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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"] Rhaine had heard the knock at her door and the voice coming from the other side, but paid no attention to it. She was in a place of peaceful tranquility. The voice kept calling her, she could not make out the words, but she could hear that the voice was on of the soldiers. Her mind wavered in and out of her tranquil place and Rhaine began to become annoyed. The door latched open and the soldier jump back and let out a gasp. The floor, walls and ceiling where covered in deadly snakes, twisting and slithering about. In the middle of the room Rhaine just sat Indian style with her eyes closed and breathing slowly. The soldier ?s face paled when a cobra rose up and looked into his eyes. In a voice that was nothing like a human, in a harsh hissing tone the snake spoke, ?Leave now.? The soldier shut the door and with hands shaking walked down the hall. Rhaine remained where she meditating and had a satisfied feeling wash over her. The illusions she created could not harm any one physical, but with their realistic nature they can cause people a fright or can distraction someone long enough for her to kill them. With her visitor gone Rhaine went back to her tranquil state of being and let her mind bend and flow. She always thought the best when she had cleared her mind of all worries, fears, and distractions. A while later she slowly took a deep breath and let it out. Her eyes came open and blinked a few times. Stretching her arms out and over her head, arching her back as she stretch from her long seated position. Getting up from the bed she stretched some more and moved around a bit to get her muscle loose once again. Picking up her side arm she placed it in its holster on her leg and than picked up her katanas. She never went anywhere with out being prepared. Swing open her door a startled soldier looked surprise, while Rhaine was surprised as well she would not show it. ?Can I help you?? Her flowing liquid voice rang out in the quite hallways. ?Yes,, the General would like to speak with you.? Rhaine sent a frown on her face and nodded. Raising a hand up to signal the way for him to lead. Walking down the hallway the soldier tried to make conversation with her, but failed every time. Rhaine?s mind was more on want the General wanted than what he had to say. They entered the General office and the soldier saluted and than left. Rhaine took a seat in a nice chair and waited for the General to say what he had brought her here for. ?Well Fantasy, I could you here because you gave one of my soldiers a scare when I ask him to retrieve you.? Rhaine?s mouth quirked into a delighted smirk. ?It is not my fault your soldiers frightened easily; the illusions will not hurt them, you know that. Besides he entered my room without permission. It was his own fault.? The General let out a sigh. ?If it will make you happy I will do my best not to do it again.? The General?s face became a frown as Rhaine continued speaking. ?If this is all you called me for than I shall be leaving. Good Night General.? Rhaine stood up from the chair she was setting in and left the office, while she contemplated where she would head next. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Connection: Tree Taken at a park near my house: [URL="http://img317.imageshack.us/img317/3459/dscf07154ex.jpg"]Trees[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Connection: Building I took this picture outside of one of my old homes: [URL="http://img317.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscf07019oz.jpg"]Gas station[/URL] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]I have to agree with you ChibiHoreswoman I love those Red Lobster cheddar biscuits. I always get an extra basket to go just so I can eat them at home as will. I also am addicted to strawberries. I eat them anyways I can, they are so good. I am also addicted to Pez, I am not really fond of candy, but I can?t help myself with pez. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Rhaine had been seated quickly in her chair thinking mostly to herself. The group grew larger as time past as more of her comrades showed up. As she watched as the group interacts with each other she realized that this was not going to be a good trip to London. [i]We have a lot to prepare for and not much time. I knew this was not going to be good.[/i] As people where starting to leave to pack for London she felt a cold feeling about her. Rhaine gulped and thought what Mycella had said, that Nanashi had arrived. A twisting and retched feeling hit her hard in her stomach. Nanashi exchanged words with Mycella and Zane. Afterwards Zane excused himself and left with the General for training. [i]I should most likely leave as well; I should plan and get things I need ready. Not that I need much.[/i] Rhaine stood up from her chair ?It was very nice to see al of you again, but if you excuse me I must see that I am ready to go to London. I will see the rest of you later.? Rhaine turned and headed the door and to her room. As she entered her room she looked at the plain interior. Out loud she spoke to herself ?This room could use a little dressing up.? With a blink of her eyes the room changed to a maroon colored walls with imperial trim around the ceiling. A large maple coloured wardrobe stood on the sidewall, with a matching desk and bed frame. She took her katanas and leaned them against the wall and took her side arm and placed it on a small nightstand next to the bed. Rhaine sat down in the middle of the bed cross-legged and closed her eyes. With a deep breath and than exhaled she began to mediate. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]The sound of heels reverberated off the walls of Sector 7 as Rhaine walked down the hallway. The place had not changed since she had last been here. The though that the place should have changed struck her as odd, why should it have changed. [i]They could of at least made it a bit less shiny and a little less echoing. They should kill their decorator.[/i] Her hips swayed with each step she took down the hallway towards what she knew in her gut will not be a good mission. The rhythm of her body made the tattoo across her body appear that the snake was moving. As Rhaine came closer to the meeting area sounds started to bounce down from the hallway. With a twitch of her lip a smirk made it?s way across her face. She was sure she knew whom the voice belong to, it seemed some of her comrades had already arrived. Walking in her leisurely pace came up closer to the conference room and the voices of her comrades bickering. The voices she could easily tell where that of Mycella and Xero. It did not surprise her that it was the two of them that where fighting; they often had in the past. As Rhaine entered the room her gaze swept over the group. It seemed she was correct in her assumption on which the voices belonged to. As she enters Xero had given a putting of expression to something alex had said. Mycella look to be in some thought, as Rhaine took in her position. Making a quick scan around the room showed that Lycoris and Mike where also present. Rhaine gave a small smile and a nod of her head to her comrades and headed over to a seat to wait for the others to arrive and the meeting to start. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Name: Rhaine Marcally Codename: Fantasy Age: 30 Appearance: [URL="http://img307.imageshack.us/img307/6849/girls1048nx.jpg"] Rhaine [/URL] She stands 5?7?. The tattoo stretches across her body and she always wears clothing that shows most of it. Personality: Rhaine has a quiet personality; she will stand back and evaluate the situation before acting. Her mind is always running and forming ideas. She tends to rather spend her time reading than spending time with people. When she speaks she is normally soft spoken, which is contrary to her appearance. Rhaine tends to like things to run smooth and efficiently. Weapon(s): She carries her double katanas and a small pistol on the right thigh. Power: Rhaine has the power of illusions. Rhaine can create anything that her mind can imagine and the image will seem like a true and real object, person or animal. The image though can not harm anyone though, but can be used to frighten or as a distraction [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]I always keep a bunch of stuff with me. I always have one me a hairtie normally on my arm or in my hair and my necklace. I also never leave the house without my purse. I am know for having anything anyone needs in my purse. I carry a lot of items with me and my purse is always heavy. My purse is just a plain black purse with multiple pocks. I use it when I got to work, business meetings, or just going to classes. In the first section of my purse I keep my train tickets for traveling back and force to the city, a can of pepper spray, and pez. The next pocket I always keep my wallet, credit cards, id, school id, phone, pens, pencil, exto blade, extra blades, two one gig thumb drives, two 250 megabits thumb drives, business cards, and glasses. My next pocket I keep my keys, Nintendo ds, recently I have been carrying my Nintendo sp, a stapler, glue, a glue gun, extra sticks, hot pink duct tape, double sided tape (High tack), and black photography tape. The next pocket has lipstick, chap stick, eye shadow, blush, brushes, two D20s, three d10, three d6s, three d8s, two d4s, Excedrin, band aids, icy hot, and an ace bandage. The last pocket is mostly where I keep all my files and paper work. I keep my train schedule, my class schedule, blank paper, a handful of prismatic markers, a folder, a notebook, a couple handful of change, a bottled water and whatever book I am reading at the time. My purse is one of the biggest jokes around that I fit everything in my purse and carry it around. I am constantly cleaning it out but I always end up putting more stuff in it. So this is what I always carry with me. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Garamond] [B]Newest:[/B] [URL=http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8670/proof4im0.jpg]This one here was only taken three weeks ago. [/URL] [B]Older:[/B] This one was taken a couple of month ago after a night of drinking ping pong with Tequila. [URL=http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9555/dscf08429ce.jpg]Anne+ping pong+Tequila= a morning of unanswered questions.[/URL] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Anne

    Your Theme Song

    [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Garamond]For my theme song it would have to be "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al. I am probally one of the few females alive that always carries a full set of dice, a nintendo ds, a nintendo sp, a psp, a laptop, four thumb drives, a glue gun, ducttape and a stapler on her at all times. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]It has been a while since I have posted anything on the old OB that I figured I would share some of my favourite works. The first is a Ds as ad that has been living in my portfolio for a while. This is probably one of the pieces people love most in my portfolio. [URL=http://img151.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsad8zk.gif][IMG]http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5616/dsad8zk.th.gif[/IMG][/URL] This is a magazine advertisement for Nintendo Ds. I designed it to mimic the movie poster of Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I first heard about the Ds I always believed that when it first turned on it should say ?Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me I want to be dirty?. For the next piece I am going to show you I made out cut paper. My thought process was to use as little colours as I could to depict the Hawaiian woman. [URL=http://img410.imageshack.us/my.php?image=flowercolor2lv.jpg][IMG]http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/853/flowercolor2lv.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This next piece is a piece that I did for a class project. It was coloured using cooured pastels and charcoal giving it two different version with one in colour and one in black and white. Coloured Version [URL=http://img166.imageshack.us/my.php?image=colourwr9.jpg][IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/52/colourwr9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Black and white Version [URL=http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tonalfr1.jpg][IMG]http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/1410/tonalfr1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Thank you for taking the time to look at the pieces. I would love if you left any comment or suggest. As comment tell me what people thing of the pieces and any suggest are always good because it always bring things in new perspective and great ideas how the piece can be approved. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue][quote name='Queen Asuka][size=1][color=hotpink]What I want is a [b]PINK umbrella, lined in RUFFLES, with cat ears[/b]. Seriously. I saw one somewhere in a picture one time, and I have yet to find one. I WANT ONE, dammit.[/size'][/color][/quote] [url]http://umbrellastand.com/672.html[/url] That is where you can find it and where I got mine from. Lately I have been wanting to buy a [b]swing set[/b] and not just a plain old regular one though, I want it to have a sliding board and one of little forts. I have also been wanting to buy a nice [b]Jacuzzi[/b]. My roommates and I figured we would set it up in the living room and we would have a water couch and that it would be really nice to sit in. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Anne

    Faded [PG-LV]

    [size=1][color=blue] Charisma chewed the tip of her pen as she watched the slides being click through. The companies newest client is present there product that they would be redesigning the companies logo. Stifling a yawn she made a few quick sketches in her notepad of ideas she already had of the new logo. The meeting came to an end and she gathered up her paperwork. Walking over to the client she shook their hands, "It will be a pleasure to work with you." As Charisma left the conference room an arm came around her shoulder. "Car-Car! What a lovely day, the sun is shinning, birds are singing, and Manny's Brown is having 25 cents a shot!" Charisma wigged out of her friends grip. "Cha-ris-ma, Chuck not Car-Car. I have hated that name since you started calling me that." She let out a sigh as she pushed a button on the elevator. "And we don't have time to get any shots right now. We just got new clients." Rumaging through her folder she pulled out three pieces of paper and handed them to Chuck. "I need you to run them these to the text editor." The elevator door open and they stepped inside, "But Charisma, they will have your favorite shot, Ivy's pussy-juice. " He grabbed the papers and pushed the fourth and sixth floor button. "Come on it is fun to play hooky once in a while. Charisma smiled, "That they may be but we have more work to do. We shall play later." The elevator ding and opened on the sixth floor and Charisma made a bit of gust of wind, starting to nudge Chuck out the door. "After the job is done than we will get some drinks." Giving a small smile she waved as the door shut. When the door closed she lost her balance and propped herself up against the wall. The doors opened again and Charisma left to start contacting printers in her office.[/size][/color]
  14. Anne

    Faded [PG-LV]

