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    A college girl who wants nothing more than to design some video games!
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  1. Yea the boxed has been pushed back to 7/6/04, but if anyone wanted to you can always pre order it at Gamestop. Me, I'm just gonna wait until it comes out and buy it. You get some really neat stuff in it. You get an exclusive 'kiba' plush wolf and The Wolf's Rain Original CD Soundtrack. Also a cast interview #1, textless opening, textless ending, pilot film, promo film collection, on-air promo collection. The whole thing costs $50 bucks, but o well. I think it's worth it so I can't wait! Jersey
  2. There's really new about it. It's still a GBA SP. I'm more excited to see what the DS is about. Plus you have the PSP coming out soon too. There's tons more to be excited than this thing. I'm completely happy with my cobalt blue GBA SP. Jersey
  3. yea it does sound like the same old same old to me. No offense. Jersey
  4. I think I'm alot like naraku from inuyasha. I want to rule over people. Jersey [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please add more detail to your posts in future. This is not enough and would normally be considered spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. Adult Swim and Cartoon Network are compeletly different. Cartoon Network didn't want to give Saturday's to Adult Swim, but they finally gave in. Probably because they figured with all the cool shows on saturday they would get really good ratings. As for Wolf's Rain, it totally rocks. What can you expect from the creators of Cowboy Bebop huh? :D Jersey
  6. I like the show, but it isn't my favorite anime of all time. My favorite anime of all time is a secret. Jersey [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Again, please try and add more detail to your posts in future. Elaborate on what it is you do or don't like about the series, for example. This'll make it far more interesting for everyone else to read. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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