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Everything posted by Zeta

  1. But what are they searching for? They are searching for the things the government as specifically stated. They are looking to prove it right for the government. They are looking to prove that they (the government) has been right all along. [QUOTE]Of course, this is providing your wife isn't turned off by the fact that you either were a heavy, heavy pot-head in the past, or continue to smoke pot because you felt you were doing fine in college, even with the pot smoking.[/QUOTE] Hell if they have problems with the past, I could care less. I won't be smoking in college anyways. Going to have to pay for my own out of state college, can't have money going to anything else, no care, nothing. [QUOTE] Plus, you've said it yourself. You don't smoke MJ because it's "pure." You smoke it to get high, to chill out. You're now really starting to jump all over the place in your replies, Zeta.[/QUOTE] Easy to understand really. You just gotta think. I smoke it to chill yes. Would I smoke it at all if it wasn't "pure"? No. So what I said still stands. Just have to think. My stance in that topic has been, and always will be that the Empire is evil and the Rebellion is not evil. I never said I agreed with what you guys were saying. I said the Empire is evil, Rebellion is not. I never agreed that the Rebellion was evil. Again, it has no relevance to the topic at hand. Big deal if I didn't have things in a coherent way in that topic. My stance in this topic is easy to understand, and in a manner in which one can look and find what I say. You obviously have no problems with it. [QUOTE]Okay, so you're able to do things that are incredibly easy to begin with...and sometimes, are just quite mindlessly easy...that doesn't really support your claim that MJ doesn't affect skill and competency, because you're basing your assessment on things that are inherently easy. You're not setting the bar very high--hell, with minimal to moderate effort one can swing high Bs to As in high school.[/QUOTE] Again, I said those things because you said my memory, learning,etc.. has been affected. It clearly has not, doesn't matter if it is high school or college. Weed isn't going to choose if it affects your learning in college or high school. I would think a driving accident concerning marijuana would be better news. It would strengthen the views that is a horrible drug. My saying that over half of the people in jail for first time offenses is entirely my own. I just threw out a random number. You hear more about a marijuana arrests, so I said more could be in there for marijuana than others. I am adding things to my posts so everyone else is clear on what is talking about. I referred to my links so that Morpheous, or others could read them. I referred to the compltely harmless comment so I don't get others coming in and saying I said that. It is to clarify matters, rather than leaving things misunderstood. You can choose to take them as being directed at you for all I care. I have said before that I am clarifying my issues for others, not for you. I don't distrust the government as I said. I said I disagree with their stance on marijuana. I can disagree with their stance and not distrust them, please. If you say I distrust the government on their stance on marijuana then you are right, but I don't distrust the government as a whole.
  2. Zeta


    Halo 2. The first was awesome in my mind, the second was blegh. I was hyped for this game beyond belief and was very dissapointed when I actually played it. Worst game for a console I have ever played. Not saying that it is a ****-poor game, because it is still a good game, but just hte worst of the games I have played. Get it? heh Graphics are belgh, cutscenes are choppy and textures dodgy, story is boring (I almost fell asleep a few times while actually playing). I just feel the game could have been so much better. They should have spent just as much time on the single player as they did with multiplayer. Some people don't like console games online, and some peoples parents won't use their credit card to order things and crap. I am both of those, heh. I'm going to wait for it to come to the PC like the first, and then I will play online. Better graphics for sure there. And I will be able to see the multiplayer for once, heh.
