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Everything posted by Doll
[COLOR=DarkRed]Something then popped into her head as she reached for the door, she then turned around and faced the others. "That man, Skyler, wasn't he an angel? If he is then we must find him, he could be in danger," a look of sadness filled her eyes, as she waited for the other's response.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Maby it is just me but has anyone else noticed the sudden lack of intreast in this rp? I mean one day we are posting like 8 times a day, now it seems that there are few people that still post. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Doll pushed Emyess' arm away reluctantly, and then stood up. "I-I'm fine," Doll quickly said, "I'll be fine...I can get my own food." Doll then treid to walk, but she was so weak that she had to lean against the wall. Once again she collapsed down on the floor only to get back up again, and head towords the door.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]My little brother has a video game, called Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando, he has beaten the game severral times but he cannot seem to find all of the nanotech boosts. I was wondering if anyone here would happen to know where some are located? Scincerly, your vampire: Doll [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've been having this problem for a while (about 2 or 3 weeks now) and it's really irratating so I'd thought it would be best to see if anyone knows what the problem is and how to solve it. When I go to a place on the site it shows the same threads all the time and it never updates. In order for me to go to one of the threads that I've been talking in I have to do a search on all of the posts I've made and go to it from there. It would be ok if that was the only problem it's causing, but because I can't see anything from after the 2 weeks ago I don't know what new threads are there for me to talk in. I would really appreciate any help regarding this matter. Scincerly, your vampire: Doll[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]Important!!:[/SIZE] Okay I chose to make this ooc comment here so that it dosn't get messed up with the ic posts in the rp. It's come to my attention that we are all...confused. :confused: [SIZE=2] I realize as well that every one is not just posting for ther character, but for other peoples characters as well. By doing this you may make the rp quiker(and not as long), but not always is what you post what that character will do. The only people who know what there character will say and what there character will do, is the player (the one that created that character) of that charater. I do understand that this will make the rp slow but we must be pateint. By doing this I'm sure that we will not only be less confused, but we will also be able to post more than before. So please no more posting for other peoples charecters. And so that the new posts won't be short I ask if you can be discriptive. Scincerly, your vampire: Doll[/SIZE][/COLOR]
(ooc:I think we are all confused. I would like to let you know that I wrote something on the page were we first signed up for this. If we follow this new rule I think we won't be so confused.) ic: Doll continues to silently watch evreyones actions and tears begin to swell in her eyes. "I just wanted to die..." she whispers under her breath, "That was the only reason I wanted that crystal, so I could die." Doll then stares at the wall as everything slowly starts to darken until she can not see and she collapses on the ground, only able to hear those around her.
[COLOR=Purple]Doll sighs. "I geuss I can't blame you. I often wish that I was human again..."Doll says looking at the sky,"Sometimes I think I'd much rather be dead. I mean you might have cool powers and immortality but you live your life killing and watching others die. Sceince the 1800's I've watched people dying and crying so much I've almost gotten used to it. I cannot, however, get used to the lonelyness of it. Having human freinds does not usally work out, and it is hard to find other vampires that care." Doll looked over at Rook,"So what's your name? And if you don't mind me asking, how are you not a full vampire yet?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Doll walked away from them; she wanted to talk to them, but Doll didn't feel very welcomed there.She didn't exactly enjoy fighting unless a life was on the line. Doll decided to the nearby park, but on the way there she heard crying,but she didn't pay much attention to it. It seemed to her that everyone was crying for some reason or another...Even herself. She sat on swing and sung a sweet luluby in a differnt langauge. Someone once sang it to her, she never knew what langauge it was in or what it ment, she only knew that she heared it after she was bitten and before she was left alone. A mesterious tune that made you happy yet also made you sad. She didn't care about anything at that moment, only the song...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Doll couldn't sleep, she was too busy listening to the conversation nearby. From what she had gathered, there was a vampire who wasn't a vampire, yet wasn't a human. All of this confused her to the point that she could no longer contain her curiosity. Doll grabbed a pen and peice of paper and wrote a note to the werewolf, stating that she had left. Doll then removed the boards from the window and crawled out of the basement. She then stood up, looked around, and sniffed the air. She could smell other vampires not far off; and as she made her way out of the allyway, she could see them. Doll then took note that whatever the three of them had been talking about, they were not talking about it anymore. At secound glance Doll realized that two of them she had met before; so Doll thought it would be easier just to talk to the one walking away. Doll then remembered that she has a difficulty talking to strangers. So instead of saying anything, she just stood silently where she could be easily seen and waited for herself to be noticed; [I]hopefully[/I].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]I think I found a good name. Eurydice, it's hard to pronounce but if you go to this website [url]http://www.babynames.com[/url] and search up the name it has a little thing where you can hear the name. Anyway, I think it's a pretty name and it fits her too! Oh yeah Well I was at that website I searched up my name, Deidra, it said it was another way of spelling the name, Deirdre. So I searched up Deirdre and it's Celtic, and it means sad one...Why did my mum name me sad one? :confused: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Doll sighed and looked up at the many framed pictures. It reminded Doll of her old mortal life. Doll knew that she couldn't stay here for long; she had to find the blood red moon crystal. Doll walked queitly out of the room and into the kitchen. She grabbed any thing that wouldn't spoil on her long journey, and shoved it into a bag.She then looked around for anything else she might need, and picked up an old book about Europe. Just when she reached for the doorhandle she remembered the werewolf. She knew that she couldn't keep him here: [I]It would be best if the mortal woke up, beliving everything to have been a dream,[/I] Doll thought. And with that she lifted the well sedated werewolf gracefully--despite her hatred for them--and left without a sound, into the cold, lonely, night. Doll walked and walked until she came accros an abondoned house. She kicked apart some boards and crawled into the basement, dragging behind her the werewolf. "We have to stop here because it's almost sunrise," Doll told the werewolf who was still sedated,Doll laughed," You don't hold intresting conversations Fluffy." "Anyway I think you will be up before me, when you do wake, you can stay here or leave. It dosn't matter." And with that Doll curled up in a little corner (wishing she had her old coffin) and doozed of into a dreamless sleep.