    [COLOR=Blue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Charisma Scheer [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Origin:[/b] Vernon , Ct. [b]Current Residence:[/b] Philadelphia, Pa [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://animepa.csusm.edu/galleries/M-N/MadLoveChase/lg/Save0168.JPG ]Picture of Charisma[/URL] Charisma stands 5?2?. At work she tends to wear nice clothing a pair of slack with a matching blouse and when she has meetings she will wear a suit. During the times she is not at work she tends to dress a bite nicer in skirts and dresses, except for the winter time when she dresses in nice clacks and the occasional skirts. She tends to wear only one coat, a long black Victorian printed coat with around the arms and neck collar black faux fur is trimmed. The coat comes neatly down to her ankle and has three double buttons on the front of the coat. On the back of the coat it had a black ribbon that can be used to tie and make the coat a bit snugger. [b]Curse:[/b] Charisma has the ability to control the air and air currents. But because of the curse she has very bad breathing and lung problems. She is not able to over due on exerting herself physically. If she does she can?t catch her breath and every once in a while she tends to pass out. Charisma can only control the air for a short time, if she keeps control of it for longer than 10 minutes her body because very stressed making it hard for her to breath. [b] Personality:[/b] Charisma has always been full of energy and loved to be on the go. She is very kind hearted and has no problem helping others out when they need it. As an art director for a design firm she has learned to be level head, she looks at what needs to be done and makes sure it gets done. She will get on peoples cases to get there work done and make sure that all deadlines are met. Charisma is one who loves to live in stress she claims that is the only time that she is alive, thought this wears her body down. When Charisma doesn?t have any stress in her life she tends to be become very bored and doesn?t really know what to do with herself. She always has been able to make friends easily throughout her life and always has enjoyed being who she is. [b]Biography:[/b] Charisma has always been full of life and energy. She made friends where ever she was even at an early age. Her family moved around a lot but it really never bothered she always kept in touch with her friends through letters or on the phone. Charisma loved to play outside and loved to play in the field like any other child. Her life did changed during the summer of her tenth year, a couple months after her tenth birthday. [I]?Come on Charisma, hurry up. They are going to be shooting off the rocket any second! Do you want to miss it?? A young boy with dark brown hair had stopped running waiting for her to catch up. They where off to watch the rocket they had made be launch. ?I am coming, it isn?t my fault my legs are shorter than yours, Jeremy. I am running as past as I can.? She shot back not missing a stride in her run. Her long ebony coloured hair flew behind from the wind as she ran towards the group of friends in the distant. AS she was nearing them something felt wrong, it was getting hard for her to breathe. She stopped in her tracks and clutched at her throat trying to gasp for air. Her friends around her realized something was wrong, but she couldn?t tell them what was wrong. Charisma heard the calling her name asking her what was wrong and if she was okay. Her eyesight began to blurring and soon everything was starting to become black. She felt a hand grab her as she was about to fall over as she passed out. Charisma awoke in the hospital with her Mom and Jeremy beside her. She looked at them confused, ?What happened? While am I in the hospital?? ?You passed out dummy, remember?? Jeremy stood over her with a relived look on his face. ?I am glad you are okay, Honey.? Her Mom lends over her and gave her a hug. ?The doctor said that you have to take it easy from no on. It seems there is something wrong with your lungs and when you make sure lungs work to hard you can?t breathe. Like today when you where running in the field you can?t do that anymore, Sweetie, I am sorry. You are going to learn to take it easy. [/I] At first Charisma thought this was a hard thing and took it badly, but as time went on she found it really wasn?t that bad at all. She may not be able to always keep up with everyone, but it was okay. While she was in high school she found that she could control the wind currents. She had found out by accident when she was wishing that a stack of paper another girl was carrying would drop them and as she was think this gust of wind blew them from the girls hand. Charisma began experiment with this and found that it could be very useful. She never really used it to harm another person but she used it to play tricks on other sometimes. While she was experimenting with it though she found she could only keep control for ten minutes before her body became to much physically stress and she would start having hard time breathing. As she grew older she put all her energy into the arts, Charisma found a passion for design work, be it either graphic, fashion, publishing or any. She trained and studied hard. She went to an art college for a while but than decided to leave and traveled to New York. There she trained in a graphic design firm for a while and than moved to Los Angels where she stayed for a year. At the age of twenty three she was offered a job in Philadelphia as an art director for a graphic design firm, specializing in coming up with corporate identities. She fit along great there and loved the team that she worked with. Charisma loves the feel of the stress the deadlines put her under mentally. It seems she always works the best that way. As she found out that physically stress makes her body weaker, mental stress really didn?t effect her breathing much at all, though sometimes it did. This she founds was the best part of all because stress was what made her tick, since she has this not being able to really run around and or do anything strenuously physical it doesn?t really matter or bother her to much. [/size][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Thank you, Retribution, for your comments. I agree that the logos need to be cleaned up some. They are just a first draft that I created on the computer. Though I don't think a serif font would work to well for this logo project. I stylized the company Digital Manga Publishing to be in a calligraphy style. The only actually font in there is the same written either at the botton or on the side depending on which one. The rest of the work i created myslef by hand with a paint bursh that I designed as well to mimic a calligraphy brush stroke. [URL=http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cherryblossom9jk.jpg][IMG]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2228/cherryblossom9jk.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is the logo I choice out of the ones I did for Digital Manga Publishing. I plan on changing it some, by moving the text to the side and addidng more branches to the trees with more "flowers and leaves". This is a two page editorial that I did for a class a while back. [URL=http://img382.imageshack.us/my.php?image=childhoodlost9sz.jpg][IMG]http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/9533/childhoodlost9sz.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Thank you again for the comment . As always please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions, they are always helpful. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Those four where created by traditional ways. Also you really don?t want to use just scissors, but you should also use an exto-knife as well. These are six logos that I did for the company Digital Manga Publishing for a class of mine. All of these where made using Adobe Illustrator. As always please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. [b]Logo 1[/b] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/8492/logo29ls.gif[/IMG] [b]Logo 2[/b] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/7996/logo31sy.gif[/IMG] [b]Logo 3[/b] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/9175/logo13jw.gif[/IMG] [b]Logo 4[/b] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/8353/logo41we.gif[/IMG] [b]Logo 5[/b] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/2638/logo51dy.gif[/IMG] [b]Logo 6[/b] [IMG]http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/4060/logo65kd.gif[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [size=1][color=darkred]While on the plane Umeko sat in her seat staring out the window as the scenery pass by underneath the plane. Taking out a small vile Umeko put down the food tray and began cutting up small plant and adding it to another vile she had on hand. She may not be as strong physically as some of the other, Ayame, but she was skilled with poisons. As she put together her poisons she watched the others around her as they moved about. A couple of her companies seemed to highly interested in the new girl, Umeko could really care as long