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As they arrived at AD-0's headquarters they reported in that they completed their mission. As finding out the other team was already back. LIna went up to her room to rest for a while. Flopping down in a chair she sat side ways with her feet dangling over the side. She reached for her cell phone and listened to the messages she had three. One was a tellmarketer, [I]MAn what I would do for a job to kill one of them. I'd strangle them with their phonecord.[/I]. The two were Sarah asking when she was getting back. She rolled her eyes and placed the phone down on a side table next to the chair. Starting to get antsy she got up from her chair. "They said they had a pool here. Maybe I'll go for a swim." She went to a small duffle bag she had. MOst times she used it to carry extra cloth to change into after work and a bathsuit, sometimes she would go oswimming in the gym close by to her apartment.Quickly changes she made her way to the lower floor where the pool was located.
Name: Vera Nextep Age: 20 Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Oh%20My%20Goddess,%20Ah%20My%20Goddess&p=102&frpg=6&f=#pic]click[/URL] Glyph: Lies Glyph Appearance: see attachment Glyph Appearance Location: upper right thigh Personality: Vera is a person who cannot be trusted. She can lie without a problem and is known as a troublemaker. Can easily lie to anyone with a straight face and can always talk her way out of a jam. She acts tougher than she really is. Bio: Vera has lived a life of deception and lies. At a young age she was kidnapped by a couple that didn't have a child. They told her that she was theirs and grew up believing the lie. When she found out she ran away and started living on her own. Learning what she needs from here and there. Developing her skill she is able to lie to anyone and can get away with it. She loves to gamble and is in a huge debt. Weapon: Spear with an iron blade at the top Majik/Special Attack: [B] Desperate Acts [/B]: Creates a shield of flowing lights that protects her from attack, but also paralyzes her until she brings the shield down. [B] Sirens Cries [/B]: She sings make her opponents go into a trance. [B] Whispering wind [/B]: Blast a gust of wind at the enemy. [B] Piercing Lies [/B]: Spear begins to glow and throws the spear at the enemy piercing it. Transformation: See 2nd attachments Transformational Weapon: Spear with an iron blade at the top Nightmare Attack: Hallow Twister
Carmen headed for the church but in her hurry she forgot her sword. "JUst great!" She headed back towards the orphanage. As she come to the front door of the place it opened and a head peeked out. "I thought I told you to keep this door closed at all times." She said between gasps of breath. "But you forgot this Carmen." A small hand held out her sword. "see we knew you would come back." "Thank but this time don't open it okay." She leaned down and kissed the child on the forehead. With that she was making her way to the church again. See the church Steeple just ahead of her she began to come to a jog. She reaches the doors and went into a walk. She opened the door and walked down towards the alter. She went on one knee and prayed for a second. Standing up she headed for the library. He saw Blair, Juliette and Sammuel there. She took a seat and slowly caught her breath.
LIna scanned the files on the computer screen. She watch the others for a few mintues to read their reactions. She looked back at their picuter. Something about the man looked very fimiliar. It tingled at the the tiip of her brain but the nervous would connect. Forming different plans in her head, each one flawed. She rubbed inbetween her eyes and placed her head back. She hated flying more than anything. There was nothing wrong with having your two feet planted safely on firm ground. She stared at Phelan and tried to read her thoughts. Phelan gave an arched eyebrow at her and she quickly looked back down at her screen. She began to stare at the picture of Kevin Halstead. [I]I know i have seen him before but where. [/I] She gave a sigh. [I]Good thing I called Sarah before we left. I am sure I won't get there for opening tomorrow morning.[/I] With that something hit her like lighting. She loooked back through the file. [I]That where i have seen him and his name before. He belongs to a our bank but a different brank. Duh'! He has the most money invested in our bank.[/I] "Hey guys I'm not sure if this is helpful or not but this guy is invested in the bank that I work at." She said out loud looking at everyone.
