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Everything posted by QuinnBW

  1. Name (Wolf Name): kishi (means night) Age:15 Gender:male Color (fur color):Blue black Aditional Facts (optional): In a wolf form, He has white blue eyes; short fur. In a human form , He has black short hair styled in a front spiked way and same blue eyes but darker in tone. He wear a grey vest on white long sleeve shirt and white cargo pants. The only similarity, both in human form and wolf form is a scar on his right brow. Taken in as a domestic pet by a family of three. Now he roams around homeless because his home was bombed. His owners are killed by the bomb, leaving him alone. He has no recollections about his past or anything about the 'paradise'. All he knows is that he is looking for his kind... In human form or not. He is being hunted by some poachers.
  2. Zeos had Imi in his arms. ?All for me?... Imi?? Suddenly Zeos felt the back of his collar being strongly grasped by someone. Before he could react to the situation, he was sent flying across the floor. He landed on the floor with a loud thud and slides across the floor till he hit the wall behind him. Imi lay on the floor helpless and unconscious. Zeos looked up to see his challenger. It was Elliot. His face was expressionless. Elliot stood next to the unconscious Imi. His one hand rolled up in a fist and the other in his pocket. ? I see a love couple here?I would prefer to let you love birds go. But it?s the rules.? Elliot squats down next to Imi; then touches fingers about her cheek. ? Don?t touch her! She doesn?t belong in this fight! ? Zeos shouted out, while he slowly stood up and walked nearer to Elliot. Zeos threw out a deadly punch at Elliot?s face, but was return with a harder kick in the ribs and a back turned-kick to his back , forcing Zeos to move back. Elliot sustained only a bruise on the jaw bone. ?Maybe you don?t really know me that well yet. But these punches had not much of an effect on me? I?m not made a fighter for nothing.? Elliot claimed. ? Damn it. He?s not gonna be easy to deal with? He?s fast with his kicks. But I have to make this fast .. or else Imi will be in danger.? Zeos thought as he stand in his fighting stance ready for any attack. Elliot moved towards Zeos fast. Zeos managed to block off his flying kick. ? I must find his weakest.? Zeos was blocking most of the attacks. The tall boy towered over Zeos. OCC: opps I forgot to add this in my profile. Elliot is a professional in American kick-boxer and muai tai ( thai kick-boxing style). "comm'on zeos! think quickly!"
  3. OCC: i made a terrible mistake in my last post... could you guys read it once more.. it has been edited already... erm.. during the fight.. what happaned to ISaac(imi)?.. hmm.. i will be back to post once someone does one more.. no ideas now. Gomen :p
  4. OCC: RIghty oh! Let?s continue this! Forward and march!!!!! Elliot was back up and in school once more. Nothing much had happened to him since the first day of school. His watch had been confiscated by Dumbledore and now it is placed in Prof Lupin?s possession for inspection. He still gets some dizzy spells here and there even since the blast. His eyesight had recovered on the second day of school. The cut on his neck was gone completely without a scar. Elliot yawned to himself. It was a day before Halloween. Decorations were up , skulls and jack?o?lantern pumpkins were placed on every corner you can find. Elliot got up from his seat but suddenly felt a dizziness fell on him.Just as he was about to fall off his chair, a pair of steady hands caught him. ? Woah. You all right there?? The person said. Elliot looked dazed out. OCC: I wonder who it is? Hmm?. I wonder?. *cheers* :D
  5. OCC: hahaha I didn?t really expect Elliot to punch Hideo and then get kicked in ... ahem.. Sensitive part... hahaha but it was good still! A great way of provoking a fight. *cheers*:eek: Elliot frowned to himself throughout the whole session of the bad moons? meeting. He wasn?t even concentrating on the discussion that was going on. It was revenge that was flooding his head. He cant wait to get his hands on the little punk, Isaac. ?ELLIOT! ARE you listening or NOT?? Bayushi commended. Elliot snapped out if his thoughts and nodded his head in reply. The gym was filled with members of the Bad moons. Koji had his daito on his shoulder and Bayushi giving out fighting strategies to each of their best fighters. ? WE WILL NOT BOW OUR HEAD TO THE F***ING ZENS!!? Rowdy cheers filled the gym at once. Elliot suddenly stood up. Faces all turned to him. ?If it is Isaac they?re protecting. Then it?s Isaac I want DEAD! Bayushi! Leave Isaac for me to deal with.? Elliot bellowed.. Elliot?s patience was thin. ?We'll see about it later.. You may be one of our best fighters here? But DON?T let your pride get in the way of your victory this time.? Bayushi answer. Koji frowned to himself. OCC: sorry about the mistake on the who is the leader part. i got kinda of confused.
  6. ?Isaac! Woah! You startle me there? I thought there was no one else left after school.? Elliot surprised by the sudden appearance of Isaac ( Imi). Isaac was quite taken back by the usual reaction of Elliot?s. Didn?t he threaten to beat her up during the ?bump into ribs? incident? Perhaps He had a change of heart. ?Sorry to startle you,man. I actually wanted to know why you are here. Lasher. This is the meeting place of the (is it Bad moons or black moons?) Bad moons. You?re not suppose to be here.? Isaac (Imi) said in her lowest, coolest voice she can gather. Elliot looked about behind Isaac and then to the ajar opened door and back to Isaac. ? Here? The bad moons are having a meeting here? Wasn?t it supposed to be at the rooftop?? Elliot asked suspiciously. Isaac took a step back and touched his forehead. ?But if that?s so? why did Koji told me that it?s here? ? Isaac frowned and looked away. He was deep in concentration. Elliot looked at the him at a shadow from a cloud blocking of the sun sailed passed and across Isaac?s face. ? Do you have a sister ?? Elliot asked Isaac. Isaac looked at him and then to his left.? Sister? You must be kidding! Hahahaha!? Isaac threw a cheeky punch at Elliot?s shoulder, trying to avoid the question. Elliot raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. ? Are you sure?? Because, I might have seen someone who looks just like you around here lately. But it is a girl. You do have some feminine features. No wonder they called you pretty boy.? Elliot said with a weird expression on his face. ?Hey man! You?re not gay, are you? There is no one else in this school that looks like me. And don?t mistaken me for girl! ? Isaac laughed out nervously. But Elliot had no reaction to her answer. Isaac brought his fist up to his mouth and pretended to cough. Isaac smiled at his own joke. ?That was a lame joke?? Isaac thought Elliot continued to stare at him. Isaac quickly broke the silence when he noticed his eyes. ?your eyes. They are of two different color. Why is that so?? Elliot touched the eyelid of one of his eyes. ?It?s a recessive gene in the family?My mother ? has it too?, Elliot paused for a long time. Isaac inched closer to have a cleaner look at them. Suddenly Elliot cornered him to the door behind, with his two hands on the door behind, at the sides of Isaac?s head. Elliot narrowed his eyes and inches nearer to Isaac?s face. Their faces were four inches apart. Isaac (Imi) held her breath. " Dont tell me he's really gay!?" Isaac(Imi) thought. . Elliot whispered, ? you?re ?? Isaac started to break a cold sweat, she thoughts, ?oh no?this is real bad...This cant be happening.? Elliot completes his sentence, ?very curious for a newbie? Elliot the broke into a laughing fit. ? Hhahahaha! I bet you thought I was really gay! Hahaha hahaha .? ------------------------------ OCC: haha! i had you there for a min! Imi! opps.. i think Elliot forgot abt the people inside... :P
  7. ?Caught you this time, kid?? Elliot jogs over to the gym. ?This time I?ll get you for sure.? Elliot approaches the main door to the gym. Then he remembers about the meeting. ?Ah?Hack with it! If they want to find me? they will come for me eventually? He gently pushes the door ajar and peeks into the gym. He could make out who was in there. It was too dim. The lights in the gym had been dimmed. ?where?s that kid?chikuso.? Elliot mutters to himself. A cold crampy hand cupped onto his shoulder sending a cold shiver down his back. He quickly turn and hit the person?s hand away from him. OCC: once agin i m running out of ideas... wonder who that person is? maybe the next person who is posting next? * Cheers* :D
  8. ?Man! ? That little kid runs like a deer.? Elliot pants; catching his breath once more with a last deep breath. He bends down to his knees and then flops down flat onto the floor. His face towards the ceiling, he stares at the weird cracked lines on it. He then looks at his watch, ?It?s about time.? He got up to his feet and turned back and headed to the rooftop once again. As he walked, ?why was that kid so freaked out just now? All I wanted to ask him something. Never mind about that now .I?m bound to catch up with him eventually.? He finally reached the rooftop and opened the door. A light cool breeze runs through his hair. There was a wonderful feeling about it. He walked to the railings and fence that surrounded about the area. His eyes set onto a distant tranquil green .He let his fingers curled around the wires in front of his face. ?When I fall in love, it will be forever?? Elliot sang out a song he used to hear his dad sing to his mom. It had been a long time since the snow accident which took both his parent?s life. Now an orphan alone in this world life felt meaningless. Just as he was about the continue singing the second verse, the door slammed open! OCC: HA! I wonder who it is. If possible... can the next person who is gonna post be the one? ? Oneigai!? This is getting better... right hideo? HAhahaa...