  3. My sites are just as biased as yours Siren. A site made by the government, or any other figure that is advocating what the government is saying, is just as biased as my pot smoking sites where it is pot smokers doing the talking. [QUOTE]I hadn't realized that a professional study from Harvard University could be so inaccurate, and that the reactions of those who enjoy the high they get could be so much more accurate.[/QUOTE] Do the test subjects all ready have the disorder? Does a history of it run in their family? Show me where it says this. Throwing out a comment that says it can cause mental disorder is worthless without. As said, you have a higher chance of contracting the mental disorder if it runs in your family, or if you all ready have it. For all I know all the subjects have a history of it in their family. Show me where it says this, and I will rescind my comments. I am not going to avoid it. My son will know that I will have smoked pot. I am not going to tell him what he can and can't put into his own body. So it still stands. He will be on his own if he gets into trouble with the law, just like me. There is NO NEED to add ANYTHING to marijuana, lol. Companies will have no need to add anything. They aren't going to start adding crap to it. Why? Because then people won't smoke it. People smoke it now, because they at least know there aren't additives in most cases. How was I stumbling over myself? lol. It was my personal opinion. I was digging through my sources and just posting what I got from each and every source. I said how I felt on the matter. I brought points to validate my position, as did you. There is no right or wrong answer in that topic, no relavance to this topic. Not needed. I believe strongly in my views on the rating system. I don't believe they should be what they are, and if they stay this way, they should be enforced the way they are written. Again, no relavance to this topic, and a matter of personal opinon. For some yes it is easy. I brought up my grades because you said it affected my learning. If it affects my learning, it won't just do it in college. It will do it in high school as well. It obviously hasn't affected my learning enough to drop my grades, my grades have stayed constant, despite the fact that I am a "pot-head." I brought up my memory because you claimed it has affected my memory. It clearly hasn't. If I am able to remember things while being stoned from years back, I can remember things from when I am not stoned. So it clearly hasn't affected me memory enought for me to not remember things. I am not the only driver Siren. If accidents are so wide-spread becasue of driving under the influence of marijuana, why don't we hear about them? Marijuana is widely available, and you can bet that just as many people drive stoned as drunk. But why it is always drunk drivers that get the attention? You would think accidnets caused by marijuana would be just as wide-spread and talked about, if not more, so as to stregthen the government's position on marijuana, no? I have said my reasons for the problems with it being illegal. Our jails are full of first time offenders with drugs, and probably half of them are for marijuana. Those spaces could be taken up with coke dealers, heroin dealers, etc.. We have money wasted on a war that is mostly against marijuana when it could be going towards the harder drugs. See the other topic for more if need be. My compltely harmless comments aren't directed at you, my apologies. Morpheous said that, and then it caught on with other people. I just emphasized the fact that I did not say that when I listed things about smoking. Please do tell me how I dislike the government? I don't agree with their stance on marijuana, plain and simple. I don't dislike them because of it. I don't ridicule them for it. I just don't agree with their stance on it. I guess that makes me dislike the government. *shrug* I guess this also means I distrust the government. *shrug* You flock to anti-marijuana sites. *shrug* Your sites are just as biased as mine. Your's are agreeing with the government's stance on the subject, mine isn't. Both are biased no matter how you look at it. How do I dislike authority? I just don't agree with authority's view on the matter. But hey, just like above, I guess that makes me dislike it.
  4. I tell myself over and over that I will never eat another human being. Sitting right here on my computer and typing this I find it is disgusting to the utmost degree. But were I in a situation where my very survivial required me to eat my dead friend next to...I don't know what I will actually do.
  5. I keep saying that because he hasn't clicked them, and I want him to click them to get the other side of the story. Your side is the biased views set forth by the government. The other side would be the biased views of a pot smoker, no? You and him have your biased sites to draw your information on. I have mine. They are the opposite sides of the stories. Both will be biased. But you get both sides of the argument by actually reading both sides. You have one side of the story, and aren't willing to look at the other side. I have seen both sides Siren. You have not. Your points are one sided, biased points taught to you at DARE in order for the government to "prove it is right" I have those points, as well as the points I have researched and found out through personal use. I used to be just like you. I would frown upon marijuana to the highest degree. I ended friendships over it. And after trying it and researching it myself, I have concluded that what we are taught is not the whole truth. And I changed my views. I changed them because I realized this. If my son wants to smoke marijuana, I am not going to tell him no. I would be a hypocrit then. But what I will tell him is if he gets into trouble with the law because of it, he is on his own. Just as I was. Legalizing it will take away the chances of the weed being laced. Which is why I said that. I myself don't want my weed laced with anything, and I am sure others don't either. We have no control on that at this moment in time, because it isn't regulated. A whole load of benefits