Can i still join? Name: Dr. Kitty Phillips Age: 38 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Nadesico&p=77&frpg=4&f=#pic]click[/URL] Net Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Bottle%20Fairies&p=7&frpg=1&f=#pic]She is able to fit in the palm of peoples hand or fit in a pocket.[/URL] Bio: Spent most of her life working on the Virtually Reality program. Her father was a Chemist and her mother was A doctor both inspireded her to go for school in science. She always worked hard in school her grades didn't come easy but she loved it. KItty loves the search fpr knowdge and is never happy with the little bit hse has, she always want more. Any Additional info: She has a MAsters in Pschology, Chemistry, Biology, Medical, Electrical Engineering, Science, and Social and Behavioral Science. Doctrine in Computer Science. Who Are You: Scientist
Aida hearded the beeping of the alarm clock. Slapping it, the clock fell off the desk. Streching she made her way out of bed to the pile of clothing on the floor. JUst grabbing whatever came first into her hands she slipped them on. Walking down the hallway she heard talking in the kitchen. Aida poked her head in to see her mother and father. "Good morning, Aida. Sleep well?" HEr mother asked as she was washing dishes. "LIke a rock." She sat down at the table and grabbed the boxof Pope O's*. Pouring milk into the cereal she read the box of the box which gave intresting facts about the Popes. "Hey did you know that there was one female pope before. She was only in that position for a month because she wasn't a virgin." "That very intersting, now when they ask that question on Jeopredy you can answer it." Her father laughed. "Oh by the way you got a package. What is Devil's PAth. A new boook you order from that book club you belong to?" Aida grabbed the package and started for upstares. "YEah and I heard it got great reviews. I am going to start on it now." She ran up to her room and opened it. She decided to fill out the application so she sould test the chemical componds in the pills. OPening the box her eyes almost buldge out her head. She gasped and held her hand to her mouth. In a barely hearable voice she saud. "Ten thousdand dollars for this." OCC:* Pope O's are a made up brand of cereal that my friends and I made up. THe fact that i meantioned was true. I hape that it didn't offened anyone
Well thank you all for trying.. But being a very picky person and one that can change her mind easly i decuded to change what i was going to do. Thank you anyway. Much love. Kittychanann *LOoks around* Yes I am slao using this to put up my banner.
Name: Clover Valerio Age: 17 Gender: Female Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Shaun Glacier Description: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Macross%207&p=64&frpg=4&f=#pic]Clover[/URL] Bio: Clover grew up in a brooken home. She lives with her father and was never aloud to see her drug adicted mother. This didn't bother her though. Clover favourite pastime is to knit and crochet sweater for her boyfrien Shaun. She had a huge crush on Emily for th longest time. She came close as to being a stalker. BUt Clover soon got over it because she knew she could never have Emily. Come time to time she thinks about her. Shuan is he new boyfriend and she loves him more than she did Emily.
Aida sat at the bar and sipped her tea. Every now and than popping a Pez in her mouth. Watching the younger children as they got high and drunk. She looker on with disgust. "Hey want to get really messed up." Aida gasped and almost dropped her tea. She looked next to her and seen the man iin the green suit. "No, i don't do themanymore." "Come on, it free and you get paid for it." [I]This guy is up to no good. I gotta figure out what he is up to.[/I] Outloud she told them man, "Well I'll think about it." "Just send this in if your interested." With that the man walked off. Aida stared at the envolope.
Name: Sanura Zalika Age: 19 Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Magic%20Knight%20Rayearth&p=58&frpg=3&f=#pic]click here[/URL] Team: Solar Winds Weapon: Cat's claw Magic: Cure Haste Holy Shell Abilities: Steal, Annoy Special Attacks: Holy strike; Slash and dash Bio: Samaura can be an annoying person and grate on people nervous. Yet this fact aside she is a really nice person. She grew up with her Mother who taught her white magic. The two of them would travel round to different town and would healer the any wounded. Samura was always better at magic than her mother and soon grew great at it. She was also very good at stealth and agility, since her and her mother never had much money she would steal for food or money. Her mother never knew. Soon her mother passed away and she went on traveling around by herself until she met the sorceress who asked for her help. She agreed to help.
