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About asukastrikes

  • Birthday 05/05/1987

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  1. thanks for the advice u guys.. i guess i have to work on the proportion of the bodies first, im not very good at creating different poses! - (any tips on doing that?) anyway, arigatou :D
  2. Hey, just wanted to put some of my manga drawings up cause I want to know your opinion of them, am i good enough to be a manga artist? is there anything i need to work on? i need your advice please! Domou Arigatou!
  3. as u may have noticed i think the character in anime i can relate to most is asuka from evangelion.. like her ive had some bad life experiences in the past (not as bad as asukas).. but instead of doing the 'heroic' thing and suffering in silence.. soemtimes my frustration comes out in anger towards others and self-hatred. sometimes i tell people whats wrong but mostly i make a barrier between myself and others cause i dont trust people enough to tell them my thoughts.
  4. i kno how u feel about crying at the news.. when i see things like that i start thinking about all the problems in the world and sometimes get so deep in those thoughts they become philosophical! (like.. if this is happening is there really a god? and why are there so many evil people in the world?) all this can get really depressing so i try and divert my attention to more happy simplistic things like anime or happy music, sometimes i feel bad about stopping myself thinking about the news, cause it seems ignorant.. but if u want to cheer up, not thinking about those issues (for the time being) is a good idea. Watch a sitcom, that always helps me.. something like friends or fraiser.. like panda said no dramas! a happy ghibli film like kikis delivery service or totoro would be great anime to watch. (if u watch anime that is). Hope that helps.. [COLOR=Orange][B]Smile![/B] [/COLOR] :)
  5. thanks both of you for your advice.. and thanks mamma vash for your ideas of changing the country names.. its a good thought, but the concept of the story relys on current issues.. and that means it would still include a 'president' and a 'prime minister' which would give the game away quite easily.. The idea of 'loss of national identity" is the main concept of the story..and so is the idea of the 'blair robot'. lots of people here (and in the US, i think) think that our prime minister acts as a 'puppet' to the american president, thats why in this story hes a robot! thats why bush and blair have to be in the story, if they had different names no one would understand the joke! i reckon im gona draw this anyway, if it gets published or not it doesnt matter cause i wanna create it anyway.. (and i have another non-political manga story in development too) i guess ive made this plot rather personal as it represents my own feelings about our current political leaders (and the missile in my town!) but anyway if any of you still have ideas or opinions on my story dont hesitate to tell me!
  6. well thanks for not freaking out and being offended.. i was worried that would happen.. lol. firstly, it may have been unclear as i was very brief in the description of the plot.. the only 'baddy' here is the president.. all the americans in this story are supporting the brits on this one. this is shown as they form their own protests against the decision. as for the teens - cliche i know, but one of them had to know basic bomb facts to de-activate it.. and who better than a teenage boy.. i mean, he would look at bomb books for general curiosity, whereas if it was a grown man reading books about bombs, ud think he was some kind of terrorist, lol. hope that didnt sound sexist or ageist. also.. these teens are in a rock band.. and they use that as one of the ways to try and tell the british public the truth (at one of their gigs).. although that method ends up failing ^_^ but anyway.. the teenagers are kind of representing the fact that youths today are much more aware politically, i started college last year and i went to the london protest against bush's visit with some politics students, and the amount of students that were there in london was astonishing.. this was basically my inspiration for writing this story, thats why the age of the characters is important. as for the trident project... i could say 'a.w.e' to some people in my town and they wouldnt know what i was on about! yet somehow it appears to be known more globally.. im unsure how many people know about it as its not publisized a lot.. thats why i was worried, i guess i partly wanted to include this in it to improve public awareness, but i was worried it could prevent it from being published.. what do u think?
  7. I have recently written a plot for a manga im planning to create.. it includes the 'basics' - bit of action, adventure and a little romance thrown in, but the plot is based on political issues.. let me explain.. I happen to live in a town which has the biggest bomb factory in the uk, its called the atomic weapons establishment and they are currently working on 'project trident', the biggest nuclear missile ever built in the uk. As i have been on a protest against this and greatly oppose what theyre doing, i decided to incorporate this into my manga. there is also a lot to do with bush and blair.. heres the plot: its time for the next general election in britain, michael howard (conservative) has been in power for the last 5 years and expects to win again this year, however bush wants his 'robot' (hehe..) tony blair to be elected so he can again take control over what happens in the uk. with the help of tony he riggs the vote and labour gain victory. now he has power again bush decides to 'take the partnership with the US one step further' and turn the uk into US territory called 'eagle island', no one in the uk knows about this decision, however 3 british teens, kerry, matt and anthony are on holiday in the US at the time and they see posters informing the american public of the news. they are shocked and go back to the uk to tell everyone.. they arrive to find everything is becoming more like america.. (even the houses of parliament have become 'the white house.. of parliament' lol)...all of britains' traditional pubs and castles and monuments are either covered up or destroyed.. anyway to cut a long story short ..(theres a LOT of detail) after numerous events blair's 'true identity' as a robot is revealsed on uk television as the stress of the protests (including both americans and britons) causes him to malfunction and melts his 'skin' off (lol). angered at his loss of power bush uses the one last power he has left in the uk.. the trident missile! he tells everyone that he will cause it to self destruct.. thats when the heroic teens come to the rescue (eventually) they deactivate the bomb and everyones saved including britains national identity! this would look cool on paper but i need to know if it's an ok idea.. i know this concept may offend people and revealing the 'secret' of my neighbouring bomb factory in this way may be a bad idea if it ever got published.. and would the storyline prevent it from being published? i need advice on this before i get started, thanks!
  8. if u wanna translate any english words into japanese (or vice versa) go here: [url]http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/tty/dict[/url] ^_^ hope that helps
  9. Woah, sounds like one heck of a story u got there! That'll make an excellent manga, um.. as for titles.. I'm having the same kind of trouble with my manga(s) (i have 2 plots in the making.. what u could do is take a load of words relevant to the story.. in your case, magic, sorcress, god, power, elements, war, destruction, kingdom, etc. and mould a title out of those, or if u want a cool sounding title you could make one up in english and then translate it into japanese. Thats about the best i can come up with. hope that helps to an extent, good luck with the manga!
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