will come from legalizing it. The government will be able to regulate it. They will be able to tax it and make money, money which can be then used on the more powerful drugs. The jails of the country will be freed up from the thousands of first time drug offenders, over which half are probably because of marijuana. Like it or not, going to an 18 year old neighbor will be much safer than going through the black market to get your drugs. I know. I have been to both places. I prefer the neighbor. Naturally people will still use it. Just like alcohol and cigarettes. There are negative effects of alcohol and cigarettes and they are legal, effects that are worse than marijuana's. [QUOTE]Yes, you've had first-hand experience with pot. Yes, you've smoked it extensively throughout your life. If there are negative side-effects (which according to Harvard University...there are negative side-effects), then surely you would be showing evidence of those side-effects, true? Side-effects like "In the short term, marijuana use impairs perception, judgment, thinking, memory, and learning." For a long term user such as yourself, you would most certainly strongly display those characteristics, and...you do.[/QUOTE] Please do tell me how I do have those characteristis. You do not know me. You do not know anything about me. My learning has not suffered. I am still a high honor roll student, with at least a 3.7 GPA every quarter. I am still able to think clearly, as established with my good school grades. If I couldn't think, I would not be getting good grades. My memory is as strong as ever. I remember things from before I started smoking. I remember things from times that I [i]was[/i] smoking. I remember what I did Christmas Break of '03. I know what I did in January through March of last year when it was a smoke fest for me. Every day I smoked, and I can recall [i]everything[/i] that we did. With all my times driving stoned, I have not once gotten into an accident. I have not once been pulled over. The only time I have been in an accident is when I [i]wasn't[/i] stoned, hell it was before I even started smoking. So please do tell me how I show these characteristics. Of course I am viewing it lightly. Because I know from first hand experience that it isn't what you are taught. It isn't a gateway drug. It isn't going to cause cancer. It isn't going to cause mental illness by itself. It isn't going to shorten your life dramatically. But no where have I said that it is completely harmless. People are surprised that I smoke, because I do not look like a pot smoker. I am a 17 year old who happens to look very young (right now that is not good >_>, but when I am 50 and look like I am 40, I will have no problems :-)). I do not fit the "image" of a pot smoker at all. I fit the image of a nerd who doesn't even know what marijuana looks like, let alone what it is.
  6. Again, read my links Morpheous. Each and every one of your posts only strengthens your image of a minformed youth advocating marijuana as a bad drug. I little tip from me to you. If you are scared of mommy and daddy seeing marijuana.com in your url bar, go to tools, internet options, and click the clear history button. ;) Come back and talk to me when you actually know what you are talking about. Click on the links and read up. Then we can have a conversation.
  7. And if you will recall, I said it was more than that and that I couldn't explain. Try it out, and you will see for yourself. [QUOTE] I do those things, and they are bad for you IF you use too much. Fat is good for your body to an extent. Fumes from marijuana are dangerous no matter how much you smoke, so why add it to the mix?[/QUOTE] Pipe: Tar accumulates on the side, as to many other things you don't want to get into your lungs. Naturally some of it gets through anyways. Have you ever seen a pipe used to smoke marijuana? They are pretty nasty after a whole bunch of tar and crap gets accumulated. They do the job pretty well. Water bong: The smoke travels through water before entering your lungs. The water filters out tar, and tens of other things that would otherwise enter your lungs. Giving you a pleasent, non-irritating smoke. Have you seen bong water after a few uses? It is a nasty colour with all the crap that [i]could[/i] be entering your lungs, but isn't. They work better than pipes. Vaporizer: You place it in a sort of glass tube and you heat up the glass. This in turn heats up the marijuana, activating the THC, the thing that gets you high, and causing it, and only it to rise. It rises as a green smoke. It is [i]only[/i] THC, and there will be minute traces of anything else if there is any at all. That is a pretty damn safe way to smoke it. You don't get the nasty smoke at all period. Which means you aren't bringing in anything that is associated with smoking it in the ways you have heard of most. Eating: You hear the marijuana up with some food, eat it, and wait for about a haf hour for it to kick in. Not only will you get a different kind of high, you will virtually eliminate any risk you have from smoking it, even the minute amount you would get from a vaporizer. Go and read my links Morpheous. I don't see why you won't. IN my links, you will find out why I continue to believe the way I do. You will see it isn't as bad as you may seem to think. C'mon man, just do it. Morpheous. Which would you prefer. A drug that can kill you first time use, such as ecstacy? Or a drug that will never kill you first time use, and cannot overdose on? Even if you are sitting at home and being responsible with ecstasy, you have a higher chance of dieing from it first use. I prefer the marijuana, no matter how responsible I am with ecstasy. Everything you put into your body is basically bad for you in some way.Why add anything that can harm you to your body? Might as well not add half the stuff in the world if you wan't to go with that mind set. Adding marijuana isn't going to dramatically reduce your life. It isn't going to give you lun cancer. It isn't going to be the cause of you going onto harder drugs, as myself and H.C have pointed out. Read my links Morpheous, and educate yourself on the broader issue.
