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Everything posted by Zeta
In no particular order. 1) Cold This band....all I can really say is just wow. I am talking mostly about their CD Year of the Spider. The songs are plain amazing. Songs such as Remedy, Cure my Tragedy and Wasted year are just plain amazing times ten, heh. So many memories to that CD. I am sure others who know about this memories feel the same as me, that they will be memories never forgotten. 2) AFI I've liked this band for a good three to four years now. I didn't get into them right away like many people who like them, but I eventually came around. The older CDs are much, much better than Sing the Sorrow, but I still love Sing the Sorrow nonetheless. Heh, I remember my friend would always look at me like :o when I listened to them at my house when he was over, and now he loves them the same, if not more than me. 3) Linkin Park Been a fan since their first CD came out. I must have gotten it about a week, maybe a little more, after it first hit shelves in my Best Buy. I walked into Best Buy and was looking at the CDs and thought the little booklet thing looked pretty cool, and bought it, heh. Fell in love right away. In the End, Crawling, and Papercut are great songs. Meteora is just as great. Numb and From the Inside got me hooked on the CD right away. My only gripes are their Reanimation CD and the CD with Jay Z. I just plain don't like either of them, heh. I know it says five, but every band after those three are just ammassed as one big group. heh.
[QUOTE=Annalisse][color=darkslategray] I had the opportunity these past couple of weeks to stand alongside Shy and work on the Nifty Fifty Event. It was quite difficult, and took so much diligence and dedication, to bring that event to the OB. So don't go making assumptions that Shy's got the easy job.[/color][/QUOTE] No where did I see Morpheous say that Shy's job is easy. All he said was that he would enjoy it. He knows it is a lot of work as he stated. He never said it was easy. Why assume that he said that? Myself, I don't know if I would be a mod, even if asked. It really depends on where I would be asked to moderate in any forum I visit. If it is a section that I don't like, it will probably be a flat out no. But if it is a section I would enjoy moderating and am interested in the topic of the section, there is a higher probability of me saying yes. I say all that now yes, but never being asked to be a mod, I won't know what I would actually do, heh.
Oh boy have I been accused before. I myself used to be a pothead before I moved to Georgia. I've been living here for a year and have smoked sparingly, but not enough to be considered a pothead anymore, heh. One day out of the blue, my friend and I are called down the one of the assistant principles office. The Sheriff(sp) is also present in the room. When we proceeded to sit down, the sheriff came up to us and asked us if we had 10 pounds of marijuana at one of our houses. I was like :eek: . Ten pounds?!?! Now anyone who has seen just a pound, knows that that is a lot. We told them no and that we would not mess with that stuff so close to going to college, it had been months since we last smoked. The both of us were about to be arrested. I was freaking out. I late found out that it was this kid who was an idiot and came to school drunk and high. After telling some people word reached the principle and they proceeded to call him to one of the offices, and suspend him. He then decided to try to get a lesser punishment from the sheriff by giving names. He gave mine and my friends name, and gave them the bogus story of us having ten pounds, lol. We didn't even have [i]any[/i] at our house, not one bit, heh. And yes, elf is right. A stoned person is anything but rowdy. But coke users on the other hand....been there, know that. Definately can be rowdy.
[b]And -about the flag and whether or not it would continue its pattern of motion-any amount of gravity would eventually diminish the energy needed to sustain the flapping of a flag in the absence of the original cause of energy (the astronaut). It just takes longer on the moon for a flag to drop than it does on earth. The earth's gravity will pull a flag down quickly when the external force is removed (wind, etc...) but because there is less energy and force in the gravitational pull of the moon, it occurs at a slower rate... but it has to occur if there is no other force acting upon it.[/b][/size] Which is what I said. ;) Right here. [i]So the flags motion is it rippling around while the dude put it in the ground and everything. It is rippling, because he is moving it around. And just like here on Earth, gravity doesn't start to take effect right away. The flag on Earth will continue to ripple as the wind dies down, and then finally coming to a rest, haning. The flag on the moon started to slow down in its rippling after the guy stopped, and eventually would come to a stop just like it would here on Earth.[/i] :rolleyes:
In the past week I would click the post reply button/thread button, and it always, always gives me the pop up saying "operation timed out." Usually I just hit it again and it posts just fine. But lately it hasn't been posting for five tries or more. Is this just happening to me and has something to do with my net? Or does it happen to anyone else?
