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Everything posted by Zeta
I intreprated it the way I did. There is no right or wrong answer. We do not know what he is talking about. You cannot say it with any more certainty that I can say mine is the right answer. You haven't proved anything. I am showing you that it is entirely pausible for the Arabs to know such things. And I am showing you that things can be interpreted in many ways. Who is to say he actually means true seas? We don't know that.
[QUOTE]Sure they were smart, but they didn't not have the technology to know these things. Galileo lived almost a thousand years later and people were mocking him for stating that the Earth was not flat! [/QUOTE] As I said, the Greeks found the circumfrence of the earth. Where is Greece situated? Europe. With basic math they were able to figure out the circumfrence of the earth. Hundreds of years before Galileo, the greeks and Romans knew the earth was round. Before his time. Which means the people of the time were very, very smart. The reason being that they argued that the Earth was flat was all of the stuff going around in the Medieval times. You believe something for so long that you don't want it to change. So yes, I think it is entirely plausible that the Arabs could figure out many a thing. And you made a point in and of itself. [QUOTE]He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Qur'an, 55:19-20)[/QUOTE] I myself interpreted that as Heaven and Hell, with Earth itself being the barrier. *shrug*
[QUOTE]And then some of you will still assume that the Quran has been changed over time. There are very old copies of the Quran however, just a century after Muhammad's time, whose text is identical to the copies we use today.[/QUOTE] That is still what? 100 years? That is 100 years from when it was originally written. Again, who is it to say that it couldn't have been changed? We have the one from 100 years after he wrote it being copied word for word. [QUOTE]People would not have known any of these things back then.[/QUOTE] People were pretty smart back then as well. It is quite possible that they knew that. Ancient Greeks (I belive it was them) managed to find the circumfrence of the Earth, and knew the world was. It is entirely pausible that they knew some of the stuff you mentioned.
I don't believe that the writings in the Bible have changed at all. If you meant that there are many different versions of the Bible then yes. Throughout the years people have decided what to put and not to put into certain Bibles yes, but I do not believe that they changed what was actually written. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, lets say that people have changed the writings of Christianity's Bible. Ok, sure, people have done it. You claim that the Quran has never been changed. I would like to see proof. Show me the first completed one and show to me it is the same word for word. If you can provide me with that, I will believe you in a heartbeat. *shrug* Maybe I am not looking into this deep enough or exactly what you are saying.But as you said it has been 1400 years. A long time. Things can change. [QUOTE]However, the Quran has no author. Anyone who writes a book would put their name on it, but their is no name on the Quran.[/QUOTE] Authors don't always put their names into the books. In my Bible books such as Genesis, Deuteronomy have no clearly stated authors. I just watched a History Channel show about them trying to find the authors of various books of the Bible.
Oh geeze, I love BoB. I still remember where I was when I watched each episode when it first aired on HBO. My favorite episodes are the ones concerning the Battle of the Bulge (Bastogne and Foy and those ones) I had them all downloaded for quite awhile but I was sick of the kind of grainy quality of 'em. I went out and bought the box set last week. Been watching them ever since.
I myself wouldn't mind an option for it. I myself don't like the idea of putting it in our sigs either. Would look odd seeing "male/female" in there next to some lyrics of a song/what have you.*shrug* It isn't a matter of caring to the utmost about it. It is a matter of it getting annoying after awhile when you are constantly being referred to as a guy/girl is what Chabichou is talking about. What harm will there be if there is a small option in your profile for you to specify what your gender is? If you wish to show which you are, go for it. If you don't, leave it blank. It doesn't harm anyone.
Yeah I have heard of them. When I visited Wisconsin over the summer my friend CHarlie got me listening to them. Unfortunately I forgot a good deal of their songs. One song I really liked by them is Golden I. I think that is how it is, rather than eye, heh. *shrug* I really liked em. I just don't remember the names of the songs that I really liked.