as this girl didn?t get Umeko killed. Umeko watched some of the group quietly interact together. She studied them all and watched, she really didn?t know any of them and how they would react to any situation. The only one she semi knew, and that was through channels and links, was Ayame who had been in this business only a couple years longer than she has. Pressing her lips together in thought she laid her head back for the rest of the flight, she had no desire to talk to anyone of her companies right now. The change in altitude made Umeko open her eyes, the pilot came on the speaker and announced that they where begging their final approach. Umeko grabbed her lace gloves out of her pocket where she had placed them earlier in the flight and put them back on her hands. She let out a small yawn of boredom as she watched the ground grow closer to them. A small amount of excitement grew insider of he as the plane landed, There was a new kill waiting for her here, she hated this life, but with every kill she made she left a small not in her mind of each of those people. Her eyes glittered and dance there was one kill that she was going to enjoy very much, the day she kill Sir, but for that she knew she had to be much stronger both physically and mentally. Umeko was brought back from her thoughts of revenge by the exiting of the passengers on the plane. Exiting the plane the gathered in a group and she watched as the amateurs got there weapon back. She measured each one carefully, she much preferred to work alone and the only one she truly trusted not to get her killed was Ayame. She trolled along farther away from the group, in a group that big it made it conspicuous that they are together and Umeko didn?t like to be linked with other, made it to easy for people to find her. She stayed in range though to keep an eye on the, in her right hand she began spinning her opened parasol in boredom. [/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=darkred]Umeko left silently threw the door with the others, she gentle put down each for those that her steps where not heard even though she wore platform heeled shoes. She made her way down her room, carrying Harry in her arms, as she came to her door she opened it. Umeko had redone her room and didn?t leave it plain. She had white lace curtains on her window, the walls where painted in a light pink colour and all her furniture was white whicker. Sitting Harry down on the whicker chair, she went to her wardrobe and opened it up. A row of colourful dresses where hung neatly in a row, looking at them Umeko put her hand in the center of the row and pushed those that the dresses where on both sides of the wardrobe and she had a clear view of the back of it. On the back of the wardrobe was a handgun duct taped there. She pulled it off and grabbed a garter belt and strapped it onto her left upper thigh. Still looking at her wardrobe she grabbed a light blue dress. It was much simpler than the one she had one now, a light sky blue for the dresses soft silk fabric, with a small white apron that went on top. The apron had two pockets at the bottom and a small blue ribbon to tie it around her neck and waist. Kneeling down and on the bottom of the wardrobe was lined with shoes; Umeko selected a pair of light blue five in platforms. With her outfit chosen she quickly redressed. From a pile she grabbed a pair of white-laced gloves and a white hair band to keep her hair back. Turing she looked in a full-length mirror and nodded and smiled to herself. Umeko spun around on her heels and faced Harry. ?I will be going now Harry. I will see you soon.? She looked at the bear and cocked her head. ?What?s that you want to go with me?? She shook her head. ?It?s to dangerous, Harry-chan, you must stay here.? Umeko stared at the bear and blinked a couple of times. ?Oh all right just this once.? Umeko picked the bear up and hugged it. ?What?s that, the new girl? What about her?? She looked down at the bear. ?I don?t know, all I know is she better be more careful around, Sir. Come now Harry-chan we have to go or we will miss our flight and we don?t want that.? She grabbed a white lace umbrella before she left her room and started to head for the airport. [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Margaret Neal [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Margaret is a very slender, lanky young woman. She stands at an average height of 5?8. Her hair is a golden brown that falls down in soft curls down to the small of her back, she normally keeps it free flowing because she loves to see it blown in the wind, but while she is working she keeps it tide back with a piece of rope. She has large brown eyes with large, lush eyelashes. Her nose is small with thin light pink lips. Her arms and legs are slender and long, giving her a graceful appearance. Her skin is a tanned colour from working out in the sun. Margaret mostly always wears a brown rough cotton tight dress with a white rough cotton blouse underneath. Down at the bottom of the skirt it is torn and frayed from the use. On her feet she wears basic cotton shoes to help keep the cost down for her family. Sometime while she is working in the fields she wears a pair of brown cotton pants, that are torn and her white blouse. [b]Personality:[/b] A very motherly type of person, she cares for and looks out for the people around her. She tends to be practically and tries to make sure she thinks ahead to make sure things go smoothly as possible. Though she is very stubborn, once she get her mind on something she will not rest until she has done it. Margaret is very quiet, unless she wants to be heard. Tends to listen to people and will help them solve there problems. Margaret doesn?t fear everything at most time, though a spider might make her jump here and there. If someone she loves is in trouble she is willing to go through anything to help them. Margaret is fair in intelligent, she had no education except what the other farmers and her sister taught her, but she is able to keep up with most thing and quickly catches on to new things and ideas. [b]Short History:[/b] Margaret was born the middle child of five children. There family is works on the Lord?s farm and makes just enough to live, but they all do not mind. When she was younger she took care of the children and her older sister, Isabelle, while the rest of the family worked the fields. From this she is very motherly and tends to try and take care of every one. When Margaret was ten her sister became very ill. This devastated Margaret because she loved her sister very much, she had raised her mother than her Mother had. Eventually, Isabelle, got better, but because of the high fever Isabelle lost her eyesight and Margaret was put in charge of helping her sister get around. Having to take care of her only made the love Margaret for her sister grow even more. [b]The Reason:[/b] To rescue her beloved older sister, Isabelle, who she loves and idols. [b]Writing Sample:[/b] A year ago: The warm sun beat down on Margaret?s face, as she laid by the small lake near there small home. Her sister, Isabelle, sat on the stone next to her sister concentrating on her knitting while she hummed lightly to herself. A gentle wind blew off the lake blowing Isabelle?s golden hair around. Margaret let out a sigh as she covered her eyes from the sun and looked up at her sister, her sister was so beautiful and feminine and Margaret always wanted to be like her. Isabelle looked at her sister and smiled, ?What is it, Margaret?? It always amazed Margaret how her sister knew when she stared at her without her sight. Isabelle had been blind now for six years after she got ill. The doctor didn?t know what was wrong, but Margaret knew she had a high fever. When Isabelle finally got well again she had completely lost her sight. It tore at Margaret?s heart to see her sister like this but also secretly enjoyed it because she had to stay by her sister?s side more. Margaret crawled over to her and lay her head on her lap, ?Tell me a story, Sissy?? She looked up at her and saw the smile on her sister face. ?Alright,? She set down her knitting and thought for a second tapping her finger at her face. ?How about ?La Princesse et le Pois??? She began telling Margaret the