  8. Siren, I have also seen the effects of marijuana, don't think you have a one up o n me there. I KNOW the effects of marijuana first hand.. I have seen people that actually have mental disorders and smoke. Are they screwed up? No. I have seen people who smoke marijuana every day for years without a mental disorder. Are they screwed up? No. So I have my own experiences as well as seeing what it does in others as well, you aren't the only one. I never said it was harmless, lol. Must I keep repeating what I say? It is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Everyone makes it out to be this drug that will kill you and ruin your life. It won't. That is all I am saying. You can choose to believe I am saying it is compltely harmless if you want. But this has to be the fifth time I have said this, c'mon. Sure the abuse won't stop. Everything is abused as you said. But I would much rather have someone abuse a drug that isn't laced with angeldust.*shrug* Again, that is just me. [QUOTE]but you can almost always tell a pothead, which should tell you something.[/QUOTE] Been a pothead for a good while now. When I talk about weed to people they are shocked that I smoke. I would much rather my son going to my neighbor Tommy to get marijuana rather than in some alley in the middle of the night if he chooses to smoke marijuana. But hey, I repeat, I am not here to force one to change their opinions. I am here to try and help one see the other side of the issue, and do their own research and decide for themself if they want to believe what they do no, or not.
  9. Have you smoked it my good ole' chap? Again, look at it from this point of view. You go through the black market to get it, you are introduced to the harder drugs. Why? Because a marijuana dealer doesn't just sell pot. Trust me. I know. That is how it is a gateway drug. You don't lose getting the high from pot. You won't get the same high from doing another drug. You get a totally different high. So you definately aren't looking for a drug to give you the same effects as pot. It doesn't have as bad as mental effects as everyone says it is. Show me a thorough study that says the people who got the disorders didn't have it all ready, or it doesn't run in the family. Back up your claims. Without the proof, it doesn't prove your claims. And who said a High School would be buying it? lol. As I said in the other thread there would of course be an age limit. With that, he/she definately will not be walking into a drugstore and stocking up on it, lol. [QUOTE]I, for one, like any sensibly minded person, do not want 18-year-olds buying Mary-Jane and giving it to their 15-year-old friends.[/QUOTE] You would rather have them going to the gangs? The drug cartels? I know I wouldn't. But hey, that is just me. And you seem to have missed a lot of what I have once said about marijuana. With it legalized, the government will have much more control over it. They will be able to tax it, make money off of it. They will make sure it isn't somehow laced with heroin, cocaine, rat poison. There will be no need to go to the gangs, drug cartels, or any of the other places that illegaly deal drugs. As I said. I would much rather my kid stay away from those areas. But that is just me. Some people may want their kid to go to the cartels, gangs, and what not. I bring up, have you smoked it? Have you driven and smoked? Have you went to school high? Have you smoked at all? 1) You have a higher chance of controlling yourself when high. You can think. You obviously don't know this since you haven't smoked. Or you have smoked and just failed to realize that you could actually think, as opposed to alcohol. You can die of alcohol poisining, you can't overdose on marijuana. You have SERIOUS lapse of judgment with alcohol, with marijuana you do not. You do not have whole sections of your life missing because you have been piss drunk and blacked out if you are high . 2) Driving is stupid while high yes. But it is much easier to do than driving drunk. You concentrate more. You pay attention more. Again, you don't know this because you haven't done it. How many accident do you hear of that are because of being high? Marijuana is as availabe as alcohol, so don't say that alcohol is more available. Why don't you hear about the marijuana accidents as much as the alcohol? You would think they would pay just as much, if not more mind to marijuana accidents, to strengthen your views that is a horrible drug. 3) I have been a smoker for years. I am a high honor roll student. I was accepted into the third best college in the Mid West. I have driven stoned. I have no gotten into an accident once while being stoned. I have gone to school stoned and have passed my tests with A's. I have been in public when I was stoned and no one knew. Why? Because you can control yourself. You can be normal. It doesn't make you stumble, it doesn't make you angry like alcohol. Again, I never said marijuana was harmless. That was Morpheous assuming I said that and it somehow caught on. I know there are consequences, as I have said each time I post. But the consequences are not as bad as everyone seems to think they are. I have smoked for years. I know people who have smoked two times as long as me. And they are perfectly fine. I know people who have smoked with depression and they haven't had their problems