I enjoyed this game immensely. A redeeming game for the Gamecube for me in my mind. I myself find the system to be worthless, but that is just my opinion. Anyways? I really enjoyed the cut scenes. Very good looking and crisp, much more so than Halo, but that is a different story. ^_^;; The graphics in game are very nice too. I really enjoyed the setting of this game. The small Spanish village and castle was a very welcome change from the usual hi-tech laboratory setting. The merchant was an unexpected change for me. He was really cool of course, but he just didn?t have that RE feel for me. I preferred the picking up of weapons around the ground to the buying them. That has the more traditional RE feel to it. But again, that is just me. The upgrading of weapons was really nice as well, especially when it came time to fight Gigantors (I think that is its name?) and others. The merchants shooting game was a very nice break from the usual running around corridors and shooting up parasitic guys though. Sadly, I am horrible at it. >_> I only have won one prize so far, though I honestly haven?t played it too much since I beat it sadly. I also very much enjoyed the dodge aspect added. I found that too cool, especially when you are fighting that marine dude (forgot his name). That was one very awesome scene. My biggest gripe(s) with the game was the diminished role of Umbrella. [spoiler]Yes I know Ada and the marine dude were working for them and trying to get samples of the parasite and what not[/spoiler] I myself wish they had a much larger role. I also missed the presence of the T/G/ whatever letter it is now virus. That is what made RE for me and I missed it sorely. L But overall it was a very enjoyable game.
I would just go with a nice 45-80 gig hard drive. I am assuming that you don't have an insane amount of stuff saved if you only have a 15 gig one right now. No need to fork over the dough for an insane amount of space you won't use. I have one 80 gig hard drive, and one 40 gig hard drive in my rig. I have stacks of games including Doom 3, HL2, Halo, CoD, and many many others installed, with hundreds of songs, full movie downloads, as well as homework things and just random junk. Haven't even touched my second hard drive yet. External hard drives are very nice yes, but I personally hate stuff all over my desk. *shrug* Personal prefereance I guess.
My first experience with death was when my dad died in 2001. Was in the hospital for a week with leukemia. I cried for a few months. Whenever I would look at his room, his desk, etc..Anything that reminded me of him. My friends helped me out quite a bit. They were there for me when I needed them the most. Most of all though I think it was myself that managed to cope with it. I tried to be in my dads shoes looking down on me and realized he wouldn't want me to be this way. He would want me to continue on living as normal as I possibly can.
I myself would not want anything done after Episode III is finished. All the EU has the OT characters in it as well as new ones. But who would they get to play the OT characters? Everyone is getting old. :( It wouldn't be the same if they had someone else playing them. Episode III is going to be a doozy for me. I am excited. I have watched that special behind the scenes thing on the OT DVDs God knows how many times. And each time I watch I get the shivers. Going to fight with my life to get to a midnight showing. I will drive half way across the state if I have to, heh. I am seeing this at a midnight showing, or at least opening day. Can't wait. :D
Having recently watched Scream 2 after a good couple of years I went out and bought the box set. Great movies. Quite possibly my favorite movies. Anyways... Here is a banner I made. The pictures may look kind of grainy because...well...I haven't been able to find too many Scream sites out there, let alone ones with good pictures. The font I used is the font from the credits I believe, heh. Kinda plain, but it works for meh. Now onto my question. The background. After making the background and everything I wanted to flip it and have it be on the top and bottom. You know, have one on the bottom and one on the top merge in the center. But when I duplicate my original and flip it I cannot merge them. All my options for merging are greyed out. I can't merge down, merge visible, or flatten image. I am unable to do the hotkeys as well. Any ideas on why that is?
[quote name='James][color=#DC4A1B']I think the scariest game I've ever played was the first Silent Hill. The story, characters and setting all really created a brilliant mood. The disorientation and sense of claustrophobia was fantastic.[/color][/quote] I cannot agree more. This game made me squeal like a schoolgirl for the short amount of time that I played. I couldn't play the game for more than a half hour. The fact that I had no idea how to get past the holes in every road or what not is beyond the point, heh. I haven't touched any of the other Silent Hill games. Too scared, heh. The Resident Evil games never really scared me. Sure there are a few things that made me jump and what not, but not anything to really scare me. Now if we can include computer games...Doom 3 by far. Playing in the middle of the day with all my lights on, I still jump and squeal. Great game.
[QUOTE] Originally Posted by ChibiHorsewoman Ok, so some of us who are replyingto this thread may not have smoked MJ, but some of us have seen the effects that Marijuana has had on people close to us. One of my friends had a misscarriage, my brother's friend was shot at. And my brother lost a few jobs.[/QUOTE] You made it seem as if she had a misscarriage because of smoking marijuana. And if what you say about how much, or how little she smokes, the misscarriage was not because of the marijuana. I am assuming you mean bowl/one smoking session a day. Bong is the device, you cannot smoke one bong a day, heh. But ya, one bowl/one smoking session a day will not cause a misscarriage. It probably doesn't even get one high to begin with, heh, depending on the stuff.