tale as she stroked her sister brown hair as she listened. Present Day: Margaret brushed the few fallen strands of hair out of her eyes and whipped the sweat on her forehead with the sleeve of her blouse. Looking at to the sky, the sun had almost set and the moon was just begging to rise, she gathered up the hoe she was using and headed back to her family?s small home. A breeze blew and whipped her hair around her body. Birds fluttered in amongst the trees ready to rest for the night. As she neared their small house she saw soldiers outside taking away her sister, Isabelle. Margaret stood in shock for a moment and than began running towards them with her hoe swing. Something grabbed her from behind as; she went to scream but a hand clamped down onto her mouth. As she struggled to get away the gripped tighter, she was able to final move her head to see who was holding her, it was her older brother, Jacob. They watched the soldiers move away and the grip around Margaret loosened. ?No, why do you stop me, Jacob?? She turned around and hit her brother and than tore off towards the house. Her mother was confronting her two other siblings when she came up. She was panting and out of breathes with tears in her eyes. ?We have to save her!? She told her Father. ?Forget, Margaret, she is lost to us now. Let?s go quietly back into the house and not speak of this again.? He was gathering them all up and looking over his shoulder ?NO! She is my sister and your daughter; I will not let her be taken like that.? Margaret ran inside there home and grabbed her small bag and small loaf of bread and threw it into the bag. Last she grabbed her wool cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. Coming back out of the house her family was staring at he, ?Fine if you will not go I will go and save Isabelle.? With that she turned from her family and headed off to the nearest town in hopes to save her beloved older sister. In the town she found others like her that are trying to rescue the people they hold dear to them. They had the same goal and Margaret new that she could not go up against the Dark Army alone without help. So she decided to help team up with her new found friends to help Isabelle and the others in the Dark Forest. [b]Other:[/b] Being practical Margaret always carries with her a canteen of fresh water, with a small loaf of bread and some dried meat. She also has a few plants that she had found over the years that where good for healing. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.[/size]
  20. [SIZE=1]Well it has been a long time since I have posted any of my work on here and since i have been working in a varity of things I will post a couple of works. I tend to use whatever medium that comes to whatever that day. I hope you enjoy it. Artwork: [b][u]Flower woman[/b][/u] [b][u][URL=http://img423.imageshack.us/img423/8605/hair0jy.gif][Link][/URL] [/b][/u] [b][u]Comment:[/b][/u] An image of woman with flowers in her hair. This was one of my first attempts with cut paper. It took me about three hours to do. [b][u]Kiss me[/b][/u] [b][u][URL=http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/1185/la5hy.gif][Link][/URL][/b][/u] [b][u]Comment:[/b][/u] Image of a teenage girl. Another attempt with cut paper. I decided to use less colours with it and show little highlights and shadows. [b][u]Island girl[/b][/u] [b][u][URL=http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/853/flowercolor2lv.jpg][Link][/URL] [/b][/u] [b][u]Comment:[/b][/u] A third attempt at colour paper. This I limited it to three different colour of paper. I basically onlly did defining features for this only. [b][u]Back-Charcoal[/b][/u] [b][u][URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6033/scale2sh.jpg][Link][/URL][/b][/u] [b][u]Comment:[/b][/u] Self -portrait of me on laying up against a wall. Done in grey, white, and black . Work off an orginal photograph (well it would be hard to look at my back and draw it. The orginal size of this 24x12 and is down on rolled card stock. (This is image was shrunk and cropped down for quicker loading time.) Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions. Thank you for stopping and looking.[/size]
  21. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/b] Namiuta Umeko [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [u][URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/1113881568117.jpg]here[/URL][/u] Umeko always dresses in an elegant gothic Lolita fashion, which she has always loved since a child. Umeko always carries with her a concealed dagger, which she keeps on her right upper thigh, and six vials of poison on her left upper thigh. She also carries her brown teddy bear, Harry, with except on missions. [b]Personality:[/b] Umeko always wears a sad gentle smile on her face. Her face rarely shows emotions, but her eyes tells all what emotion is feeling. Kind and gentle to most animals, but has never once sown any mercy to a human being. She follows ?Sirs? orders, but only because she doesn?t wish to be punished. Umeko harbors deep hatred to the man she is forced to work for and secretly wishes to get revenge on him, but she knows for now that she is not able to do so. Umeko always keeps a calm, elegant air about her. She is highly graceful in her movement and actions. Umeko is not very strong in the physical aspect of her body, but she has a sharp mind, which always her to act quickly. [b]Biography/Character Snippet:[/b] The sound of muffled talking awoke her from her sleep. As she curled up tighter into a ball she squeezed her teddy bear, Harry, as she attempted to return to her slumber. Umeko heard the talking get loud and it made her jump up in a start. She silently slipped out of her bed and slipped her feet into her sleepers, that laid by her bed. Dragging Harry behind her she tipped toed to her bedroom door and slowly opened. As the door creaked open she held her breath in anticipation of being scolded at by her Mother for being out of bed this late at night. Tiptoeing down the hallways she seen the figures in the living room, it was hard to see for the lights where down dimly. Umeko silently called out ?Mama,?. A startled gasp came out from the crowd of shadows, as a figure stood up and came towards her. Umeko felt her chest get tight and she really didn?t understand why. She was freighted and just wanted to crawl back into bed, but her legs had become jelly and though she was trying to will her body to move it wouldn?t. Two low startled screams let out and Umeko bolted forward, towards them. She didn?t want to go that way she knew she didn?t. Standing in the middle of the room she seen the two figures of her parents stained in blood lying on the floor. From the shock of this Umeko fainted to the floor clutching her teddy bear tightly in her arms. A slight breeze brushed against her bare legs causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. Her sleepy mind thought, [I]Why did Mama turn on the fan, it was almost winter and Mama always complains about how easily you can catch a cold.[/I] Umeko shivered lightly as her hand search for a blanket, she froze as it began to sink in that this wasn?t her bed. Her eyes bolted open as the memories of the night flooded back in to her mind. Umeko sat on the bed and whipped her head around the room, it was a plain old bedroom. In one of the corners stood a man surrounded in the darkness she couldn?t make out any details. Fear gripped her once more and she found herself trying to scream, but fear had gripped her vocal cords and her throat was dry and raspy. Umeko scurried to get away from the man as far as she could. Her arms gripped tightly around her teddy bear as she looked to protect from this stranger. Umeko?s small hand came upon one of her pillows she gripped it tightly and flung it at the man. He chuckled at her lightly and looked at her as though she was nothing more than a bug. This made Umeko shrink back even more. Namiuta Umeko was a normal eight-year-old child, she loved school, frilly pink dresses and her teddy bear, Harry. She lived in an average town in an average neighbor with her average family. On a cold November night her family was killed and Umeko found herself kidnapped by a strange man, who she is now forced to call ?Sir?. Now the only testament that she really existed in that life before is a small article in the local newspaper that stated, ?Namiuta Hiroki, 42, Namiuta Ai, 36, where found murder in their house early this afternoon. They where presumed to be killed in the early hours in the morning by a failed robbery attempt. The location of their daughter, Namiuta Umeko, 8, is unknown, but she is also presumed to dead.? Umeko is now forced into the life of an assassin, a life that she hates. A hidden hatred for the man she calls ?Sir? and a silent plan she of revenge she is hatching for him. Umeko always has her bear from childhood with her where ever she may go. [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]This story may deal with subjects that some people may find disturbing. So if you are easily offend or disturbed do not read this. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]True Devotion[/B][/SIZE] Chapter: One Our Meeting[/CENTER] The sharp, bitter wind blew into her gray eyes making her squint and bow her head every more. Her blue checkered scarf was wrapped tightly around her mouth, nose, and neck. Pink earmuff and her long brown hair protected her ears from the bitter elements. She was dressed in a long wool tight fitting cotton coat that came to her ankles, with warm winter boat snug on her feet. Wool gloved where placed on her hands as she carried the four bags of groceries. Beneath the layers was a grin on her face, for even though the weather was bad, today was her favourite day. Today was the anniversary that she had met her Master, it has been ten years and everyday was pure bliss for her. She crunches through the snow in her own wave of memories. She had met her Master, as she worked as a waitress in the high upscale restaurant. No job could be more perfect for a submissive the whole concept of a waitress was to serve other and do as the wish without much of a fuss. She was the perfect worker there, not to the point other hated her, she never told what other employers did, but just quietly did her work. Always on time, never quarreled with the customer, bosses wish. That restaurant is where she had met him and has never once been upset she had. [I]?Alice, we have a big party coming in. They are a group of business men and will be good if they become regulars, so treat them as nice as you always do.? Alice?s boss looked at her in her white tight blouse, with the black bow tie, mid length black skirt, with her black high heels that was the uniform of the restaurant. She nodded her head to her boss and grabbed her order pad. Her heels clicked on the tile floor of the kitchen as she grabbed her tray with the salads on it. With her back she pushed open the door that said out and onto the carpet of the large dinning room. Alice made her way over to regular customers where she placed down their salad. She asked if they would needed anything else and made her way to the private room. Most of the larger dinner parties like the larger rooms and nine times out of ten Alice got them. Before entering in she looked at what she had, nine businessmen, four on each side and one at the head. The man at the head looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, his features where strong, yet handsome and it was very easy to tell who was in charge there. They where all looking at the menu and talking quietly to themselves, except for the man who had his hand folded on the table looking at the other. With her small tray under one arm she walked into the room with a smile on her face. ?Hello, my name is Alice and I would be your server tonight.? Alice spoke in her sweet, soft voice and gave a small bow. ?Can I please, start you off with something to drink, Sirs.? She scribbled down their orders and went t o go fetch them. She stopped by one of her other table to see how things where going and than put the drink order in at the bar. Back in the kitchen she placed table twenty-four dinners on a tray and then went and placed them at the table. In the dinning room she got the old couple salad plated and placed their order in with the cook. He next stop was the bar to grab the large parties drink. The men the in the private dinning room where talking with each other laughing and horsing around. Alice entered the room as quietly as she could as to not disturb them. Alice began setting the drinks down starting with the older man; he had only spoken once to tell Alice his drink. Up closer this guy was even better looking, she almost laughed at herself this guy was most likely as old as her dad was, she was only twenty five herself. Working her way around the table she set the drinks down, the conversation had died down some as she had begun to work. Alice sat down the last glass on the table and was going to stand back up when she felt something touch her on her butt. She let out a gasp and dropped her tray making most of the guy burst out laughing. ?Alice your ass is very nice has anyone ever told you that.? The guy who Alice just served grabbed her by her wrist. She looked down and the guy?s hand wrapped all the way around it. He was grinning at her and for some reason it frightened her. ?Please Sir, let me go?? Her voice was low and soft, the guy started laughing again. Alice was sure that they could all tell she was frightened. A hand slammed on the table drawing the men?s attention to the other end of the table. The older man sat there drumming his one hand on the table with his other hand palm down. ?Let the girl go.? Alice wrist was dropped. ?We are here to talk business not scare let waitress. Bring salad for us all, Alice? He smiled at her and she nodded her head and ran off. Her face was a light pink from blushing and didn?t stop until she had reached the kitchen, where she had cursed herself for letting them get to her like that. ?Excuse me Alex,? She walked up to one of her co-workers. ?Could you help me prepare nine salads, please?? He nodded his head and she went to bring out some orders. With her return the salad took only a few minutes to complete. She brought them out to the men and they where talking quietly with each other this time it seemed more like business. The rest of there dinner went off without a hitch, she only had a couple of lewd comments but that was all. With day the day completed she released her hair from the bun it had been, light brown hair fell in waves to the small of her back, out of everything in her body Alice felt her hair was her best feature. She cleaned the table and began to setup for the morning shift. A movement in the private dinning room diverted her attention. Curious about the movement she looked into the doors, there shouldn?t have been anyone there, but there was the older man was still there. She took this time to look him over better, his credit card had said his name was George Livingston, he had very angular feature that gave his a distinguished look, his eyes where an ice that seem to just pierce right through you, his hair was jet black but through out it was dotted with grey hair. Alice smiled, as he looked down at the paper he was reading she watch and smiled at him. ?It is not polite to stare at others, girl.? The sudden strength of his voice made Alice jump and stand straighter, which made the man chuckled lowly to himself. Alice dropped her head out of embarrassment making her long hair fall into her face, hiding her red cheeks. ?You know Alice, if you keep acting that meek and quite men will take advantage of you or is that what you want?? Alice could feel his icy stare moving up and down her body without even looking up. She heard the chair move back and his footsteps fall till he reached her. His hand was strong and soft at the same time as he moved her head to meet his eyes. ?Sir?!? Alice?s voice trembled, as he moved his other hand across her pale skin. He was much taller than he thought he was, even in her heels she reached only to his chest. Her eyes could not move from his as he caressed her skin. In her mind she was telling herself she should be screaming for help or kick the guy, but she couldn?t bring herself, too. ?Don?t not worry my Little Alice, I will not harm you. You should not fear.? His voice was soothing and it made her feel comfortable, like it was suppose to be natural. His hand left her face and Alice yearned for that touch once more. His smiled at her it seemed like a sweet smile, but beneath it something was different. ?I must go now, Alice, but I will wait outside for you. I would like to ask you something.? He must have seen the fear in her eyes and body language. ?Do not worry I will not harm you against your will.? Alice watched him leave puzzled by what he had said. She bit her lower lip in thought as to what he meant by that one comment. Finishing her work she said good-byes to her co-workers and left the building. Outside the building like promised was George standing next to a silver BMW waving at her. Even from her position she could see the smile on his face, she let a loud audible gulp and went over to him.