The Blood-red Moon is a one of a kind crystal said to have magical powers.It is belived to grant the wish of one who is worthy of it. Other than that not much is known about it, except that somewhere, someone is hiding it from others and not makeing a wish themselves, for some reason unknown...
Born in 1823, London, Doll suffers the curse of immortality. She is destianed to live forever in a pool of lonliness, all her life she has only found very few of her kind, even than the few she finds want nothing to do with her. Now, in the year 2004 she seeks the crystal for reasons only known by her. Weither it be for mortality or somthing else Doll will stop at nothing to find and get the crystal.
ooc: ok here is Doll's stats:
Name: Doll
Age: (Apperance:around 15)
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Personality:she dosn't talk much, but she observes everything around her. She is very obedint and listens well to others.
Appearance:She has a pale complextion, dark blue hair, and light green eyes. She wears dresses with lace and petticoats, and she is never seen without her drawing ]
magic/weapons: Doll always carries around a gold pocket knife under her dress
Speical Powers:flight
Weakneses:Sunlight and fire
Sorry if somthing is wrong, I'm new. (but not new to rpgs)
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Aplications should look like:
Speical Powers: