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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Eminem-THE MARSHALL MATHERS LP ONE MILLION STRONG-the album and many Greek hip hop cdz
  2. Yeah nice pic! My photography skillz aren't so gr8......
  3. Skateboardin and basketball. Theze r my sportz.
  4. DB: 5/10 DBZ: 7/10 DBGT: i haven't seen it yet
  5. When Piccolo saved Gohans life in DB.
  6. 1: black 2: UK or Canada 3: orange 4: lettuce 5: pizza 6: 187um by Snoop Dogg and DrDre 7: Evolution or What lies beneath 8: i dunno 9: FF7 10: i don't like beanz
  7. Gohan. y do u have MrSatan on the list?
  8. How can Mr.Satan ( the best character in DB/Z/GT lol) dodge 2 of buus attackz cuz i haven't seen GT.
  9. IMO Mr.Satan iz the stupidest character in all DB/Z/GT. He'z powerz r ridiculous, he iz az smart az a cow and he iz still alive cuz he iz lucky.
  10. I ve seen it and i think its stupid.......it's just a coincidence......
  11. They r cool....IMO the first iz the best......
  12. Hmmmmm.......average......5/10......i ve seen [b]VERY[/b] impressive bannerz......
  13. Cloud's Ultima weapon and Sephiroth's masamune.
  14. Thi iz what i think: Gokou 2 or 3 Vegeta 2 Gohan 1 Goten 1 Krillin 2 or 3 Piccolo 2 I dunno bout the otherz
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Come on man! It was just a shallow CG movie with the Final Fantasy name slapped on it!! There wasn't even any Magic! It was shocking! I was hoping to see some Swords, some Summons... etc etc.. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah it waz really disapointin. I think it ll be betta if it waz bazed on a real FF.
  16. Sex in video gamez? Sick idea.......dat's the only thing dat video gamez don't need.
  17. Night? it dependz from the place u live.
  18. Search on yahoo: [url]http://www.yahoo.com[/url] u ll find many dbz sitez. or go here: [url]http://www.dragonball-ex.com[/url]
  19. Dark


    I dunno who popular i am in ma school. Not really....but i don't care.....
  20. Thiz game waz canceled 2 make RE2. I ve seen sum screenshots and i thin kdat iz average but i still can't understand y they stopped makin it. It's also known az RE Zero. Doez any1 else have heard bout it?
  21. Wow! Thiz iz pretty cool! Betta than i could do.
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