Fauve finally caught her breath at last. She had heard the elevator doors open. By the time she looked she only saw the back of the man. [I]Hmm.. I wonder who that was.[/I] The bleep on the radar brought her attention back. A laugh came from next to her. ?So Fauve decided to sleep in again.? Sticking her tongue out she replied, ?Thanks Sean for waking me up. By the way you know who went into Fa--, I mean the General office.? ?No problem none of wanted to her the General yell. It would have been fun though to see your punishment. Anyway I'm not to sure but he just came in.? He looked at his monitor while talking. Resting her hand against her face. ?I hadn't heard that a ship was landing.? ?That is because you were asleep, remember?? ?Oh yeah that's right.? She said with a blank expression on her face. The door opened again to the office of the General. Taking a quick glance. The newcomer was tall and looked cute. ?So he is a Caption. Wonder what he is doing here?? She looked back at the radar screen. ?What are you thinking about Fauve?? Sean looked at her curiously. ?Oh nothing! Are you sure you would want to even know though.? The two laughed.
Carman awoke with a little girl's, about the age of five, hand wrapped in her golden hair. She smiled at the child and carefully removed the hand from her hand. "Morning, Morning Carmen." A boy jumped onto of her. "Good morning Arthur." She laughed and hugged him. Pushing the blanket off her she got up. Her dressed lay on a chair, she walked over to the chair and threw it on. Two more children ran up and hugged her. Making her way towards the kitchen Carmen avoided the playful antics of the smaller children while the older quickly followed behind. Looking at the large table it and its twenty-one empty chairs. She gave a sigh. Inside her orphanage she had twenty children range from the ages one to sixteen and each day a new child was added. She felt bad for the children not having a home so she tried her best to raise them herself. "Carmen comes look outside. The sky looks funny." A small little girl named Emmie pulled on the hem of her skirt. Carmen followed Emmie outside and gasped. "God please protect us all." She said barely above a whisper. Calling out in a loud voice, "Children come in the house now." The six or seven children that were already outside doing their chores dropped what they were doing and ran inside. "Elizabeth, Henry!" She called two of the oldest children. "Keep everyone inside and don't answer the door for anyone. I have to go to the church." Grabbing a brown wool cloak of a peg she put it around herself. Running at her top speed she made her way to the church.
Drumming her fingers on the table she watched the stream out the window. A waitress brought her over a cup of tea and left. Grabbing three sugar packets and poured them into her tea. Melia took up her spoon stirred it and placed the spoon back on her napkin. . "Wo sind sie?" [COLOR=Blue]Where are they?[/COLOR] She hefted a sigh. A few minutes later she watched as Imi walked through the door of the Café. Coming over she sat down across from Melia. ?Good morning Melia.? Melia looked away from the window , ?Good Morning.? She looked at her fellow assassin. ?We are just waiting for Ryutaro to get here.?
Sign Up Extraordinary!: In Her Majesty's Service (Mature)
Anne replied to ColourDeaf's topic in Theater
Name: Lysa Greitja Alias: Flora Gender: Female Age: 21 Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 Physical Description: click take the markings off her face Personality: She is kind and gentle. Well manner and soft spoken, but likes to tell jokes and has a great sense of humor. Loves to be around Nature and be alone for short period of times. Doesn't like to hurt people but will defend others. When she is began bugged or made fun of it doesn't bother her but it will make her mad if she see other getting picked on. Her face always has a warm, friendly smile on no matter what emotion she is feeling. She can get along well with just about anything. Pseudonatural Abilities: Lysa has the ability to control plants. When she is around them they will start to grow and look healthier. She can also bring a plant that died back to life. Also can communicate with the plants and know how they are feeling. Country of Origin: Sweden Biography: She grew up in Sweden with her large family. She didn't know about her abilities till she was ten. She had been in a meadow playing, when she touched a flower bud and it bloomed. This seem strange to her but she shrugged it of as a coincidence. Soon all different types of plants seem too perky up around her and she seem to know what they were feeling. Final