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Everything posted by ziopheth

  1. [QUOTE=Haibara]This is my favorite quote, and it is so true "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." ~ Mark Twain[/QUOTE] Very true... Thanks for sharing it...
  2. ziopheth


    watching rain fall from a snow covered cloud filled with dream listen to children shout aloud memories fade wondering when the stars will end here we sit on the hill waiting for it to begin here we are thoughts so mystically dancing we're falling they're prancing again, let's play stars shooting faster awaiting us there it's the almighty master where was god when the universe began to breath silent pain given up everything that we need all alone catch me i'm circling the moon great escape chasing away the weary mood nightmare's gleam tourment is shouting and calling my name trapped inside forever to repeat the same old game leaving now i've lost my key it had helped me throughout all the misery say goodbye enshrowed me in darkness retire tonight for the very last time goodnight...
  3. I don't expect compliments, I expect more advise if you would do me the favor... Either way, tell me what you liked, didn't like, etc... This is a short story about a boy who wants only to find himself and desires acceptance in this world... R. Shaw February 10, 2007 A Talk with the Clouds ?Just go,? his mother said,? We?re tired of you!? He did not leave. Not at first, that is. Eventually, however, they learned to ignore him completely. To his family, he did not exist. His mother was a hard headed woman, with no respect for those she?d given birth to. She only cared for her numerous and vulgar husbands. Realizing all of these things, he gathered some food, some clothes, and few other things, and he decided to go on a journey. To him, having little and being thankful for it was better than having much to be unthankful for. Despite his constant, odd, and dreamy way of thought, and his nonchalant attitude, the boy was actually quite the optimist. However, he frequently seemed to display a depressing expression. His mid-lengthened, hair and deep blue eyes didn?t help any. His mother also happened to be part albino, and it showed in his intensely pale skin. His name was Derik. Derik lived in the city, and so his trek began on the bright concrete. Buildings surrounded him on one side, and bustling cars on the other. ?I?m? in between? in the middle,? Derik thought. Usually such thought led on only to more thought, but Derik was determined and concentrated more on his goal. That being that he merely wanted acceptance. He wanted someone to look at him, someone to say they hated him, or loved him, or where annoyed with him. His mother had given him somewhat what he wanted at first, but with her new attitude of ignoring him, there was no other choice but to search elsewhere. Nonetheless, no one here would give him such a thought in the world. So, on his search went. The second of his stops got him into a subway station. There, despite his effort, his mind reflected onto earlier thoughts of being between two masses of space. In general, he didn?t look at the buildings and streets and say he was in between them, but noted the space between them. Sometimes, it felt like he could see it, this space. It baffled him. Again he spoke out, saying,? I?m in the middle? It?s like when you say you?re on a brick wall, and on one side is good, and the other evil? and you tilt to one side or the other. It?s like there?s black and white? and then there?s concrete, like the wall. Gray. I?m gray.? ?Yes, that you are,? said a voice, a strange and unusual voice. He had heard it clearly, but knew not where it had come from. He felt like in it breathed something familiar. He couldn?t have heard this voice as a child? could he? Regardless of his efforts, the voice was not found, and so Derik continued on his way. Next he found a park near by. By now, however, it was getting late, and Derik grew tired of his journey. He found the center of an empty and lonesome soccer field and let the shadows of the grass embrace him as he lay tired upon the grass. Not that the shadows were distinguishable, for the shadows had long grown attached to the dark of the sky. And that?s when he saw it! Up in the sky, far beyond reach, a cloud floated by, flipping him off indifferently. Finally, his trek was over. Finally had he found what he was looking for; acknowledgement. A single tear tred his cheek as he gazed at it for what seemed a ceaseless time. ?I know it now!? Derik exclaimed as he burst through the door of his house, ?I know my favorite color! It?s gray!? In Derik?s more unselfish past, he would sometimes visit the park and climb trees to read peacefully, or find hiding spots among bushes to shade himself from the sun. Other times, the clouds would do that for him and he would lie in the open, the grass and breeze caressing his face. Under the shade of the clouds, Derik would day dream several of his young days away. He sometimes pictured imaginary friends in the clouds and talked to them in his mind. Near the playground Derik used to play at, there was a long, thin tree, which hung sagging over a park bench. There Derik loved to talk to clouds most of all because there was once a magical mushroom which helped him talk to the clouds. The mushroom?s name was Wikit. Wikit helped Derik solve all kinds of mysteries of his life, taught him more and more daily about literature, and even taught him the power of music. ?Find your color,? Wikit would say to Derik, ?I have faith that one day you will do so. Perhaps even with the aide of a friend you will not remember when you are older. The cloud, Ni Hiku, who you respect and cherish today, will remember you when you cannot remember him. Maybe in your older, more selfish days he will remind you that everyone has an inner child. I have faith. I have faith.? Afterward, Wikit would play his flute wistfully, and listen as the young boy find himself among the clouds. Epilogue "Existence" As I walked down the hall And wasn't noticed at all I silently wondered why The world kept passing me by So I sat in a fairly public place But no passersby turned their face I silently wondered how They'd never even raised a brow So I lay in the park's grass But none looks as they pass And as I lay there, I sigh aloud Then look up, to find me a cloud It was flipping me off in the distance And I ran home happy it'd noticed my existence Raven 6.3.06 :animesigh
  4. "I don't want to live, I just want to be."~ I'm not telling who said this, but then that in itself already tells you...