I myself am a big fan of the original Halo. I loved the single player. It was the reason why I bought an X-Box, heh, though I am sure that is the reason for a lot of people. My friend brought in the players manual to school and I went and bought it that night. I never get tired of the single player. Played it through on all difficulties, and then played it through them all again with a friend. We even drew out maps at a few parts to get some sort of strategy going on Legendary. The multiplayer of the first was good as well. I am not a fan of console multiplayer, but this is an exception. Back in Wisconsin we would have LAN parties like every weekend and we would just play it for hours. Staying up all night drinking Mountain Dew, and yelling our butts off at each other for killing us, fun times. Halo 2 is a different story for me. I don't like it at all. The story put me to sleep at a few parts of the game, I literally fell asleep. The cutscenes look like crap to me. Jaggy edges, dodgy textures, not what I was expecting from a game that took so long to make. I don't like the multiplayer on it either. Don't know why, it just doesn't tickle me the right way. Border line below average game for me. FarCry and Call of Duty rock.
If you are using Photoshop 7 you can use the extract tool, filter>extract. Just outline what you want to extract and then fill it. Works really well. I don't know if it is the same for other versions of Photoshop if you are using one of them. Seven is just what I use. ^_^;
I am addicted to this....thing that is green....god what is its name? I think it is a plant...I am not too sure....Myan! what is its name?! :nervous: Aha! That is right, marijuana. :p What am I addicted to? Arizona Green Tea. I can't get enough of that stuff. I have at least 10 jugs of this stuff out in my garage, waiting for me. The next one always tastes better, heh. I am addicted to buying computer parts. That is my number one addiction right now. I have been buying things like crazy for my computer. New motherboard, new heatsink/fan, power supply, memory...I have to stop. >_< Stuff I don't even need, lol. And Knights of the Old Republic 2. That game has my life right now. Must play. Taking all my will power to not play right now. ^_^;; :love:
[QUOTE]Zeta, it is fact that marijuana use impairs your perception, short-term memory and cognitive reasoning for a brief period of time.[/QUOTE] Which is what I said here: [QUOTE][b]Judging by that and other posts of that nature, I don't think Siren actually knows what in the short term itself means. In the short term means when you are actually stoned, just as Syk3 said.[/b] The last part of that post does make sense. But again, it hasn't happened to me as he claimed it has. I have not displayed any of those characteristics. I can remember back as far as I have always been able to. I can remember exactly what I was doing Christmas Break 2003, and January through April of 2004. Those are times in which I shouldn't be able to remember things based on what Siren is saying, because I was stoned practically every day.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Zeta clearly has an axe to grind and he doesn't seem to really acknowledge the harmful properties of the drug. [/QUOTE] I have acknowledged it James. But I don't believe it can be entirely truthful in the respect that I am looking at. What about the test subjects? Does the disorder run in the family? Do they all ready have it? Provide me with that information and if all the subjects do not have either of those characteristics I will glady rescind my comments and admit I was wrong. Again what I [i]have[/i] been saying in this entire topic is this: Marijuana is not as bad as everyone seems to think it it. You can look throughout my posts and see for yourself the countless times I have said this. [QUOTE]Morpheous said in the thread Falsely Accused that I posted saying that marijuana was harmless. Not true. I never said such a thing. I have repeated over and over, that I know it isn't harmless.[b] But what I have said is that it is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. there is a difference between that and saying it is harmless.[/b] Siren also said this, whether he wants to believe it or not. It is right here Siren:[/QUOTE] Right there for example.
You are right, I don't know about pregnancy...but how can you not show it? Are you saying not showing it right away or do you mean throughout the entire pregnancy? I know you won't see it right at the start and such, but you can actually not show pregnancy? o_0 But I mean seriously, if you have sex and there is the possibilty of you getting pregnant you should check. [QUOTE]Yeah, I found out you're right about that. I just asked my brother...the one that got clean after he saw his friend shot. So I appologize about that...I think I should just stick to what I know....Like abortion, politics and being pregnant.[/QUOTE] I was hoping you would have said something different so I could have brought my oh so wonderful example of why you were wrong. But, seeing as how you now know the truth on that matter, that is all that matters. Hrmm....Syk3 and I were right all along on this subject...I wonder what else we have been right about? ;) [QUOTE] Ah, I see, someone forced you to do it...sorry, I know that's a bit sarcastic on my part. But you're saying that if legalized people would have the right to choose if they wanted to get high or not. You mean that they don't now?[/QUOTE] Oh no, we do have the choice. We have the choice to smoke a substance that isn't what the government makes it out to be. A substance that isn't addicting and a substance doesn't cause problems in the way you are taught. But what we do have is the ability to get hauled off to jail because of our choice. Get hauled off to jail by a government that is unwilling to change their views on marijuana, given all the evidence that they are not 100% right in what they believe about it.
