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Everything posted by Zeta

  1. Well, he [i]was[/i] a Jedi Master, as said so by Obi-Wan himself. I am also of the opinion that it was Sidious posing as him to order the Clone Army, or possibly Dooku. But another thing that was spinning through my mind awhile back. What if it was actually the real Sifo Dyas? Working under Sidious of course. Remember the Dark Side clouds the Jedi's ability to see into the Force. Since they have no idea, least a very clear idea, that Palpatine is in fact a Dark Lord of the Sith, it is quite possible that Dyas could have actually ordered the army for Sidious. Only to be killed off of course, heh. I myself like the former idea more, makes more sense than my idea in my mind.
  2. Boba, wish to return to our old debating days? lol Just a question to everyone. Who do you believe Sifo Dyas is/was? Will we ever find out? I'll express my views later.
  3. Concerning what you said about the suicide bombing and the fact that the Israeli soldiers just went and demolished the house anyways. I see no difference than what the bomber did. He killed many innocent civilians, while the Israeli's just killed one. *shrug* I don't see how the suicide bomber is not to blame for the grandfathers death. The reason why Muslims are portrayed in such a bad way is because quite frankly they do it themselves. How many Christians strap bombs on themselves and walk into a crowded street? In the Jewish religion, [i]their[/i] religion, it says the Promised Land is theres. What does that mean? That means they don't believe that it belongs to Muslims. So what are they doing? They are fighting to protect it just as you said Palestinians should. But you don't see Israeli's strapping bombs to themselves, I see Muslims. I know that sounds really harsh. But it is the truth nontheless. Now I'm not saying they don't, but you don't hear about them as often as Muslims. Have you seen the damage that a rock can do? Doesn't matter if a soldier is wearing a bullet proof vest. What if it smash their knee? Or is smashes into their face? A responsible soldier protects himself if he is threatened. Getting rocks thrown at you falls under protecting yourself. Besides, why throw rocks in the first place? What good will it do? If they don't want to get shot at, or something else, they should know better. It is truly a no win situation that will eventually come to a peace that one side may not like. Both Israeli's and Muslims see the land as theirs, according to their religion as you said. So they are both going to fight for it. But it is the Palestinians who strap bombs to themselves, not the Jews. Sorry if this sounds really harsh, I am just stating what I know. You don't hear about Christians, Jews, or others strapping bombs to themselves and going into a crowded street. And I ask you. Why should Islam be favored of Judaism? *I am not all knowing on this subject. I am only using what I catch in watching the news a little bit every night, what I read occasionaly...etc..So if anyone out there wishes to enlighten me on what I have wrong, I've got no problems, heh.
  4. [QUOTE]If someone can survive on dirty water and rat meat, and be content with it, is there anything wrong with it? I don't know what rat meat tastes like, but maybe it tastes like chicken.[/QUOTE] I'm going out on a limb here. I really don't think they are content with it. If they are content with it, it is because they have to be. If they had a choices between rat meat and dirty water, and a piece of chicken and clean water, they would be content with the better of the two. I mean really, who wants to live on rat meat and dirty water? They want to live off a good food and water no matter if we help them get the supplies or not.
  5. I agree that it takes a village, just not only a village. Sure a parent can teach you how to act in public and everything but does it always just end there? It is the same thing with math. You can be taught how to do something and you know the steps to do it. But you won't know until you actually try a problem if you truly understand how to do it. I could be taught to act like a proper kid when I am in a community, but when I get there I figure out it is much harder to actually act the way I was taught. Again the same thing with math, depending on the person of course.You are able to actually get out and act on what you are taught if you are part of a village, you need experience, which is something you won't get just from your parents. It does take a family to raise a child yes, but it also takes a village.