progress any further. You don't know it isn't as bad as it is, becasue you haven't tried it. You just buy all the bogus that is fed to you. They aren't going to tell you anything good about it, they will only tell you the bad so they make it seem like they are 100% right. But hey, I could care less if you believe what I say or not, just as you could care less if I believe what you say or not I bet. I am not going to take anyone's comments seriously if they haven't been on both sides of the bandwagon. I have been on both sides. I just see people here absorbing their anti-drug classes to the maximum, and don't even bother to actually see it from the other side. It is basically just judging a book on its' cover. I have seen it from both sides. But hey, say what you will. Bash my comments. They won't do you any good. Just as my comments bashing yours will not do any good. What I am trying to do is to make you see the other side of the issue. Not just the one side. But if you don't even want to glimpse it from the other side, *shrug* Take it with a grain of salt. It's your choice.
  10. James: Neither myself nor Syk3 have ever said it is harmless. We have just said it is not as bad as it seems. Which is true. No links to cancer as compared to cigarettes. You don't have to smoke it so you can eliminate the smoke entering you compltely. Thus eliminating respiratory illness. The one joint equaling like 40 cigarettes isn't that great of a point to bring up. 1) If you are smoking a joint, you are more likely ot be sharing it amongst others, so you don't smoke it all. 2) You have to look at it from this point of view. Smoke one joint, or smoke 40 cigarettes which contain more than just tar. *shrug* 3) You don't smoke joints by yourself often at all. You use a pipe, where the tar accumulates on the sides. The joint example is a minority compared to the safer ways of smoking. I can go i nto them in detail if one wishes. There are more harmful substances in cigarettes than marijuana which over power the tar. The tar can even be removed, just stop smoking for a month or two. Happened to me when I smoked cigarettes. I had a bad smokers cough. I stopped and no longer have it. I would like more information concering the patients who have gotten disorders specifically from marijuana itself. All it says is that can trigger it. It doesn't say if they are pre-determined to have it, or all ready have it. That is a very specific detail that cannot be left out if you want to bring that up. One of Syk3's sites said that you have a higher chance of getting a case of mental disorder if you have it, or have the possibilty of getting one. If it has caused a wide amount of mental illnesses by itself, you would hear about it much, much more. [QUOTE]I said that it was "possibly safe if you know how to use it". In that sense, it compares directly to marijuana. [/QUOTE] What do you define as safe? Because no matter how you do marijuana it is safe, lol. Even if you don't do it responsibly, you are safe, lol. No links to lung cancer, or to oral cancer. No hard proof that one has contracted a mental illness from purly marijuana smoke. Respiratory problems can easily be overcome. Just stop smoking for a month, hell a week, and you will be fine. It isn't addicting, so you can stop. What I have been saying is that Marijuana is not as bad as it is made out to be, pure and simple. Once you have smoked it for a few years, you will know that yourself. Researching information and basing your opinion solely on that isn't going to give you a full view of the issue. It is a biased side of the story from people who [i]want[/i] you to not smoke it. When they research it to say it is bad, they are in the mindset all ready that it is bad, and that their sole purpose is to prove it. If they see a good thing, they pass it up as a rare occurence. You never heard good things about marijuana, why? Because they don't release things that are good about it. They only release the bad. That is why you have to go to other smokers who have smoked for years, and are in perfect health. People who have smoked with depression, and it hasn't progressed further because of it. People who have smoked since the 70's and are still in good health. Adahn: Ahh but you see, all ready smoking is all ready being taken out of the public. I am hearing news reports and reading articles that in some places smoking is not allowed outside of ones one house. You can't even smoke on a street corner. Marijuana smoke is much different than tobacco smoke. It doesn't linger, only if you are in an enclosed space. I could probably smoke a joint a few steps behind you and you would never even know I was smoking. Has anyone even bothered to [i]visit[/i] the links that I provided in the last topic? (those who have read it of course) Have you looked around the sites, the forums, and actually done some digging? Everything that is being brought up is the common cover of what one is taught in a anti-drug class. Go and talk to the people who have been smoking it for years to get a full understanding. You wil find the answers to everything you guys ask in those links. You will find things that you weren't taught in an anti-drug class. Edit: To me that seems like a pile of gibberish place at random. If need be I will clear it up. Five hours on a physics lab write up as left me :wigout: .
  11. Obviously it did if you believe what you do concerning marijuana. Or you got it from some other soruce that got it from DARE. Chilling was just an example. I repeat, you can't say anything on the subject about it. 1) You are misinformed tremendously. 2) You have never tried it so you don't know what it is like. Why do they have serving sizes on the food pyramid? You eat much more than what you are supposed to, it will stop being healthy for you. Adding marijuana won't shorten your lifespan. Only way it will is if you drive and get into an accident, and if you have a disorder and the marijuana somehow makes it worse and it leads you to killy ourself. Again, I have yet to see evidence of the latter. Playing footbal hurts you. Eating chips hurts you. Drinking coffee hurts you. Drinking soda hurts you. Eating candy hurts you. Chewing gum can hurt your teeth (depending on the gum). Why add [i]any[/i] of those things? What a stupid question. There are things that are legal that cause more harm than marijuana, adding it won't be half as bad as some things that are legal out there. It is more than chilling. It is an experience that can't be explained. You have to try to to see what it is like. It is a different kind of fun, pure and simple. It may not be fun for you, it may, I don't know. But until you research outside of what you are taught, you really have nothing to say on the subject. You have views that were given to you by a biased source, making your comments biased. Read the links. Then come back and talk to me. Until you see both sides of it, you can't present a convincing argument besides what is taught to you in DARE or some other source. You don't know anything about the subject. Knowing what you are taught in DARE is different than reseraching it yourself. I would trust the links i provided over you and your DARE facts ten-fold. I have been on both sides of the argument. I know both sides. I chose the side I am on now. Why? Because I said just how far from the truth DARE is. There is small facts that are true of course. But all they taught me? Please. Not even close. Read the links, then come back and talk to me about it when you know what you are talking about. I see no need to return. Once you have read the links, PM me, then we can talk.
  12. Newsflash for you Morpheous: Everything in life hurts you. Chips hurt you. Smoking hurts you. Having sex hurts you (assuming you have STDs and crap). Eating butter hurts you. Drinking soda hurts you. Get real man. Seriously. Nothing is compltely good. It was a figure of speech Morpheous. Naturally I don't actually feel them. But with all the salt and crap getting put into my body, I can "feel" it all ready starting. Who says nothing happens when you smoke? You get a small break from reality where you can just chill. You can just chill, listen to music, watch movies, and just hang out with friends, no harm done there. You my young fellow. Are a clouded young man. You go and read the forums at marijuana.com. Read the topic I posted from OB itself. Then you can come back and talk to me. Your mind is clouded with the bogus stories fed to you by DARE. You are scared to read my links. You probably know I will come out over you in the end. You haven't seen the other side. You will never see the other side of the story with your mind set. No need to continue this discussion with you until you see the other side. After you have done that, come and talk to me. And I will respect your opinions more. You will have seen both sides, and I can appreciate what you say all the more than just your biased comments.