[QUOTE] She also didn't know she was pregnant until the second month and was -as you are as well-addicted. And you're an idiot for starting as well.[/QUOTE] You can't become addicted to marijuana. See the other marijuana thread from awhile back for further information on this subject. Syk3 has been smoking for less than I have. I have been smoking for years. I am not addicted. Why is that? I haven't smoked for months now due to the fact that I have no money and the money that I do get goes to making my computer better. He is not addicted, trust me, lol. Neither am I. Neither is the person who has been smoking for 20+ years. [QUOTE]HOw is job loss, from having to submit to drug tests, an underlying problem? And getting shot...well maybe if the idiot hadn't been trying to go and buy drugs in the first place he wouldn't have gotten shot at. Neither of them would have had these problems if it wasn't for getting involved with doing drugs in the first place[/QUOTE] He wouldn't have to go to the black market to get some if it were legalized. [QUOTE]But you're talking about legalization for recreational purposes so you can relieve 'stress'. I'm against that.[/QUOTE] Are you against someone doing it for those reasons of relieving stress now? ( p.s. that isn't the only reason why one smokes) If you are not against those reasons now, then what will it matter if it is legalized and they do it for the same reasons? [QUOTE] Because,amazingly enough, when you use a toothbrush and toothpaste you can brush your teeth and get rid of plaque. Isn't that amazing?! You can also do this crazy thing called excersize. It works really really good.[/QUOTE] Amazingly enough if you exercise and have a healthy diet you can keep yourself healthy even if you smoke weed. Works really good as well. [QUOTE]I can jump all over marijuana as you keep whining about because marijuana does have serious effects on unborn babies even when done in moderation. Those are the facts. Unbiased nuetural facts.[/QUOTE] My apologies as to how this will sound. You have to be one huge idiot to smoke while pregnant. If drinking is bad for you and you are pregnant, it is common sense that doing anything of the sort, whether it be smoking cigarettes or marijuana will also cause problems. She has no one to blame but herself. *waves* Bye Siren
[QUOTE]Ok, so some of us who are replyingto this thread may not have smoked MJ, but some of us have seen the effects that Marijuana has had on people close to us.[/QUOTE] Seeing the effects are different than actually doing it first hand. I wonder how many people who claim their problems are from marijuana had some underlying problem to begin with. Show me the evience that it these things (disorders etc...) come from marijuana use alone, and I will admit I was wrong. [QUOTE]There is good and bad in everything in this world. There are health benefits to marijuana it can be used as a pain reliever. And there are also consequeces with marijuana.[/QUOTE] Which is what Syk3 and myself have been saying. It isn't 100% bad, but not 100% good. That means the same thing as what I have been saying throughout this topic, [i]it isn't as bad as it seems.[/i]
Sorry it took so long. Kept getting the operation timed out thing when going back to previous pages. [QUOTE]I'm rationalizing? Amusing, to say the least. Your friend?s GPA did drop within four years, by the way. During his first two years, he had a 4.0. Now you say he?s got a 3.8/3.9 (and the inclusion of the slash there leads me to believe it?s not all that close to a 3.9, anyway). He?s been smoking for longer than you have. I hardly think it?s just pure coincidence that his grades have declined (minimize it as much as you will?that is a clear, undeniable decline within the years he?s smoked pot) in the same years he?s been smoking marijuana.[/QUOTE] Throughout high school, your classes get harder, no? As he got farther into high school, he started taking AP Physics, AP Calc, AP US History, etc.. He got a job. I think it is fair that the amount of AP classes (all of after sophomore year since you cannot take them before junior year at this school) and the time spent on his job is enough to drop a GPA a neglible amount. But hey if you still want to say the pot harmed his grades, it obviously didn't screw with him to a degree that makes him stupid. His grades dropped the measly amount because he is overloaded with schoolwork and balancing his time between it and his job. [QUOTE]?At least?? That sounds like language used to hide GPA fluctuation occurring within the years of heavy marijuana consumption. By the way, call it rationalizing if you must, but it's not hard at all to nab a 3.7 GPA, even in AP courses. You read the material. You do the work. That's it. There are no tricks. It's all straightforward. You don't need to be gifted at all to do well in high school, regardless of the course. And do you honestly believe that you?re doing the best you can in high school?