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]I just recently got another pet rat. My other rat's name is Claudia (named after one of the vampires from Interveiw With The Vampire). Anyway my new rat is just a few weeks old, she is all white with pink eyes, and she is very hyper and curious. The problem is, is that I have no idea what to name her. The only name I could come up with was Pandora. Do you guys have any suggestions? Sincerly, your vampire: Doll[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Doll removes her teeth from the neck of the blood drained human and brushes the humans blond hair out of his green eyes. "Too bad you're dead, you were pretty cute," Doll told the dead man, who she now leaned against the brick wall of the allyway. Doll didn't enjoy killing people, but she has no choice, the only thing that her master taught her was to either kill or be killed. Then Doll heard gun shots nearby, at first she didn't care; but after she heard screams of dying vampires in her head she immeditally knew that she couldn't stay there long. She saw a shadow of a person heading her way and she started running back to the others.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple] Doll started to slowly walk away when no one was looking. She didn't know if she would see them again, but she needed blood and needed it bad. So whiel everyone was wrapped up about everyone else leaving Doll walked off into the streets nearby.[/COLOR]
You can join! Ummm...As for races, be whatever you want (except for another puppet mage). Hope you join!
[COLOR=Purple] Doll watched Skyler and the others, trying to pretend Reaper wasn't there. The smell of blood still lingured in the air as Doll's hunger for blood grew, she shook the thought of blood out of her head and directed her attintion back to the group. When Doll looked back she noticed that for some reason the human was breathing and Skyler was kneeled beside the human. "What happend? Who are you guys? Wait, what are you guys?" Doll asked slowly obseving everyone in the area. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Okay everyone I set up the forum. It's not on the first page in the adventure arena, it's on the secound page. The title is called Blood-Red Moon. Anything about the rp that is not ic can be said here. Thank you for you patience, Scincerly, your vampire: Doll[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Name: Sara (but alot of the boys call her Doll) *age will not be included... you are 11* Gender: female Nationality: irish and german Personality: Sara is always following in her big sisters footsteps, hoping someday she can be like her big sister. She loves reading and lately she has been mainly intrested in romance books(her reading level is higher than you avarage 11 year old kid). Due to family problems she dosn't talk much. Lately she's noticed that alot of the boys at school stare at her, and whenever a boy talks to her she starts blushing and has a hard time talking. She also likes vampires and belives that they are real. Appearance: (she looks like the kid in the pic. I attached but she has green eyes) Sara has short hair that her sister helped dye purple causing many people to look at her odly. Her sister is also a cloth designer and designs most of Sara's elegant and expensive looking cloths. Bio: Sara was abandoned at an orphanage when she was four. At first when she was adopted her new mom, dad, and sister loved her very much because they thought she was so cute. Her mom and dad eventally started ignoring her and lost all intrest with her and her sister. Nowadays Sasa and her sister are like best freinds and Sara dosn't ever see her step parent because they are only home late at night when she is asleep. Weaponry: Any hardcover book she happens to be carring
[COLOR=Purple]I don't think I could survive without music. People are always asking me what kind of music I listen to and it's hard to explain to them what type of music I listen to so I just give them a list of some of my favirate band names.... Anti-Flag The Clash Duran Duran David Bowie My Bloody Valentine Echo and the Bunnymen The Cure (my favorate band!) Malice Mizer Glay Dir en Gray Anyway when I acctually think of it I listen to music just about all the time..I can't even sleep without music on! Scincerly, Your vampire: Doll[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]I chose the name doll because the name just sorta became what most people call me. For a long time people said that I was like a porclin doll because I didn't talk I just stood there, listened to others, watched others, and looked preety. So eventually they started calling me Doll. Then one day I decided to name my first and by far, best roleplaying character, Doll. And then I geuss my name just switched from Deidra to Doll. LOL Scincerly, Your vampire: Doll
*Doll reads over the defenition of avoident 80 times* ....Whaaaaaaaaaaaa :bawl: Why am I avoident!? LOL Thanks you guys your advice helped. And what wasn't advice cheered me up. LOL BTW If my brother ever stole my colored pencils he wouldn't live long enogh to go to school the next day. LOL
Yeah you can join too! anyone elese?
[COLOR=Purple]Okay Iv'e constructed alist of who all can play. However if you feel you don't wish to play now or you feel that you won't be able to post and want to quit please contact me. Hopfully none of you guys will quit. Anyway here is the list: Doll (Doll) Thyme (Ryu_Sukura) Yelena Zaitsev (Annie) Skyler leCour (DaisukeAngel) Lex Van'Artia (Box Hoy) Rook (Inuyasha Fandom) Emryss (Silent Angel) Charisma (Kittychanann) Ram Ureic (Tasrai) Anyway please contanct me if you have any questions. We will start the rp when ever you guys want to. Scincerly, Your vampire: Doll[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]You have a good point. I shoould probabley stop complaining, get off my butt and go look for some. LOL I probably should look for a club...Mabee an art club, a book club, or a drama club. I'd probably find a freind there. So I'll make this message short and start looking right away! Thank you!! :D :D Sincerely, Your Vampire: Doll [/COLOR]