  6. [QUOTE=Kane][SIZE=1]The last post about it was fifteen replies ago, one of mine actually. As I said back then I haven't seen the trailer, for some reason fans here in Europe always have to wait ages for anything compared to America. From what I've seen about [B]Revenge of the Sith[/B] from the Extras Disk in the Star Wars DVD Trilogy it looks as if the mixture just might have got better. I think that in the new trilogy they focused a little too much on the romance aspect of Anakin and Padmé as opposed to the more obvious political upheaval. I remember seeing Hayden as Vader for the first time and it sent a shiver down my back, I can't wait to see the proper film in May of next year though no doubt everyone is. [[I]Has reached 1000 posts as of this one.[/I]][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well I think the reason why they spent so much time on the love factor is that the reason Anakin probably goes to the Dark Side may have something to do with Padme. She may die, she may leave Anakin, who knows. I think it is such a big part of the movies because it may play a part with him going to the Dark Side. Sort of makes sense. Shmi dies and he kills all the Tuskens at that camp, and if Padme dies would probably push him over the edge. *shrug* Just my guess. Siren is right. Sith were originally a race of alien beings and after humans and them intermingled the Dark Side users labled themselves Dark Lords of the Sith. If I remember correctly the Sith honor these Dark Lords and thats why of the Sith was added.
  7. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Sadly, I do feel that this thread is underrating many men. It's not like every guy wants a skinny girl. But, generally, they're the outspoken minority; and thats why we have this problem. There is a difference between being fat, and being well-proportioned. And I think many girls [esp. insecure girls] do not recognise this. Different girls, of different weights can be attractive. Provided that they aren't overly fat, it [weight] doesn't bother me. Weight is such a small part in terms of attraction. And when you add any relationship or personality factor into the equation, the relevance fades even further. On a scale of 1 [skinny] to 10 [fat'] I'd prefer anyone from 3-8. But, thats only in terms of weight. There is much more to a girl than that.[/size][/quote] I'm sorry I am not buying that. Every guy I know says that exact same thing, even I do, and when it all boils down to it we don't follow it. I myself would go around to all my friends and would say that looks don't matter to me as long as they have a great personality and what not, but ultimately it ends with me saying no because they aren't "hot" enough for me. Everyone says that and when it comes time for that to show, many don't follow what they say. I myself have run across women who claim they are fat when they truly aren't. Asuka mentioned one, but there are also many, many girls in my new school that randomly say "I need to lose weight." When they say that I look over out of curiosity and my mouth drops. These girls don't need to lose weight. They say things like that when right across from there is someone who does have to lose weight (pardon me if I sound rude) and that person just glares at them. I believe that the media has a small part in the way girls think, but they are not entirely at fault. I agree with wrist cutter on not wanting ugly women on T.V. Even if he was being sarcastic I am not. What draws us to the movies? The plot and action and stuff. Now if there was just this huge guy/woman in an Indian Jones type of film, no one would want to see it, least they want to be entertained immensely. I also agree with his girls saying they are fat to fit in comment.
  8. [QUOTE]Even if there are already unregistered guns out there, what harm can forcing people to inform the government of the new killsticks they have hidden in their respective underwear drawers possibly inflict?[/QUOTE] Seeing as how lots of guns out there are bought on the black market for use in gangs, drug dealers, etc...I see that as a high possibility of actually happening. :rolleyes: Anyways onto my views. There isn't really anything we can do about having guns period. Guns are needed to put it bluntly. In the ancient times it was a sword, spear, whatever. Nowadays it is a gun. Everyone doesn't need them in many peoples minds. But I still stick by my opinions from a different thread about owning guns. :D I would like to quote a guy from the movie Runaway Jury. When asked about what he thought of gun control he replied "the same way I do about birth control, it doesn't work." It doesn't matter if you are required to register a gun, people will just buy it off the black markey if they don't want to register. I with to agree with Adahn I think it was about hunting. Sure people hunt for fun, but when they do shoot something they will most likely not just leave it there. They will get it and eat it. *shrug* Even if they don't eat it themselves, it is then there for other animals to eat. It isn't like you shoot it and nothing happens with it. I don't agree with Goldensensi on if you have a gun you are intending to kill someone. The only reason you have a gun isn't so you can kill someone, lol. I could say the only reason you have a knife is to kill someone, as they kill too, and if they are in your house, they are also in killing range of the knife. What of the gun collectors? Those who collect the guns and have never even fired it, let alone bought ammunition? I don't think the only reason they have a gun is for killing, lol. Just as was said earlier, if Rangerwere to kill some intruder in defense of you he won't go to jail. His defense would be self defense of himself, and of family members. Just finished that section in my business law class. And anyways if they are in your house trespassing, you do not have to retreat beforehand as you would have to if you were out in the streets.(to Rin I believe) [QUOTE]So now I ask you, with a properly placed question mark, what would you do when threatened with bodily injury or death and you have a pistol? I know I won't shoot. I know Ranger will. I don't know about you but I would like to live a little longer.[/QUOTE] I am curious as to why you won't shoot? What if you are the only one there and Ranger isn't? You would have to shoot otherwise you will be dead. Sorry, I just don't understand why you won't protect yourself when you have every right to.