[/QUOTE] If by a fluctuating GPA you mean the lowest GPA I get is a 3.7 and the rest of the time my grades are above a 3.7, and then you are correct. Yes I know you read the material. But the fact of the matter is, is that the weed would be showing its effects on me right now as we speak. It doesn't matter if it is high school or college. It will be showing up now. And yes I am doing the best I can in high school. Throughout all my school years I have stayed constant. Every now and then I do bad on a test, homework assignment or two, which keeps me from my 4.0. But hey, I am completely happy with my GPA and the fact that me smoking hasn't affected it at all. [QUOTE]Did you ever consider that maybe people aren't too keen on reading what you have to say because you're not exactly acting responsibly by getting high whenever you can, or...what seems to be either going to school high, or getting high during the school day? That's grounds for Suspension at least, and probably looking at Expulsion in some cases (not to mention required Rehab). You want to talk lack of common sense? You?ve said you go to school high. You?ve said you take exams while high. Yes, I?m sure that people aren?t too eager to read your posts simply because of what I?m saying.[/QUOTE] *shrug* If the wish it that is their choice. But they are reading my posts, at least some of them are. But what you are trying to do is get them to not read my posts, by making me seem like an incoherent fool. The Star Wars topic has no bearing on this topic at all. No need to bring it in, lol. [QUOTE]Zeta, I find it highly amusing that you still don?t believe I browsed those sites, simply because I?m not suddenly criticizing the government, praising marijuana, and spreading some propaganda rhetoric about marijuana being useful in opening up minds and getting creative juices flowing (And let?s face it. That?s exactly why you don?t want to believe me?because I haven?t ?converted.?). Let?s not forget some of the basic, common sense of ?don?t abuse drugs.? I hadn?t realized that DARE and anti-drug services weren?t getting that message across. Oh, yes, the so-called ?argument debunkers? on the one site there that labeled some anti-drug arguments as ?empty logic? are oh-so invaluable. But it?s such a crime that I visited the sites you love and I?m not coming out a pothead, eh?[/QUOTE] I do not want to force you to convert. If you had truly and fully looked around the sites then great for you. You would see that a lot of what I say is backed up for much more evidence than I have put forth here. If you did look around carefully and not just skim over it for a few minutes that is all I can ask for. You didn't come out thinking like me, ok. But I will still try to defend my post. The post was also directed at everyone else, not entirely to just you. [QUOTE]You?d like to tell me that I?ve been putting words in your mouth, when the above paragraph is quoted directly from a previous post of yours? You?re implying that marijuana has not damaged your functions at all. Your above paragraph says ?I function perfectly while high.? I?m putting words in your mouth?what rubbish.[/QUOTE] I do, lol. You can't talk on this subject because you have not smoked. You do not know what it is like when being high. You have complete control of yourself. You are not like you are when drunk. That is the advantage of being high over being drunk, you have complete control. Sure I make have the occasional laughing fit if something is really funny, but I still have complete control over my ability to walk, carry on conversations, etc.. [QUOTE]My interpretive skills apparently aren?t as sharp as our pot-head friends here, but the message I?m getting from those paragraphs is MJ?s negative effects are negligible at most, which effectively translates into ?pot has no ill effects at all.? Read between the lines in your own post, Zeta.[/QUOTE] You must go and re-read what you posted earlier. Those paragraphs are directly from your posts saying this: [QUOTE]Yes, you've had first-hand experience with pot. Yes, you've smoked it extensively throughout your life. If there are negative side-effects (which according to Harvard University...there are negative side-effects), then surely you would be showing evidence of those side-effects, true? Side-effects like "In the short term, marijuana use impairs perception, judgment, thinking, memory, and learning." For a long term user such as yourself, you would most certainly strongly display those characteristics, and...you do.[/QUOTE] You claimed it has affected me. My aim in those paragraphs was to show you that it hasn't affected me, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to take it in the way that I am saying it is the same for all people go for it. [QUOTE]Firstly, Zeta, just because you don?t hear about something, does that mean it doesn?t happen? And further, just because something doesn?t happen to you, does that mean it doesn?t happen all around? Stop being so naïve.