  13. I am an asthma sufferer. I have had bouts of depression due to personal family reasons. I have had bouts of depression because I moved away from my friends a year before I graduate from high school, and am now living and graduating amongst strangers. I assume you will ask why I smoke? Because I know that nothing is going to happen to me. My asthma has improved if anything. I no longer need my inhaler as often. When you smoke your airways become dilated. You can breath much easier. You don't get the constricting of airways as you do with cigarettes. I have no had any asthma problems while smoking, nor have I had any after smoking. I smoke with the depression bouts because I know nothing will happen to me. I have smoke for a long time, and if anything, I am happier than I have been in years. My father died a few years back and I was a mess. I would mope around the house, sit and contemplate life, no do anything. I now go out, do things with the friends I have down here, and am no longer depressed. Marijuana hasn't hampered me in anyway. That comes from an everyday smoker for years and here I am problem free. I have no asthma problems, I have no disorder problems. I have no problems with a social life. I have no problems acting normal in [i]normal[/i] situations, even when I have smoked. I have gone to school after smoking in the morning. I took notes, I passed my tests with A's, no problem there. Did I geek out and start laughing? No. Why? Because if you are caught you get in trouble. Believe me, you WILL act normail in a normal situation if you have to be. Morphous, potato chips are bad for you. Butter is bad for you. Salt is bad for you. I feel my arteries clogging up when I have a bag of chips next to me, or some salted fries. Do I feel a "disorder" coming on while smoking? Do I feel anything bad coming one while smoking? No. Again as James said, you eat it responsibly, you will be just fine. Same with smoking. You smoke responsibly you will be all right. Again I reiterate what I said in my last post. I would be saying exactly what you are saying, as well as what James is saying. It isn't as bad as it is made out to be. It still has its flaws, but it isn't as bad as you are making it out to be. It isn't hurting me as much as you seem to think it is. And you my friend Morpheous, know nothing about marijuana as I have stated. You'r comments don't do you you any good. They are coming from a person with one view engraved in his mind, who doesn't [i]want[/i] to see the other side. [i]READ[/i] my links Morpheous. You will be surprised at the things you will find out.
  14. The reason I have yet to believe that is because I have seen no articles concerning it. I have seen articles saying that those with it pre-determined or all ready have it have had problems. Show me the proof. Show me a conclusive test that says it doesn't run in tehri family, or they don't have it all ready. You can do LSD, PCP, AMT for your whole life, and not develope paranoid schizophrenia or other mental disorders. And those are all powerful hallucinigens in and of themselves. You have a much higher chance of contracting disorders from those drugs, not marijuana.
  15. Yes. I said that myself as well. I never said it was completely harmless as Morhpeous said I did. I said I know there are consequences. But they are not as bad as everyone is making them out to believe. Ask me this question a couple of years ago, and I would be saying exactly what Morpheous is saying now. I tried it, and now look at me. I have done a compltely 180 and am now defending the thing. Even after getting into trouble with the police about it, I am still defending it. Why? Because I know from experience that is isn't what you are taught. If it was exactly as we are taught to believe, one would not be defending it. The people who don't defend it don't do it because it hurts you body, they do it because it wasn't their thing, assuming of course they have tried it. And those that haven't tried it are basing their views on a cover of marijuana, engraved in our minds since the early days of DARE or other figures. I am still curious as to the validity of these mental disorders. I know that they can cause further problems if you are pre-determined to the illness, or all ready have it. I have yet to see a case where a mental illness as come [i]directly[/i] from smoking marijuana. Morpheous: I say again, read the links I provided to you. You will get all your answers to your questions. I have provided you clear links as to where you can find your answers. Do you not want to see the other side of the argument? Why not just be a man and click them and read. Pay attention to Syk3's posts.
  16. Hey man I have used my brian. And in my research I have found out it is not as bad as you think it is, not half as bad. ;) Read the links and don't waste my time. As I said, you know jack squat about marijuana. When you get better informed, then come talk to me.
  17. Ring Two is the one I am really looking forward to. The first scared the bageezes out of me. I have't squealed like a girl in a long time. I squealed like a schoolgirl in that movie. The trailer for this movie scares the bageezes out of me. Episode III. Oh man. The mother of all movies for me. I have been waiting for this movie for a long, long time. I am a die hard Star Wars fan, so this hits it close to home. I loved the Original Trilogy, as well as the prequels. Episodes I and II aren't as good as the OT, but I hope Episode III can blow tall the Star Wars out of the water. The small behind the scenes tid bit on the OT DVDs looks very, very promising.
