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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Åßìáé äåêáôñéþí! This waz ma age in Greeks. I'm 13....
  2. TPM....iz very popular. I have heard dat u can't advertize a board either on your sig or in a forum. Someone sayz dat the guy at the top had 1.000.000 posts. The bad thing iz dat they re very strict there.
  3. Pretty funny pic man!:laugh:
  4. It izn't night for all of us. Here iz morning!:laugh:
  5. If i could live anywhere i'd live either in England, probably London, or in Canada.:devil:
  6. My fav db character iz Gokou and Krillin. They re both very funny in db.
  7. Goodbye Pretty Sammy cya next summer!
  8. Really stupid question...[SIZE=3]THERE IS NO SSJ5!!![/SIZE] no SSJ Pan, no SSJ5 Gokou. Some fake pics make you believe it?
  9. KO 1 KO'd 1(not with the same person) no injuries
  10. Nah i don't know no one from here in real life and is impossible 2 meet one cuz i live in Greece...
  11. I've got a male cat named Josh and a male dog named Vazeha.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Honestly, I think money is pointless. All it is is a piece of paper or metal given some value. I think the world would be a better place if there wasn't money. I mean, it would get rid of social classes and give everybody a place to live. Everybody could be supplied with what they want/need when they need it. Everybody would just do there jobs to help everyone else. Crime rate would plummet since there would be no need to steal or anything. I dunno, heres a bunch more stuff I havn't thought of yet.. What's your thoughts?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] No man without money the wolrd we would have chaos. With money we still have chaos (killers,robbers,warz etc) but in a more controlled way. Without money we will still have crime. Maniacs and rapers don't need money(as an object) to do what they do. I think that crime is goverments fault.
  13. I'd create my own anime but i don't think this will ever happen.:laugh:
  14. Dark

    Db Rpg

    I'll not post an update until i found two more members. I remember i still owe you the final round....
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