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]I am not the only driver Siren. If accidents are so widespread because of driving under the influence of marijuana, why don't we hear about them? Marijuana is widely available, and you can bet that just as many people drive stoned as drunk. But why it is always drunk drivers that get the attention? You would think accidents caused by marijuana would be just as wide-spread and talked about, if not more, so as to strengthen the government's position on marijuana, no?[/QUOTE] I never said they don't happen, lol. I said you don't hear about them. Why? Because they don't happen on such a large scale as alcohol. Why? Because you can actually drive when you are high. You have much more control over yourself when high, and if you choose to drive you will drive much better than you would if you were drunk. With it's wide availability you would definitely be hearing about them just as much as drunk driving accidents. [QUOTE]One, it?s cleaned up and quite possibly watered down. That nasty Angeldust and so forth would be removed, because corporations would get emasculated if they were still including those types of toxins and carcinogens. If there is a clearly defined trend when big business gets hold of a product, that trend is watering a product down. We?ve seen this in the tobacco industry; we?ve seen it in the alcohol industry. We?ve even seen it in food services. It?s likely that in order to move more merchandise, companies would end up weakening the potency of the product, so people would end up purchasing more. This isn?t so unbelievable. It?s being done right now in other consumables. Two, big business is just that: big business. The focus of big business is to move the product, to make money, and it seems plausible that, like tobacco, there may be addictive substances mixed in to the ?commercialized? marijuana. When you want people to buy your product, when advertising isn?t quite going to cut it, you?re going to need to turn to something a bit more chemical, something a bit more closely related to manufacturing. That?s where addiction comes in. Back to the post. What?s to say that both of these results won?t be actualized? Then, if these results are actualized, and people turn away from commercialized pot, what?s going to happen? I think it?s trite and naïve to believe with Legalization and government control that the ?black market? will disappear entirely. If people want to get high, and they?re not pleased with the big business form(s), why aren?t they going to approach someone in North Camden? If they?re so set on getting high, I don?t see why they wouldn?t, because the black market will still be there. And here, you?re going to have that ever-present lacing going on, because just because it?s legalized doesn?t mean it?s going to be clean throughout the country. [/QUOTE] You are correct. With things being added to marijuana people would go to the black market all over again. But think of it from the business point of view. If they do add crap to a product that is all ready good, especially since it would be a drug that is now legalized and people will [i]want[/i] to buy it, imagine the huge loss of profits they would lose when smokers find all this other crap in it. Businesses want to make money. And adding things to a drug that has been illegal for years and is would now be legal wouldn't gain them profit at all. CHW [QUOTE]And the reason I say you're irrational is because you're sitting on your computer admitting that you knowingly do something that hurts your body, yet you don't see a problem with it. You're in denial and don't know it. And either you or your buddy is trying to blame the person and not the drug (it's both) that the person was hurt. If that isn't irrational, well then maybe I should start lighting up.[/QUOTE] I knowingly eat chips, drink soda, drink coffee, and eat candy bars. All of which are not good for me. I don't see a problem with that either. Bye Chibihorsewomen and Morpheous. *waves*
*worships the ground that M.Ali walks on* Finally I see that someone is reading my posts, lol. Couldn't have said it better myself Ali. CHW Lovely response as to what chips can give back. But utimately not answering the question. How do they give back to your own health. You answer is complete nonsense in the sense that the question was asked, c'mon now. And please do tell me how I am not rational.
In my post concerning posting problems, jblessing said something along the lines of VB things are getting updated and stuff, so that could be what is causing the problem. I have gotten a few times as well, not on too bad of a scale as some though.