  9. OOC: so sorry for pulling the first day to the ending of the first day.i thought it would be better if the first day doesn?t drag on.. is it okay with you Imi? I just thought maybe some fights should come along soon? hah. Gomen. Koji! Sorry for making up a meeting for the Bad moons without askng you first.. needed an excuse to continue? There was a meeting with the Bad moons on the rooftop after school. Regarding a oncoming fight. Elliot decided to skip his last lesson and head to the rooftop area to catch a breeze. Hopefully this will make him feel better. Just as he opened the door leading to the rooftop, the door smacked back at him, pushing him back a few steps away from the stairs. Just as he caught his balance by pulling the knob of the door, he accidentally also pulled the person out with him ,out came the person falling onto him. Thinking that the person is a girl, he immediately gripped her by the shoulder and waist before falling down the stairs with her on him. His back hits the steps first, ?THUD?.Down a flight of steps, head first they went, Elliot had his chin tucked in against the ?girl? and with his hand covered her head from injuries. ?It?s over...? Elliot and the ?girl? had reached the bottom of the steps. His back hurt badly from the sharp edges of the steps and together with the weight of the ?girl?. Light from the opened door on the top of the steps shone in, revealing to his eyes the actual identity of the ?girl?. ?I?m so sorry!? The girl whimpered. It was not a ?girl? it was Hideo. The new kid. Elliot was confused and shocked from what he had seen. ?But I was sure it was a girl! He even moved and fell like one.? Elliot thought, as he quickly pushed Hideo away from him. ?Twice in one day? Elliot said with a cool tone, trying to hide the embarrassment of ?hugging? a GUY! Hideo (Elliot doesn?t know his name or background) got up and dust the dirt off himself. He said nothing to Elliot.(Or rather not sure of what to say.)Saying ??I?m so sorry ?? in a wimpy vice just now was a bad mistake. He tried to cover up his embasressment of his girly fall by acting more macho and pretending it didn?t hurt at all. (Duh* Elliot took most of the blow) -------------------------------------------------- OCC: I'M back to continue just now's post.. forgot to finish it before posting... gomen!
  10. OOC: haha.. I think it will be easier to have a timetable arranged some how.at least I will know who where at what time.. *cheers* .. you guys post sssooo fast! I.C: Elliot straighten his collar up wards to cover his scar. His index finger touches his long scar across his neck. ? DAMN YOU KOJI! One day I?ll make you pay for what you did to me? Elliot frowned and headed to his next class. OOC: erm whose class am I in?? Unless, I need to think of some more bumping into ppl incidents or people bumping into me....YO! KOJI! Hope you don?t mind having Elliot?s joining of the gang related to you and of course the scar too? well you made the scar... fine with you?
  11. OOC: I AM SOOOOO LATE!!! Argh!! Wait for me!!!! Sounds of hasty running came nearer and nearer as Elliot held a book in his hand by the spine. ? Sheesh.. An addition bruise to the forearm? He said rubbing the side of it. ?What?s with the kid?s problem?? He looks like he never seen a human before.? The moment Elliot stepped out the corridor, Isaac (It?s Imi), ran into him shoulder ramming into his side ribs! Elliot fell hard onto the floor from the hit; Letting the book fly out of his hand and out of the opened window behind him. ?WHAT THE ****!? Elliot?s right hand to his side, and the other on the floor to help him get up. Isaac (Imi) hands still clasping onto his front fell onto the floor on his bottom. Elliot frantically looked for his book on the floor. It is no where to be found. He then looked out of the window and spots the books in the puddle of wet mud .He turns to Isaac (Imi), ?ISAAC! What the hell are you trying to do!? PICK up a fight??!? Elliot grabs Isaac?s collar with both hands, and struck him back onto the nearest wall. He lifts Isaac (imi) up, legs dangled in the air. ?I didn?t mean it! LET ME GO! OR ... OR I will call Zeos and the gang!? Issac(imi) caught in the situation of being exposed and getting into a fight with Elliot, was starting to lose herself. Her hands still clasped onto her front to prevent any farther loosening of the bind. ? HAHAha? Zeos?? You?re gonna call Zeos to rescue you? Do you consider yourself a man? Asking others to fight your fights?? ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Argh! Sorry for the sudden shortness.. I hv to go for my aikido class now! Will be back in a while! In the mean time.. someone can help me do write up on the up coming? *poor Imi* :p
  12. Name:Ellliot Lasher (Using the same name again.. couldnt think of any new ones. :p) Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Stands 6 '3 feet tall (LOL maybe too tall for a 16 years old) collar length Black wavy hair . short fringe that curls to the sides (See the drawing of "moonlight glare" in myotaku. he looks something.like that but younger.and more hair at the sides.) An inborn different coloured eye. Left eye is honey brown, right eye is blue. wears the sch's uniform but with the collar up-turned to cover the scar on his neck. has a scar on the right side of his neck. Personality: Big pride . sometimes it gets in the way. Quiet and silent most of the time. you can tell when he is angry, shy , embarassed or even feeling hot... his cheeks will start to blush red.though his face is mostly expressionless at times.. Loves to listen to a good joke to brighten his day. It takes a lot to make him fired up and then getting into a fight. Believes in fair play and righteous in life and fight. Bio: Never lost a fight before. Hates all gangs even his own. Though he never admits that he belongs to the gang,"bad moons", He was given the position in the gang after helping the 'bad moons" win a victory in a duel a year back when he actually intended to help save one of them from being killed. He believes in true love when he see one...seeking for his own one day... (*is it too mushy?) Reads books all the time, all types of stories and novels. his fave phrase: " A Man always fights for himself and for no one else." Gang position: Fighter (to Elliot: he does not want to belong to the gang but getting out of it is immpossible) Gang name: Bad Moons ----------------------------------------------------- OCC: COol story this is gonna be.... am i accepted ? *cheers* :D