  9. Woo dang. I like Pellaeon as well. Though I like the Imperial Remnant itself. They are basically what the New Republic was before they became the New Republic, until peace was signed of course. I really like the Imperial Remnant in the NJO. When they jumped into the Ithor system and helped pull our Corran Horn and the battle at Ithor in the Dark Tide books, I got chills. The first book of the Force Heretic trilogy is quite possibly my favorite paperback of the NJO. I love the battle with the Remnant and Vong. Quite possibly my favorite right behind the invasion of Coruscant. Finally we get to see the Imperials actually flex their muscles at something, I love it, heh.
  10. But in your first post you said your friend told you that you were still going out. Now you say that she said that your relationship is over? Phew, thank goodness I never had stuff like this in my relationships. I would be confused ten times over, lol. Well if now you say that you two aren't going out, then go for the other girl if you think you are up to it.
  11. Go with the one you like more. Going out with someone for looks is stupid. Besides if the other chick somehow made you think you weren't going out with her(which I am lost about by the way), pretend she never said that to your friend, and go out with the other.
  12. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]I've never really given a damn about Otaku politics, lol, but that is one of the things that confuses me. I've never had a problem with ChibiHorseWoman [I know some people have, sorry Chibi, lol], and I never had a problem with cloricus. I know lots of people did- same as Mnemolth [who made an incredibly short re-appearance a few months ago]. I guess some people might have problems with me [for some reason]. Why do lots of people develop enmities of a sort with others online? I just view people's opinions as their own. I mean, I'll argue against them, but at the end of the day, what happens in a thread, stays in a thread. For me, leastways.[/size][/QUOTE] Is is the same thing with movies. In some movies there are characters that you just can't help but hate. You know it is acting, but you hate them anyways. Same with online basically. Some people say things that are so stupid or far off that they get you angry. My various screen names I have had here have been spur of the moment things almost. I didn't come up with them by myself though. I would look at something, lets say a page about aliens that mentioned the star system Zeta Reticulum. *fills out registrations form with Zeta Reticulum* After about a week...I realized how ghey it was and changed to plain ole' Zeta, lol. Same goes with my other screen names, most of which had something to do with Dragonball Z, lol.
  13. Zeta

    Halo 2

    After playing the game for about an hour, I am not as happy with it as I thought I would be. There is choppiness I guess you could say in the cut scenes. Controls are a little sluggish in my mind, especially when piloting a ghost. I was hoping for an improved version of the assault rifle, though I guess you could say the battle rifle is this improved version, I just don't like the burst fire of it. Granted I have only played about an hour of the game, that is what I feel so far. It probably does get better as you go along, but right now I am not playing the game that I was waiting years for. I guess some could say I am being too hard on it, but they delayed this thing like a good year, I was expecting the best game I had ever played. Unfortunately it isn't. Narurally these are just my opinions, heh.
  14. [b]Yes that was rather silly but then again the same things should have happened to the Rebel Fleet in Return of the Jedi at the Battle of Endor, even destroying the Death Star and that Super Star Destroyer there was still a big fleet there.[/b] Sorry, isn't letting me quote. o_0 Anyways....not entirely true. I am assuming you read the books and the EU right now, correct me if I am wrong (more than just The NJO I mean.) I don't recall where it is first mentioned, but it is mentioned a few times. The only reason why the Empire was so good at the time was because of the Emperor. He held the fleet together and what not, sort of like the Jedi battle meld if you will. Now with him killed, there is really nothing holding the fleet together, so they break and run eventually. Just because there was a large fleet, doesn't mean the Rebellion would get defeated. Boba's voice was different? o_0 lol. I guess I don't pay attention to such small things, doesn't bother meh though, just happy they are on DVD.
