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Dark Kakashi

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About Dark Kakashi

  • Birthday 03/11/1988

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  1. [SIZE=2]wot cheers me up.........well writin fan fiction for things like Final Fantasy 7 and 8 help i never post them anywhere i just write them then read them to myself, or reading other peoples fan fiction helps...... sometimes just resting in my bed and listenin to very loud music so i cant hear anybody or anything else relaxes me[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2]Hhmm if i were too die tomorrow my biggest regret would be that i never show the true me........like i always act differently to different people so that they are happy and dont bug me to much......my most cherised moment emmm would possibly be the really small things like just havin a laugh with my parents or with friends....i suppose i aint had one of those perfect day thingy's quite yet.....but i hope to soon ^_^[/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
  3. [SIZE=2]Lord Of The Rings rule i have watched all 3 movies (fellowship of the ring, two towers and return of the king) and they were all brilliant, i have recently read Fellowship of the Ring and im half way through Two Towers. So needless to say i love LOTR :D [/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
  4. [SIZE=2]mine had to be Sanosuke hehe cos: -he's cute :love: -he's strong (unbelievably so) -he's funny -he's very determined (in my opinion)[/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT] [COLOR=Navy]How about using complete sentences? All the cool kids are doing it... ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  5. i wondered wot u meant at first ok i'll take it off neva actually realised hehe sorry dude no bad feelings k
  6. [SIZE=2]OK i ave a question who is ur favourite Naruto character and why ??? Mine is Kakashi (u can probably tell from my name) because: -he's so mysterious -he's strong- -he's SUPER cool -he's sexy (well in my opinion anyway) :tasty: -he's funny (especially with that "one thousend years of pain" thingy ) :laugh: well i can probably could think of a million more reasons but it would take too long to write hehe :D[/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
  7. [SIZE=2]i am small for my age im 16 and get mistaken for a 14/15 year old how embrassin !!! but my advice would be not to worry about it too much k unless there is sum1 dat u need to prove ur age to, be proud to look younger cos when ur older u wanna look younger rite ?? (i still dont understand y young ppl wanna look old, and old ppl wanna look young but there u ave it) !! u will grow in ur own time, u shouldnt rush it k :D [/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
  8. [SIZE=2]When ui was really young i used to be REALLY sporty and so i wanted to be a famous woman footballer, cos i always thought they were under looked because woman football isnt as popular as mens football. But when my love of sports started to fade i begun to dream of bein a vet cos i have and will always loved animals (i hope spiders dont count as normal pets they creep me out :eek: ) and well i ave stuck with dat dream for quite a while now :D [/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
  9. Haha i watched DragonBall Z, Pokemon and Digimon as some of my first anime (and it lead to my obsession :D ) but i must admit now i dont like things like Pokemon and Digimon it seems to emm........childish (i hope no1 takes offense to that) im into da more emm aggressive ones :devil: [FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT] [COLOR=Navy]Yes, but at what age did you begin watching these shows? When participating in a thread, be sure to answer the question originally posed by its creator. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
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