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Everything posted by sandramaxwell06

  1. wow, i really like your drawings. they're good and im surprised someone can do such different styles like .hack and yugioh. well keep up the good work and i'd like to see some pics of kaiba, if ya got any. ^_^ i like kaiba.
  2. Well ive gotten the new gba. (took two weeks to find a copy!!) I must say that it is the best. The graphics are awesome and the fact that you don't need to buy batteries is great. The only drawback from it is that there is no headphone jack, but I can definitely live without one. I suggest that every game addict get one, but wait until it becomes cheaper. $99 (plus tax) is very expensive, considering you can buy a GameCube for another hundred.
  3. .Hack-Infection came out yesterday, February 13th. The game is similar to EverQuest since its online gaming, though you never actually go online. The story is actually pretty good.. The main character, Kite, is trying to find out why his friend, Orca, went into a coma after playing the game. Its actually quite similar to the anime, or so I'm told. The game is kind of hard during battles, since you have to fight and control the camera angels at the same time. This game is good.. I would give it a 9/10. But I suggest that you get the game only, ONLY, if you are an experienced RPGer.
  4. After playing FFX, I was hooked onto the series. I've gone out of my way to find all the games. Yet I have heard rumors that the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 2 are being re-released, on the PS2, as a pack called "Final Fantasy Origins". There has been a lot of debate on this, but no one is sure. Has SquareSoft made an announcement? Are they going to release the games? If they are, when are they be released?
  5. [QUOTE]I think the game was ruined by the disney charecters and the "keyblade"[/QUOTE] Apparently you haven't played the game or else you would know that the ESSENCE of the game is the disney characters. Without it the game wouldn't be the same and it would probably suck. I think the disney characters really make the game fun. I don't know about you, but I had fun in the game swimming with Ariel and flying with Peter Pan. This is the only game you can do that. The Keyblade was the coolest weapon I have played with since Auron's weapons in FFX. I think that is a great way to have the character both close the keyholes and fight. [color=blue][size=1]I removed the attachment because it was erroneous. -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
  6. the game im actually waiting for is Breath of Fire V. Im an avid fan of the Breath of Fire saga, so when I heard the fifth one comes out in America in late January. I knew I had to get a PS2. BOF5 and Suikoden III are supposedly the best RPG games out there so I'm gonna get those. Most of the other games I've never heard of, or I heard they sucked.
  7. Here in Florida, I haven't seen many anime conventions. There was on in Atlanta, Georgia in August but I haven't heard about any others. I was on a website called otakuworld, and saw that they had lists of many anime conventions that were in the United States. Has anybody been to these conventions? All I know is that many people who go to these conventions dress as characters. What are these conventions like?
  8. About Suikoden III, I've seen the graphics and they are pretty good by my standards. But whats the storyline. I mean killing stuff is good and all but a good storyline is what makes a game great. Thats why I dont want to get Kingdom Hearts because besides the fact that all the characters in the game SUCK!, I thought that the storyline was weak. Games like that pale in comparison with classics like zelda and breath of fire. so i've also heard that dead or alive (three or two, im not sure) is a good game. is it?
  9. this christmas i'm getting a ps2. i know that everyone says that its a great system, but i haven't been able to find any good games. i'm into rpg games and fighting. ive gotten alot of suggestion but none of the people who gave them actually had any of the games. so i want to know if there are any good games that are either rpg's or fighting games! thanks.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]On the back of the Ninja Scroll box it says "For Mature audiences only. Contains violence, strong language, bried nudity and adult situations." So there is a warning. Used to be that places would sort out between the more adult anime and normal anime... at least with some sort of sticker. I think only Blockbuster does that now. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I did see the Ninja Scroll box,at Blockbuster, and I didn't see any warning. Some Blockbusters seperate the animes but alot don't. Some Blockbusters don't even carry anime anymore, only one in South Florida carries them, and they have really crappy animes there. But there should've been some warning in the video itself, before the "Feature Presentation". It didn't need to be censored, but it needs a warning at least.
  11. well this is to answer james about my view on censorship. i believe that certain things need censorship and some things don't need censorship. like dragonballz doesn't need it, because i dont think that people care if they see goku's butt. but then there some movies, like ninja scroll, that need censorship. if things like that aren't censorsed then society would become numb to them. *if you haven't seen ninja scroll, then don't because the main girl character gets raped* at least they should put like a note that says "explict content" on the box. but censorship on things like violence is just stupid. but some things should be censored for the benefit of the children, i mean my little cousin could watch that movie thinking its about ninja!
  12. I'm doing a project for my english class. The subject is censorship in the media. I want some opinions that you people have on the pros and cons in censorship. Thanks!
  13. well actually its kinda wierd because sometimes an aura is there and sometimes its not. i think it depends on the person, to believe in auras and spirits and stuff. but seeing things that happen later on can be called dejavu if it happens once or twice. but its like three or four times a week for me, so i think it is way past dejavu.