  18. [B]All three of them cause problems[/B] [I]I thought MJ was harmless [/I] Oh please do show me where I said that. I must have used invisible ink or something, because I don't see it. I said it wasn't as dangerous as all the other drugs. Don't try to put words in my mouth. Stupid things in normal situations? Please do tell again. You smoke, you most likely will not be doing normal things, lol. You will most likely just chill at your house and listen to music, or chill with friends. You definately will not try to solve the Reiman hypothoses. Being tired causes you to do stupid things in normal situations, that makes it stupid. C'mon man, get real. [B]You smoke it because it is the same as anything else.[/B] [I]I've seen a picture of MJ, and it looks different from some things, such as cars, houses, toilet paper, etc.[/I] What the hell is that? C'mon man. Use your brain. You know damn well what I meant, lol. Read further down as to why I said that. :rolleyes: [B]You choose to smoke it if you want.[/B] [I]Wonderful logic. I should fall down a flight of stairs, 'cause I can. I should run into traffic, 'cause I can.[/I] If you choose to why not? Everything is about choice. You can choose to smoke it, you can choose not to. You can choose to do good in school, you can choose not to. Again. Read the links I provided. Then come talk to me when you are informed. Read the links. And you will find the answers to your questions. ;) Edited to make it easier to read, I was jumping all over the place, heh.
  19. How does it make you look like a jack***? I am very curious as to how, lol. What is the point in drinking? What is the point in smoking? What is the point in smoking marijuana you ask? Because you can? All three of them cause problems, but marijuana is the least harmful of all. Alcohol causes liver cancer if used in excess. Cigarettes cause lung cancer if used in excess. What does marijuana cause if used in excess? Nothing. You smoke it because it is the same as anything else. You choose to smoke it if you want. What side effect? There aren't any that cause problems that can cause you great physical harm such as alcohol and cigarettes. There are no documented cases of mental disorders being caused exclusivly by marijuana. There are [i]no[/i] deaths documented to marijuana smoking alone (not count doing stupid things while smoking such as driving, though again, I have yet to hear about those on a wide scale). Have you even read the links I provided? lol. Inform yourself. Look at both sides of the argument.
  20. Here is mine. Played the demo to the game, it was great. Can't wait for it to come out. :D
  21. They are wrong on many occasions when it comes to certain things. Illegalizing something that does less harm than cigarettes which were all ready legal, should have shown something. I'm going to be blunt. You know jack squat about marijuana. Read the marijuana thread and pay attention to Syk3's points. Very informative. :)
  22. Cigarettes are worse than marijuana and is legal. ;) I suggest you read the marijuana thread I posted. Syk3 brings up excellent points. Just because the government does something, doesn't always mean they are right, lol.
  23. Marijuana isn't as dangerous as you make it out to be, lol. No lung cancer cases traced to marijuana, unlike cigarettes. No long term mental disorders recorded without a history of the disease in your family. Are just a few examples. If you want a more in depth explanation, visit the site in Syk3's post, I will make it easier for you to find. ;) And also visit the marijuana thread from awhile back. [url]http://www.perkel.com/politics/issues/pot.htm[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43368&highlight=Marijuana[/url] Also search around marijuana.com and see what people who have been smoking for years and years say about it, they are much more informed on the topic than I am. Many people's views are skewed on the issue of marijuana. It isn't all that DARE tells ya. ;)
  24. Well from what I got after reading you whole first paragraph is this. I assumed you got accused of it as well, and since I am assuming you were all of the things you listed, you found it ridiculous because you aren't any of the so called "images" that a pot smoker is (long hair, grungy look, etc..)
  25. [QUOTE]It is ridiculous in most cases, especially when the teen does really well in school, is not a problematic kid, and is eager to accomplish their goals in life.[/QUOTE] I am a high honor roll student, got accepted into the third best college in the Midwest, and am not problematic, and I smoke. You would be surprised at how many people are like that. Being accused is one of the worst things that can happen to you, especially if it happens at school. It doesn't end with them calling you down to the office. They call your parents, talk to them, invite them for a chat....Bad things happen when a parent is involved.
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