  15. I myself haven't seen it tinted red, though I may not be looking hard enough. If it is tinted red, it isn't too noticable, seeing as how I still don't see it. Though it could be my T.V. or something that isn't allowing me to see it clearly. Anyways. Since I bought the DVDs I have been watching the Episode III behind the scenes dealy much more than I have watched the movie. I love it. [spoiler] Just seeing Hayden in the Vader suit walking up those stairs and then looking at the Emperoro, gives me the chills.[/spoiler] I finished [i]The Cestus Deception[/i] the other day. Good book, great action. I was hoping for a large scale space battle-I seem to want that in all the Star Wars books :rolleyes: , lol. The droids were a little hard for me to picture in my mind, but that's ok. The fighting with the clones and Jedi were enough to get me pulled in. Kane: Have you picked up the final NJO book yet?
  16. Zeta


    At my old school in Wisconsin there were labels yes, but like at Corey's school, everyone was usually friends with each other. I myself was in the "nerdy" group, but I would hang out with the "popular" kids. The groups at that school were popular, nerd/geek, druggies(many of which were popular too), and just the normal ones who didn't care about anything. Everyone was friends yes, but you would see them choose someone from their "group" to hang out with first. Like I said, I would hang out with everyone, mostly people from the druggie group...*cough* :eek: Anyways, my new school in Georgia...wowzas. The popular people only hang with the popular people, geeks with the geeks...I think you get the picture. It really annoys me, heh. But hey, nothing we can really do about it. It is part of schools everywhere really.
  17. [QUOTE]Ahah. But, if you wanted to rob somebody, you'd already have a gun to do it with. Its not like Australia where you have to have licensed weapons. If you want a gun here illegally, you'd have to find it. Much harder than having to have one.[/QUOTE] Like Drix said in his above post. Just because you all ready have a gun to do it with, doesn't mean you will. Would you rather rob someone without a gun and come out alive? Or rob someone who also has a gun, and will use it to protect himself/herself and come out injured or dead? A robber would prefer the former, but if everyone had a gun, you wouldn't want to mess with anyone, lol. *shrug* I am not saying that this is going to happen anytime soon. But from a certain point of view, it does make sense. People who use guns against others are usually attacking those who are weak and without a way to protect themselves. Now you put that same robber in a neighborhood where everyone has a gun, I highly doubt he will rob anyone.
  18. Oh my. Death Bug is my new best friend. I agree with him. His movies have no context at all. He takes everything at face vaule, he doesn't actually do the research that is involved to convery points to the public. Anyways. This is my theory. In this small town in Georgia near where I live, everyone is require to have a gun. They had their first major crime just last year, a murder I believe. I think everyone should have a gun. :-) Many are going to say "omg...with more guns there will just be more killings." But look at it this way. If you are planning on robbing a guy who you know has a gun required by law, are you really going to want to do it? But yeah, other than that everything I was planning on saying was said by Death Bug. Good job man.
  19. Zeta


    You should definitely download one of the songs I listed above. Try Cure my Tragedy or Wasted Years, those are my two "favorite" favorites. If you like their old stuff, you should like their new stuff.
  20. Zeta


    Anyone hear a fan of Cold? They've got a few CD out, which includes the albums Cold, 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage, and Year of the Spider, the latter probably the most wells known. I was introduced to Cold by a friend of mine back before he moved to Washington. He burned the song Stupid Girl onto a CD. At the time, I was a little iffy on the band. The song was good, but not really what I was into at the time. Whenever it played on the radio or the video came on MTV I would naturally listen, but I never actually thought them good enough to buy their music. But when I did buy it one morning over Christmas break in '03, I couldn't believe what I was missing. After a night of partying and no sleep a group of friends and I headed off to Best Buy at about 8 am. Having just gotten quite a good amount of money, I blew it away on CDs, one of them being Year of the Spider. We flipped it into my friends MP3 player and were hooked. We had it blasting on our way to breakfast, and then again on the way back to my house. This CD became an integral part of my life for a few months. Friends and I would listen to it ALL the time when we were driving around..doing things...that may be frowned upon by some. ^_^;; Anyways, we never got sick of the songs. Even today, right now I listen to the full CD at least once a day. I love this CD. The others are great too, but I don't think they can compare to Year of the Spider. Some of my favorites include Wasted Years, Cure my Tragedy, Suffocate and Change the World. I highly recommend you either go out and buy the CD if you haven't, or if you aren't sure, visit their main site and listen to the song Suffocate that plays on it. Anyone else like Cold? Or if you don't like them, how come?