  14. actually, i think dejavu and visions are kinda different. but anyways all this talk about supernatural powers started with my secret,:smirk: so i just started a thread about it in the lounge. so if anybody wants to talk, go ahead.
  15. In another thread, the conversation got to how some people have thier own sixth sense. I dream about things and then they happen. And I can see a light around some people, or an aura. So is anybody else like this with supernatural powers?!
  16. actually, looking at the picture isn't cheating. if i want to draw a character perfect, i need to see the pic. and it think its a good thing that youta wants to improve his pics. there's always room for self improvement. i have some pics in the art&design area, the thread is drawings. (very uncreative name) i have some more pics there!
  17. :cross: i thought i was the only one! how cool! its just dreams for me. some people have like visions during the day, but i only know one person like that. its kinda cool to know im not the only wierdo out there!!
  18. youta moteuchi's drawings are creppily perfect! i mean are you sure you aren't a professionaly manga artist? i USED to consider myself a somewhat good artist...forget that! did you do that pic made up or of an actual character! i say the hardest part of drawing manga is the body, the face is kind of easy but the body is really hard.
  19. i think that her Kirby looks cute, or how i imagine it! My secret is probably worse. i have like dreams and stuff. sometimes, well most of the times, the dreams come true. its sounds stupid but its true. like one time i went to school, and not noticing it i told someone "watch out" and they went "why?" and they got hit in the face by a stray volleyball. freaky, huh? anyway i dont every tell anyone becuase they'd think i was nuts! but thats my secret.
  20. well mines kinda interesting. in my "i love gundam wing" phase, i created this 200 page fan fiction. it was about this character named sandra maxwell, (the most grinko-like name i could find) whos duo's long lost sister. So i was making an account at Yahoo! but sandramaxwell was already taken. so because in the show heero is 01, etc. i just added 06 at the end of my name! and sandramaxwell06 was created!
  21. Well going back to the topic... Gundam Wing: Heero, Quatre, WuFei Dragon Ball Z: Vegeta, Gohan (teenage) G Gundam: Domon Fushugi Yuugi: Tamahome, Hotohori Are all fine characters. They are fine characters and all of them are so deep. :love:
  22. To all you people who are hypocritical of G Gundam: G Gundam was the first of the Alternate Universe series in the Gundam sagas, the first to follow after the origianl "Future Century" ended. It was the first series of its kind by the Gundam animators. The robo-tech style was the first seen by Gundam fans. The characters are completely real, and the storyline is ever twisting. I would personally rate G Gundam along with the best of the Gundam series, Gundam Wing and Gundam X. Many fans of the Gundam series, were shocked and mortified when the saw G Gundam. There was deep hatred towards G Gundam, but after the series ended, and went into reruns, people loved it. I agree with all of you that G Gundam is wierd and doesn't fit in with the other Gundam series. But if you watch it, especially the last 10 episodes, you'll understand why everyone loves G Gundam so much.
  23. After you recover the stolen treasure. You help to the right all the way on the world map. You go to the cave, where you meet up with Ivan again. Then you through the cave into Bilbin, but you might as well ignore it cause you don't do anything there anyways. You might as well go all the way to Imil, which is to the north. Now I have a question, when is Golden Sun: The Lost Age coming out? My sources say this Christmas, but others tell me in June or even Christmas 2003!!! Nintendo has no comment and its driving me insane! This game is already out in Japan and what I have heard is devastating to players of Golden Sun! The main character is no longer Issac. Its Felix. The new crew is Felix, Sheba, Jenna and Picard (a man from Lemuria). They're seen in the attachment. Then about halfway through the game the former crew and the new crew join up. Then its all eight of them versus two new enemies, similar to Menardi and Sautorous, named Karst and Agatio. The sequel is killer but its crazy that we have to wait this long!
  24. well i have to admit that all of the coolest people that i know are into anime. yet the problem is that even some wacked out teacher hates anime fans. im in class and the teacher gives my graphic design class a lecture on why anime is for little kids and how it is unhealthy for us older kids to watch it. i think this whole situation is ridiculous
  25. :nono: Transtic Nerve i know what a fad is. personally i started watching anime when i was six, and i got it from my older cousin. he grew up watching it and he was born in 1975. so i think i know what im talking about. just because you didn't here about it prior to the '90s doesn't mean im wrong. also i'd like to ask you this. wasn't Star Wars just a fad? thats how it got started. now there are fourty year old men still talking about Darth Vadar. (This was happening YEARS after the final Star Wars and YEARS brfore the Star War Episodes. So personally i think that you dont have to steep so low as to call me immature and stuff because im not here to fight. its just that i dont think its right that people talk and dont know all the information. :grumble:
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