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Alias Jones

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Everything posted by Alias Jones

  1. I love Naruto. It's my favorite anime along with Gundam Wing. They tie. I really like the plot but sometimes it get repetitive.The animation is drawn very well and the charcters are pretty likable except Sakura sometimes. I really enjoy it though! GO NARUTO! :love: Where could you find the anime of it?
  2. I believe [B]Fooly Cooly [/B] (spelling?) was a dead anime. I was told by a friend to give it a try but after three episodes on Adult Swim, i couldn't watch it anymore.It was pointless...and it always ended with the hand holding the iron.If someone wants to explain the plot... [B]Pokemon[/B] has lost it's appeal. My sister and I used to record the episodes every afternoon. Once the Joto league started I was bored. Now my brother and sister have also given up on it. [B]DBZ[/B] is my cousins favorite anime ever so i tried to watch it before we got togther. I couldn't grasp it. There were Dragon Balls and people kept dying then just apperared again. The other Gundam series (beside GW...I love GW!) just seem pointless to me. :)
  3. I was talking to a friend to today and she said she's happy that they're back. I saw their music video and it was soo bad i had to change the channel. I didn't like them when they were competiting with Nsync and the Backstreet Boys. I agree that they just are another boy band trying to succed...again. We'll see how long this lasts.
  4. There are no benefits of hazing. None at all. I am involved in many activites through school and there is anything like this. I wish everyone could grow up and maybe there could be a responsible year and stop this horrid tradition.
  5. Does anyone have quotes they like and want to post? Let's hear them! :babble:
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