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Everything posted by Zeta
All right, this seems to be going nowhwere. We just keep repeating what we all ready have said, lol. I am going to go with Sciros on this. It's no big deal. We are all entitled to our own opinions and views. Mine is that the movies do follow the games just not in the same straight forwardness, yours is that they don't at all. We can leave it at that, heh. I have seen Night of the Living Dead. I personally, didn't like it at all.
I ask you, how on earth, could everything in the games be fit into the movies? You seem to be a stickler on everything being too little of the game. Mortal Kombat eh? Exactly. One movie, you can't name any others. One movie being close to the game, isn't that big of something to brag about. And again, it is a fighting game. It isn't that hard of a movie to make. It's story was simple. Fight through the "lesser bosses" to get to the big boss. When it comes to movies like Resident Evil and Alien vs. Predator, the stories are more complex. Things have to be left out, things have to be added. Things have to be changed around. Anyone can make a fighting movie like that of Mortal Kombat. [b]And they are two characters out of what is a Quadrilogy of games, with many different interweaving storylines. Too little, too late.[/b] Again, I say, that everything cannot be added to the movie. A quadriligoy of games, yes, with many characters. I agree with you there. You cannot fit everything in. You just can't. Even if everything is written in the script, many parts will be cut for time issues, or money problems. Just because Romero has a script going into detail about characters and stuff, does not mean that it would be in it. People basically see the RE movies [i]for[/i] the action. It is what draws people to movies. Honestly, who wants to watch someone go around looking for a key to open a door? Just because the games are survival horror, doesn't mean the movies [i]can[/i] be that. Now if someone had the money, the time, and the patience to go around a film someone walking around looking for keys and shields, all the power to them. Only the diehard fans would go and see that. Watching stuff like that onscreen is [i]boring[/i]. People want action, and action is what they got. To go with what you said about the two characters comment again [b]But on a really small level." And that's not enough.[/b] That is all that can be really put into movies such as these. You can't have the whole mansion episode leading up to the entrance of the lab. No one wants to see that. They saw it in the game. More could have been done with the mansion, but not to the scale that I seem to be getting from your comments. It would be one long as heck movie had he done that stuff. When movies drag out like that, they only get worse, until an explosive part where it picks up, then dies down again. EDIT: I just wanted to say, I am not trying to change your own feelings on the movie. I am only point out that the movie does follow the game quite well at parts, just not in the way that we are accustomed(sp) to like in the game.
Sorry if you saw me posting this earlier, and didn't actually post it. I was half way through and remembered I had school, lol. It is all explained in my post. All right, that Romero guy fit everything into the movie, all right? How often does everything in a particular game/book get added into a movie? There are ALWAYS large chuncks missing from each. You can never get the exactness of what you truly want. Had Romero made the movie, I am sure a good deal of it could have been cut out for expenses...time issues, etc.. Maybe saying following the story was a little bit too much o n my part. What I should have said, is that they follow the [i]basic[/i] gist of the storyline. You get me? The Nemesis chasing STARS members and Jill trying to get out of the town are in both movie and game. The mansion is in the game, but on a really small level. A type of entrance to the labratory in the game, but instead of the lab being under the mansion, he uses it as the entrance to the lab under Raccoon City from the second game. Jill and Carlos get to gether in both movie and game, and are trying to escape the city. The get together, and basically do what they did in the game, just not against the Nemesis, a small little deviation to the plot. But again, the Nemesis stuck to his programming like that from the game, until Alice came in. Again, I admit, I shoudn't have said the movie follows alomst exactly to the letter, that was a little much. What a lot of people are doing is that they are just watching the movie and comparing it to the games. Most people want it to be straight forward, just like the game. What I mean by that is that it follows the games exactly as they are. Things like that don't happen though in movies from games or books for that matter. I don't care about that guys script. Had he made the movie, I can bet that it wouldn't follow the movies as well. Things have to be changed when making a movie. They cant be as they were. Just because he has a good script, doesn't mean the movie will be great, or better than someone elses. When you actually take the time to [i]watch[/i] the movie for what it is, you will see that it does follow the storyline. It doesn't follow the story of the games to the letter like I said, but it does follow the story. It follows the story when you look past what you see, and realize that the Nemesis is still going after STARS and other things are as well. They just aren't as straight forward as they are in the games. No movies have all the things that people wish they can have in it. All the details from all the games would not be able to make it in a movie, it is foolish to think so, even if it is written in a script. Star Wars had many scenes in the script that never made it to the movie, and that wasn't even a game to movie, but just plain written out.
