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Everything posted by Samaru

  1. the anime couple i like the most would have to be Kenshin and Karou (rurouni kenshin). I like them because they dont show that they like each other and they are really in love but kenshin doesnt show it. I also love it because kenshin always protects karou when she is thretend (sorry about the spelling ^_^) well time to wash my cat ^_^ mew "Love Is Hate, When You Love Someone" SAMARU ^_^
  2. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Well i started watching anime when i was like 6. You know like Roman Warriors and Tranceformers. Then after my gundum wing craze i started to get into the more cool and Fictional animes like iunyasha, and FLCL, stuff like that. Now days at the age of 17 i still love all of them even the ones i liked over 11 years ago. Well i gotta go time for class. :o "Love Is Hating Someone, That You Love" :o Samaru[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Well Im taking a pole for my class, to see what type of anime guys do they like? So i decided to go to my faorite place (no not burger king) HERE! So please write back, i need to get my poles balenced by next friday, Sorry if anyone already did this i just dont feel like looking for the archies. cya your immature buddy Samaru
  4. Thank You So Much I Finalyy Understand It I Cant Belive 179 People Commented! Its My First Pole And It Did Outstanding Again Thanks Ill Try And Keep You Up To Date With More Poles Samaru ^_^
  5. Well my least favorite Char. would have to be, Miroku From Inuyasha. I dislike him becuase hes a dumb person, now im not saying pervs aren't cool but hes jsut a crazy a** and i just dilike him, even if his wind tunnel is pretty cool Well Cya Samaru
  6. I never really got this anime, I mean its nice and its cool i love the Chars. but whats the plot? It seems that all the 6 episods of it do is just make people laugh. Now im not dissing the Anime but i just need to figure out what is the plot?. Please write back and tell me if ya know Spank you much (kinda gross) Thanks Samaru
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