they have *[COLOR=DarkOrange]ORANGE[/COLOR]* shoe laces!! :D and i'm just about to pay $50 to bleach my hair! other than that who cares?? (guy thinking of corse)
  18. I made a Peach banner though not a very good one and i want to put it on my sig. ... ... ... But i cant! :( please tell me how to put it on my sig!!! this is all that shows up :( [IMG]http://C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Peach banner.jpg[/IMG]
  19. Wow you all have such neat little stories behind your names!! :babble: I think the name you chose should reprezent your personallity and who you are because it reflects on how people think of you :cool:
  20. this topic is about how you got your user name tell me how you chose your name and why? mine JuliasPeach has two resons one is that it stands for Julia's Peach, my name is Peach and My girlfriend's name is Julia :love: two is that Julias is like Orange Julias a place that sells fruit shakes!! (Yum!!) so instead of Orange Julias its Peach Julias which is Julias Peach!!! Muhahahahaha! :D sooo how did you get your name??? :)
  21. ok i know i'm asking alot but do you think there will be a third Super Smash Bros.? because it has been a while since Melee! If so what new characters would there be? King dee dee dee, wadle doo/dee, sonic? I herd this rumor a while ago and herd it was going to be called Super Smash Brothers Tornament. Is there any truth to these rumors?? :confused: Please set me strait!! :wigout:
  22. oh if some one could please make me a standard size banner with a couple pics of Peach on it with the words "Just Peachy" on it with orange, peach, red, yellow, or white coulors I would be soooo thankful. because there a no banners or avatars with Peach on them! so could some one help me? :confused:
  23. :eek: I want this game :eek: I loved the special plain comphorting graphics for Paper Mario and this just looks, Wow! I mean any mario fan would love this crazy game!! it looks like there walking around in an I Spy book!!! :D And one thing i always look for in mario games is if you can be Peach! This is definately on my "to buy as soon as comes out" list!!
  24. You know what rocked? the Chocobo remix ROBO voice!!!! have any one else herd it? if not go to [url]www.newgrounds.com[/url] and serch for chocobo and it should be the second choice!! there is a special movie for it there by legendary frog. (he is so cool) Final Fantasy is an RPG the only one that i need Its the RPG for meeee do do do doo do do do doo do do....
  25. I really like Yuffie from Final fantasy VII she is really cocky and childish yet well trained (but apparently she fell asleep in escaping from rope class) Im kinda suprised no one said her yet :( but i do really like those Ninjis from mario!!!! :D
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