she realized that she had the ability to control plants. Lysa was scared by this and kept it from her family and friends. She new if the Swedish government ever found out that she had this ability they would make her join their army and make her harm people. Two month after her sixteenth birthday she heard rumors that the government had caught wind about her. She didn't know how they found out but she fled Sweden. Leaving just a note for a family telling them why she left and that she loved them all. She made her way to Britain and decided to take residence there. While in Britian she heard about a place called Pseudonatural Advancement Society that was opened by a man name Lord Jonathan Baker. She diced to join to help do research on why people had began mutated and help in any other way she can. How is this? -
?Lieutenant Burnhoff!? A pounded came on Fauve quarter's door. ?Please will you get up?? A muffled of sound came from under her sheet. ?Lieutenant what was that?? A cranky Fauve poked her head out from under her sheets. Her hair draped across her eyes and showed that they were only opened a crack. ?I said go away, I'm sleeping.? ?It doesn't sound like it or how else can you be talking to me.? The man's voice choked with a laugh from behind her door. She heard the Privates footsteps as he was leaving her door. She stretched her arms and arched back. Stiffing a yawn she got out of bed. Taking up the clock she looked at the time. With a gasp and a quickly slam of the clock she ran over to where her uniform laid out. ?I can't believe I slept half the day away.? Fauve brushed out her hair in a violent manner and threw it up in her usual bun. Taking her glasses of the nightstand she darted out of her room. Running down the all to familiar hallways she made her way to the bridge. Bumping into a woman carrying some papers, she turned and apologized. The door to the bridge open and Fauve looked in. With a sigh of relief that her Father wasn't in there she walked in casually. Fauve sat down at a radar station and caught her breath. She let out a sigh of relief and watched the screen as it blinked.
Name: Carmen Amadeus Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Rune%20Soldier,%20Louie%20the%20Rune%20Soldier,%20Mahou%20Senshi%20Riui&p=6&frpg=1&f=#pic]her casual outfit and appearance[/URL] [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Mamotte%20Shugogetten&p=9&frpg=1&f=#pic]her training outfit[/URL] Personality: Very quite and stay to herself. Carmen loves all but she is very shy. She adores children and will do anything to protect them. Her faith in God is very strong. Is very wise and will always help when someone has a problem. She is a very good listener and will be happy to her anyone problem or complaint. Pure of heart and will not judge others on what they have done but what is inside them. Weapon: Sword; thee hilt is mage out of gold and at top of it is a crucifix. Her blade is made out of iron with another crucifix carved into the blade. Magic: White Chosen Path: Columba Occupation: She runs an orphanage Bio: She was found wandering around lost and frightened at the age of five. She had made her way to England and was taken in by a rich couple. She didn't have a name and could remember anything about herself, only that she was five. The couple gave her the name Carmen. Carmen thanks God that she has and is very faithful to him. When she turn ten her adopted family placed her in the care of the church. She became a disciple to a priest. A hugs surprise came a to her when she was chosen to be a Child of God. She felt highly honored and told herself she would do a good job. She opened an orphanage up to give the homeless children a home. Wanting to help children like she was and give them joy in their life like she had. I hope this is okay, if not let me know.
Aida walked into the culb. A quick glance around and she saw all the regulars there. She took out a packet of Pez and ate a piece of the candy. She walks around and looks at the people. All she does is shake her had. Two men were making out in a corner sharing a joint. She made her way to the bar and took a seat. Placing another piece of Pez in her mouth. She listen to all the buzz in the club. She got her information her about drug parties and best places to buy drugs. Adia had made it her one mission in life to get people clean of drugs. "Can I have a a defac-tea please." The bar tender raised an eyebrow of suprised at her. She noticed a weird man in a green suit was wandering around. She sipped her tea and studied him. [I]He gives me the creeps.[/I] She tapped her foot to the music and popped another Pez in her mouth.