Personally, I love the movie. It is a great movie. It is what I have been wanting in a Resident Evil movie since I first got into the series. Granted it doesn't follow the games piece by piece, it still does hold a close consistency to them. Siren, I don't see how you can say that the movie didn't follow the games at all. That the only things in common are Umbrella and the name Resident Evil. There are many parts of the games in the movies, just not in the way they were portrayed in the games. That doesn't mean the movies don't follow the game though. The mansion [i]is[/i] in the movie. Granted there isn't much time spent in it, which I would have loved to see, it is still in the first movie. It is a small consistency yes, but it follows the game. The labratory from Resdident Evil 2 is in the first movie, under Raccoon City like in the game, they just gave it a name in the movie. It wasn't a labratory such as seen in the game, but it was a labratory nontheless with the creation of the T virus, and the licker type of creature. [spoiler] I really don't think that Jill and Carlos' appearence was brief at all. They were a major part of the movie, just not in the sense they were portrayed in the game. In the game Jill and Carlos get together, as well as in the movie. I myself find them a major part of the movie, had it not been for them, then I could see the movie as not following anything from the games. And if they make another movie, considering the ending leaves open to another movie, you can bet that Jill and Carlos will be big players in it.It isn't hard to see that one coming.[/spoiler] [spoiler] I was actually quite surprised that the Nemesis actually followed, and practically fullfilled his programming to destroy the STARS members just like in the game. Again it was done differently in the movie, but it was still following the game. He finds the STARS members, and is programmed to kill them. He does. Now when you look at it closely, he was hunting down the last two STARS members when he killed Peyton on the bridge. It wasn't until after that his main target was Alice. His programming was changed when the Umbrella employess saw Alice there and changed his mission so to speak. The mission of the Nemesis is followed practically to the letter until Alice comes into the picture at that moment.[/spoiler] [spoiler] The UBCS and the RPD battles with the zombies are also in there, following that part of the game too. Hell, they even brought the beginning of Resident Evil 3 Nemesis into the movie which was awesome.[/spoiler] With any movie, you have to add things to get it a decent length and to be a good movie. Had the things in Apocalypse not been added that had nothing to do with the game, it would have been like what, an hour long? It could possibly have been less. When you look at it closely, the movie actually does follow the game quite a lot. With only the absence of the [soiler] RPD station part of the game[/spoiler] there really isn't anything else [i]major[/i] missing. I know that there are things missing here and there, but they really aren't needed to complete the movie. The movie followed the games quite near to the letter, with only a few things added in, and a few taken out.
All right, phew thank goodness. I was worried for a little. I am using Netscape at the moment, my IE is acting strange and stuff. o_0 I just tried CoD again, and if anything, that little problem appears to be worse. Instead of flickering for a few seconds then going to a darker screen, it flickers quite a bit, and for about a minute before going to the dark screen. The Omega drivers I am using are based off the 4.8. I was using Catalyst 4.7 before in case you might need to know.
Well I managed to get the Omega drivers to work. But I got this little error thing when I was installing and took a picture of. I clicked continue anyway, but am just curious if anyone would see a problem coming out of this. ^_^;; Attached is a screenshot of the "problem." Hrmm....it seems to show up all blurry and stuff. Anyone else getting that problem? Yeah I probably figured it was a driver issue. But I heard bad reviews of 4.9 from friends so I was hesitant to try them. Hopefully the problem isn't still around with these new drivers I have.
All right, to begin with I have a 9800 Pro. Just in case my card has something to do with the problems. 1) When I play Call of Duty, and accidently hit the Windows button, or if I have AIM open and the small notification that someone has logged on pops up(I use DeadAIM), my screen goes dark. I am still able to see everything, but it is just much darker than it usually is. It only happens when I hit the windows button, or the AIM thing happens. Any idea why? 2) In the past months, I have tried to install those Omega drivers for my card.Everyone but me seems to get it right away, lol. I uninstall my old drivers and my ati control panel, and begin to install them. But for some reason at this one step, it asks me something that I do not know, and am not able to finish installing. Ill get back to you with that, I am going to try downloading them again.
uhh...I don't know if this was deliberate or not. But ont he banner it says Redefined 10/01/04. It is still only September. ^_^;; Unless that means something else is going to be happening on October 1st? Just thought to point that out, just in case.