  5. Well, for one thing I was once terrified of people due to the fact I was homeschooled 'till 7th grade... But people tell me I act like a normal person, so eventually I got over my anxiety disorder... There's also the fact that I used to think alot more than I do, and change my philosiphies and morals day by day.... but now it feels like I've figured out everything I'm going to blelieve... It feels like I'm all ready to die now, and I'm fifteen... Like there are no more big mysteries left for me... I just seem to not feel or care about anything anymore... I guess that's kind of a big thing, but I'm not one of those emos who just WANT to die... I just feel like I'm so empty now that I shouldn't exist... Though, I don't resent that I do...
  6. [quote name='DaSilva']I've felt a certain way for a while and I just wanted to know what you guys think of my opinion on death. Whenever someone I know has a friend or family member that dies, I couldn't care less. Sure I feel sorry for my friend, but I didn't know the person who died. Why should I care? Thousands (or millions, I dunno) of people die every day that I don't know, and I don't care. Why should this case be any different? My friends see it as me acting heartless, but I see it as being realistic. What do you guys think?[/quote] To me, life is simply flesh dieing day by day... It doesn't effect me, either...
  7. Naruto makes me wanna go on a journey and learn ninjujitsu and all these Gaara 's sand techneiches ...
  8. Im not sure if too many know about Knig of Bandit Jing , (Im sure some ppl have ) but any ways I love it & I wish theyd play it on CN . :cool: I know ppl must know of this too , but still some ppl dont know about Lian ( Truely a sicic thriller ) & thats a good one . :cool: Another sici thriller not well known is Kinos Journey , ppl would love this too if only they knew . :cool: But all the Animes Iv listed arent as rare as the others posted so sorry if you v heard of them b4 & its nothin new . :sleep: [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, ziopheth. Please be aware that copious use of abbreviations is strongly discouraged at OB- anything too spammy will be deleted. Please be sure to look over the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] for further information. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  9. The Kingdom Hearts Games( I feel bad I started playing them outa order ) Halo games( I ever really play the levels I just fight ppl , Jugernuat & Ninjanaut !) Ninja Giaden ( I dont gt to play it often cause my bro rented it & dont like it ) FF Tatics ( It wasent as great as I acpected ) Whatever i cant think of at the moment ( =^U^= NYO !!! )
  10. Hmmm.... To put it short , Im more of a three sided person , ( well , Im only listing three . ) Theres the happy , just had a meal :tasty: , or got a new anime side :smirk: . That one dosent act like my age , but MUCH younger :p . Then theres my pissed off :flaming: , wanna fight :flaming: , or worse :flaming: :devil: side . That one acts older & more dangerous . ( I scare me!!! :eek: ) Then theres my mellow :cool: , depressed :sleep: , is there a point to life :confused: , want to go to fantasy land :mad: :( :sleep: side . Its ... I guess its really pretty nameless . Its not really age depended . :sleep: YEP !!! Thats me !!! :D (Right now Im not POed or OUT OF BODY & MIND!) :devil: (or so you may think ! :laugh: ) ... o.k. Im done ! :sleep:
  11. ok Im " one of those people who believe God created us " , & what Iv to say about that is that God created us for the soul purpose of loving & worshiping Him , but He didnt want robots or pupets He just controled into loving Him , He wanted people to choose Him over other beleifs or things . So He created humans , who have a will to believe in Him or not . & if you think about it , even if you beleive in God , & say your just praising Him to get to Heaven , & have everything perfect , when you get there that disire & feeling of want is gone , & really you wont get to Heaven cause you praise Him for wrong reasons like that , but eventually you wouldent feel a want for that paradise any more . So you really wouldent have any point for being there . & if your one of those people who just flat out dont beleive in him , you still know that you will eventually die , right ? So everything you lived aimelessly for is gone & whats next ? Were do you go ? What do you do ? In order to have nothing after death , you must have no soul , no spirit while living . Which dosent give you a reason to really keep living . Or to Die . So really for all you know you , you & the world around you arent really real. You may think things on earth are so awseme & so cool , & that even when your friends accidentally hurts you emotionly or what ever , there still the best , but what good dose it do you to trust something yuor stilll questioning is good or evil ? & if you do believe in Him , & for the right reasons , & you rally think about it , there isent muchto living or ding no matter what . But God has made you for a purpose . So what is it ? All you can really