There is a huge difference there Morpheous. That is causing physical harm. We are talking about things being put [i]into[/i] the body and how they are not as bad as they seem. That is an entirely different matter. Sure you are hurting yourself, but they are done in completely different ways. And then if you look at it this one, instead of cutting oneself, they could smoke marijuana instead and be happy. :p Anyways, different matters entirely. Why put chips into your body? Coffee? Milky Way?s? Snickers? Nothing is positive about those. You can even become addicted to caffeine, which as you know is completely legal and present in coffee as well as many soda's. You can't become addicted to marijuana. CHW I left out joints because they have been talked about over and over again in this and the other topic. I saw no need to add them again, as they are the most widely known way for smoking. I went into the other ways, the ways not widely known, or at least widely known in n this thread. I figured joints were common knowledge. I wrote the many ways that one could smoke to show you how you can [i]minimize[/i] the harm that can come. Not to completely eliminate. I say right in each of those that they aren't perfect. [QUOTE]You do realize that when you smoke weed you hold it in your lungs for a while so you can get the full effects of whatever you're smoking.[/QUOTE] Oh my Lord. Is [i]that[/i] how you do it? All these years and I have been doing it wrong... Of course I realize that. But with the ways I mention you can help minimize the amount of toxins that are entering the body. I never said they eliminate them. [QUOTE]Pipe: Tar accumulates on the side, as to many other things you don't want to get into your lungs.[b]Naturally some of it gets through anyways.[/b] Have you ever seen a pipe used to smoke marijuana? They are pretty nasty after a whole bunch of tar and crap gets accumulated. They do the job pretty well.[/QUOTE] Just for an example. And the eating doesn't allow any smoke to enter your body. So you don't even hold it into your lungs. I am going to recap what I have been saying, so more people don't get confused as to what I am saying. It is going to be long yes. I have been a pot smoker for a good couple of years now. Before I started I was just like Siren, Morpheous, and everyone else who believes as they do. After smoking, I realized that what we are all taught about marijuana isn't entirely true. Siren tried to attack me and claim my memory, learning, and judgment, etc.has suffered from my long time use. I refuted his claims right off the bat. My grades have stayed constant. My health has not deteriorated. My memory is as strong as it was before I started smoking. Everything he tried to nail me with has not happened. And will not happen. He then tries to go "it is only high school, so it is not hard." If he wants to say that fine. If he thinks weed will only cause those things in college that is fine. But the fact of the matter is, is that weed won't choose if it wants you to have trouble learning, having problems with your memory, etc.just because you are in college and is harder. If it has affected my learning, memory, etc.it would be seen now, and clearly it isn't. He tried to twist around my posts by saying I said I was smoking pot for different reasons and two points in the thread. All one would have to do is just put two and two together, and would still get the same answer. I said earlier that I smoke to chill. I then said I smoked because it was pure. Now, would I smoke something that is not pure? That is laced with someone along the lines of PCP? No. Therefore I would not be smoking to chill either. But, I do smoke because weed is as pure as one can get. I can then smoke it to chill. What was so hard to understand about that? He is trying to find ways to make me look inconsistent, so everyone else will not even bother reading what I say. No one clicks on my websites as far as I am aware. If I can click on a website that is searching for the truths in what the government has to say about marijuana, I am entering just as biased as a site of one going to marijuana.com. If Siren truly did click and look around the site, he would realize that marijuana.com covers [i]both[/i] sides of the argument. You have to visit the forums and read all the articles on the site. It isn't just a pro-marijuana site. They do have the other side as well. You just have to look around. If Siren did click the link, he didn't look around enough. James, Siren, and others have been advocating that it causes mental illness. Again, I [i]know[/i] that it can cause a mental illness that is all ready present in someone to progress, or it runs in his or her family to have a higher chance of actually contracting it. Which I have said throughout. But what I have yet to see is clear and concise testing that says a mental disorder can come straight from marijuana. The tests that have been provided do not tell you if it runs in the person?s family or that the person all ready has it. When I see the full tests, saying specifically that those tested have no history of the illness and don't have it at the present time, I will gladly rescind my statements. Morpheous said in the thread Falsely Accused that I posted saying that marijuana was harmless. Not true. I never said such a thing. I have repeated over and over, that I know it isn't harmless. But what I have said is that [i]it is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.[/i] there is a difference between that and saying it is harmless. Siren also said this, whether he wants to believe it or not. It is right here Siren: [QUOTE]You're sitting here and telling me that smoking pot has no ill effects at all (that is what your posts are saying...whether or not you realize that is a rather important issue here).[/QUOTE] Not as blunt as Morpheous. But you still said that I am saying there is nothing that is harmful about marijuana. Siren keeps on bring up the short-term effects, etc. As seen here: [QUOTE]Side effects like "In the short term, marijuana use impairs perception, judgment, thinking, memory, and learning." For a long-term user such as yourself, you would most certainly strongly display those characteristics, and..you do.