  21. I find myself lucky when it comes to braces. I only had mine for 6 months in fourth grade, most people have them for years, heh. At my new dentist down in Georgia they noted I had a small overbite and were like I should get braces again to straighten that out. I was like, you know what? How about no. The dentists back in Wisconsin didn't see it bad enough for me to get braces enough, I am taking their word over yours. I walked out after that, lol. But ya, I HATED braces. Never will get them again.
  22. When most people say drug tafficking/market, they usually mean the illegal drug dealers not those who just buy cigarettes. My apologies. You don't hear about health related problems nor car accidents concerning marijuana. That is being more responsible than drinkers in my mind. Since you don't hear about them too often, it is obvious they are being more responsible than drinkers who decide to drive. The only thing I have left to say is if you want to know the truth you can try it if you want. Just be responsible about it. I have nothing more to add.
  23. [QUOTE]But you said yourself that it affected your short-term memory:[/QUOTE] But the thing with smoking pot is that usually you just smoke and just hang out at your house/wherever you are. You aren't doing anything that you truly need to remember. It is mostly just watching movies and playing games. The difference is that you have total black outs with drinking. You won't remember [i]anything[/I]. With pot you usually only forget what people say, not what you do. For the time that I have smoked I have only forgotten what people have said, even in this case, my memory is still very crisp on what was said. I remember everything that we did. It doesn't effect short term memory on the degree that researches say it does. You won't know until you try. I'm not telling you to go out and buy and 8th, but if you want to know the truth about what you are taught, you should try it. I have yet to come across a fact that I was taught in DARE about Marijuana to be true, besides that you get high. [QUOTE]Do you think people who drink and drive are going to be any less responsible than those who'd smoke weed and drive?[/QUOTE] When you smoke weed you have the ability to think. Which I hope that everyone actually does before thinking of getting into a car while under the influence. I used to drive after/while I was smoking, with people who are totally against the stuff mind you. They commented on my driving being a whole lot better. Maybe this is just an isolated incident, maybe it isn't. But all the people I have driven with stoned are much better drivers while under the influence of marijuana than alcohol. It was stupid of me and them to do that, but our driving wasn't half as bad as those who have been drinking. Looking back on this, I realize that I was not being responsible and am just glad that nothing ever happened. But most times when someone smokes they are just going to chill wherever they are at. Usually it is in small groups and they just crash where they are, lol. Or the person is alone and just sits at a computer or watches a movie. Not too many people smoke and drive and get into accidents. If they did you would hear about them a lot, even if it is illegal you would still here about them. I know I don't around the places where I have lived. [QUOTE]Again, there has been research. It doesn't say that it always causes paranoid schizophrenia, but it certainly increases the chances of its development.[/QUOTE] Does the rest of the article go into detail on those they tested? All I am reading is that it may increase the likelihood of one getting schizophrenia. Which in my mind means that those who all ready have the possibility of contracting this disease are at a higher risk. Does it say who they tested and how they went about doing it? For all we know every single one of those tested either have the disease all ready, or were at risk to get it in the first place and that is why they said that. If it did indeed help schizophrenia along as much as they say, there would be MUCH more people with schizophrenia out there since so many people smoke pot. [QUOTE]I was at a college party back in 2001, and there was heavy, heavy marijuana use there. Probably half of the party was smoking, and more than 3/4 of the party left...meaning, didn't spend the night, meaning, drove home. Considering just that one incident that probably gets repeated fairly often, something tells me that people aren't going to be all that sensible after smoking pot.[/QUOTE] That is sad in my mind. An unfortunate thing to have read. I can see where you are coming from completely. But I don't believe that things like that are repeated too often. The parties that I went to and held at my house no one would ever leave. Though again that is just my experience. But yes, there are always going to be those who decide not to think and just go ahead and drive. Hopefully things like this don't happen to often. For all we know they could happen all the time, but we still haven't heard of any accidents involving marijuana. [QUOTE]I mean, we hear about so much drunk driving...what's there to suggest that if marijuana is legalized, we won't hear about or have increased incidents of people driving while high?