[/I] Shaken from her thoughts by the voice she looked over at a picked fence. Mrs. Frickle stood up against her white picked fence bundles up as she called over to Alice once more. Alice seen the old woman and smiled, her and her husband where a very kind couple, both retired and one of the few that actually knew the truth about Master?s and hers relationship. Master had been good friends with them before she had even come to live in her Master?s place. She pulled the scrap down off her mouth and nose and smiled, ?Good day Mrs. Frickle,? Alice gave a small bow as best she could with the grocery bags. ?Very cold day isn?t it.? ?Yes dear it is. I am glad I caught you, I wanted to ask you a question.? Mrs. Frickle short white hair blew in the wind, which made both of them cringe. ?I would like to know if you care to join me for tea tomorrow dear.? ?That would be very nice, thank you.? She smiled she loved having tea with her, she always told the best stories. ?I will be seeing you than I must start dinner soon if I wish to have it done on time.? They made their good byes and Alice headed up the driveway to the house. From the Frickle residence Mr. Frickle exited the house. ?Was that Alice dear?? He walked up behind his wife as she nodded her head. ?How did she seem?? ?Normal, which worries me, Henry. I think she will be okay but we should still keep an ear on her today.? The old woman rested her head upon her husband?s shoulder as they watched Alice enter the large house. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Camilla heard Kariz leave the room and than a few minutes later she heard Ben. She looked up and stared at the ceiling, it was going to be a sleepless night for her. She was s till strung up about the plane. If they think they where going to get her on another one than they should think other wise. Rolling over onto her side her hair fell into her face. [I]I am not cut out for this. I am a lover not a fighter.[/I] She huffed and kept her thoughts to herself. She got up and proceeded out the door. She needed a drink to come down her nervous. She was sure some place was open this late. As she wandered the almost empty streets she came to a small ramen shop. She sat down and orders some sake and a bowl of ramen. An hour later and three bottles of sake later Camilla was feeling much better. A businessman had sat down with her and they had stricken up a conversation. They where laughing and joking, by this time Camilla was feeling no pain. She glanced on at her watch and told him that her friends where waiting for her. That she enjoyed the conversation. Staggering up to the room, she sprawled out on the floor to sleep. The way Camilla was feeling she didn?t even care to be on a plane. ?Bring on them demons or whatever they are. I will take ?em on.? Camilla mumbled to herself. The next morning the light from the outside made Camilla squint her eyes. She rolled ver and moaned, she hadn?t drank in a while and almost forgot what a hangover felt like. It wasn?t that bad though, she had worse before. Ima was still asleep, but mostly everyone else was up. Camilla tried to think about how much she drank last night. She knew before that guy sat down she had three bottle, but after that it was a blur. Camilla said morning to everyone on her way to the bathroom. Splashing water on her face she was able to wake herself up and get on with the work of the day. They had to find the other zodiac, which was located here. ?Wonder how we are going to find them.? Zane was easy, he just showed up himself. Hopefully this will be easy. She rubbed the towel over her face to dry it. When she exited out of the bathroom room service had brought up some breakfast. Camilla grabbed a bagel and spread some cream cheese on it. Ima by this time was awake and talking with Kariz. ?We should start looking for the Zodiac right after we finish eating.? Everyone agreed with either a nod or a verbal answer. O.C.C: I am sorry for not posting till now. I have been very busy. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [color=darkred][size=2][center]Product of Our Environment Chapter One[/center][/size] [size=1][left]Cassandra sat eyes pressed up to her microscope, twisting and turning to get the strand of hair in focus. Without removing her eye she went searching for her spoon, with success she brought a spoon full of Fruity Pebbles to her mouth. He auburn hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and her glasses sat next to her on the table. Her mouth turned into a frown as she examined the strand closely. Without warning Cassandra shot up and threw the petri dish to the ground startling her co-worker, making one almost drop the chemical he was using. ?I knew he was cheating on me, that basterd.? ?Cassie, I really wish you wouldn?t break our petri dishes. You know the government doesn?t give us much money.? Adam, he had been working right by her when Cassie went into her hissy fit, chided her like a child. He was a tall man in his early thirties with jet-black hair that curled in a mess and a scurfy three-day-old beard. ?Besides you knew it was coming. Haven?t you been telling us for weeks now it was going to happen? It?s happen to all of us, except Taylor over there.? He motioned to Taylor who was in his late sixties who was still bent over his readings. ?That?s what happen when you spend a week out of the month at home.? Cassie looked at the dish and grumbled that she was going to clean it up. Cassandra Meyerhoff had spent many of her good forty-two years falling in and out of relationships, married and divorced twice. The only lucky part of it was she didn?t have kids. She was married to her career and nothing would dissuade her otherwise. Cassandra was field organizer for Division Three Emergency Dispatch Unit in the EPA (Environment Protection Agency). She was responsible for everyone on the field and what happened there, whenever she exited the truck as she got onto the site she was afraid. The day she wasn?t afraid was the day she was going to quit the job for she got someone killed or almost. In he office she sat down in her chair and looked into the ceiling. The phone woke her and she fumbled to get it. Quick phones call from her superior and she headed back down to the lab. ?Come on boys we got another job. It?s a level four protocol so lets be prepared. We leave in three hours for North Carolina.? Shuffling of stools where heard throughout the lab, as the five man team got ready to leave. Taylor grabbed his cane and began to gather some of the lighter equipment. Cassandra loved the old man, he treat her like she was his daughter. His hair was pure white and he always kept himself clean-shaven. Wrinkles where like scars on his face, placed there from years old stress and worry, he reminded Cassandra of one of those pug dogs. Three hours on the dot everyone was gathered in front of the two trucks. Cassandra carried her briefcase, which had all her paperwork and an extra set of clothing in it. She was dressed in a pair of pink pinstriped suit pants with a blouse and a pink tie, which she tugged at. Before she could enter the field she had to meet with a few of the town officials and had to look professional. The group of three men where fight who was going to drive, none of them did. Taylor was sitting on a bench laughing at the three of them, Cassandra only shook her head, some days it was like working with children. The group of men broke out into a game of Rock, Paper, and scissors. ?You two have to drive. Hahaha.? Anthony