  13. Not any students were as hurt as Elliot. Only small scratches at most are what the student got. The next class had already begun. The room remained black and silent to Elliot as he felt bandages around his eyes and a big plaster on the back of his neck. ?Excuse me? Is there anyone around?? He asked hoping for an answer, while sitting right up, feeling the side of his bed. ?Yes! Yes boy! Now don?t you move about! I don?t want to treat you again for any unnecessary injuries.? Madam Pomfrey said in an irritated tone. ??SO MANY accidents in just one day! ONE day I tell you! I need to discuss this with Dumbledore.? Elliot recalls all the accidents that happened in that day. Elliot asked madam Pomfrey what really happen to himself that causes the blindness and will it be permanent. Madam Pomfrey told him, ?There?s no need to worry. It?s only a temporarily blindness cause by the watch you were wearing.? Elliot?s silence made her continue, ?You must have accidentally used a certain light spell which in turn must have backfired at you. Prof. McGonagall told me that you were supposed to transfigure a button but instead you blast the button into bits& pieces. The blast blew you back; making you hit your head. This, of course, causes your blindness now.? Elliot said nothing still. Mad Pomfrey continued, ?The watch kept with Dumbledore now. You are to see him as soon as you are well. Oh I?ve made you some potion for you to drink. Here. It helps with the recovery.? Elliot muttered a thanks and reach out for the drink as Mdm Pomfrey assisted him with it. ?But I didn?t use any spell at that time. I wasn?t even thinking of any? Yuck. This drink taste like bat?s brain? ? or maybe I did think of something at that time.? Elliot wipes his mouth. ?Defense against dark arts! The spell I was trying to memorize in case of an attack?I ?? Elliot spoke out loud this time, ?Madam Pomfrey! Am I suppose to have this dizzy feeling after the drink. . I? feel?? Elliot couldn?t complete his sentence and fell back down onto his bed completely knocked out. Madam Pomfrey pulled his blanket over him, ?You will feel much better after this; than you will be able to see your friends, and of course Dumbledore too.? She whispered to Elliot. ---------------------------------------------------- OCC: i think so too. about time . halloween would be fun to start with. It's end of the first day for elliot now.. sleeping away...ZZZzzzzz Skipping the last few lessons. *cheers*
  14. A big white soundless flash burst out from the Transfiguration class. A few students, who happened to walk by, quickly ran to the entrance of the class to find out what had happened. The room remained intact. But most of the students in it were groaning and on the floor hiding behind their desk with their hands to their temples or eyes. Prof. McGonagall had used a shield spell to protect her, Michelle and Alex; and a few other students who had fortunately stood behind her during the incident. ?What the?? Elliot groaned, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. He was hit back by an unseen force of light that was ignited by his hand that wore the watch. ?Argh?I shouldn?t have done that?? Elliot whispered to himself, eyes shut closed, hoping to get rid of the dizziness; as he slowly tried to get to his feet, touching the back of his neck. His hair was soaked with some weird foreign substance. It was warm, wet and sticky. He could hear Prof McGonagall?s commands, ?Do Not panic! Is anyone hurt?? There were sounds of panicked movements about the room, people groaning and some other girls crying. Elliot?s eyes ached, his head throbbed badly. He brought his hand in front of him to reveal to him the foreign substance. But all he could see was darkness. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, hoping that something might appear. It was still pitch black. Elliot hears Kalista?s voice, ? Elle? Are you all right? What happa? OH MY! This is NOT good! Professor! Professor McGonagall! Elliot is hurt! He?s bleeding!? Some kids screamed out upon seeing the blood on Elliot?s hand. He felt a warm hand held his forearm. ?Bleeding? I?m bleeding?? Elliot asked frantically, still trying to make something out of the darkness. He could hear Professor?s heels, ?Don?t worry, Elliot.It is just a bad scratch.? The professor held him up. He could hear buzzing sounds of voices all around him. ?Class! Be quiet! I want all those who aren?t feeling well to come with me to the hospital wing and those who are fine to stay here till I get back!? McGonagall ordered. Elliot managed to get to the hospital wing with other students; but even with McGonagall?s help, he kept knocking into things. ?What?s the matter with you, boy? Are you all right? ?She asked, ?Knocking into things just now. If there is anything you don?t feel unwell with...? Elliot interrupted her, ?It?s my eyes. I can?t see anything!? Elliot felt his collar started to soaked in warm blood. ----------------------------------------------------------- OCC: :P Looks like it will be an exiciting year full of weird accidents and adventure.