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Zeta, I don't know if you've already been hit for this, but if you don't know what you're talking about, please don't make it up. If gravity on the moon was that weak, then astronauts would fly off. There is plenty enough gravity on the moon to stop a flag from waving. And it wouldn't keep rippling for a long time [b]because that requires constant force[/b], and that law only applies if it is moving in one direction. But, you're wrong anyway, because the external force of the Moon's gravity is enough to make it hang. So, yeah. [b]Wrong[/b]. And I do think the moon landing is true, though I've never seen the video.[/size][/QUOTE] In comparison to the Earths gravity, it is tremendously weak, heh. It is like 1/6 ours. There is only gravity acting on it. Compared to the many forces that would act on it on Earth such as the wind and gravity combined. But there isn't that on the moon. And with a gravity that is 1/6 of ours I think it sounds pretty reasonable for it to not stop as it would here on Earth. It didn't keep rippling for a LONG time either, lol. It wiggled enough with the astronaut twisting and turning it into the ground. It didn't wiggle for a long time, nor did I say it did for a long time. And truth be told it doesn't need a constant force in space. Since there is no friction, it WILL keep moving wherever you send it to. The laws on Earth don't apply in space in the same way. There is nothing pushing against something in space, so it will keep going that same direction with the one push you initially give it. No friction, no fore acting against it. Look at the quote below. " Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it." [url]http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/history/newton3laws.html[/url] It doesn't say in one direction either, Mr. Big Shot. Hell, I didn't even come up with that by myself. I read that on the NASA website, as well as many other websites awhile back. So you are saying you are smarter than the scientists at NASA and that they are wrong? Please. Edit: Some examples about you'r constant force bogus. 1) A rocket. After their initial launching of boosters to accelerate them, there is no long a force being acted upon it. The force launched it forward. F=ma. F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. After the initial acceleration and the boostes stop pushing it forward, there is no longer a force being applie. Since ther is no gravity in space, it continues on its way because there is no force acting against it. So all the object as to be is in uniform motion, meaning there is no acceleration, it keeps a constant motion, never changing. So without a force to act against this, it will continue to do whatever it is doing. So the flags motion is it rippling around while the dude put it in the ground and everything. It is rippling, because he is moving it around. And just like here on Earth, gravity doesn't start to take effect right away. The flag on Earth will continue to ripple as the wind dies down, and then finally coming to a rest, haning. The flag on the moon started to slow down in its rippling after the guy stopped, and eventually would come to a stop just like it would here on Earth.
Tell your mom and dad you just got asked to Prom and have them pay for it all, lol. They will be like "our little baby got asked to Prom! and he isn't a Juniour yet!" And watch them pamper you. :D And if you did that all ready and they aren't paying, start saving heh. Get a job and get money. And just ask others what they are getting and stuff.
Is the war in Iraq worth the sacrifice?
Zeta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I don't think we can really answer this question as of now. It would be better asked maybe 10 years from now. Sure right now we are having lots of problems. But what if in 5-10 years, Iraq is the United States of the Middle East? We could say right now it isn't worth it. But then in 10 years we could be singing an entirely different tune. -
[QUOTE=Angelus_Necare][color=deepskyblue][size=1]Well I am now... Funny I didn't catch this episode but I find the subject slightly creepy yet deeply fascinating. The fact that something of that magnitude could, for the most part, destroy parts the east coast is frankly scary. But when you say a "chunk of island" how big are we talking? And would you suppose parts of the ice caps falling into the ocean could also take an effect? I mean, chunks of ice have been breaking off for years, perhaps they don't have the same effect as a massive land slide would... Regardless, I'd like to hear more information on the subject. It's good to be well informed on the "things that scare the crap outta me" list.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] It is quite a large chunk. I saw the island he is talking about on a History channel show concerning Armageddon. I myself would be worried, but I highly doubt it will occur in my lifetime. But I do feel bad for those who will have to experience it. There was also this other tsunami that had an epicenter off the western coast of the United States in 1700 I believe, which caused tidal waves that reached all the way to Japan and caused a good deal of damage. Just read that in a Time magazine, heh.
The gravity of the moon is nothing compared to what it is o n Earth. I also never said that the flag never stopped moving. Of course it would stop moving. But right away? No. With only gravity working on it, compared to all the forces acting on it on Earth, it would take longer for it to stop moving. It will stop of course. It isn't like the thing is still moving now, lol. Basic physics.
