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Everything posted by Dark

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dessert Shadow [/i] [B]my parents are frickin retards so im off the comptuer for the next 6 days......good bye everybody! [/B][/QUOTE] Toobad...well cya in 6 dayz.
  2. Dark


    I have a cool typical Greek accent.
  3. Cloud is the best. Squall is pathetic and i don't like Zidane and his f****n tail.
  4. FF8 sux and BTW FF7 rulez...
  5. Tifa for obvious reaons...
  6. I don't own silent hill but i wanna say that you have cool screenshots man.
  7. Square offcourse cuz they prodused ff!
  8. Dark


    Some people have 150 post and they re still newbies!!!
  9. Dark


    Welcome to da boards d00d.
  10. Dark


    Hip hop rulez!!!
  11. Vegeta or Buu. Bah only Buu.
  12. Ummmm...Sept. 10-June. 15
  13. It's very hard for me to sleep.
  14. IMO posts counts very much.
  15. I think Legos are for little kids.
  16. I think Lego's are for littke kids.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]...That's very...interesting. But I still hate Bulma! I Iove it when she gets eaten. :D[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah she's a god d**n b****h.:mad:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=red][b] This is the most active i've ever seen Otaku be.[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah it's VERY active.
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