  15. ?Alright! I have to be off to the next class now ,Zeos. I?ll be seeing ya soon.? Elliot said. ?All right then. See you!? Zeos answered. Both went their separate ways to class. ?Transfiguration class with Griffindor? Elliot catches short gleams of his table time as it waved about in the wind as he ran to his appointed class. ?I?m gonna be lllaaatteee?.? He managed to slides into the class. Number of students had been seated already, accompanied by other getting ready to be seated. The teacher?s desk was empty. ?Prof McGonagall?s not here yet?? Elliot sighed a breath of relieve. As he paced down the desks and chair to an empty seat, an orange cat appeared on his table and jumped towards him. Just then Prof Mcgonagall transfigured out from the cat to her human form. ?My LORD!? Elliot exclaimed loudly, surprised by the sudden appearance of Prof McGonagall. She looked at him and gestured him to be seated. ?Now class! This is your first transfiguration class. And today you will be practicing how to transfigure a button into a beetle.? Prof McGonagall demonstrated once on the button placed on her table. And Out came its legs and a brightly colored amber shell. The beetle began to crawl away. ?And back to a button.? Prof McGonagall changed the beetle back to a button. Elliot looked around among the griffindor students in class. ?Michelle is in griffindor , isn?t she?? He thought to himself. Two students were asked to help give out the bag of buttons to the rest of the class. Elliot sees Michelle seated next to Alex. He catches Michelle?s eye and gives her a wave of his hand. She waved back and Alex smiled. ?This year is gonna be one unusual year in Hogwarts. Isaac is gonna give Imi hell if she is always with us? esp. Zeos.? Flashed back the moment when Zeos cast a force spell at Isaac. ?We better watch out for Isaac and his group.? Elliot felt a sudden jab on his right arm. He turned to look and sees Kalista shoving a folded piece of note at him. He opened it and it reads: Elle. I have message from your parents. They want you to owl post a report back to them; they want to know what has been happening here and how you fare here. They also mentioned about the watch they have given you. They said you are able to use the watch on your right hand (wand hand) and it will help you speed up the reaction in a split moment, even before you finish the chant. As long as you have it in your mind and you?re set to cast it. It works like a wand, with or without your wand. P.S Do NOT wears it on your right hand unless you are in need of it. There are consequences to its misuse. Elliot folded the paper back and slipped it into his pocket and looks at his bracelet like watch on his left hand and changed it over to his right. ?Let?s see what it what it can do?? Elliot murmured puts down his wand on the table and raises his hand over the button. ------------------------------------------------------------ OCC: *BLast* i smell a big fight coming up.... ...
  16. Elliot continues to smile to himself, ?Hmm... This crowd is getting bigger by the minute. Hopefully we wouldn?t get pushed out of here.? He sees Alex enters the room and walks pass him frantically to Michelle, as she answers the same question over and over again with the same reply. ?A knut for your thoughts, Imi?? , Elliot said waving his hand in front of Imi?s troubled face.(or rather, she seemed like she was thinking of something). Imi snapped out of her dazed self and shakes her head, ? Iei! Nandamo nai (Nothing to it)? she said. Elliot tries again to bring up a subject to talk about while waiting for the crowd to disperse slowly. ?Ah?erm? Have you taken your lunch yet?? Elliot asked Imi. ?Well? I doubt there is any time left of it anyway.? Zeos answered his question instead of Imi. The noise level was declining. Elliot looks at Zeos and asked, ?I?ve seen you before. Weren?t you the boy who got punched by Imi?s brother, Isaac?? Imi?s head turn to Elliot like as if it was jerked with a string. Zeos grins and said, ?Yes. Unfortunately, I am that boy. But I don?t blame Imi for that, she had her difficulties being Isaac?s sister.? Imi?s face suddenly floods with relieve. Elliot quickly turns to say, ?So sorry if what I just said made you upset, Imi. I completely forgot you are Isaac?s sis. You just don?t seem to be what they say about you? To me, you are a very sweet, caring and gentle girl.? Elliot blabbered it out un-intended, his cheeks quickly blushes lightly. So does Imi?s. Zeos was surprised by the answer. ?Ah?I?m not trying to get anywhere. But it?s true! Honest! Right, Zeos??? Elliot turns the question for Zeos to answer. -------------------------------------------------------------- OCC: happy happy day ! CHeers! no worries!
  17. ?There was an accident?? , Elliot questioned one of the Ravenclaw seniors. ?By the lake? A veela and Kagami?? It?s Michelle!? ?Yes,though I don?t really know what happened after they were saved. I heard that the Veela fainted.?The senior answered. Elliot thanked the senior and dashes off to find out what really happened. He went straight to the hospital wing. ?I wonder if I could just walk into the wing like that.? Just as he reaches out for the door knob to the entrance of the hospital wing, the door opened and out came a tall figure. ?Pro?professor Dumbledore!?? Elliot shocked to see him there. ? I .. I .. just ?? ,Elliot stammered. Prof Dumbledore simply looked at him and then in the most gentle tone, he said, ?There is no need for excuses , when one is concerned about a friend. Now off you go? Prof Dumbledore shoves Elliot into the room, without letting Elliot speak. ?You must have been attracted by her too?..? Prof Dumbledore?s voice trails off. The door closes behind him. ?What was it he just said?...Nevermind about that.? Elliot glances about the room filled with white veils about some beds; and bed covered in blankets. Just to the corner of the room. Imi and another Slytherins student stood back faced to Elliot. In front of them sat Michelle on the bed?s side. Elliot walks towards them. Michelle?s face had trances of tears on her cheeks. She looks up and spots Elliot. ?Elliot!?? Michelle quickly wipes her tears with the back of her hand, ?What are you doing here?? ?Well. I just wanted to see if you were all right. And...? Elliot turns his head slightly to look at Imi and the other slythrin. Imi stares back at him. Elliot responsed back to her with a grin. ? Anata daijobu?? Elliot said to Imi. Imi was taken back by what Eliot just said. ?YOU! You can speak Japanese too?!? Imi widen her eyes. Elliot nodded and turned to look at Michelle. ? I can speak about 15 languages presently. I haven?t finished going through elvish.? Michelle and the rest continues to stare at him, ? Oh. It?s my hobby to learn different languages?.. Erm so ? are you guys all right now?? ---------------------------------------------------- OCC: It's seems that this RPG is starting to slow down... Let's keep this up! Pretty please? Oneigai ?? An OB list?? can i join?? *grin*
  18. OOC: K.C ?s profile. Real name is Kalista Criss. Ravenclaw. She is accepted at Hogwarts a year earlier than usual kids. She is only ten years old and has an IQ of 145. Another reason of entering Hogwarts at this age is Elliot Lasher , whom she wants to be betrothed to, though Elliot refuses and hates the custom of betrothing. The Lasher family and the Criss family has an unusual custom of betrothing their children to one another .until they are a proper age 16, shall they wed. But there is something to it. A Test of fate, love and compatibility, which K.C has to pass. ( QuinnBW : Not sure if this background history of Lasher and Criss sound ludicrous to any of you ppl. :P I kind of thought of it the last min.) I.C: ?Elle. Why wouldn?t you talk to me?? Kalista annoyingly asked Elliot, tagging his sleeve, as he increases his pace to get away from her. ?Are you upset about my presence here in Hogwarts?? Kalista sniffed, tears gathering in at the corners of her honey brown eyes. Elliot took a quick glimpse of her from the side of his eye. ?K.C. No. It?s not that I?m upset about it. I meant... I ?. How do I put this?? Elliot pauses in his footsteps, bringing his hand up to his temple and pushing his hair out of his view. Then in a soothing tone, Elliot turns and places his hand on Kalista?s shoulder. ?Now. Now. Dry your tears and let?s get to Potion class before Prof Snape starts hopping mad about late comers this term.? Kalista forces a smile and wipes her tears with the back of her hand. ?Double period of Potions class with Ravenclaws, before lunch break.? Mumbled one hufflepuff student, as a group of ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs enter the classroom filled with bottles and cauldrons. Elliot looks around for a good seat in the room and quickly eyed one. ?Perfect place.? Elliot quickly weaves his way though the students to get to his seat, leaving Kalista behind with her newly made friends. Just as he reaches there to put his book bag down, he sees another book bag just being placed in his seat. Elliot was a second too late. He looks up to see a hufflepuff, green headed girl with purple eyes. Shocked by the first sight of the green hair, Elliot quickly recovers from it. ?Uh. I ?? The Hufflepuff quickly cuts in. ?So sorry about the seat ?I? Elliot rushes to finish his sentence, ?No ! It?s your hair ! It is just changed from green to pink!? Elliot continues to stare at her hair. ?Oh . That.? The girl touches her hair , ?It?s natural but it changes color at times.? She continues answering the questionable look on Elliot?s face. ?Because I?m a Metamorphmangus. i can change my appearance at will? There was a pop sound and her hair changed tones to a brighter pink, matching to her blushing on her cheeks. ?That?s very unique and ? wow!? Elliot?s eyes grew bigger with interest. ?My name?s Elliot Lasher. And yours?? He gestured a handshake. ?Mine?s Maura Trepas.? Replied the hufflepuff ; smiling in response. :D
  19. Herbology class :Gryffindors & Ravenclaw Students stood next to their partners, with tools in their hands, making two lines along the long white table in the middle of the greenhouse, with potted plants of devil snare in front of them. Elliot took his little shovel and stuck it into the young devil snare?s soil. ?I don?t know about their killing instinct but they sure smell funny.? Elliot places his finger under his nose. ?Or is it the greenhouse that smell.? Elliot looks about the green house. Creepers spreading its vines all over the glass panels of the greenhouse and onto the floor. Many sizes of weird potted plants surround the green house. ?Herbology class is really a drag.? K.C sighed. Elliot looks away from K.C and her partner, and looks opposite him. A Gryffindor student. ?The veela ! I didn?t know she was in this class. I wonder if what her family background is about? Part-veela? She cant be that scary? can she??, Elliot looks at Michelle bringing the devil snare into the light, so that it will let go of her finger. ?What ever she maybe, make friends first. Think veela later.? ?That?s a smart move! I thought you would have panicked like some students over there.? Elliot said to Michelle ,with a laughing tone, while pointing to the back of the greenhouse. A Ravenclaw student is frantically trying to get the devil snare to lose go of his wrist, shouting ?Don?t kill me! Please! Let go of me!? Prof. sprout rushing to the student try to tell him to calm down first. Michelle smile in response. While her partner, Alex, tries to get the devil snare out of its pot. ?I?m Elliot Lasher. And you are?? Elliot smiled and extended his hand to propose a handshake. ------------------------------------------------------- Wo hoooo! more handshakes to be done. esp for first year.