Name: Zelda Rae Age: 27 Country: Zelda lives in the country Europe. With in the vast land she resides in Rheine, Germany. A small city located in West Germany close to the borders of the Netherlands. She has a small farmhouse, which is a white wash colour and has oak wood beams. Inside There is a small kitchen and a table with three chairs. Next to the kitchen is a small area with a cushioned chair and a large fireplace. In the back of the house is a small bedroom. Just like the rest of her house the room is lightly furnished. A small bed made of feather and a light blue blank that Zelda crochet herself lay in the left hand corner of the wall. A small oak dresser resides on the opposite wall with a small lamp sitting on top. Another fireplace laid the far side of the room, a wooden plain chair sat next to it and a small basket full of different colour yarn. Element: Energy Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Rune%20Soldier,%20Louie%20the%20Rune%20Soldier,%20Mahou%20Senshi%20Riui&p=6&frpg=1&f=#pic]here[/URL] Weapons: Sword with a gold hilt, the blade if as long as her arm and is made of iron. Small runes line the edges of it. The sheath is made out of leather and dyed a gold colour. Small blue gems are placed around the top of the sheath. You can see some of it in the picture. Weapon's element: Energy Dragon's Appearance: [URL=http://coricopat1.ucsc.edu/~syndarr/Imajicas_Dragon.jpg]here[/URL] Dragon's Element: Energy Personality: She is quit, calm and gentle. Zelda is not one for fighting but will fight if provoked. She is also known to fight when someone or something needs to be protected. Her intelligence is very high and always has a wise saying for different situations. One fault she has though is that she is very nosey and like to gossip. She loves to be around other and gets along with most people but there can be times when she doesn't. When around other she will mostly go with the flow of things. Unless that is she thinks it a bad idea and will say so. When she tell people things that she think is wrong she will sugarcoat in hopes not to hurt the person feelings. Than will offer suggests for the person. She doesn't like to cause trouble for anyone or hurt anyone feeling. Zelda is very kind and gentle and others easily hurt her feelings. Biography: Born and raised in Rhine, Germany she never left the house her parents had owned. Her childhood was always filled with joy and happiness with her mother and father. Zelda was an only child and her parents loved her dearly. Her father herded sheep for a living and sold sheep's wool and meat fir money. Her mother would also collect some of the sheep's wool and spin it into yarn. With the yarn her mother would make clothing, blankets and other things. Zelda family wasn't the richest in the world but they weren't poor either. Always having food on her plate, a roof over head, and clothe on her back. She thanked her parents dearly for that knowing others were less fortunate than that. At the age of 19 her father died protecting the sheep from a thief. Her Mother heartbroken and in grief soon followed him to the grave. While her mother was on her deathbed she told Zelda on last thing, "Be strong Zelda and live." That is what she did. She had figured out how to shear sheep and already knew how to sew and crochet. A few months later a young man named Reiner came to her door looking for work, a hot meal, and a place to spend the night. Feeling a bit lonely and needing help she agreed. Zelda let the young man work for food and board. Soon she was falling in love with him. When she was 22 Reiner ask her to marry him. They both were very happy and Reiner wants to have a huge family. Zelda was never happier in her life. Than around her 25 birthdays Reiner died of unknown reason. Though she was devastated she would not be like her mother she would stay strong. With everyone she had ever loved gone she did not stop but kept going. She may miss them but it would not run her life. She now takes care of the sheep and her only companion is a collie named Rocco. She loves her life and will never complain about it to anyone. I hope this is okay, if not please let me know.
Name: Fauve Burnhoff Age: 24 Gender: Female Faction: Earth Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Ground%20Defense%20Force%20Mao-chan&p=30&frpg=2&f=#pic]Her uniform and casual cloth[/URL] Mech: Falstaff Omega Other Weapons: small dagger hidden in boot and a hand pistol Position: sniper; Lieutenant in Earth's army Personality: Don't let her appearnce fool you. Fauve may look like a calm and very smart person but she isn't. Though her IQ is high she doesn't have much common sense. No matter how hard she tries she is always late for anywhere she is going. She is always hyped up and freaking about something. Many wonder how she got where she is now. Fauve never gets angry unless she is pushed there and will think before she acts. She has a sharp eye though and will back anyone up. Fauve is very loyal to her friends and will protect them with all shes got. The only thing she dislikes most in the world is the Zeon. Like her Mecha she can be very sneaky and is able to play mind games with people. She can be a quicker thinker on her feet when she tries. Bio: Her father is General of the Earth's army. He tried to raise her to follow in his but it failed. Though his hatred of Zeons did rub off on her. She was raised as an army and was very much so when she was younger. Fauve was trained early on by her father in the art of fighting. As she grew older she was considered crafty and lazy by people around her. She knew her way around the Main Ship like it was a childs playground. Fauve always slept in late and would be late for training exercise or classes. Many other officers believe that she got to be a Lieutenant is because of the influnce of her father. She doesn't no anything about her mother not even her name. She got to polit the first Mecha (do to her father) that is begin used against the Zeons. Her sharp eye that can caught any detail is ideal to the ability of the Mecha. I hope this id okay ULX if not i will change it.
