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Everything posted by sandramaxwell06

  1. well this is in response to wrist cutter saying that anime is just a fad with the elementary school kids. WRONG!!!!! why are you even on this forum, i mean if you think anime is a fad. i know people who watched anime in the 1980's. if its a fad then its lasted a pretty long time. anime is not a fad it is a way of life for some people and i dont want you saying things that you dont know about. elementary school kids only got into it because they saw the teenagers love it and i dont want you saying kids started it. in my opinion i think that you should keep your mouth shut if you don't got anything SMART to say! There!!! :flaming:
  2. GRRR!!!!:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: THATS NOT WHAT IM ASKING!!! there is a water djinn near tolbi. ON THE MAP. i have ALL of the other djinn but i need that final one before i go to the mercury light house. (for the hundereth time to beat the game again!) but i NEED THAT DJINN!!! WHERE DO I GET IT!?
  3. pardon my ignorance but who is "bebi"? :therock: im into db/z/gt but im not that smart in the category!
  4. well personnally im very proud of my animeness. its a way of life and i think that you guys are so lucky to go to a school that accepts your ways. unfortunately out of my little circle no one likes anime. :flaming: and im sixteen. imagine when im like twenty four or something. i got good friends that are around twenty (my boyfriend) that are into anime and :bawl: unfortunately at FIU they are social outcasts. but its not always that bad because even outcasts got buddies!
  5. LEVEL 25!?! i had to be at level 31! well i didn't have all of the djinn anyways. but how do you get that water djinn! i need the one thats on the world map near tolbi! ive tried everything and i just cant find it!
  6. WAIT!!! as i understood it from some site there. it was like this... Artificial 17 was created by the two doctors. art.17 escaped from hell (hifl) and went to earth. there he met up with ANDROID 17 and fused with him. thus the birth of super 17. thats what i heard. tell me if im wrong on this.
  7. before anything let me say this... :flaming: "GOHAN IS NOT WEAK! SO DON'T SAY THAT HE IS!!!":flaming: remember that gohan could've kicked vegeta's a** so many times in the cell saga. and gohan was probably stronger than vegeta in the buu saga but then vegeta went majiin on everybody! so there!
  8. okay here is the thing. there is a character here that im not sure who he is...i think hes artificial 17. i heard from another thread that he is 17's brother. wrong. super 17 was created by dr. gero and dr. something-or-other and sent out of hell to earth. this was revenge to goku. now i just want to know is this artificial 17 or super 17. then when does this happen and who is the other dr. who created artifical 17? thanks!
  9. im so old. im 16 and live in hialeah which is right next to miami in florida. (no its not the greatest place to be living!) :rolleyes:
  10. personally i belive that all the characters are cool. the best would have to be zechs. hes the covers all the appects of a character. hes bad, good, naughty, nice, simple, complex, loving, vicious... etc. but hes my favorite oz character. but quatre is my favorite gundam pilot. hes so sweet and gentle and he is also a killer pilot. not the best but he is the smartest! :love: quatre and zechs are the best!!!!
  11. I am personally a sophmore in high school. i got my own little anime group and we even started a club. "International Art Appreciation" was the name of the club. No one but those who are anime fans know its an anime club. Then its so silly that people mock us. Its none of there business. I just stick with my anime friends and when that solo hater comes around and sees a group of us... :modrod: Even though all those haters are out there, the guy i :love2: is an anime fan and thats how we met. We wouldn't never have clicked if it wasn't for our obsessions about anime. So personally I would never give up my obsession for popularity or anything. In a way they've helped me in a lot of ways!
  12. :flaming: This is ridiculous, every day when i go to school i get wierd looks from people because i go with my Sailor Moon bookbag. It's so stupid! I mean these people come up to me and say.. "My little sister watches that show and she's only six!" Of course I know that little kids watch this show, I'm not ignorant but I have all the right to obsess about whatever I want too! Sometimes I feel like the only one. :smirk: But we anime fans are all over the place! Anyone else having this problem?!
  13. well first of all LOTR came out around the 40's. Second, The Simarillion is how middle earth came to be. its kinda like the history book of the LOTR saga. i read it all through. i like it but its not for everyone. and no one is spoiling anything for anyone because i intentionally wrote the page number and not what they did so its all cool. personally i think that j.r.r. tolkien gave frodo and sam some issues, but hey thats just me. i just glad that aragorn and legolas dont got those types of issues! :p check out my picture! my favorite characters from the movie!!! :blush:
  14. ok. i can do veran but what is that pig thing? the guy who rose from the fires of despair, sorrow and hatred(?) How do you beat him.
  15. in oracle of ages how do you destroy the final cave boss in the game? first you use the sword, then what when he changes forms.? i heard he changes forms like seven times!!! HELP!!!
  16. In the third LOTR movie, which comes out December 2003, do you think that they'll show the whole thing of Sam and Frodo...ON page...889...In "The Return of the King"....I'd really like to know what you think.....
  17. THE LADY IS YOUR MOTHER!!! issac's mother that is. yeah the game is great! but still its really hard if your bad with RPG's. but the bad part is that after the mercury lighthouse it ends. gotta wait for the sequel. im now in the mercury lighthouse and im working on the fusion dragon. its impossible because my HP is down with my first battle with Saturos and Menardi. But hey, its not impossible. And I agree when this guy says if you didn't figure out she was your mother, you should sell your game. or better yet...quit RPG's and all video games ALL TOGETHER!!!! :flaming:
  18. i like link because he has an amazing power but then again legolas is so cool because he has such a good archer. :D yet a book and video game character cannot be so easily compared.
  19. yeah i just got to tolbi :drunk:
  20. wheres the boulder? i went to the docks to go to tolbi and they wont set sail and i already got the anchor. so what do i do wheres the bolder?!
  21. 200th episode is too make nude. wont show it. edit would make it hideous. pity. i like the starlight saga... and what about yuten and the rest who go girl-guy-girl? its a great saga but too contrevertial
  22. zoids is a very cheap orginal type of anime show. violence and no plot
  23. in gs what do we do after beating the water monsters in altin?
  24. yeah right. nappa and vegeta were on a mission. earlier in the movie vegeta got bored killing saibamen and asked for a mission from freezia. he got one and so did nappa and thats what saved their lives. vegeta is my favorite character so im happy he lived. he was very adorable (and disgruntled) as a child.
  25. in the bardock special (movie) bardock told his friends at a bar that freezia was going to kill them all but they just laughed at him. then he went by himself to attack freezia. they people behide him were freezia's henchman who he sacrificed to kill all the sayains. but in the series, bardock lead an assault on freezia. and king vegeta went for freezia himself. the two contradict. it makes no sense. did the sayains attack freezia or did they not know until it was too late?!
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