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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. Hmmmm... Interesting. I don't understand a thing, but intersesting. Prehaps if MistressRoxie has the time sometime, she could update it periodicly. I still say that this should go on a place of honor on the site. It would be awesomely cool if everyone who was a member could just waltz in and see how we are all connected. :( Is it just me, or am I the only one with no OB family. Does anyone want to be my OB family? If so, private message me please!
  2. You know, we should probably put this chart in a place of honor on the site, both to prove how crazy we all are, and to scare away outsiders. :laugh: I have no family. Suddenly I'm lonely. :( Oh well.
  3. *firmly reminds herself that not everyone loves dragons to the extent that she does* Ahem. Well, if you've ever seen DBZ's Shenlong, then you know what an Eastern / Oriental dragon looks like. I want him, but red. Kinda like the dragon on [URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/c/h/chatterton/pointeast.jpg.html]this[/URL] page. Except sometimes they're portrayied as longer bodied. European / Western dragons are the sort of dragon St. George killed. I've found a good link for pics for them [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Portal/8221/dragon.html]here.[/URL] I do hope that helps.
  4. Oh, thank you for offering, I would love one like that. :D Let's see what do I want? Oh yes... If it's not to much trouble, I would like a golden European Dragon and a red Eastern Dragon with a brown haired angel between them. I [I]love[/I] dragons.
  5. Can someone help me, please? I would like an aviator (as you can see, I don't have one), but I can't find any I like on the on-site slection and I don't know how to make graphics. :( :( Can someone please recomend a free graphics site with good slection where I can get one? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  6. Oops, I forgot one under pity! Yami Bakura of Yu-Gi-Oh! for reasons I won't go into because they're major spoliers. Let's just say he has reasons to be evil. Private message me if you want details. By the way, thanks to whoever blacked those spoilers in my first post. I wasn't really thinking.
  7. For me, I have several from my favorite anime. [SIZE=2]Pity[/SIZE] Toguro of Yu Yu Hakasho. Poor guy, [spoiler]having all his students slaughtered when he couldn't protect them. I used to be terrified of him, but now I sort of understand. But not why he chose to become a demon. :confused[/spoiler] Poor poor guy. Marik of Yu-Gi-Oh! Ah, the insane one. [spoiler]To get that writing carved into his back at such a young age, must've been horriable.[/spoiler] And Risid (his dub name is really stupid :mad: ) really cares for him, whcich is sweet. And why did Shadii direct his anger at the pharaoh? *stares off into distance* [SIZE=2]Worship[/SIZE] Shadii of Yu-Gi-Oh! I can not and will not explain myself on this one. I am a Shadii-worshiper of the first degree and I am not ashamed of it. :cool: Plus, I'm a bit in love with him. :love: :love: :love: [SIZE=2]Fear[/SIZE] (mostly for obvious reasons...[list] [*]Freeza of Dragonball Z [*]Cell of Dragonball Z [*]Super Buu of DBZ [*]Deamon King Piccolo of Dragonball [*]Baby Vegeta of DBGT [*]Super 17 of DBGT [*]Yami Marik of Yu-Gi-Oh! [*]Puppetmon of Digimon [/list] All of these are in no patricular order. *sits back and awaits replies*
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