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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Dark

    my poll

    McDonalds sux. In Greece we have Goodys and McDonalds are always empty.
  2. I think that board need more forums, like a web polls or a rpg forum.
  3. I have 1 month till scool begins.
  4. Ummm...i live in Greece and i'm 14. What grade should i be?
  5. I can't see the image. Is the link ok?
  6. Dark

    Final Fantasy RPG

    I wanna be Squall.
  7. My favorite moment is when Gokou shoots a powerful Kamehameha in Cell's face.
  8. Dark


    My favorite moment is in the end of ff7 when Cloud use his omnislash at Sephiroth.
  9. A black GC would be very cool.
  10. Gokou cuz he's cool and he can go SSJ4
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