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Ohkami Buster

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About Ohkami Buster

  • Birthday 04/24/1985

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a member of MYOTAKU and my code name is also Ohkami Buster. If you want to check my drawings, just find me in MYOTAKU. Remember, my code name in MYO and OB are just the same.
  • Occupation
    College student, Manga / Anime Artist Practitioner

Contact Methods

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Ohkami Buster's Achievements

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  1. Hmm... In reality, I still trying to find the answers on what I wanted to be. BUT one thing's for sure, I'll do my best to be one of the professionals! ^_^ But for fantasy.... I wanted to be a fighter with a very unique fighting style. No weapons, just fist, hehe! :D [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][color=Indigo][size=1][font=Arial] In that case, I still wanted to be a Transformer.[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [i]Wow isa kang Pinoy![/i] Hehe! I thought there are no [i]kababayan[/i]s here, but I was wrong, hehe! [b][color=DarkGreen][size=1]Ohkami Buster, please don't 'double post'. I've edited together your two consecutive posts for now, but in future, use the EDIT button in the post's bottom right corner if you need to add anything. [/size][/color][/b] [right][color=DarkGreen][size=1]-Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right]
  2. Hmmm... these are very interesting. ^_^ :animesmil :D Well I can say that you may get some existing series as your references, but it would be better if you also take some references from real life photos, it'll help a lot. I used to use some anime images to copy but someone told me to make my own, I followed the advice then started to draw on my own pose, own style. Then after a few weeks, I got what the advice means. It really works! ^_^ It really feels good if someone sees your work, then they say that you have a unique style! Edit: [quote name='duoikari']I have that same problem, i can think up lots and lots of storylines but when it comes down to drawing it on paper i just can't even though i am a half decent drawer[/quote] Same goes with me. But I can overcome it. I can feel it. ^_^ Just work hard! :animesmil [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please remember to use the Edit button to add something to your posts, as double-posting is not allowed on OB, thanks. ^^ -Lady K[/b][/size][/color]
  3. Ah. I understand, Adam-san. I know how it feels to work like that on a daily basis. Thanks for responding on my post! Well I'm going to add more titles! Because doing a fanart on the same series in many times is not good. I want to draw characters from many different series. In that way, I'm improving my skills. Thanks again, Adam san! *THROWS HIS CAP!*
  4. So that means that we can post more than once? Wow! I also find it quite annoying since you can't answer someone's question if you've already posted, hehe. Well anyway, I want to say that the interface of MYO v.2 is better and more organized. From friend's list up to the art portfolio. It's more convinient and can save more space. Keep it up! But only one thing , it's the Category list. Why do you have to reject a fanart if that doesn't belong to the category list as stated by the artist? Can you just add the title on the list and accept the fanart without rejecting it? I mean, like me who always passed artworks that don't belong to category list. Some of my works got rejected 1-4 times and when I check the list, the new category was already added so I have to resubmit it again. It's quite inconvinient so I hope we can do something about it. That's all. I have nothing else to complain, hehe. *THROWS HIS CAP-CKET!*
  5. Hi! Ohkami desu! Hmm... If I'm going to give a suggestion it's just 2 for now here it is: 1. In [B]Fanart voting system[/B], put a text box for "[B]NO[/B]" voters. So in that way, we'll be able to know why they don't like the pic. Because I feel (just feel) that there are people have a characteristic called [B]CRAB MENTALITY [/B] (a bad characteristic wherein one will pull down someone who's greater than him.) I just don't like those peeps. And to keep it stirict, don'tl not count the vote until the user puts the message. I know this is a bit silly but, for me as an atist and member of MYOTAKU, I'm just concerned about the others who draw really good. 2. More [B]categories [/B] for submissions! Because I'm creating different illustrations from different titles. I just want to change history! I'm the one who submitted the first fanarts for [B]ZENKI[/B], [B]BURN UP EXCESS[/B], [B]B't X[/B], [B]SABER MARIONETTE [/B] and [B]DEVIL HUNTER [/B] YOHKO! So put up more titles for more fun! The more the merrier! *THROWS HIS JACKET!*
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