  20. ?First, having K.C in Hogwarts with me, in the same house Then the first defense against dark arts class WITH the Slytherins. How unlucky can this get?? Elliot murmurs to himself, his palm to his face and elbow to the table. Suddenly a girl appears barging into the class room. Elliot and the rest of the class look up. ?Imi Kagami from Slytherin?Man, she?s late! Look at those bruises on her?It looks like she?s just been bludgered by a bludger.? He thought to himself, as Prof. Lupin deducted 5 points from Slytherin because of the late comer. Imi quickly had herself seated next to another Slytherin and looking pretty awkward in some way. Elliot continues to look at Imi whispering away to the boy with brown hair and silver bangs. ?Tap, Tap, Tap.? Elliot looks down on to his desk and realizes that the sound came from Prof. Lupin?s wand tapping on to his desk. ?Ahem.? Prof Lupin?s patience starts to wear thin, ?I assume that you are paying attention to what I?ve just said?? Elliot swallows his saliva. ?So ... Now, Would you, Mr. Lasher, care to repeat what I?ve taught the class?? Prof Lupin turns his back to the class as he walks to his desk and places his hand down onto his books. Some of the students giggled and started whispering among themselves. Then Prof. Lupin turns to face the class and Elliot, who systematically stood up to answer the teacher. The classroom was suddenly engulfed with a dead silence. Elliot felt his stomach tighten up. He takes a deep breath. ?Yes Sir. As you were saying, you were going throught with us about pixies and ways on how to keep them in hand. Using a certain spell. Pixies do not cause harm but only mischief.? Elliot said it all in one breath. ?Well Done! Elliot.?Prof. Lupin smiles and walks towards Elliot to pat him on the back, ?. Now you?ll be seated and please try to be with me in class.? ? Erm. Excuse me, Professor but your?? Elliot?s voice trails off. Prof. Lupin brows knitted, said out loud, ?IF you have something to say. Do speak up, young man.? Elliot frowns and looks around at the students, who are looking at them like a hawk eyeing a chick. ?Prof. Are you sure you want me to say it out loud?? Elliot asked. The Professor nodded. ?Well. Do many people in Hogwarts learn Latin?? Putting his clutched fist to his mouth and coughed, Prof Lupin answered, ?Not that I know of. But I do learn Latin myself. It is a fascinating language, I must say. Is that all you wanted to ask? Elliot?? Prof. Lupin eyed Elliot. ?There is one thing, Professor.. You should know about ? Braccae tuae aperiuntur.? said Elliot. Prof. Lupin eyes open wide and exclaimed, ?Mother of magic!? Prof lupin then quickly dashes out of the classroom. The students? heads turned looking at the door of the class room to Elliot and the whispering starts. ?Hey! Lasher! What did you say to Prof. Lupin that makes him dash out of here like a chicken! Hahahaha? shouted out one of the Slytherins. The rest of the Slytherin roared with laughter. ?Did you cast a riddikulus spell on him? Hhahaahhaa? Another Slytherin added up. Soon the class was filled with laughter from both Ravenclaw and Slytherin students. Elliot amazed by the reaction, thinking, ? None of them knows latin here?Do they?? ? I know what Elliot said to Prof. Lupin? A girl shouted out. The students turn to face where the voice was coming from. It was K.C.(Her real name will be disclosed to you all as the story goes on) ? It was Latin Elliot spoke.? The class silence, eager to know what it was. ?Elliot told Prof Lupin that? ?His fly was open!?? K.C said. Her face started glow with glee. The classroom once again filled with loud laughter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So SORRY about the mistaking the main lesson in defence of dark art. Oh. Btw.the latin word i used is taken from a bk " Magical worlds of harry potter" by David Colbert. it is an interesting bk. helps you understand why and how many things happan in the harry potter world.(hogwarts)
  21. ?Did you hear? Isaac Kagami from Slytherin has a younger sister in Hogwarts!? ,exclaimed a year two Ravenclaw to her friend sitting opposite her in the common room by the fire place. ?Are you serious?? answered the other. ?Oh I am SERious. I just saw them ganging up on another first year slytherin named Zeos Uchiyama ? and something about him and mudblood lovers.? She continued, ?Isaac even punched Zeos in the stomach!!? ?Oh my lord? so what did he do next?? the other girl questioned her friend. ?Not another addition to the chaos in Hogwarts...? Elliot sighed to himself after overhearing the conversation, ?when will this ever end?? Kate had caught up with him in the common room, ?Never. I suppose...? Kate added .smiling, face flushed from trying to catch up with him. ?And I ?m inclined to believe that they will never stop their nonsense too?? Elliot combed his untamed curly black hair back with his hand, revealing his dark blue eyes to the light from the nearby window. ?His eyes? They?re blue! But since when... I always thought they were black.? Kate thought to herself. Elliot continues trying to eavesdrop on the senior?s conversation, brows knitted in concentration, as he inches nearer to them, along the stairs that lead up to the bedrooms dorms.?First years!? shouted a Ravenclaw perfect, which startled Kate and Elliot, ?Please remember that any misbehaving of any sorts in class or out of class, will cause points deduction from our house. SO please behave.? The perfect reminded them, ?If we can accumulate more points in each term. I am sure we can win the title for the house of the year!? A cold touch to the shoulder sent an electric shock up Elliot?s spine. Elliot slowly turns around to see who the hand belongs to. ?K.C!? Elliot gasped, looking at black headed, shoulder length hair, young girl with honey brown eyes. ?What are you doing here?! Weren?t you supposed to go back to Singapore with your parents?? ??WAS? suppose to. Elle. And now I?m here with you!? said K.C as she hugged him in response. Elliot?s cheeks flushed red like a tomato immediately. ------------------------------------------------------ So... whose in charge of the class timetable for Ravenclaw here. Do feel free to PM me anytime.....