do in life thats really worth it , is what God made you for , so when you figure it out youll know all He wanted was people who would love & worship Him . So thats what you do , & you believe that He was honest when He says you cant imagine how wonderful Heaven is , so when you get there ... you find out , & mabey its more orth it than you thought . Now that thats settled , there really wasent a " humans : good or evil ?" It was just that you , a human , would choose good or evil , & in the after life ,( if you know there is one ) , will give you your result from choosing the one you have choosen . But now a days everyone is asking , is it possible were evil , or are we the good little spirits in s univrse that of evil wich well leave behind ? I belive that people today really dont know about good any more . humans arent evil , but too many evil things on an evil earth distract us to much from acting & knowing good . So I perfer to die believing in God , & knowing that if He really is real ( for those who still question) that Ill atleast be doing something worth while on earth , & Ill live an even better life when I die , than to not believe Him , & have such a nothingness existence on earth that I never reallly find the happiness I thought I had , & die to figure out I dont have a cause , because Iv wased my first life , that wasent real to begin with & just suffer for it . Yep!!!! Thats just the way things are & I think Iv managed to cope with life quit well , actually . & aspecaily with Him that few souls balieve in any more , on such a blank , dry , demonic earth .
  12. O.K. O.K. But you have to admit Im getting better at this whole " spell correctly online! " thing! I just needed to post that . ANYWAY , yea I have dreams & all , but is it normal, ( or has anyone ever had this happen, ) when you have a dream when you like 4 , & then you slowly with time forget it , but then a few years later , ( say now your 6 , ) you have the same dream , only that time you just kind of get farther & farther into the dream , so then you think its over & when you wake you go " OH !!! I REMEMBER THAT DREAM!!!" , & yet again you forget & then yet again a few years later , (now say its present time , ) you have the same dream & its all finished all ready , but then its like a new season of the dream , or like a T.V. show you just kind of ... continue in the same theam & place & all but its different cause your older ??? :wigout: Yes , I know , either hard to fallow , or you dont have a clue what Im talking about , but if its happened to any one id be kool if I could hear about it , ( feels so different from others ... ) :D
  13. o.k. This is just a question to " Elfpirate " , but here gos I guess , so you said you cant figure out what your dream ment , & also that you dont have a specific belief ,(as in Christian , Catholic , etc. ) Well I dont know how much you know about Christianity but I am a Christian , & this " dream " really reminds me of a Bible story . (If you know about Jesus , you probablly know of this story , too , but Ill tell it just in case you might not ) in the story Jesus has a follower named Peter . Jesus knows that Peter wants to have fiath in him , but also that Peter dosent really have the bravery , or faith , so one day Jesus takes a fishing boat out to sea , with his Diciples , & eventaully falls asleep . Soon a storm arises at sea , & all of the Diciples are afriad & wake Jesus , & tell him that there all about to die if he dosent do something soon . Jesus looks at them & says , " Why do you fear ? Am I not th Savior ? " Then Jesus stands up , walks out of the boat & onto the water & walks off onto the sea a ways & says to the sea , " Be still , & know that I AM! " The sea & wind die down almost instantlly , & all of His Diciples are amazed . " How is it you may walk on the water so ? " , asked Peter . " I have faith , Peter ! I believe that the sea is Gods & that in His name , for His good , I , & any who believe , can do the same. " said Jesus . " I have faith & believe in you ! By your will , let me walk the waters as you have ! " said Peter . Jesus replied " Come Peter !" Peter trys to walk to Jesus , but a few steps onto the water & Peter looks down on the waves & becomes scared , & forgets his fiath , & begins to sink . " Peter , your faith has fialed ." said Jesus watching this . Jesus walks over to the screaming , frightened Peter & helps him abored the ship . Jesus , again , speaks of faith , & eventually they ride home . I think your dream relates in a way of God , (or Jesus ) saying that in what you believe , you have a lot of faith , & that He wants you to have the same faith in Him . Because , just like how you searched for something beautiful that you desired , & had fiath in , if you search toward a heaven that God , & He alone can give , & with just as much faith , He can give it to you . & I think He wants you to choose Him over other things . I know that the story above is long & much in itself just like a wierd dream , but it sounds to me like you are a good person & He wants you to be happy , both befor & after things end in your life . I dont know , you may have haerd this befor , but I feel better ding & finding out that God isent real , than ding & finding out there is . So yep! You said you thought it ment something & I told you my oppinion of what it could mean ! Hope it ll help in any way possible , ziopheth :D ( & this may be harder to believe seeing my sig. but its honestly just some form of poetry with faces to express how some people think of it ... :o )