[/QUOTE] Sadly people still do drive while smoking marijuana. But do we hear accidents involving them? I know I don't. When you are driving high you have the ability to think and actually see what is going on. You are concentrating harder than you normally would. You pay attention more. Never having driven drunk I am just guessing what it will be like. When you are drunk you can't even stand and walk in a straight line, while high you can. Drinking you have major loss of memory (not remembering anything) if you drink a lot, if you smoke a lot you don't have this problem. You don't have lapses in your memory, just trouble recalling things, which isn't that large of a deal in driving because your driving skills are long term and you always remember them. Hell we should make cell phones illegal to use when you drive as well. I know I have been talking on mine a few times and then found myself at my destination without recalling making the turns and stops that I have to do. I would just like to recap what I have said throughout this post and my others posts. Marijuana is not as bad as it seems. Everyone who is against it in any form are against it because of what they are taught. We have been lead to believe that marijuana is all bad and what not, when it is in fact not as bad as they say it is. Yes you develop smokers cough if you do it constantly. If you stop smoking for just a month, it is gone. You do not contract lung cancer from smoking marijuana. There have been no health related deaths linking to marijuana. Cigarettes have poison in them, marijuana does not. Marijuana is better in cigarettes in many ways. Depending on the way you smoke it you can greatly reduce the amount of smoke that is taken into your lungs. Joints are popular yes, but they aren't used as much as pipes or bongs. When using a pipe the tar and other bad chemicals accumulate onto the sides of the pipe until you decide to clean it. In bongs the smoke is filtered through the water and is cleaner than a cigarette and pipe. A vaporizer doesn't even light the marijuana on fire, it just activates the THC and causes it to rise so you just inhale THC and not the other harmful things that come from burning plants. Eating is the healthiest way to get stoned. Not only does it involve no smoke getting into your lungs, you get to eat as well. :p Marijuana doesn't effect short term memory on the degree everyone seems to think it does. I had smoked for about 10 months straight. I am able to remember what was done at each party, who was there, and practically anything except for what was said. But who can remember what someone said at a party let alone anywhere after an extended amount of time. You can't remember [i]everything[/I]. In fact I am writing up my life from the past year because some friends back in Wisconsin asked me to. I have yet to encounter any problem recalling anything that occurred. Drinking causes much more problems with your memory. Based on my experiences and on others, drunk driving is FAR worse than smoking and then driving. I myself drank one night and remember only 4 things total from that night. I remember sitting outside on the porch taking shots, finding myself on the third floor of our house, then myself in the kitchen, and then going to bed. I have no recollection of going into my house. I have no recollection of going upstairs or coming back down. I don't know how I got into the kitchen laying o n the floor, nor do I remember going into my room to sleep. I have smoked a good amount of weed some of these times and not once have I had a single black out. You are able to remember everything except what is said. Most of the time you are smoking with others who are as well, so what is said really isn't as important. Now if you were to go to school high and didn't take notes, I can see where this would be a problem. But overall, the short term memory loss that everyone identifies marijuana with isn't too big of a problem. Legalizing it would free up law enforcement and keep children away from the drug trafficking. With it under government regulation all an underage person would have to do would turn to an 18 year old (if that is the chosen age lets say) and ask for him to buy some. That is what people do with cigarettes. It would be no different. The plus to this would be that it would keep children/teens away from the drug market, keeping them away from much harder drugs like cocaine and heroin. That is one big plus if you ask me. Keeping them away from those things would cause the drug traffickers much more problems than arresting a teen with a small baggie of marijuana. There would be no need for drug traffickers to sell marijuana anymore. People aren't going to have to turn to them to get some, all they would have to do is turn to a neighbor that is 18 if they really want to do it. Cops won't come down as hard on a kid if they are smoking pot if it is legal at 18 or whenever. They don't get on your case for cigarettes or drinking. They only get on your case if you are drinking and driving, and would only get on your case if you are smoking and driving. Smoking marijuana is basically a victimless crime. Who are you hurting besides yourself? You aren't shooting anyone or robbing anyone. You buy it, go into your