OOC: I am going to have Melia speak once awhile in german, so the english will be right next to it in blue. IC: "Ein was für reizender Morgen! Fast so reizend wie ich." [COLOR=Blue][I]What a lovely morning! Almost as lovely as me.[/I][/COLOR] Melia spoke outloud to herself while veiwing herself in the mirror. She placed a pale pink lipstick on and took another look. "Vollkommen! Als immer." [COLOR=Blue][I]Perfect! As always.[/I][/COLOR] She walked over to her coatrack and place her form fitting yellow trenchcoat. She opened the door to her pent house apartment and walked out. A slight breeze blowed her flowing black hair. She walked down the sidewalk like she owned it. Melia glided like she was a queen surveying her subjets on a stroll, not a woman just going to get so breakfest. She stop infront of a little cafe called "Beauty Moon". "Guter Morgen der Geliebte zu Ihnen! Wie gehen Sie heute?" [COLOR=Blue][I]Mistress good morning to you! How are you today?[/I][/COLOR] A young man of about 19 stood at the front door. She gave a slight bow to Melia. She didn't even seem to notice but just spoke on "Fein möchte ich meinen normalen Sitz." [COLOR=Blue][I]Fine, I would like my normal seat.[/I][/COLOR] The young man lead the way to a small area with flower all around a table. The table sat two and looked out onto a small garden with a stream. The young man pulled out her seat and Melia sat down. He gave another quick bow and left. "Good Morning Ma'am! I'm Chris and i'm your sever today. Can I start you off with a drink?" A slim young boy came to take Melia order. She glared at the young man and grew angry. "You are suppose to be speaking in German, boy. Second you may never ever adress me as Ma'am. Even must address me as Mistress." With each word she spoke her voice grew louder and louder. "I am sorry MIstress, I am new here and didn't know. PLease forgive me." He look like a mouse being corner by a cat. He trembled and shook and her gaze. "MIstress Melia, please forgive the boy. It was my fault i hadn't teached the boy." A plumped man came running over to the table. His face casted signs of worry. "I will just this once but don't ever let it happen again. I will also Gespräch [COLOR=Blue]talk[/COLOR] in english this once." she was very annoyed by this and everyone could tell by the look on her face. She only spoke English to a few people. One being her fellow assassians and the other was men she was picking for her future husbands. "Well thank you Mistress. Please let your meal be on us today. Can i get you your usual." The plumped man spoke quickly. "Yes" Melia waved her hand for them to leave her and not botherr her further. She took her compact out of her pocket and opened it. She stared at herself in the mirror and turned her head back and forth to make sure she was perfect. She closed the compact and look out the window.
"Here you go Sir. Have a great day!" Lina smiled and handed the man his money. She sat back down on a small roll chair and waited for someone else to come to her station. "Did you just see that guy leave LLina. Man he had a nice butt." A head poked around to her station. "Sara is that all you ever think about. I sometimes think the only reason you got this job is to pick up guys." Lina chuckled lightly under her breath. "How did you guess?" Sara had a shocked look on her face. Lina gave a shack of her head, while Sara rambled on. "I mean if i would work in a bar but i think here i met totally different people than i would in a bar." "You know you should think about something more than men you know." Sara broke in ti cut her rambling. Sara eyes got a mischieves sparkle in them. "I see what your problem is. I've been neglating you too much Lina." Sara came around and put her arms around LIna. "SARA!" LIna yelled and the few people in the bank turned and stared at them. LIna blushed, "Stop this is amusing." "Sorry, anyway how about we do something tonight. We can go bar hoping, pick up guys, and drink untill we puke." Sara said with excitment in her voice. "Well I'm sure guys will love to see us puking," She rolled her eyes. "I can't I have some stuff to do tonight." Lina looked at the clock. "Well my shift is over. I'll see you tomorrow bright and early." Lina got and put a "Lane closed" sign in her window. "Yeah, Yeah, Miss Suzy Sunshine." She waved by to Lina as she walked out of the door in the bank. ~~~~ She walked up to Angel's Warehouse. She pushed open the door and sat down at the bar. "Hey James the usual." "Hey Lina haven't seen you in a while." He placed two shot galsses on the counter. "So what brings you here?" "An Ad in the papers." She took the first glass and quickly drunk it. Tah she picked up the next one and disposed of it just as quickly. "So you are taking on one more, huh?" "Yes this will be the last though. "James laughed, "Dear Lina that is what you have been saying for 3 years." "Yeah, YEah James. They holding the meeting in the VIP room." She stood up from the stool. "You guessed it." Lina started to walk towards the stairs. JAmes cleared his throat. "I think you forgot to do something." Lina put on a fake grin, "Really. Oh', that's right I forgot to payh you." James grumbled under his breath. Lina dug out some money and gave it to him. Than went up the stairs.