  15. everyone tends to say something stupid everyonce in a while when playing . its just some peoples human nature to curse off the person who blew there head off , & then shov it in ther face when the kill tha dude once . so i try to just get along with people when i play . ( im actually the sniper who kills you out of no where & starts to giggle when you say ,"WHO THA *******!!!" ...& then people come find my hideing place n kill me ... but never fear , for i find EVERY hiding place posible!!! MWA HA!!! DIE!!! :devil: ) past the babling , i do get upset when i play & die a lot & other s taunt me to just kill them more , but i usually dont curse outside gaming ... i think . ani way , the worst thing to ever happen to me because of online cusing by other people , is my 10 year old brother now thinks its cool to cuse & totally takes it out on me ALL THE TIME , now. then i get in trouble for some reason . :flaming: :devil: but alas!!! i now his girlfriend ...so i can take care of things if he get s TO cockey with ZIOPHETH !!! :laugh: naw , not really , i wouldent stoop that low , so to be fare to such a little fella , can somoen halp me out here? itd be very apriciated... :D anywayZ , later!!!
  16. ok im not so sure i have too much to write , but i have to point out that everyones bomb-shelling on whether or not it makes sence n all , i think its just like Riegn ; the Conquerer . u see you simpley have to either get drunk , or get tired ! trust me , itll make WAY more sence! ;) also , everyone keeps say ing that the songs rock , & they do , but your NORMAL to like it!!! i think itd be better to point out thoughs who dont , or if you know someone who dosent , & how you reacted when you found out about it . though this is just opinoin. :cool: (srry , im still just getting used to this whole "spelling" thing again , lol! :wigout: )
  17. ok this is my second GBA RPG, & i like it , but if you dont even like RPGs to begin with then of course you arent going to like KH:CoM. anyway , i agree with a lot of people here about the PS2 graphics & all , but i havent had a REALLY hard time just getting along with the cards. i dont spicificly like the idea , but i guess i am a litte more used to playing actuall card games? & yes , EVERYONE has to agree that the CLOUD card is awseme! i havent really used but 2 moogle cards , & i still have gotten a pretty hefty amount of CLOUD cards , & a few shiny ones , too! any way , i love it when i get a (ex:) Kingdom Key 9 , or 8 just by hitting a box or rose or whatever with the Key Blade . my decks arent quit full of them yet , but it wont be long now ! just of curiosity , how many people have gottevn past Halloween Town?
  18. Iv been posted WAY to many times about this ... sorry . Ill spell right , & the only reason i didnt is cause my mom makes me get off the computer in less than an hour (TORTURE!!! :( ) SO!!! On behalf of all the errors & incorrect post posted by yours truely today , to the admin.s ,& members , & aspecially any guests i may have scared away ... im sorry , & i hope you all eccept this note of apologie! :wigout: :D And just on an extra note , I like your Peace Maker avatar , Altron! :D
  20. bout the manga , do all the covers pretty much look the same? xcept fer the change in character ?(meaning does the background always look about the same) oooooooooooops... srry ... i 4 got about not mentioning manga in the anime section... such a new b... [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Don't double-post, please. If there's something you want to add to your original post, you can use the 'Edit' button underneath your post. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  21. i mostly re-watch at least: King of Bandit Jing Peace Maker Lain Inu Yasha Kino's Journey & then just other anime i watch every now & then [color=navy][size=1]Instead of providing a straight-forward list, try to explain why you re-watch these specific titles. This adds a lot more to the discussion than simply throwing out names. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  22. ok who knows of , has seen , has read , or likes Peace Maker? if u havent heard about it but like samuris & rock music , & wanna know were 2 get it or more about it , just ask! :)
  23. :D HI!!! i like TUNA !!! do u like TUNA!?! :D
  24. :D misa ... no one really knows misa but ... i got a LOT of money & bought mi some anime & manga! the best part is i got a dvd player in mi room & a tv 2! so now mi ma kant tell mi not 2 watch it every 5 minutes! :D ( but mi ma dint give mi any tuna :tasty: this year ... :( )
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