teased, he was the youngest member of the group at the age of thirty. He was transferred to the group about a year and a half ago, though with his childish nature and laid back attitude he was a hard worker and Cassandra could depend on him while they where in the field. ?Okay, now that the three of you decided that I have another question. Has anyone seen Harry in the past couple days. I got a phone call from him three days ago, but that was it.? They group shook there head. Harry and Cassandra had been friend since childhood. They had entered the army together and even went on to the same profession. The last time she heard from him was to say he was investigating one of the companies involved in a toxic dumping, which killed two people. It was never safe to do investigations on your own and she told him to just let the cops handle it, but he never listened to her. It was dangerous enough to clean it up and found out who dumped it, right now she a had a hundred death threats, bribes, and warnings from different companies to keep her and the team quite about dumping. ?Okay than let?s go than. I will ride with Adam and the three of you will follow behind.? Jumping into the passenger seat she got out a map and began to think of how bad this dumping was.[/color][/left][/size] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][LEFT]I got inspiration for this story from my Grandfather, He worked for the EPA for twenty-five years there about. I was reading is paper on some of the dumping he was involved help cleaning up and I thought it would make a great little tale. I hope you enjoy it. [/LEFT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [size=1][color=Darkred]This is thread to show off my collection of art stuff I have done. So leave some comments and any suggest on anything with idea to improve them, for nothing is ever quite finished. Sorry that there is lots and lots stuff. [b][Computer work][/b] [b]~Puzzle Bobble Box[/b] Done for a graphic Design class last year. [Url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/perspetive.jpg] [u] back and Front cover[/u][/url] [url= http://img276.echo.cx/img276/2723/bottom0qu.jpg] [u]Bottom Flap[/u][/url] [url= http://img276.echo.cx/img276/9668/top3lk.jpg] [u] Top Flap[/u][/url] [url= http://img276.echo.cx/img276/9296/leftsideflap3he.jpg] [u]side flaps[/u][/url] [b]~William Sonoma[/b] Was a pamphlet that was done four month ago for a different class. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/back.jpg] [u]Back side of It.[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/7457/front6up.jpg] [u]Front[/u][/url] [b]~Ad[/b] A Final Fantasy magazine ad for a graphics class last year. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/ad.jpg] [u]Ad[/u] [/url] [b]~Oilily[/b] Done like two weeks ago for a layout class. It was in store catalogue for Oilily who makes women and children clothing. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Dscf0487.jpg] [u]Dummy done at 70%[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/4066/girlscover3ht.jpg] [u]Girl?s cover[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/4671/girlpg17kd.jpg] [u]Girl?s page 1 [/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/3498/girlspg54lv.jpg] [u]Girls page 2[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/8543/girlspg33qw.jpg] [u]Girl?s page 3[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/1645/philosophy7wc.jpg] [u]Philosophy[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/7528/girlspg47jq.jpg] [u]Girl?s last page[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/8893/boyscover7bq.jpg] [u]Boy?s cover[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/6401/boyspg46hb.jpg] [u]Boys? page 1[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/3641/boyspg39us.jpg] [u] Boy?s page 2[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/9307/boyspg23ko.jpg] [u] Boy?s page 3[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/4734/contactinfo5nb.jpg] [u]Contact Info[/u][/url] [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/2041/boypg10qh.jpg] [u]Boy?s last page[/u][/url] [b]~Book Cover[/b] Book cover that I did. Did everything by hand and used no filters. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/shatteredmemories.jpg] [u]Front cover[/u][/url] [b][Drawings][/b] [Url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Janeumbrella.jpg] [u]Jane:[/u][/url] I did this in the light of a computer screen in the middle of class. Based off women outside. Actual size is 4x4. Medium: Coloured Pastels. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Camillasleeping.jpg] [u]Camilla:[/u][/url] Another one I did in class. Had no really purpose except I was bored, did it in like five minutes. Actual size 2x5. Medium: coloured pastels. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Camillaandjane.jpg] [u]Jane and Camilla:[/u][/url] Done by the light of a TV screen in class. Took about seven minutes. Actual size 4x6. Medium; Markers. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/prietess.jpg] [u]Girl:[/u][/url] Done four years ago. Actually size: 3x6. Medium: coloured pastels. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/twopeople.jpg] [u]Two people[/u][/url] Done four years ago. Actual size: 3x3. Medium: coloured pastels. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/SarahGisty.jpg] [u]Sarah Gitsy[/u] [/url] Done three years ago for a concept art for a character called Sarah Gitsy. Actual Size: 3x5. Medium: coloured pastels. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/Ritabathingsuit.jpg] [u]Bathing suit one:[/u][/url] Done last year from boredom. Actually size: 3X6. Medium: coloured pastels. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/hp_scanDS_410319221819.jpg] [u] Bathing suit 2:[/u][/url] Done last year from boredom. Actually size: 3X6. Medium: coloured pastels. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/Rita.jpg] [U]Rita[/u][/url] Done three years ago for a concept art for a character called Rita. Actual Size: 3x5. Medium: coloured pastels. [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/girl.jpg] [u]Girl on train:[/u][/url] Did on the train last year. Actual size: 2x4. Medium: coloured pastels. [url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/4158/pic36bw.jpg] [u]Orlando Bloom[/u][/url] Market comp. Of Orlando bloom done for class. Eventually turned into a cut paper. Medium; Markers [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/4443/draw20gj.jpg] [u]Series of 1 out 4[/u][/url] One of four quick drawings I did in class last year. It was I drawling our model. Medium: Coloured Glitter Pen [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/6483/draw11pz.jpg] [u]Second in the series[/u][/url]One of four quick drawings I did in class last year. It was I drawling our model. Medium: Coloured Glitter Pen [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/9600/draw34us.jpg][u]Third in the Series[/u][/url] One of four quick drawings I did in class last year. It was I drawling our model. Medium: Coloured Glitter Pen [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/4715/draw45ku.jpg] [u] Last in the series[/u][/url] One of four quick drawings I did in class last year. It was I drawling our model. Medium: Coloured Glitter Pen [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/6081/leg8pi.jpg] [u]Legs[/u][/url] Up close-cropped picture of the model?s legs. Medium: Charcoal [url=http://img32.echo.cx/img32/1382/sketch8rd.jpg] [u]Arm, Ribs and Chest[/u][/url] Close-cropped picture of a male?s model arm, ribs and chest. Was part of a ten-minute sketch study. Medium: Pencil [url= http://img32.echo.cx/img32/4791/sketch27mb.jpg] [u]Female Model[/u][/url] One of our female Model?s. Was part of a three-minute sketch. Medium: Pencil [b][Photographs[/b] [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/2004_1227Image0002.jpg] [u]Ribbons[/u] [/url] [b][Painting][/b] [Url=http://img276.echo.cx/img276/993/pic29yj.jpg] [u]Lily[/u][/url] Medium acrylic paint on illustration board. [url= http://img276.echo.cx/img276/434/pic14ox.jpg] [u] barbecue[/u][/url] Medium acrylic paint on illustration board. I will show more of my work later.[/size][/color]
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