[/QUOTE] Judging by that and other posts of that nature, I don't think Siren actually knows what in the short term itself means. In the short term means when you are actually stoned, just as Syk3 said. The last part of that post does make sense. But again, it hasn't happened to me as he claimed it has. I have not displayed [i]any[/i] of those characteristics. I can remember back as far as I have always been able to. I can remember exactly what I was doing Christmas Break 2003, and January through April of 2004. Those are times in which I [i]shouldn't[/i] be able to remember things based on what Siren is saying, because I was stoned practically every day. I shouldn't be remembering that the first day of Christmas Break I spent 3 hours after school bowling and going out to dinner with my friends Dave and Eric. That I had take Eric to his house before we even got to the bowling alley so he could get some money. That after dinner we were going to go see Return of the King but didn't because Eric's dad called and said he had to come home. That he said at his house that he had a fun time and that we should do it again. That after dropping Dave off at his house, I can back and found Darryl, Dan, Justin, Ross, Brad, Raj, and Ben in the garage. And that Bob and Rod stopped by and we all smoked a 1-2 bowls. And afterwards how we all took turns playing Battlefield 1942, and watched Saving Private Ryan. I still remember that Darryl slept o n the floor of my room parallel to my dresser with his head under the bed, how Ben and myself slept on top of the bed, with Raj between us. How Brad, Dan, and Justin slept in Brad's room with Brad o n the floor in front of his bed and Justin and Dan in the bed. I shouldn't remember that but I do. I remember everything else we did as well. And a very important thing that comes into play here, is that I have been on both sides of the bandwagon. As I said above I used to be just like Siren, Morpheous, and anyone else that believes as they do. But now I am not. If the government was 100% right, I would still be on that side of the bandwagon. But I am not. I am not on that side because through my first-hand experience, which Siren and others do not have, I found out the truth about many things. I am not saying the government was 100% wrong, I am saying they aren't 100% right. Lapse in judgment are not on the scale that they say. When you are high, you have complete control of yourself. You can walk, drive if you desire, carry on conversations with people that are not high. Siren and others do not know this because they haven't tried it. So the cannot speak as if they know what they are talking about on this subject. They can regurgitate what they have read from works from the government or other agency that is out to prove they are right, but they don't know what it is actually like, and that it is far different than what the believe. Loss of memory and impaired learning are not bad on a grand scale at all as you are led to believe. As above I was able to tell you exactly what I did over a year ago, I was even high for most of that night. If anything it should be when I am high that I don't remember things, but I do remember. My grades are as strong as ever. As stated above, marijuana isn't going to choose to start causing problems with learning in college just because it is harder. You would start seeing it take place now, and it isn't happening. My dealer down here in Georgia has been smoking for longer than I have, his first two years of high school he was a 4.0 GPA, and now he is a 3.8/3.9. Oh my, marijuana has affected his learning skills to a great degree. :rolleyes: The fact of the matter is Siren; you can rationalize your argument by saying high school is easy all you want. High school is not easy if you challenge yourself, which is what myself, my dealer, and many other pot smokers do. We don't take the Basic English, Math's, and all that. We take the AP Physics, AP Composition, AP US History. Naturally they aren't as hard as college, but they sure as hell aren't easy. Rationalize it all you want. The problems with memory and learning would be showing up now, as well as in college. Legalize marijuana? Hell, everyone here knows I am all for it. I wish it to be legalized because it is illegal for many of the wrong reasons, if not wrong reason, then reasons that are blown up and distorted. Marijuana is just as available, probably more so than alcohol because you will need someone with an ID to buy alcohol, and just as widely used while driving. But you don't hear about marijuana accidents, you hear about drunk driving accidents. Again, Siren tried to rationalize his comments by saying which is more interesting. The marijuana would be more interesting wouldn't you think? Drunk driving accidents happen all the time, there is no surprise. You don't hear about marijuana accidents. You would think you would hear about them just as much because it can strengthen the government?s position on it is a drug that is completely bad for you. But you don't hear about them. Even if they decide on the basis of what he has said, that drunken accidents are more interesting, you would still hear about them here and there. And I for one have not heard about any. Legalizing it will take out children away from the drug dealers. Keep in mind this is the only way it is a gateway drug. By going to these dealers they have a higher chance of being introduced to another drug, because the dealer probably doesn't just sell marijuana. That is how they go on to other drugs. The dealer is going to try and try to sell them cocaine, heroin, or anything else that they have. Without these dealers one can go to their neighbor and ask him/her if they are of age, to get them some. Sure it still isn't right, but it is hell of a lot better than going to a place where you can get other stuff bombarded upon you and can get hurt in. I much prefer the former. The government could tax marijuana, making money on it that can be used to combat cocaine dealers, heroin dealers, etc.. They can regulate it to the best of their ability. But what we can be sure of is that the marijuana won't be laced. Siren said that big corporations would lace it, add crap to it, etc.. Were that to occur, most people won't smoke it. Most smoke it now because they know that there isn't other **** in there. They know they aren't going to find additives. And once they find out a corporation is adding that crap, some will stop smoking and some won't. But everyone certainly isn't going to be smoking something that can now get you addicted, or cause much worse problems to your health