room and smoke. You sit and just listen to music or watch movies. I really don't see the harm in that. Why should you not be allowed to just smoke and have a good time? The key to legalizing marijuana is smoking it responsibly. The key word for doing any drugs, wether they be prescription or not, is being responsible. Obviously if you drink/smoke and drive you are not being responsible. If someone does that I see no problems hauling them off to jail for a night and having to pay a fine or whatnot. As long as you are responsible it isn't causing anyone harm. The thing with the schizophrenia is a very hard topic. The article provided doesn't say the kids already had the possibility of contracting the disease or not, so that could be a factor. They could all ready have the possibility of contracting it and the marijuana just helped it along. I read one of the sources that was provided with the article and it doesn't say anything if this families child all ready had a mild form of it, or if he had the possibility of getting it to begin with. You have a higher chance of contracting schizophrenia from things such as LSD or PCP, powerful hallucinogenic drugs that actually make you see and hear things, whereas marijuana does not. The gateway drug is bogus in my mind and as well as others. The only way it can be a gateway drug is the fact that you have to go into the world of drug trafficking. Doing so introduces you to the much harder things. With it legalized the drug could become the governments responsibility. With they controlling it the drug traffickers won't produce it since the people won't have to go to the underground to get it. They can buy it themselves if they are over the age limit, or have someone that is over the limit that they know buy it for them - which is how many people get cigarettes and alcohol. It keeps them away from the drug dealers which I think is very important. We could crack down on the heroin, cocaine and other hard drug dealers instead of marijuana. Again the only way to know about something is to try it yourself. Don't base a book on its cover. The cover of marijuana is all that we have been taught over the years. Many of which isn't as bad as they make it out to be. There are things out there that are worse than marijuana. But marijuana is the most frequently used drug linked to many arrests cases, many times with a very small amount. Our jails are overrun with first time drug offenders, many of which involve marijuana. There are murders, rapists, cocaine and heroin dealers out there that should be in there in the place of these marijuana smokers. Overall once you try it you will see that it isn't as bad as you are taught. Granted you may feel it isn't your thing, you will realize it isn't [i]that[/I] bad. Things like cocaine and heroin should be cracked down on more than marijuana. I can buy some marijuana type of plant that gives me the same effect as marijuana, but it isn't illegal. If things such as this are legal, why isn't the real thing legal? Marijuana isn't a completely good thing. It can still cause problems with your health, but not on the degree that many think. Many, many people who smoke, smoke when they are teens and stop when they get into college. But again, people still do smoke in college and after. There are more teens that smoke than adults. Many realize that if they get caught after 18, they will face much harsher penalties with the law if caught than if they are under 18. Well, I guess that is all I can really say on the subject, heh.
  24. I believe there is a test that has something to do with your eyes. They move a pen or something around and when it is off to the side the eyes of the person will "wobble" if they are high. Don't know how good of a description that is though, heh. If you don't understand it, I'll try to make it better. Overall, smoking marijuana is a victimless crime. The only person you are hurting is yourself, which is what happens with alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Granted you are plain ole' stupid if you are driving under the influence, but that is the only way it will not be a victimless crime. But again, there are more drunk driver related accidents than there are marijuana related ones. I don't think it would really change. When you smoke you have the ability to actually think first, and hopefully you will think and decide not to drive. I got drunk one night and I don't remember going inside, going upstairs, how I got downstairs, and many other things. But in all the times I have smoked pot, I have not once had a huge swaths of my memory gone, and I have smoked more than I ever drank before.
  25. Wow. You put into words what I haven't been able to. I feel the same way. There is a quote by President Jefferson I believe that sums up what was just said, I'll have to find it. I agree completely with your no good comes from alcohol or cigarettes. Prohibition didn't work. Making marijuana illegal isn't working either. A lot of those in jail are probably first time offenses due to marijuana. Just this week I found out that about 71% of the people in jail are there for first time offenses with drugs. Though I believe that is out of date from a few years ago.
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