I would still run a quick Spyware scan, just in case. Maybe a virus scan as well. That is all I can see as being wrong. What are your computers specs? That is all I can really say on the matter, not too knowledgable on this stuff, heh. If that doesn't work, wait for a smart computer techie from here help ya.
How would you feel if some kind wore a shirt with anything linked to terrorists? Wether it be the 9/11 attack. I personally would be digusted by this. Only if it was in a bad way of course. Such as a plane shown flying right into the WTC. Now if it were a shirt that was sort of a "memorial" I can accept that. I think your princple is right. Schools make up their own rules, and enforce them. I am sure somewhere in an assignment notebook/planner the rules are in an easy to read format. Wether it be a shirt with a pot leaf, or a beer bottle, he/she can do what they want. Besides, your in high school, that crap is illegal for us young'ns, no point in letting people flaunt it and give people ideas that they can wear what they want no matter what. The simple solution is this, read the rules, see what is allowed, and if you have questions, ask. And when you find out, follow the rules. Again, schools can make their own rules and enforce. Out of all the schools I have been too, things like that are not allowed. Deal with it and wear it outside of school. Besides, wearing the shirt inside out is better than having to wear a white shirt with DCV in bold Orange letters on it. DCV stands for Dress Code Violation. So I think you got it pretty easy. ;-)
Even though this may sound kind of mean, I don't mean to be. My mom is probably the most annoying persom I know, lol. Every single second I hear "Mattt!!" Do this, do that, why haven't you done this yet, why can you blah blah. It gets quite annoying. And then the way she always says to keep my music or T.V. low, when I am right next to the things and I myself can't even hear it, heh. If I am not allowed to do that or something, heh, the most annoying person I know would have to be a new "friend" of mine from when I moved to Georgia this year. He was cool for the little time I knew him at the end of last year, but this year....eeekkk!! Every second I hear that "fashizzle" and "haught" whatever that means, lol. Or the constant sitting down and him reaching over you and pinching you. >_> Oh man, it gets on my nerves. Im sick of him, and it is kinda sad too, he was like my first friend down here, heh.
Ahh yes, better keep those on the low down, heh. I know it says three, but I just have SOO many albums that are important to me. Ill Nino-Confession Oh my God. I love it. When it Cuts is a song that I just love. LOTS of crazy and fun times when I listened to this all the time. A christmas break that will be remembered by all who lived it last year, greatest time of my life. Numb. Ahhhh man! I love it. Might as well just say the whole damn CD! I love Ill Nino. Again, it holds special place in my heart, and I am sure to some of my friends back home.
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
Zeta replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, lol. And Scotty saying he will no longer drive with me, lolol. Another one was when I was running up the stairs and school, and tripped, but instead of falling forwar, I fell backwards. o_0 Stll don't know how I accomplished that. -
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
Zeta replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
*cough* I wanted to see that -_- Mine would probably have to be.....driving home in the winter, and trying to make a right turn. For some reason I didn't slow down, and spun over the curb, tried to regain control and just missed a stop sign, and slid down a hill into the soccer field. I proceded to get out of the soccer field and drove out and almost hit the rear end of my friends car when I tried to stop for the new stop sign. Needless to say, some of the people in my car wouldn't let me hear the end of it. -_- -
Woah man, woah man. Yeah I did....-_- what up yo! Oh and I have another, Switchfoot. Not mainly a full CD, but really just two songs. Meant to Live and Dare you to Move. I love em. Listened to them in the car so many times, again, fond memories associated with this song.
Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory no doubt. I remember getting it kind of close to its relase date, maybe a week or two after, and man was I in love. I listened to it all the time while playing Starcraft. IT is all I would listen to for months. Cold-Year of the Spider Wow is all I can say for this one. I just love it, from the first track to the last. Granted I got it a little while, more like a long while, after it first came out, I picked it up one day at Best Buy when my friend and I went at 8 in the morning, staying up all night. Popped it in and just fell in love. For weeks, hell possibly months, it is all friends and I would listen to when we were out and about driving, which was 98% of the time. Sooo many memories to this CD, I have to love it. Resident Evil: Apocalypse soundtrack What can I say, I just love the CD. Even better bands on this one, like Cold...Lacuna Coil.....The Cure. I love it. Besides, I love Resident Evil, everything mind you, even if it does suck, lol.
