For me, I have several from my favorite anime.
Toguro of Yu Yu Hakasho. Poor guy, [spoiler]having all his students slaughtered when he couldn't protect them. I used to be terrified of him, but now I sort of understand. But not why he chose to become a demon. :confused[/spoiler] Poor poor guy.
Marik of Yu-Gi-Oh! Ah, the insane one. [spoiler]To get that writing carved into his back at such a young age, must've been horriable.[/spoiler] And Risid (his dub name is really stupid :mad: ) really cares for him, whcich is sweet. And why did Shadii direct his anger at the pharaoh? *stares off into distance*
Shadii of Yu-Gi-Oh! I can not and will not explain myself on this one. I am a Shadii-worshiper of the first degree and I am not ashamed of it. :cool: Plus, I'm a bit in love with him. :love: :love: :love:
[SIZE=2]Fear[/SIZE] (mostly for obvious reasons...[list]
[*]Freeza of Dragonball Z
[*]Cell of Dragonball Z
[*]Super Buu of DBZ
[*]Deamon King Piccolo of Dragonball
[*]Baby Vegeta of DBGT
[*]Super 17 of DBGT
[*]Yami Marik of Yu-Gi-Oh!
[*]Puppetmon of Digimon
All of these are in no patricular order.
*sits back and awaits replies*