Name: Kaida Aideen Age: 18 Gender: Female Islanders or Chaos: Islander Dragon: [URL=http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/018.jpg]click[/URL] Personality: Quit and shy, Kaida is a very easly going person. She is very shy around people and can seem a bit distant. She doesn't trust anyone easly but when she does make a friend she guards them with her life. Biography: She lived a happy life with her mother and father. When the Choas came her father went to do battle with them. SHe had her dargon, she called her Kogi, since she was little. Both her mother and father were dragon rider. The two dragons mated and produced in offspring that was given to Kaida. The two grew together and Kaida trust Kogi most in the world. Her mother was friends with Zeta's mother, so Kogi has grown to trust Zeta. She admires her strenght and wishes to be like her. She decides to go with Coden and the others to help and learn to grow. Appearance: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Gate%20Keepers,%20Gate%20Keepers%2021&p=79&frpg=4&f=#pic]click[/URL]
Username: Kittychanann Magic Type:Earth Type: Member Picture: [IMG]http://starkdavingmad.com/patreesha/img/catlady.jpg[/IMG] 2 Moves: Cat Toss: Throws tons of cats at the oppenent burying them. Deals 100 HP damage. Random Nap: She falls asleep for two turns replanishing any health points that she lost. Color: Red Here you go DW. Wee fun...Can't wait
Name: Aida Mist Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/15-10.htm]click[/URL] Talent: She use to play the bass Bio: She is a former drug user. She started when she was 11 taking drug because her older sister, Ami was. When she was 14 she OD on heroine. She almost died but her family had found her and got her to the hospital in time to save her. Her sister died a year later. The two situtation finally scared her enough to quit drugs. She went to rehab and they told her to find something she like to replace her drugs with. She picked the candy Pez. So now she is always eating Pez and is an addict to them. She hangs out at Gateway to get other teens to quit. She is tempted to start again whenever she is there. She heard about a pill they were testing and Aida thought it sounded fishie. She wants to get to the bottom of it before anyway can get hurt.
Can I be one of the bad assassains? Name: Melia Jäger Alias/Callname: Black Widow Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/21-7.htm]click click[/URL] Personality/temperament: Melia is loud, annoying, and bossy. She has no problem telling people how she thinks it should. She can get a bad temper and seem to yell for no reason at all. She is a very vain woman, who believes she is the most beatiful person in the world. She can easly desive people and enjoys watching others get hurt. She enjoys toying with other and playing mind games with her prey before she kills them. She enjoys the finer things in life and loves money just about as much as herself. Weapon(s): throwing daggers, a whip, and a colt 46 Extra: Melia loves to drink. She can be found at different bars each night. She came fron Germany and only she only knows german and english. She sometimes will start out in one language and by the end of her sentence she will be saying words in the other. Melia has aslo been married 4 times already. Each of herf four husbands before were fooled to think she loved them. Each was rich and power, all ended up died in an "accident". It was Melia who murder, she soon got the codename "Black Widow", after the spider, because she had so many husbands ans she was picking out soon to be ones as well. I hope this is okay