  22. ?Whoooooo? , a brown barn owl glides down from the blue sky as the sun rises spreading its orange rays around Hogwarts. ?Come? ere Koral!? Elliot raises his right forearm up, allowing the owl to land on. ?That?s a good girl. Now let?s get back to the dorm and get ready for class.? Elliot increases his pace as he take a glance at his watch, an antique heirloom in the lasher family , Elliot murmurs to himself ? Whoa! Time sure moves fast at Hogwarts?. And why must I wear this watch ?I don?t!? Just as Elliot takes a turn around the corridor, someone ran into him. ?Hey watch it! Can?t you walk slowly! I!.. I??Koral flapped her wings a couple of times to regain balance on Elliot?s shoulder .Elliot then notices that the person had fell back on fours from the impact. The person was the girl who stared at him on their first day at Hogwarts. Her books scattered around her, as well as loose notes. She groan to herself, ? owww.? ?I ?m so sorry! Are you all right there? Are you hurt?? Elliot got down on his knees, ?Here. Let me help you.? Elliot brought the books and notes together, held them in one arm and stood up. ?Need a hand?? He extended his other hand which the girl gladly took. ? I am fine. Don?t worry? The girl answered as she dust her cloak. Elliot continues to stare at her, thinking, ?Wasn?t she the girl who kept staring at me like as if I was a weirdo? If I remembered her name is Kate, what was her last name? Hm.. I wonder why she was staring at me like that??. Maybe?she?? Kate closed the gap between them, ? Excuse me?? Elliot suddenly snapped out of his thoughts. ? Can I have my books back?? ,she asked avoiding his eyes. ? huh?... Oh! I?m sorry. Please forgive my impolite staring at you like that. Here!? He handed the books to her. ? Before I forget. Let me introduce myself. My name is Elliot Lasher. Please to meet you.? Elliot reached his right hand out in a handshake manner. Just then Koral gave out a loud hoot like as if to say ? don?t forget to introduce me too!?. ?Oh . This is my owl , Koral.? Elliot looks back at Kate who is some what not really looking at him. Avoided his eyes most of the time. His hand still extended out, waiting.
  23. [COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Navy]xxx[/COLOR][/COLOR] Name:Eillot Lasher Age:11 Sex: Male Eye:dark blue(mostly look like black in the dark) Hair:black, slightly curly and messy.combed back fringe though some still makes its way to the side or front of my fore head.an inch or two longer then collar length( my hair mostly kept at that length.coz no matter how many times i cut them real short.it grows too quickly before the next week.) Wand: willow wood, unicorn hair & 13" inches House: Year: First year pet: dark brown barn owl Personality:He has a short fuse :flaming: to those who are proud and impolite to girls or seniors.Very out-going but it doesnt mean he is very talkative.considers himself as a gentleman when with ladies.Cant control his laughing fits when it is triggered off.(longest record time of continuous laughter: 30mins or so) He can enjoy a beautiful scenery for many hours. A lone ranger as describe by his parents at home. But unknown to them outside, he is rather mischivious and bold. Biography:Brought up with strict rules at home(image a chinese tradition family if you must) .He is often expected of very execellent performance in his studies.he has learned skills of flying on a broom (even before Hogwarts);and many muggle sports w/o magic.Lasher family has never failed to have any witches or wizards in almost all generations accepted at Hogwarts,Though mixed blood is involved in this family. half witch mother and wizard father. :D
  24. QuinnBW

    Van Helsing

    [SIZE=1][SIZE=1]xxx[/SIZE][/SIZE][COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=DarkRed]xxx[/COLOR][/COLOR] i just watched Van helsing twice. The effects are good.Actually i watched the movie for the acter and actress too. haha.. though i havent watched Underworld yet... :cool:
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