We went to the moon, quite obvious. 1) The flag waving really pisses me off. It is one of Newtons laws. It reads something like an object will stay in motion until acted upon by another force. With nothing to act against the flag, when they were twisting and turning it to set it up, it will continue to move since there is no outside force to stop it 2) The bogus about there being no stars in the pictures with Earth. Seeing as how Earth is so bright compared to the others stars and being so much closer, it is obvious that it will drown out things that are dimmer than itself if at such distances as there are between the Earth and the stars. 3) A hoax of that magnitude kept secret for so many years? Please. That would be the most elaborate hoax ever. How on Earth could you keep a secret between NASA, the government, and so many other agencies that helped make the program a possibillty? *shrug* that is my view on the matter. We landed on the moon, those who think otherwise are seeking attention and trying to different.
[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']I loved Halo 2 and Fable! Don't think of what isn't there, think of what IS there!.[/quote] There isn't anything there though. :-p Personally, I find if you make a game leaning towards multiplayer only on a console is pretty stupid. 1) you have to pay for online play. 2) many parents will not give their credit cards out 3) People just plain hate console games for online play. I myself find it lame to pay for Live, and my mom won't give her credit card out to anyone anyways. And I also loathe console games online. I say wait for it to come out on the computer and play online for free. Now if they spent just as much time on single player as on multiplayer, then I wouldn't be complaining.
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Zeta, the rope is only a 1000ft long, but it sags, so how can the distance be 1000ft?[/size][/quote] I was assuming the posts were fixed to the ground and not able to move. And that somehow the rope would sag whether by losting the knots or something, heh. Besides, I am horrible at riddles as I stated, heh.
I am horrible at riddles and all...but might as well give Baron's a whirl, nothing better to do. Are the posts 1000 feet apart? If the rope is 1000 feet rope is between them, that means they are stationary in the ground and holidng the rope taught. And if the rope sags the posts stay where they are, but just the rope itself sags down, since the poles are probably cemented to the ground or something, heh.. >_> EDIT: Well it is 1000 isn't it? Since it just talks about the vertical posts being a certain length, and the rope 1000 feet and then it sags downwards vertically to a certain height. That won't affect the distance between the posts, but the distance between the rope and the ground. Well there is my wild answer. I don't have any myself, heh.
Hmm...I myself would have to say Halo 2. Horrible, horrible game. One of the most anticipated games for me in a long time for console....and I was let down. :-( The story...blegh. Boring. Bland. Plain. There are many other words I can say to express my vies more. So many things were left wide open that shouldn't have been. Such as [spoiler]how did the Flood get released on that thingy that was floating in that planets atmoshpere?[/spoiler] Boring storyline. This is the ONLY game that I ever fell asleep while playing, not a single game has ever done that. The graphics....horrid. For a game in development for so long, I was expecting much better. Jagged edges all over in cut scenes just took my love for the graphics I was hoping away. How long was it in development? How long was the release date postpone? Shouldn't be there. I was quite happy that I actually beat the game though. I owed it to myself to beat it since the first is my all time favorite game. I can at least tell myself that I beat the game and never touch it again probably.
First, right click on desktop, go to properties and then the settings tab. Underneath the monitor it will tell you what kind of video card you will have. If you do not have one, it will say something like "Intel Extreme intergrated graphics." If that is the case...boi..we must get you going in the right direction. What is your budget? For around $200 you can get a very, very nice 6600 video card from nVidia, new generation video card, and very able performer for it's price. Don't bother with the GeForce FX series. Not good cards for their prices, but if you do want to go that route, I say probably a 5950 Ultra, not too good of a price for its performance in the games out. If you want to go the other route with a different video card manufacture that is big, then ATI is your way. Right now they onyl have their high end x800 series out in AGP and PCI express. I am assuming you have an AGP slot, heh.Most everything else is in PCI express. To find out if you have an AGP slot, take off the side of your case and see if you have a brown slot that is indented farther in than the white ones that are below it. So if you really do wish to go ATI (I prefer them myself, my 9800 Pro is a very able card, very very nice performance and quality) you would probably have to go to their last generation of cards, unless you wanna spend a good chunk more than 200. This route I would suggest a 9800 Pro, like mine. You can find them for around 200 dollars as well. If you want mroe information o n that card, just PM me, I am a proud owner. :-) Otherwise...I would say at least a 9600 Pro/XT. Not as good as the 9800 by far, but if you are on a strict, strict budget, go with that. But hey, if you don't have a strict budget, go for the 6800 line of card from nVidia, or the x800 line from ATI. Top performers out now.