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Zeta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I don't think so. If you look at it, depening on how you look at it that is, you will see that it is not an [i]American[/i] democracy per se. The American democracy is just built off of pre-existing examples of democracy in the Ancient Greek, and I think Roman(not too sure about this one, can someone confirm this? Im pretty sure early Rome was a democracy). All he is doing is taking the ideas of democracy from where we learned, and trying to pass them on so others may benefit. I think he expects them to just have a democracy as their government. And with the United States being the most powerful democracy out there, he just uses us as an example. Just as we used the ancient Greeks as an inspiration in a way. -
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Zeta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
de·moc·ra·cy Audio pronunciation of "Democracy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-mkr-s) n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies [b] 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.[/b] 2. A political or social unit that has such a government. 3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. 4. Majority rule. 5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community. Which is exactly what the United States is. So I think it fair to call the United States a democracy. Taken off of dictionary.com. -
Yeah, I know what it is, lol. I just slapped it together to see if anyone could help me with my question concerning borders. Just a quick banner so people can see what I am talking about. And now that I look at it, it seems as if the border doesn't even go along the top and bottom? Anyone else see this?
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Zeta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=James][color=#707875]When you are the only superpower left, you [i]are[/i] the police of the world. So it's not just a matter of who thinks it, it's a matter of what the reality is. And let me tell you, it's a whole lot nicer to have America as the global police than China or Russia.[/color][/QUOTE] Just want to agree with James here. He is right. With the US being the only superpower, we are the police of the world, because we are the only ones who can do it. If Britain was still the strongest power, they would be the "police force", just like they were when they ruled quite a big swath of the world. Taking Economics this year, my views on the President and the role of the economy has changed. I was always under the impression that it was the President that controlled the economy. But in reality, it is really the people that do. The government was made to have little or no interference with the economy. Though of course there will be times when it is needed to regulate certain matters and such. Sorry about that straying there, I just felt I should say what taking an economics class for a few weeks opened my eyes and made me realize I don't know all that much about this country's workings. -
Hey folks really simple banner this time to find out how to do something. Al I really did was crop a picture and put it into a banner. How do you make nifty looking banner borders? Like, a border that has a line going through the middle around it. Do you know what i mean? I have looked at tutorials and everything, but they talk about things I don't even know how to get to on PS, version 7 by the way. I was wondering if there was a real easy way?
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Zeta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Well, my reasons for voting my way aren't as in depth as some people, since I really don't pay attention to politics. But I am voting for Bush. I don't see what the problem is with him, I understand where people are coming from, but I don't agree wtih it. The things that Bush has done would have to be done sooner or later under another presidency. Then it wouldn't be Bush we were attacking, but the other guy. Of course I think he could have done things different here and there, but again, sooner or later these things would be done. Instead of blaming Bush, you should blame the past presidents who didn't do things that allowed all the stuff to happen i n the future. Had they acted on it beforehand, things could be different by now. That is my view on the matter anyways. So yeah, I'm going for Bush. Besides, I don't want to see the face of Kerry on the cover of Time. It wouldn't even fit! -
I don't think you will be dissapointed at all. I went into reading it with kind of low hopes for it because I wasn't that big of a fan of Lucenos Agents of Chaos books. Those two books just didn't really have a NJO feel to them, for some reason I just didn't like them all too much, compared to the others at least. But this blew me out of my seat. Star by Star is my favorite, but this is a close second. The battles are very well done. Old characters make appearences that I just freaked out at because I was so happy. Yes, you really don't think you will be dissapointed. The only thing I was angry about was that the NJO was over once I put the book down. :-(
All right folks, I am not even going to bother replying. I had my response all typed out and everything, hit the post button and voila it didn't post. We'll just leave it where it is at now. I don't feel like having to type my response up for a third time. Anyway, when you finish the Unifying Force, tell me how you liked it. I personally loved it, great ending to a great series.