Well for the more computer literate people here....I am planning on flashing my video card bios. Right now I hae a 9800 non pro, and am planning on flashing it to just a plain olde 9800 Pro, since it is read as a Pro anyways...but the core and memory clocks are at the non pro levels. I have to format a floppy disk and then create a bootable disk to do so. But when I right click on my A drive symbol in My Computer, it just highlites it for a bit, then it unhighlites not allowing me to format it and create a bootable disk. Any ideas? I was thinking it may be shot or something. :flaming:
I was thinking it could be a dying power supply. How many watts is it? If that isn't the problem, then I agree with wrist cutter. What kind of case does he have?
Well then. I have just recently finished the game and would like to finish up my thoughts viewed in my other post. The game did redeem itself a little as you progressed. But not enough for me to be a die hard fan of it. The cutscenes seemed to be much smoother near the end, and were much more cool than early ones. The gameplay itself remained the same, but I enjoyed getting a few different guns as I got farther into the game. The story line was a little of the [i]blah[/i], meaning it was all right, but not extremely good.I especially thought it was cool that [spoiler] Halo was actually activated. I also enjoyed finally being able to find out what happened to the Foreunner, was one of the mysteries that plagued meh.[/spoiler] I [i]have[/i] to go back and play the game again. I had lots of trouble hearing what that [spoiler] big thing that took MC down through the water, as well as the one who took the Arbiter[/spoiler] was saying at its parts. I would very much like to know. It could be the deciding factor that causes me to raise my rating. So overall if I had to rate it from 1-10, I would give it an 7.5.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Zeta replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
Well I am not sure of exact numbers right now ot what but think of this. The US government is sending a good deal of money, though may still be small compared to what others want us to send. Why not inclue all the celebrities who will be adding lumps of money as well? Unless their money is all ready being counted, I am sure our sum total will be very high up there. -
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Zeta replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Syk3. The one and only person that I would not mind meeting. Been talking to him for a good couple of years now. Real cool kid. We got some carazy plans for this summer. ;) He knows what I am banging about. -
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Zeta replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
No, but I am sure McCarthy and his crusade were enough. Again, show me the numbers. Again, how many people are taught to eat with forks? Everyone. Does everyone follow that? No. People are taught to live a clean life, that to live in filth is wrong. I just watched an episode of cops the other night with this lady who was living in complete and total filth. Garbage everywhere, dead cats in her house. People are told that hitting women is wrong, yet men do it anyways. We are brought up being told that beating children is wrong, it happens anyways. We are told that it is wrong to murder, steal, do drugs, yet people do it anyways. Again, just because they are told we are bad, does not mean they believe it, please. -
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Zeta replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I define a country by its people. And as far as I am aware, I do not see them running around the streets saying how much they hate America and capitalism. Maybe I am not looking hard enough, *shrug* Again, show me where the people say they do not like America and capitalism, then I will believe. Show me vote results saying they do not like capitalism. Hell, show me them raising their hands saying they hate capitalism. Show me proof. I repeat just because they are taught something does not mean they all believe it. I read on the CIA factbook that people are pouring over the borders to leave their country. Obviously they don't believe their government, some do some don't. You can say it wtih as much certainty that I can say the country as a whole does not hate capitalism. I just do not think you should be using the majority rules on something as big as an entire country. Voting is different than the way you are presenting the majority rules point. An entire country is much to be in size to use that rule. Well, neither of us can obviously prove our points to each other in a full and complete way, might as well just forget about it, lol. -
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Zeta replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]Obviously, the Government is an easy one to judge: They hate America. If you base a countries stance off of their Government, then North Korea hates America.[/QUOTE] If you had said that from the start, we would be saying that the government hates America, not the country. [QUOTE] Why can't you understand that this kind of thing is what that idea was made for? If you can't get anything important from using majority rules across a country, why vote?[/QUOTE] Voting and guessing from what they are taught are different things. Voting you have the people basically speaking what they believe. Basing your opinion on a matter on what they are taught is entirely different. As I said, just because they are taught something doesn't mean they believe it, or follow it. Yes they show us in a negative light, but that doesn't mean the majority of the population believes it. Now if you show me a vote where the majority of the people dislike America, then I will change my opinions. It is foolish to base an entire country's feelings off of what they are taught and are supposed to believe. -
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Zeta replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
Baron I believe said that the whole of the country hates America or capitalism. I said you can't use majority rules there because it is much too big of scope. He is speaking for an entire population of 22 some million, using majority rules based on what they are taught. My point with me not knowing how to do some trigonometry is meant to show that just because you are taught something, doesnt mean you follow it or know how to do it. So, just because they are taught that, doesn't mean they believe nor follow it. Which means he can't be speaking for an entire country based on what they are taught to believe.